Long-Term Leaching Prediction of Constituents in Coal Bottom Ash Used As A Structural Fill Material

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J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751

DOI 10.1007/s11368-017-1709-1


Long-term leaching prediction of constituents in coal bottom ash

used as a structural fill material
Hosub Lee 1 & Gihyeon Yu 1 & Yongju Choi 1 & Eun Hea Jho 2 & Kyoungphile Nam 1

Received: 23 May 2016 / Accepted: 2 April 2017 / Published online: 8 April 2017
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract by the type of reused bottom ash and the site conditions, sug-
Purpose This study is aimed to assess the long-term leaching gesting the need to determine the model parameters in a case-
of inorganic constituents from structural fills composed of specific manner.
reused coal bottom ash in Korea and identify key parameters
that affect the amount of the constituents leached. Keywords Application depth . Coal bottom ash . Leaching
Materials and methods A model for the prediction of long- rate . Long-term leaching . Structural fill
term leaching by percolation of stormwater through a struc-
tural fill is adopted and used. The long-term leaching model is
applied to five field sites in Korea using site-specific parame- 1 Introduction
ters obtained for each site and coal bottom ash specific param-
eters determined using column studies for two coal bottom ash Coal ash from power plants is one of the largest industrial
samples collected from coal-fired power plants. byproduct streams generated in Korea. In 2013, 2 million tons
Results and discussion The long-term leaching of trace inor- of coal ash were generated at four major power plants in Korea
ganic constituents, As, Cu, Sb, and Zn, is variable among the with bottom ash accounting for approximately 15% of the
sites primarily due to the variation in the total amount of total (KSEPC 2013). Since coal bottom ash has suitable phys-
leachable constituents and application depth of a structural fill. ical properties for use as a public work material such as struc-
First-order leaching rate constant is also one of the key param- tural fill, embankment, land reclamation, road base material,
eters when the leaching rate is relatively small. Because of the and flowable fill application (Kim et al. 2005; Benson and
significant variability in the leaching rate constants and appli- Bradshaw 2011; Jayaranjan et al. 2014), approximately 10
cation depths, the time for the leachate constituent concentra- million tons of bottom ash were reused for such applications
tion to reach half the initial value, t50%, ranges from less than a between 2009 and 2011 in Korea (KSEPC 2013).
year to more than hundreds of years for the studied sites and For sites where coal bottom ash is applied as a structural
constituents. fill, a carefully designed site management strategy is required
Conclusions The long-term leaching characteristics of the to protect human health and maintain environmental sound-
trace inorganic constituents are predicted to significantly vary ness. The reused material for structural fill is applied at a
massive amount substituting the indigenous soil. The exoge-
nous material is expected to be in contact with the surrounding
Responsible editor: Fanghua Hao
environment for almost an infinite period of time. Once a
* Kyoungphile Nam
construction project is completed, it is difficult and costly to
kpnam@snu.ac.kr take measures to prevent the contaminant leaching from the
structural fill materials applied. Short-term leaching tests,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National which are often employed to screen the potential hazard of
University, Seoul, Republic of Korea waste materials (e.g., toxicity characteristic leaching proce-
Department of Environmental Science, Hankuk University of dure) may over- or under-estimate the potential leachability
Foreign Studies, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea of constituents in wastes and result in misled decisions for
J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751 2743

