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Jeremiah Jones

Mr. Belec


12 December, 2022

Injustice in our justice system

In our justice system we do not always make honest rulings. There are lots of

examples of this happening like in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird Tom Robinson was

found guilty of rape. Even with insufficient evidence to prove that he was guilty he was

convicted. This was obviously biased because the jury and judge was racist and

prestigious. There are a great deal of things like this happening to other people and this

needs to stop.

As many of us know we don’t have the best justice system and there are flaws. In

August of the year 1955 Emmett Till died because he was black. He whistled at a woman

allegedly. He was tortured and killed and the women waited 65 years before even having

trial. Emmett Till’s killers didn’t go to jail either even though he literally killed him and

there were witnesses. By the way, the woman who accused him admitted that she made it

up. That right there is injustice in our own justice system first hand. There are also cases

like this happening today. For example there was a boy named Trayvon Martin and he

was killed. He was killed because a man allegedly saw a firearm in his possession.

Trayvon didn’t have a weapon, he had a bag of skittles from the store. On CNN this is

what they said,” Here’s a look at the February 2012 Former neighborhood watch captain

George Zimmerman was acquitted in the case.” So not only dtid he kill him he wasn’t

found guilty. This is injustice in our justice system in the modern United States of

America. It doesn’t seem like the people of the United States are so united anymore.

In conclusion we all know our justice system needs work and we all can help make it

better by being honest. The whole point of our justice system is to bring justice

not injustice. If we can't even do that then our justice system will just be

corrupted. Who knows the United States will be united once again.

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