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Background of the Study Understanding the nature and cause of a problem is the key to finding its solution. Daily encounter with students, especially kindergarten pupils, requires a lot of patience, understanding and kindness. Many times, children are intolerable. Sometimes, teachers would break out and scold the children due to their behaviors. This study intended to uncover the truth behind the students behavior problems specifically those that affect their attentiveness in class. Students behaviors towards learning come in different ways that teachers are trying to understand. The study also aimed to help the teachers cater to the students needs and catch their attention in class. Statement of the Problem The study intends to learn the reasons behind the inattentiveness of the pupils in kindergarten particularly in Mary Vitthaya Kabinburi School. Specifically, the study seeks to: 1. Describe the characteristics of the pupils in terms of their personality trait (introvert, extrovert and ambivert). 2. Identify the reasons of students drowsiness, talkativeness and hyper activeness.

Importance of the Study Irresponsive due to drowsiness, talkativeness and hyper activeness is a major problem in teaching. Whatever factor is raised as a cause of the problem, a teacher should be aware of the factors for they have to deal with the children almost everyday. This studys findings would greatly benefit the teachers concern in kindergarten level. Understanding and proper management of these problems would change and would definitely increase the efficiency of a teacher. Scope and delimitation of the Study The study was conducted at Mary Vitthaya Kabinburi School, taking kindergarten students as subjects of the study. The study is focused on the factors that affect the attentiveness of kindergarten students. Moreover, the study is limited to classroom and school compound observations.



This section presents various literatures and related researches relevant to the study, which helped to explain a childs personality trait and character particularly children aging 3-5 years old.

Schemas According to Jean Piaget (1896), children learn through assimilation and accommodation. First part to consider in learning a childs behavior towards things in the outside world is the environment the child had grown. In the idea of assimilation, a child acquires new ideas and fits it with his previous idea. In accommodation, a childs ideas must be altered by the new ideas he acquires. In the process, children depend mainly on their ideas from their home, which they tend to think it would be the same at school. The role of a teacher would be helping them attain equilibration where they balance assimilation and accommodation.

Initiative vs. Guilt According to Erikson (1902-1994), a child experiences conflicts which would determine what kind of behavior they will develop. During the preschool years, children begin to assert their power and control over the world through directing play and other social interaction. Children who are successful at this stage feel capable and able to lead others. Those who fail to acquire these skills are left with a sense of guilt, self-doubt and lack of initiative.

Psychosexual Development According to Sigmund Freud, personality is mostly established by the age of five. Early experiences play a large role in personality development and continue to influence behavior later in life. In this theory, Freud implies that early childhood frustrations will remain in their unconscious part of their mind which will result to unhealthy personality. If these psychosexual stages are completed successfully, the result is a healthy personality. If certain issues are not resolved at the appropriate stage, fixation can occur. A fixation is a persistent focus on an earlier psychosexual stage. Until this conflict is resolved, the individual will remain "stuck" in this stage. For example, a person who is fixated at the oral stage may be over-dependent on others and may seek oral stimulation through smoking, drinking, or eating.

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