their beneficial use (Kosson et al. 2002). Therefore, the long- structural fill itself is permeable and is capped with a layer
term effect by the application of coal bottom ash as a structural that allows partial infiltration of the precipitation that falls on
fill should be evaluated in lieu of the screening assessment by the surface. In this situation, percolation of stormwater is the
short-term leaching tests. dominant process for long-term contaminant leaching
Recently, long-term leaching prediction programs such as (Kosson et al. 2002). The contaminant concentration in the
Leach Expert System (LeachXS™) and Industrial Waste leachate released at the bottom of the structural fill was as-
Management Evaluation Model (IWEM) have been devel- sumed to decrease exponentially with a leaching rate constant,
oped to support decisions for the reuse of industrial wastes κ (kg L−1), which can be determined by laboratory column
as landfill, surface impoundment, or structural fill. Both studies:
modeling programs are relatively complicated as they employ
sub-models to simulate geochemical speciation of chemicals C ðL=SÞ ¼ C ð0Þ∙e−κ∙ðL=SÞ ð1Þ
and mass transport processes (e.g., ORCHESTRA), and apply
where C is the concentration in the leachate and L/S (L kg−1)
probabilistic methods (e.g., Monte Carlo). A range of input
is the cumulative liquid to solid (i.e., percolated water volume
parameters should be determined for the application of such
to structural fill dry mass) ratio.
models, resulting in significant time and cost requirements to
Reports issued by National Institute for Public Health and
obtain case-specific values, or the use of default values (Van
the Environment of the Netherlands (RIVM) in 1996 (Aalbers
der Sloot et al. 2008; USEPA 2015) which may be unrealistic.
et al. 1996) and 2007 (Verschoor et al. 2007) provides a solu-
This calls for the establishment of a simpler model with input
tion for this scenario with parameters describing the charac-
parameters easily available from routinely measured data set
teristics of the structural fill material (i.e., coal bottom ash in
or from relatively simple laboratory tests.
this study) and site conditions. The cumulative contaminant
In this study, long-term (e.g., 100 years) leaching of trace
mass released over time t (year) at the bottom of the structural
constituents from coal bottom ash used as a structural fill
fill, It (mg m−2), can be calculated by (Aalbers et al. 1996;
material is predicted for five study sites in Korea using two
Verschoor et al. 2007)
different coal bottom ash samples obtained from coal-fired
power plants. A simple model for the long-term leaching pre-
1−e−κ∙ d∙h

diction available in the literature is adopted with coal bottom I t ¼ E L=Slab ∙d∙h∙ ð2Þ
ash and site-specific parameters determined in this study. By ð1−e−κ∙L=Slab Þ
comprehensive analysis of the model and the case study re-
where EL=Slab (mg kg−1) is the total cumulative contaminant
sults, the sensitivity and variability of the predicted results
according to the changes in each input parameter are studied. mass leached in laboratory column studies; L/Slab (L kg−1) is
the total liquid to solid ratio applied for the laboratory column
studies; d (kg m−3) and h (m) are the bulk density and depth of
2 Materials and methods the structural fill, respectively; and inf (mm year−1) is the
stormwater infiltration rate at the site.
2.1 Coal bottom ash samples From Eq. (2), the mathematical expression for the leachate
contaminant concentration at time t, Ct (mg m−3), is obtained
Coal bottom ashes were collected from two coal-fired power as
plants, YD and YH, in Korea. The collected ashes were air
e−κ∙ð d∙h Þ

dried, homogenized, sieved with a 2-mm-size mesh, and kept C t ¼ EL=Slab ∙κ∙ ð3Þ
in air-tight containers. Major constituents of the two coal bot- 1−e−κ∙L=Slab
tom ashes were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF; S4 From Eq. (3), the time for the leachate contaminant con-
Pioneer, Bruker AXS, Germany). Total contents of trace inor- centration to reach half the initial value, t50% (in years), can be
ganic constituents in the ashes, heavy metals and metalloids, derived for a specific fill material and for a specific site con-
were analyzed by extracting the samples using microwave- dition. The t50% is expressed as
assisted acid digestion following U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) method 3052 and analyzing the 1 d∙h
t 50% ¼ ∙ ∙ln2 ð4Þ
extract using ICP-OES (iCAP 7400 Duo, Thermo Scientific, κ t∙inf
Waltham, MA, USA).

2.2 Long-term leaching scenario and the prediction model 2.2.1 Coal bottom ash specific parameters

For prediction of long-term contaminant leaching from the The parameters describing the characteristics of coal bottom
coal bottom ash structural fill, it was assumed that the ash, i.e., coal bottom ash specific parameters, are the total
2744 J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751

