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Book 9 Lesson 1 Vocabulary

complete verb: to finish

Please complete this form and we will open your new bank account.
deposit verb: to put money in the bank
Hasan deposited 1,000 riyals in the bank today.
feel verb
felt Ahmed is going on vacation. He feels happy.
hide verb: to put something where no one can find it
hid Did you hide my hat? I can’t find it.
look verb: to appear
John looks happy. He’s smiling.
lose verb: to be unable to find something
lost Teacher: Where is your homework Ali?
Ali: I can’t find it, teacher. I lost it.
save verb: to put money in the bank to buy something at a later time
Majed is saving to buy a new car next year.
smell verb: to have an odor
Mohammed is cooking dinner. It smells very good.
sound verb
I like this music. It sounds beautiful.
spend verb: to use money or time
spent Ahmed spent 10,000 dollars on his new car.
take verb
took Please take your books home this weekend.
take out (of) verb
took out Please take your books out of your desk and open them.
to taste verb
This chicken is delicious. It tastes great.
withdraw verb: to take money out of the bank; opposite of deposit
withdrew I need some money. I’m going to withdraw some from the bank.
immediately adverb: right now
Don’t wait to do tomorrow what you can do immediately.
bitter adjective
This coffee tastes bitter.
safe adjective: not in danger
Your money is safe in the bank.
salty adjective: too much salt taste
These french fries are too salty.
soon adverb: in the near future
It’s 1130. We will finish school soon.
sour adjective: opposite of sweet
This lemon tastes sour.
sweet adjective: opposite of sour
Sugar is sweet.
account noun
He has a savings account and a checking account at the bank.
bill noun: a piece of paper money
Ahmed has two twenty-dollar bills.
card noun: a form to write you signature on for the bank
Jane signed a signature card for the bank.
cash noun: paper money
I don’t have any cash. Can I pay you with a check?
checkbook noun: a book with checks for your checking account
I didn’t bring any cash, but I brought my checkbook.
checking account noun: an account to keep money that you spend every day
I use the money in my checking account to buy groceries and pay bills.
deposit noun: money that you put into the bank
I made a deposit of 1,000 riyals yesterday.
form noun: a piece of paper that you write information on
You must fill out these forms when you open a bank account.
information noun: news, facts
You need to give personal information to open a bank account.
lemon noun: a sour fruit
I like sugar and lemon in my tea.
passport noun: a document you use to travel to different countries
You need a passport if you want to go to Europe.
savings account noun: an account for money to buy something expensive or special
I always deposit money in my savings account each month.
signature noun: your name written on a form or document
Look over your student report and put your signature at the top, please.
slip noun: a form
Fill out a withdrawal slip if you want to take money out of your bank
wallet noun: something to keep your money in
I have SR1,000 in my wallet.
withdrawal noun: money that you take out of the bank
Ahmed made a withdrawal of 2,000 dollars from his bank account.

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