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Montessori Education

a topic of worthwhile debate

on a special kind of alternate
of the way that we should educate
our children in the present date!
By Xavier Hack

What is Montessori? How does Montessori work?

Montessori School is an alternative to early Montessori Education works in a setting

childhood education that first began its roots where the children are the focus of the
in Italy during the early twentieth century by classroom, rather than the teacher.
its founder, Maria Montessori.
While students do indeed participate in larger
group activities or projects, each student
also has an Individualized Education
Program, or IEP.

Benefits / Adavntages Drawbacks / Areas in need of Improvement

● Each student learns and grows at a ● The process of setting up each

pace that better fits their learning student's IEPs can take a large
process and abilities. amount of time and financial
● Students are allowed to learn resources in order to accommodate
subjects and ideas that they are a student’s abilities or disabilities.
interested in and/or invested in ● No student will have a matching IEP
learning. with another student, meaning that a
● The classroom is much more freely new IEP will have to be created for
structured, allowing for students to new students each and every year.
roam, explore, and learn as they ● Tuition can be expensive, making it
please. more difficult for children of
● Students with special needs and low-income households to gain acces
learning disabilities are able to thrive or resources provided by the
and learn better in the Montessori Montessori Program.
Conclusion Cited Sources

While Montessori schooling is not the most Main Article-

widely accepted of early childhood education ● Northwest, Montessori. “Montessori Education.”

programs, it is definitely a beneficial Montessori Northwest, Montessori Northwest, 2022,
experience to the many students who have n#:~:text=Montessori%20is%20a%20method%20of,a
learned and grown under Montessori ctivities%20to%20guide%20the%20process

teaching. Supporting Article-

● Lillard, Angeline S. “Montessori as an Alternative Early

Childhood Education.” Taylor & Francis, 20 Oct. 2020,

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