contaminant mass leached from the material in laboratory col- obtained for each study site, and the infiltration rate was cal-
umn studies E L=Slab and the leaching rate constant (κ) for culated as 14.44% of the local precipitation rate following
contaminants of potential concern (COPCs), and the bulk den- MOLIT (2012) which suggested the default value of ground-
sity of coal bottom ashes (d). As will be discussed in the Results water recharging rate in Korea from nationwide survey results.
and discussion section, arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), copper The infiltration rate and depth of application determined for
(Cu), and zinc (Zn) are selected as COPCs in this study. the study sites are listed in Table 1.
Column tests were conducted following ISO/TS 21268-3 It should be noted that applying 14.44% as the infiltration-
Bup-flow percolation test^ procedure (ISO 2007) to determine to-precipitation ratio to obtain the local infiltration rate is a
E L=Slab and κ for YD and YH coal bottom ashes. Triplicate very rough estimation. The actual infiltration-to-precipitation
column runs were conducted for each bottom ash sample. ratio should widely vary from site to site. A bottom ash-based
Columns with a length of 250 mm and an inner diameter of structural fill without any cover is expected to have an
50 mm were used. Filter discs with a pore size of 47 mm were infiltration-to-precipitation ratio in the range of 40–70% con-
placed at both ends of the packed material. Deionized water sidering the suggested runoff coefficient range of 0.30–0.60
was introduced at a flow rate of 0.2 mL min−1 using a peri- for a bare packed soil with a smooth surface in the literature
staltic pump connected to the column inlet. After 96 h of (Goldman et al. 1986). This study used a much smaller ratio
equilibration period, the column eluates were sampled at than the expected value for an uncovered structural fill by
L/Slab (ratio of eluate volume to packed coal bottom ash mass) assuming the presence of a low permeability cap or an instal-
intervals of 0–0.1, 0.1–0.2, 0.2–0.5, 0.5–1, 1–2, 2–5, 5–10, lation of an overlying structure. For decision-making pur-
10–20, and 20–40 L kg−1. The collected eluates were filtered poses, a site-specific determination of an infiltration rate ac-
using 0.45 μm GHP syringe filter and kept at 4 °C prior to counting for the presence and characteristics of an overlying
analysis. The samples were analyzed using ICP-MS (Varian structure or a cap, surface slope, permeability of the structural
820-MS, Varian, Australia). fill, and the local precipitation patterns (e.g., intensity and
E L=Slab for each COPC was calculated by summing up the duration of a storm event) is required.
COPC mass in all eluate samples collected up to an L/Slab of
40 L kg−1. The κ value was determined as the best-fit value of
2.4 Sensitivity and variability analysis
the following equation:
h i
Sensitivity of the cumulative contaminant mass released over
E L=S ¼ E L=Slab 1−e−κ∙ðL=SÞ ð5Þ
100 years at the bottom of the structural fill (I100yr) to the coal
bottom ash and site-specific parameters was studied. Default
where EL/S (mg kg−1) is the cumulative contaminant mass
parameters used for the sensitivity analysis were the average
leached for the L/S at the end of each sampling interval.
values of EL=Slab , κ, and d determined for the YD and YH coal
Bulk densities of YD and YH coal bottom ash were calculated
by dividing the mass of the ashes by packing volume for the bottom ashes, and nationwide average values of groundwater
triplicate columns. table depth and precipitation rate in Korea. The sensitivity
index (S(Xi); %) of I100yr to each parameter Xi was obtained
by (Webster et al. 1998; Dalla Valle et al. 2007)
2.3 Case study sites and site-specific parameters
∂I 100yr X i
S ðX i Þ ¼ ∙ ∙100 ð6Þ
Five sites in Korea where coal ash has been or will be applied I 100yr ∂X i
as a structural fill, Yeosu, Namhae, Mockpo, Busan, and The variability of I100yr due to the range of the parameters
Gunsan (Lee 2011; DEC 2014), were studied for long-term obtained for the study sites and the YD and YH coal bottom
leaching of the COPCs. ashes was also studied. In this case, the average values of
The parameters describing the characteristics of site condi-
tions, i.e., site-specific parameters, are infiltration rate (inf) Table 1 Depth of application and infiltration rate determined for the
and depth of application (h). Application depths of structural five study sites for the prediction of long-term leaching
fills for construction projects in Korea show significant varia-
Sites Depth of application (m) Infiltration rate (mm year−1)
tion and were not available for any of the study sites. As a
conservative estimate, application depths were assumed to be Namhae 8.5 266
equal to the depth of local groundwater table available in Busan 4.5 219
MOLIT and K-Water (2014) for each site. USEPA (2015) Yeosu 3.4 208
specified that the depth of a structural fill should be above Gunsan 2.6 174
the local groundwater table to protect groundwater from fill Mockpo 2.3 168
material leachate. Year-averaged precipitation data were
J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751 2745

E L=Slab , κ, and d for the two bottom ash samples, and the Table 3 Composition of trace inorganic compounds in YD and YH
coal bottom ash samples. Values are shown as mean ± standard deviation
average values of inf and h for the five study sites were used of triplicate measurements
to constitute a default case. By variation of the parameters
from a minimum to a maximum value, the range of I100yr Contaminants Total concentration (mg kg−1)
according to the changes in the parameters was obtained.

