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Teacher Rosa Barcácel

Name: Rut Goris Date: ___________________________

I. Write the past simple form of the verbs.

1. take took 6. wake woke

2. give gave 7. ride rode

3. go went 8. have had

4. drink drank 9. buy bought

5. think thought 10. eat ate

IV. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. I (eat) ate dinner at six o’clock yesterday.

2. A: Did Helen (drive) drive to work? B: Yes, she did

3. My neighbor (buy) bought a new car last week.

4. They (go) went to Italy on their last summer holiday.

5. A: Did they (swim) swim at the beach? B: No, they didn’t.

6. My family and I (see) saw a comedy movie last night.

7. First, we (do) did exercise, and then we (drink) drank some water.

8. Suddenly, the animal jumped and (bite) bit my hand.

V. Write the Past Simple of each verb in the correct column.

open marry like try bake stop mix plan repeat worry decide travel

-ed -d -ied double consonant + -ed

opened Liked Married Stopped

Mixed Baked Tried Planned

Repeated Decided Worried


II. Organize the sentences using the past continuous.
Remember: The past continuous is formed using was/were + present participle (-ing).
Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and was/were.
Negatives are made with not.

● Statement: You were studying when she called.

● Question: Were you studying when she called?
● Negative: You were not studying when she called.

1. (they / take the exam?) where they taking the exam?

2. (when / he / work there?) when was he working there?

3. (you / make dinner?) where you making dinner?

4. (they / drink coffee when you arrived?) where they drinking coffee when you arrived?

5. (when / we / sleep?) when were we sleeping?

6. (they / study last night) they were studying last night

7. (we / talk when the accident happened) we were talking when the accident happened.

8. (he / not / exercise enough) he wasn’t exercising enough

9. (I / talk too much?) was I talking too much.

10. (it / not / snow) it wasn’t snowing.

III. Look at Jane's diary. What was she doing at these times? Remember to use the past continuous.

1. On Monday at 5 p.m. she was having an appointment at the dentist's.

2. On Tuesday between 7 - 8 p.m. Jane and Mimi were playing tennis.
3. On Wednesday at 9 o'clock she was watching the Black Widows.
4. On Thursday from 8.30 to 9.30 she was revising for an English test.
5. On Friday at 6 o'clock Jane and Carrol were doing the shopping.
6. On Saturday between 11.30 and 12.30 she was cooking lunch.
7. On Sunday at 9.30 Jane and her mum were tidying the house.
8. But I don't know what she was doing at 12 p.m. on Sunday. Was she sleeping?

IV. Complete the dialogues with negative forms (past continuous).

1. A: Were you talking to Bob during dinner?

B: I wasn’t talking to anybody. I was alone.

2. A: Were you watching a football match when I phoned you?

B: I wasn’t watching TV. I was listening to music.

3. A: Was I wearing the blue tie at the party?

B: You weren’t wearing any tie as far as I can remember.

4. A: Guess what I was doing between 5 and 6 o'clock.

B: You weren’t doing anything, your sister told me

V. Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form.

1. I can’t imagine working at home. (work)

2. We have decided against to buy a new car. (buy)
3. She seems to like her new job. (like)
4. The students hope to pass the exam. (pass)
5. He won’t go by plane. He is afraid of flying . (fly)
6. I am lazy. I don’t feel like doing any work. (do)
7. Remember to post the letter. Otherwise they won’t get it by Saturday. (post)
8. Have you ever learned how to fly such a plane? (fly)
9. They were too lazy to go out with us. (go)
10. I always enjoy talking to my grandfather. He always tells me great stories. (talk)

VI. Choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences. Put the verb in the past perfect
tense (had & past participle).

make start write leave forget fly escape close give ring eat change go see

1. When I got to the house, Mary wasn’t there. She had already left.
2. I didn’t recognize my old classmate because she had changed so much.
3. We were late for the show last night. By the time we got to the theater, the movie had already started.
4. Yesterday I went on my first plane trip. I was very nervous because I had never flown before.
5. I couldn’t eat much dinner last night because I had eaten such a big lunch.
6. I couldn’t buy any groceries last night because when I got to the supermarket, it had already closed.
7. Last week our teacher gave back the essays we had written the week before.
8. The house was quiet when Andrew got home. Everyone had gone to bed several hours earlier.
9. They got to school late yesterday. The bell had already rung.
10. Sheila couldn’t come to my house last night because she had already made other plans.
11. We couldn’t find the house. It was clear that he had given us the wrong add address.
12. Annie didn’t want to come to the movie with us because she had seen it the week before.
13. By the time the police arrived at the bank, the robber had already escaped.
14. I couldn’t get into my apartment when I came home from work last night because I had forgotten. to take my key.

