Andrew and The Feisty Fuigey

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Andrew and the Feisty Fuigey

Andrew is venturing off into the great unknown of space.

He sees a strange-looking planet and approaches it.

As he goes in, he gets hit by a fast-moving object!

His computer says that everything is shutting down.

He grabs his emergency parachute and lands.

“Come on, that was a high-class spaceship.

That was so expensive,” he says disappointingly.

“Well, now I must find resources to fix my ship

since my iPhone 69 broke. I'm also stranded.

Who broke my ship? Hmm…” Andrew makes his way through this

strange planet.

He finds a plant. “It looks like a flower, but its petals are closed.

It's also huge! Maybe I can touch it…Whoa!” The flower-like plant lunges

at our hero. Andrew does a backflip and slashes the stem of it with his golden

gamma-ray sword.
He finds an alien named Dan-Fan. He is blue with one eye.

He is apparently very friendly.

He told him that his home

had been destroyed by creatures called the Fuigey. He also wants to help

him on his journey.

Andrew feels bad, so he decides to help Dan-Fan in return.

Monsters use Andrew's spaceship parts for their use!

Andrew battles them and uses multiple sword-fighting techniques to defeat them.

He gets his parts back and even finds some treasure.

He then learns that the Fuigey have stolen the final piece of his ship-the engine!

Andrew is about to enter the Fuigeys’ secret hideout when

suddenly, a group of them appear from the trees! Andrew spin-slashes

to get rid of them. “Whew.” Andrew is tired so Dan-Fan gives him some good food and

water and then he moves on.

Andrew finds that the Fuigey are using his engine as fuel as a power/fuel source.

He goes to defeat the leader, who seems to be a bad person.

But, he has to do a traditional fight.

Andrew chooses a sword as his weapon. The leader chooses a spear.

“The fight begins!”

Andrew dodges and dodges until he finds the perfect moment.

He then cuts the spear in half and defeats the leader.

Andrew is the leader now and proudly wears the old leader's skull on his head.

The pig-like Fuigey thank him for defeating the old leader.

He rebuilds his ship. Dan-Fan makes peace with the Fuigey.

The Fuigey give Andrew precious things on their planet as thanks.

They join him on his journey home. “Our old leader caused your

ship to crash,” says one of them.

The Fuigey have made Andrew's life a lot easier.

Andrew decides to introduce them to the International Space Protection Service

(I.S.P.S). Dan-Fan is Andrew's best friend, and the Fuigey have helped everyone.

The End

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