Antimony 15 ± 9.1 18 ± 1.9

Arsenic 8.4 ± 12 17 ± 0.91
3 Results and discussions
Beryllium 4.1 ± 0.11 N.D.
Cadmium 0.67 ± 0.29 5.0 ± 0.35
3.1 Chemical composition of coal bottom ash samples
Chromium VI N.D. N.D.
The chemical composition of YD and YH coal bottoms ash Cobalt 35 ± 0.91 48 ± 1.6
samples analyzed in this study is similar to those reported in Copper 160 ± 130 44 ± 4.0
previous studies as shown in Table 2. SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Fluoride N.D. N.D.
CaO are identified as major constituents, accounting for 80% Lead 29 ± 0.96 24 ± 0.93
of the total by weight. Some trace inorganics are detected in Mercury N.D. N.D.
the bottom ash samples as shown in Table 3. Of those, arsenic Molybdenum 120 ± 6.3 N.D.
(As), antimony (Sb), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) are selected Selenium N.D. N.D.
as study COPCs. The selection of the study COPCs is based Vanadium 140 ± 4.2 170 ± 2.8
on the following criteria: (i) the exceedance of the screening Zinc 29 ± 5.8 35 ± 0.56
level for coal combustion waste landfill suggested by USEPA
N.D. not detected
(2015), (ii) representation of both anionic and cationic trace
constituents in the samples, which may exhibit differential
long-term leaching behavior (Cornelis et al. 2008; Neupane and Donahoe 2013), and (iii) ensuring the detectability in the
column studies.
Table 2 Major chemical constituents and their composition (in weight)
for YD and YH coal bottom ash samples
3.2 COPC leaching characteristics from coal bottom ash
Constituents Contents (%)
The cumulative COPC mass leached from YD and YH coal
YD YH Literature value
bottom ashes in column studies is plotted against L/S in Fig. 1.
SiO2 51 52 39–70a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l The COPCs in cationic form, Cu and Zn, generally exhibited
Al2O3 24 23 11–28a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l faster leaching behavior than those in anionic form, As and
Fe2O3 15 12 4.7–25a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l Sb. For example, 39 and 65% of total Zn leached in the entire
CaO 5.2 4.7 1.1–18a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l column run (L/S = 40 L kg−1) are leached within an L/S of
TiO2 1.6 1.8 0.44–1.5a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i 0.1 L kg−1 for YD and YH coal bottom ashes, respectively. On
K2O 1.4 1.5 0.20–5.3a,b,c,d,e,g,h,i,j,k,l the other hand, only 1.6 and 0.070% of As are leached within
MgO 0.85 1.3 0.38–5.2a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l an L/S of 0.1 L kg−1 for YD and YH coal bottom ashes,
Na2O 0.48 1.6 0.10–1.3a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l respectively. As a result, the leaching rate constants (κ) for
the cationic compounds are greater than those for the anionic
Liu et al. (2004) compounds by an order of magnitude or greater. One excep-
Depoi et al. (2008) tion is the leaching rate constant for Cu in YH coal bottom ash,
Wang et al. (2008) which is comparable to those for anionic compounds in both
Durgun and Genc (2009) coal bottom ashes.
Levandowski and Kalkreuth (2009) The total cumulative COPC mass leached from the column
Geetha and Ramamurthy (2010) studies E L=Slab is determined for each COPC and coal bot-
Arenas et al. (2011) tom ash as shown in Table 4. The E L=Slab values are 1.0 and
Skousen et al. (2012) 1.5% of total contents for As, 0.14 and 1.4% for Cu, 3.0 and
Menendez et al. (2013) 3.7% for Sb, and 0.43 and 7.9% for Zn for YD and YH coal
Tiwari et al. (2014) bottom ashes, respectively. These results suggest that most of
Arenas et al. (2015) the COPCs are strongly bound to the coal bottom ashes such
Asokbunyarat et al. (2015) that only small fractions are leachable by percolation of water.
2746 J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751

