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“ae, lan ¢ Remarky we.) ee Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa. Qza—O Sain E2eKie\_CPoen). Mog G2THis_pdgmiig_O humorous toased ‘wersei ‘en the Indian way lof speaking €Enalish language .” The “Outhor enxplcins the {inois Placed gramimockical: expressions ond quality of the language ' used by Indians diy Q sotieical manner. the Outhor Criticizes ond Showeasesia atdiculed Picture of | rmProPer Usage OF English language by Indians. Te clearly |@o Phases Prom their native language Sraming ‘o-| mocks the Indians for Kterally translating the words Corveck sentences. Though’ ave pledged ‘that wea they are all ieiotnets: and Sisters, proFesstonal life sho. Uld_be seperated from friendships Con relations. The. | nowraton's ‘calls “his collegues: and: NisssPuspha’_ og nisl | inher dear sister. This implicates that the professional ARANGNSHIP and envinonrient ie ‘Got Seriously Focused. | The outhor views it as it is o jorewell it should be | | Sormal but, it turns out to be “out of track. the | Narrator Praises Miss Puspha by calling her Sweet: FON hey Charming” Personality “and also exPresver tha: + che would never Say no tO any Kind’ of Work while! Speaking about her fathers prolession and his work~ Place , the nawsatoy was alstracted and begine to weminiscence his PASt memoater back to Surat where he spent his days in bs uncles old yriende ploce And | how well his wiife cooks. So, the Author inclirectty gbates that Indians can easily be Aistracted and cary a the track. Regaining the topfe of Miss Pus 5 farewell, he praises hey to be populor in bot MEH and wornen ANd ed encourages the people Of}, Oo A bout Miss Puche stage to give their speeches ol f who was abouk to brave) abroad to know better | TS ost = |Fomeu her epee Satdvising that in the end Wigs. ing ty end the party after Summ: fuser eine ‘author gently and ie or |Satanizes' ‘rhe Tadians poor _quality OF Intespreto~ ae wv ‘Hon (7 communication of english wit derisions rex of quotes and punctuations |i ‘ar blanks verse T= Alsons Jand unethical manner. 1 3 1 Ises: | She The Ltt 1208 : 6 iors Bm. 13d i —Tos™ { ne | aD [what ir the alo between Sue Ton avd reer ipeo' “how will Sue: bakes come oF Sonnsy? me ae wf pinta lo 2) [Who was Bertreon? what was nis roskerece.” SMO 3) Po ou NET ede of the estoy Suse Sint Shep aueHiOrs wit} aia i eo B rammahere aid Ee OHTY me samme iMPON the! ending? Mulligatawny Dreams sneena Kodera SS = = = _Kordasommy, “Al Blowentl Meena Kandosoray wos born in 1AR4. She is_an acti [ vist. translator, Tndian poet» Fiction waiter fiom Chennai pTaminadu India. She has recieved “Hermann Kestert’ pint 2 19 20a .She published two collections of poetry “Touch”C- O06) ANd ANENHIitancy C2010). AS A writer Meena Foon] Ses_on_Coste annihlakon feminism and Wnquis tic identity [She cviithes Gandhi -for calling _the_thén untouchables Jas hanivans” which nas publicised that Fey are mec Int to be "pided (ory shouon “weaker” than other closs_| people - She concemerates on English language In which many letters are from the language of Tamil. Arabond! a& wos taken From Anat Celephant) Kondoicewalteves enake) Amoikondai means C*A snake wuliith swaltowedl an elephant). She mentioned few more words Familiar with the tamil language. Then She narrates that she. Fareams of an english which cludes ANd Aves Phe worm: | Fe_of her mother Tanguogee warmth. She longs for an english weitlen An’ eety small letters unconcemed Abou] [comtal letten PunckuUations ,exclatmna.tory macs. She wil ts tO evolve into O&O being whose englith language sho- ld make a. White mans tongue Bred-and make reir] jeyes_bitok fo confusion of Finding very new words 10 Hig OwH Mother tongue She wants the engish accent ang Ene Words Stomach: P Tehtd-lady instead O4 pregnant She feels aggteved Tobout the society craking its children practice the onent OF english men ey even _rnercilest ly Placing oe modtn pebbles Eheir_ mouths with BOM —Thave ‘the isk of being swalewed. She cuiticires Che Face OF TOial Aiscriminax+on shown by the eng- Fehmen Towards the slightly dark shader ones: he awdres Us that their fon one fremy And materialistic Poet — fen selations 0°€ — The. scons ty Tadio Without pat Ota not racking’ ang Aspetts Uke Secunky: love, Suppore Ton Ty Tend assurarees She Wants -AN english with supoy é Tamer oF Tespect, an_english in whith we ee Teaw with Gif Ferent names “And -a-lar — isaniah “aoe ne belittle any. type of CoM ‘fa T[She-also task states That the FoOd .tasties bette Tiwhen le is taken’ with our Rive Angers: by: fee [ing ery “Qaatin bu_towch Eran with thetwonge Tana Elargs’= 04 Knives and Forks: She appre eiaker os 7 Jthe Ort.of Indians - Conveuing ther love to ap one-cinother “PREP with eyes ‘rather than norm TN) | 7 TPE shart es Hhak eye: CONTACE: TS The most depressive “Wi The Ti way, .oF Conveying “heeliags: Than words and tar Wi) The } [Greats MPAck. She wants: Indians rvidly boon WH NE s “bodies “and black eyes to Aorrinate. thelongeag, UY | Me SReeR 7" RST the Che also States About oly conscious’ sb and Tin Tour sanity OF CULFTIling our small desites and SYS our judgements oy decisions d& wuhich desire! Ste iin [Should bes PUblaclys Fultitled Oo which onein tt panadte. “She also cepietsEmdians convering SF pa Tove wn: cave towards eqchother by’ purchasyy——| 2 for mo Ring _@ ve small things © Commodi!) As —_____ kh give unrequited and tofimite happiness: |, “4 oe a 1

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