VII. Match the first part of the sentence on the left with the correct ending on the right.

1. Betty’s plants died because…. 4 a) she had lost her doll.

2. Bob couldn’t buy the new computer because…. 8 b) she had left her purse at home.
3. Sammy couldn’t fall asleep last night because… 10 c) he had already left the office.
4. The little girl was crying because… 6 d) he hadn’t studied at all.
5. I didn’t have to buy groceries because… 2 e) he had spent all his money.
6. Kevin failed his exam because... 9 f) she had forgotten to set the alarm.
7. Monty bought a new camera because…. 1 g) she hadn’t watered them.
8. Clara couldn’t pay for lunch because… 3 h) he had watched a scary movie.
9. Susan slept late because… 5 i) I had gone shopping the day before.
10. I couldn’t speak to the boss because… 7 j) he had lost his old one.

VIII. Complete these sentences with the past perfect negative form.

1. For three months they had not met (meet)

2. But it hadn't worked at all. (work)
3. I wish I hadn't gone into this game. (go)
4. He hadn’t married her for that. (marry)
5. She hadn’t taken these steps without an object. (take)
6. He hadn’t liked it at all. (like)
7. I hadn’t meant to tell you yet. (mean)
8. But the girl hadn’t seen him. (see)

IX. Complete the sentences with the past perfect continuous.

Remember: The past perfect continuous is formed using had + been + present participle (-ing).
Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and had.
Negatives are made with not

● Statement: You had been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.
● Question: Had you been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived?
● Negative: You had not been waiting there for more than two hours when she finally arrived.

1. (not/fly) had not been flying all these months!

2. That was the information I had been hoping for. (hope)
3. what he had been thinking about all day? (what/he/think/?)
4. I had been traveling for two days. (travel)
5. They had been falling since the beginning of time. (fall)

X. Read the paragraph about an expedition to the Canadian Arctic. Find and underline the simple past, circle the past
perfect, and double underline the past perfect continuous verb forms.

By the mid-nineteenth century, Europeans had been trying to find a quick way to travel to Asia for hundreds of years.
They had been looking for a waterway through the icy Canadian Arctic since the sixteenth century; however, no one
had ever found it. Then in 1845, Sir John Franklin tried. He set out on the risky journey with an expedition of 128 men.
Two years passed by, but Franklin did not return. What had happened to him and his men? Had their ship sunk? Had
they gotten lost? A rescue team went to find out.

XI. Read and answer the questions about the text above.

1. What had the Europeans been trying to find since the sixteenth century?
A waterway through the icy Canadian Arctic

2. Why do you think they wanted to find it?

Because it takes a lot of time to travel to Asia.

3. What did Sir John Franklin do?

He set out on the risky journey with an expedition of 128 men

4. What do you think happened to Franklin and his men?

His ship probably sank

XII. Look at the photo. Imagine what could go wrong on this trip. Then complete the chart with your ideas. Use the
simple past, past perfect, and past perfect continuous.

What Happened? Why It Happened?

1. While kayaking, they got lost. 1. They hadn’t been paying attention to their location.

2. They got sunburned. 2. They hadn’t brought any sunblock.

3. They sank 3. Water got into the boats

4. A shark swallowed them 4. They had been rowing into a dangerous area.

5. They froze 5. The weather had been very cold.

6. There was a storm 6. There was a sudden discharge of atmospheric electricity

XIII. Change this direct speech into reported speech.

1. "He works in a bank" She said that he worked in a bank.

2. "We went out last night" She told me that they had gone out the previous night.

3. "I'm coming!" She said that she was coming.

4. "I was waiting for the bus when he arrived" She told me that she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived.

5. "I've never been there before" She said that she had never been there before.

6. "I didn't go to the party" She told me that she hadn’t gone to the party.

7. "Lucy'll come later" She said that she would come later.

8. "He hasn't eaten breakfast" She told me that she hadn’t eaten breakfast.

XIV. These people are saying these things. Report them, using says that.

1. Paul: “Atlanta is a wonderful city.” Paul says that Atlanta is a wonderful city.
2. Ruth: “I go jogging every morning.” Ruth says that she goes jogging every morning.
3. Anna: “Jenny isn’t studying for her exams.” Anna says that Jenny isn’t studying for her exams
4. Andrew: “I used to be very fat.” Andrew says that he used to be very fat.
5. Jim: “I can’t swim.” Jim says that he can’t swim

XV. Write the correct form of the future progressive tense using “will”.

Remember: The future continuous tense is used to describe actions that will/are going to be in progress in the future.
[Subject] [will be] [verb + “ing”]
[Subject] [form of “to be” + going to be] [verb + “ing”]

1. Professor Baker (teach) Professor Baker will be teaching American history next semester.

2. The forecast says that it (rain) it is going to be raining all night.

3. Grandma (smile) Grandma will be smiling when she answers the door.

4. Brian (supervise) Brian is going to be supervising the construction crew for a few days.

5. In order to earn a badge, the scouts (learn) the scouts are going to be learning to tie knots this Thursday.

XVI. Write the correct form of the future progressive tense using “verb to be + going to be + -ing”

1. On Tuesday, the girls (take) are going to be taking a taxi to the airport.

2. The pastry chef (bake) is going to be baking turnovers early tomorrow morning.

3. Julia and Rick (look) are going to be looking for a new house while they are in Portland.

4. I (clean) am going to be cleaning the house while you are doing the laundry.

5. Stella (play) is going to be playing the solo for the concert.

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