Fig. 1 Cumulative mass of

COPCs leached from YD and YH
coal bottom ashes in column
studies plotted against L/S for a
As, b Cu, c Sb, and d Zn. The
error bars represent standard de-
viation of triplicate measurements

The EL=Slab and κ values for the two bottoms ash 3.3 Sensitivity of COPC leaching to model parameters
samples are significantly different from each other. Up
to two orders of difference in the parameter values are The sensitivity indices of the cumulative mass of 100 year
found for the same COPC in YD and YH coal bottom COPC leaching (I100yr) to the model parameters are shown
ashes. Coals used in the two power plants are obtained in Table 5. For all COPCs, the sensitivity indices are 100%
from different sources (actual sources of coals for each for E L=Slab , indicating the significance of this parameter for
plant cannot be listed in this paper due to confidential- the estimation of long-term leaching from coal bottom ash.
ity reasons), which should result in different contents A sensitivity index of 100% indicates that I100yr is linearly
and leaching behavior of the COPCs. Even for the same proportional to a given parameter. It is not surprising that
type of coal obtained from the same location, bottom the sensitivity index for E L=Slab is 100% since Eq. (2) shows
ash with different physicochemical properties can be that the cumulative mass of COPC leaching (i.e., It) should
obtained according to the boiler design and operating be linearly proportional to E L=Slab when other parameters
conditions (Ratafia-Brown 1994; Meij and Winkel are fixed.
2007). The substantial variations of the EL=Slab and κ The sensitivity indices for other parameters, leaching rate
values for different coal bottom ashes indicate that ac- constant, bulk density, application depth, and infiltration rate,
tual laboratory measurements are needed to determine are variable for different COPCs. Cationic compounds, Cu
the values for each sample. and Zn, show very low sensitivity to the leaching rate constant

Table 4 The total cumulative COPC mass leached E L=Slab and the leaching rate (κ) of each COPC for YD and YH coal bottom ashes determined by
the column studies with a total L/S of 40 L kg . Values are shown as mean ± standard deviation of triplicate measurements

COPCs Total cumulative mass leached, E L=Slab (mg kg−1) Leaching rate constant, κ (kg L−1)


As 0.085 ± 0.005 0.25 ± 0.10 0.16 ± 0.01 0.020 ± 0.001

Cu 2.2 ± 0.8 0.060 ± 0.044 4.9 ± 2.5 0.054 ± 0.047
Sb 0.56 ± 0.09 0.54 ± 0.07 0.36 ± 0.02 0.079 ± 0.008
Zn 2.3 ± 0.2 0.15 ± 0.07 4.5 ± 0.2 11 ± 6
J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751 2747

Table 5 Sensitivity index (%) of cumulative COPC mass leached from a coal bottom ash structural fill in 100 years (I100yr) for long-term leaching
model parameters

Parameter (Xi) Sensitivity index, S (%)

As Cu Sb Zn

Total mass leached, E L=Slab 100 100 100 100

Leaching rate constant, κ 66 0.001 50 0.000
Dry bulk density, d 23 100 50 100
Application depth, h 23 100 50 100
Infiltration rate, inf 77 0.001 50 0.000

