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Day 1:

On this day of my first observation, the teacher only discuss about the continuation of their topics about Romeo and Juliet,
she presenting her lesson through a power point presentation as her instructional material. She also used effective
questioning to her students to make sure if they really understand the topic. She let her students to read the learning
objectives for this lesson. And they tackled the lesson about the different between biased and prejudice afterwards.

The teacher used a modulated voice to caught the attention of her students when she noticed that her students are not
listening to her discussion properly. The teacher is very expert when it comes to delivering the lesson to her students. She
often used English language when speaking and discussing, however, she used also vernacular sometimes in order to
communicate well her students and to make sure that they really understand what she has talking about.

The teacher is not tolerating any biasis when it comes to her students opinion and ideas. The teacher always try to remind
her students to behave and remember their classroom rules, since the students are quite naughty. The teacher using
behaviorism theory when it comes to her teaching strategy, since she is giving a reward points and appreciation message to
each students who answer and participated on her class. She also did feedbacking every after the students answered. The
teacher had a small bell in which she could use in order to warn the the students to minimize their voices or to shut up
when the teacher is talking.

The teacher let her students to read in chorus always when there is a content that require a reading comprehension and
reading skills. And for their assessment the teacher asked her students to think on how to create an advocacy campaign
against prejudice. Then she give another assignment after the given activity.

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