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Capstone Project Proposal

Name of student: Tian Yilu Data:4/6/2023

Teacher: Mr. Green Black: A
The Capstone strand I have is Virtual Currency
Proposed title for my Project Proposal: Helping people understand Virtual currencies, and how to
invest in them.

My inquiry question is:

Is virtual currency a good investment direction?
Is virtual currency good or bad for human society?
What is the impact pf virtual currencies of nations?

Virtual currencies are something that has become more popular in recent years. Before that people
were known more for stocks, I would like to know how virtual currencies are for us. Recently I’ve
been interested in this because I’ve heard that you can go for easier gains.

I have studied about economics before. My parents also make some investments. So, I have sone
superficial understanding of this.

Career connections:
I would like to work in the engineering field. But I will use my free time to invest to get some
passive income,

Interdisciplinary and core competencies connections:

My project will have something to do with finance. I need to learn something about finance to
help me find the news side of trading. And to understand how this market works.

Capstone Presentation medium:

I will make a YouTube channel and a PPT, and when I present, I will include what I want to
present in the PPT and follow the content of the PPT. And I will show the video I made during the

Description of my Capstone project:

The result of my project will be the completion of a YouTube channel. The video format can
express what I want to express more clearly. And let others understand more clearly what I want to
express. I plan to create two videos. The first video will be about virtual currency. And talk about
why virtual currency is a good investment. And the risks of investing in virtual currencies. The
second video I will teach how to trade and how to find the right exchange. And most importantly
tell people what they need to pay attention to during the trading process. Such as mindset,
planning and daring. I have not made videos before. So, I need to learn the skills of making videos
first. First find a video editing software that works for me. I will seek help from friends or find
instructional videos on YouTube to perfect this skill. I need to go and research some information
about virtual currencies. For example, what is a virtual currency? What technology is used in
virtual currencies? Why do virtual currencies get a lot of recognition? I also need to experience the
software that assists us in trading to find some more practical ones. And I also need to trade for a
period of time. And come up with some of my trading tips and suggestions.

I will learn to use some software about trading such as “tradingview” and some financial news and
video editing software to complete my video production.

Mentors/Community Connections:
I need some mentors with expertise in finance and practical trading experience. To guide me when
I need to make actual trades.

Project limitations:
Language is a big barrier in this project. It will affect my communication with ithers. On the other
hand, I need to have enough time to finish the project.

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, April 11). Bitcoin. Wikipedia. Retrieved

April 17, 2023, from

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