and the infiltration rate. Because of the relatively high bottom ash applied at the four study sites is plotted
leaching rate constants for these compounds, most of the com- against time in Fig. 2.
pounds leachable from coal bottom ash are released from a For Cu and Zn which exhibit relatively high leaching rates,
structural fill within 100 years. As a result, leaching kinetics the It value reaches a plateau after 20 years or shorter, indicating
does not play a significant role in the I100yr values for Cu and negligible leaching of the COPCs from a structural fill after
Zn. The I100yr values for these compounds are highly depen- 20 years. In case when the same coal bottom ash is applied
dent on the total amount of leachable COPCs from a structural (i.e., fixed EL=Slab , κ, and d), the plateau value of It should
fill, which is determined by E L=Slab , bulk density, and applica- depend solely on the application depth. Thus, the variation in
tion depth of the coal bottom ash. The sensitivity indices for It among different sites after 20 years or longer for Cu and Zn in
Cu and Zn are 100% not only for E L=Slab but also for bulk Fig. 2 represents the difference in the application depth.
density and application depth as shown in Table 5. Namhae has the greatest application depth of 8.5 m, resulting
However, for anionic compounds As and Sb, kinetics also in the greatest value of It for Cu and Zn in the long term.
play a significant role in long-term leaching. The sensitivity For As and Sb which show relatively low leaching rates,
indices for leaching rate constant and the infiltration rate are kinetics play a role in the long-term leaching behavior for all
50% or greater for these compounds. Other parameters, bulk study sites. As can be seen from Eq. (2), following parameter
density and application depth, still significantly contribute to determines the kinetic state of leaching at time t for each site
the I100yr values for As and Sb, although the sensitivity indices when the same coal bottom ash is applied (i.e., fixed value of
are smaller than those for Cu and Zn. κ) (Hjelmar 1990; Kosson et al. 2002):
In sum, sensitivity of long-term leaching from a coal bot-
tom ash structural fill to each parameter depends on the inf ∙t
L=Sfield ¼ ð7Þ
leaching characteristics of COPCs. For compounds showing d∙h
relatively rapid leaching characteristics, long-term leaching is
almost completely governed by the total COPC leachable from where L/Sfield (L kg−1) is the cumulative volume of leachate
a structural fill. In this case, bulk density and application depth percolated through a structural fill at t (year). The L/Sfield
of a coal bottom ash are significant for the long-term leaching. value is the smallest for Namhae (4.8 L kg−1 for t = 100 years)
For compounds with relatively slow leaching characteristics, and the greatest for Mockpo (11 L kg−1 for t = 100 years). As a
parameters relevant to leaching kinetics, leaching rate constant result, it is seen from Fig. 2 that the It value reaches a plateau
and infiltration rate, should be considered in addition to bulk for Sb in Mockpo within 100 years, while the result for Sb in
density and application depth. For any cases, the total cumu- Namhae shows a continuous increase with time even after
lative mass leached in laboratory studies, EL=Slab , acts as a key 100 years.
parameter for long-term leaching of COPCs. The long-term cumulative COPC masses released is also
variable for the different coal bottom ashes because of the
3.4 Long-term leaching prediction for case study sites significant variation in the coal bottom ash specific parame-
ters, E L=Slab and κ, observed in the column studies. The pre-
3.4.1 Long-term COPC leaching behavior dicted It values for YD and YH coal bottom ashes are plotted
against time for Namhae site in Fig. 3. For Zn which exhibits
The long-term cumulative COPC masses leached from a relatively high leaching rate constants for both coal bottom
structural fill significantly vary for each site because of ash samples, the I100yr value for YD is a factor of 37 greater
the differences in site-specific parameters, i.e., infiltration than that for YH as E L=Slab is a factor of 37 greater for YD. For
rate and depth of application. The predicted It for YD coal Cu, the It reaches a plateau after approximately 20 years for
2748 J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751

Fig. 2 Predicted changes in the

cumulative COPC masses
leached (It) over 100 years and for
the five study sites for a As, b Cu,
c Sb, and d Zn

YD while it continuously increases for the entire time of sim- 3.4.2 Time scale for COPC leaching from a structural fill
ulation for YH because of the much higher leaching rate con-
stant for YD than that for YH. These results indicate that the The time for the leachate contaminant concentration to reach
difference in EL=Slab and κ significantly affects the long-term half the initial value, t50%, obtained for the COPCs and the two
COPC leaching characteristics from a structural fill, and thus, coal bottom ashes is shown in Table 6. In some cases, the t50%
these parameters should be assessed for the specific type of values are in the order of years or shorter. In these cases, the
coal bottom ash used at a site. leachate concentration approaches close to zero after a few

Fig. 3 Predicted changes in the

cumulative COPC masses
leached (It) over 100 years for YD
and YH coal bottom ashes for a
As, b Cu, c Sb, and d Zn at
Namhae site
J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751 2749

Table 6 Time for the leachate

contaminant concentration to COPCs t50% (years)
reach half the initial value, t50%,
determined for the COPCs and for Namhae Busan Yeosu Gunsan Mockpo
YD and YH coal bottom ashes

