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Where did all

the planning
time Go?
By: Abigail Martin
“Teachers accomplish so
many important things
with such little time”
Why does it have to be
like this?
The Question
When all is said and done, which of the following do you
believe would have the greatest impact on your ability to help
your students learn and realize their potential?
✘ More money
✘ Fewer disruptive students
✘ More planning time
The winner : More planning time
They did this with teachers from Wisconsin with those
options and the picked more planning time.
Another group picked more planning time during the
school day.

Some have left the profession due to lack of planning

Planning time and what it looks like
Ranges from 12-80 Elementary teachers in US Outside the US with
minutes for Elementary spend 32 hours with students that are high
teachers. students and are paid to performing, teachers
12- 30 minutes of work 38. Highschool is usually get more planning
planning time a day 30 hours weekly with time.
students and paid 38
Would that be enough to
get you prepared for the
next day? K-12 usually all work
about 52 hours a week.
Collaborative vs. Individual planning time
Individual Planning Time: Collaborative Planning Time:
✘ In the classroom ✘ With colleagues in same grade
✘ Needed everyday for lessons and sometimes subjects
✘ Reviewing students work ✘ Occurs once or sometimes twice
✘ Reaching out to Parents a week
✘ Discuss upcoming work and
✘ Support for one another
✘ Shorter days for students- more planning time for
teachers. Late arrival/Early departure
✘ Full days set aside for individual and collaborative
work - Can review students progress, meet with
peers, plan field trips, talk with other school
employees like counselor, social workers.
Solutions Extended
✘ Increasing Staff- students can attend more electives/
instructional activities.
✘ Having meetings-with parents, teachers and
administrators to come up with ideas that would work
well for that community.

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