As 89 644 57 410 45 326 41 297 39 280

Cu 4.0 >700 2.0 >700 2.0 >700 2.0 >700 2.0 >700
Sb 39 168 25 107 20 85 18 78 17 73
Zn 3.0 1.0 2.0 <1.0 2.0 <1.0 1.0 <1.0 1.0 <1.0

years to 20 years at most and no significant leaching of the 1 d∙h 100%

t p% ¼ ∙ ∙ln ð5Þ
COPCs is expected afterwards. In other cases, the t50% values κ t∙inf ð100−pÞ%
are in the order hundreds of years or longer. In these cases, the
COPCs are released steadily from a structural fill without sub- and used as a reference to determine (i) the time span re-
stantial reduction in the leachate concentration for decades or quired for the site monitoring program and (ii) the design
even longer. period for the leachate mitigation measures at the site, when
Both the coal bottom ash and site-specific parameters de- such measure are taken.
termine t50%. As can be seen from Eq. (4), t50% is proportional
to the site-specific parameters d and h, and inversely propor-
tional to the coal bottom ash specific parameter κ and the site- 3.4.3 Effect of model parameters on long-term leaching
specific parameter inf. The t50% value is an integrative param-
eter for kinetics of leaching from a structural fill. Actually, a The variation of the I100yr value for the range of coal bottom
tp% value can be determined for any p% reduction of the ash and site-specific parameter values obtained in this study is
leachate concentration from the initial value as shown in Fig. 4. In general, E L=Slab , κ, and h are identified as

1.0.E-01 1.0.E+00 1.0.E+01 1.0.E-01 1.0.E+00 1.0.E+01

(a) (b)
Rate constant ( ) Rate constant ( )

Total mass Total mass

leached ( ) leached ( )

Bulk density ( ) Bulk density ( )

Depth of application ( ) Depth of application ( )

Infiltration rate ( ) Infiltration rate ( )

1.0.E-01 1.0.E+00 1.0.E+01 1.0.E-01 1.0.E+00 1.0.E+01

(c) (d)
Rate constant ( ) Rate constant ( )

Total mass Total mass

leached ( ) leached ( )

Bulk density ( ) Bulk density ( )

Depth of application ( ) Depth of application ( )

Infiltration rate ( ) Infiltration rate ( )

Fig. 4 Variation of I100yr for a As, b Cu, c Sb, and d Zn due to the change in each parameter from the average value to the maximum or minimum value
obtained in this study
2750 J Soils Sediments (2017) 17:2742–2751

key parameters for long-term COPC leaching from a coal leaching rates than the anionic constituents, As and Sb. The
bottom ash applied structural fill. leaching parameters for the study COPCs from the bottom ash
E L=Slab is a key parameter for most cases because of the large samples vary by up to two orders of magnitude, suggesting the
variability of the value for the two coal bottom ashes studied need to experimentally determine the leaching characteristics
and high sensitivity of I100yr to the parameter. The κ value is for each coal bottom ash to be applied. Prediction of long-term
also a key parameter as long as the value is sufficiently small leaching of the study COPCs at five sites in Korea show sig-
such that the kinetics of leaching affect I100yr. When the long- nificant variation in cumulative amount of COPC leaching
term leaching is not governed by kinetics because of the large κ depending primarily on the total amount of leachable COPC
value, as in the case of Zn (Fig. 4d) and the upper end of Cu in coal bottom ash and application depth of a structural fill.
(Fig. 4b), the parameter does not affect the I100yr value at all. Leaching rate constant is also a significant factor when the
Depth of application, h, is also identified as a key parameter value is relatively small that the long-term leaching is kineti-
for the long-term leaching because of its significant variation cally controlled. The time for the leachate COPC concentra-
among study sites and its influence on both total leachable tion to reach half the initial value, ranges from less than a few
COPC mass and leaching kinetics. Actually this is a parameter years to more than a hundred years due to the significant
that can be controlled or regulated for a certain coal bottom ash variation in the leaching rate constants and application depths.
and for a certain site. Once a quantitative criterion for long-term
COPC leaching from a coal bottom ash structural fill is deter-
Acknowledgements This study received financial support from the
mined, the limiting value of the depth of application can be Geo-Advanced Innovative Action (GAIA) project of the Korea
derived for a specific case of application. For example, RIVM Environmental Industry and Technology Institute. We thank the
of the Netherlands regulates that the increment in I100yr due to Integrated Research Institute of Construction and Environmental
Engineering, Seoul National University, and Water/Environment
the replacement of the natural soil with construction materials
Research Team of Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co., LTD.
should not exceed 1% of the total amount of a COPC in 1 m for technical assistance.
soil layer underneath the materials applied (Verschoor et al.
2007). From this criterion, the maximum depth allowed as a
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