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1) the characters in the story

- Aurelio Escovar(a dentist without a degree)

- Doctor's eleven-year-old son
- The Mayor

2) the setting of the story,

Setting of “one of these days” seems to take place in one small city. The story begins on
the Monday morning in Dentist's office, and it ends around the later afternoon time.
Author does not say particular about settings in the story.

3) a brief summary of the plot of the story

Aurelio Escovar, an unlicensed dentist, opens his office at 6AM. He arranges his tools and
starts polishing a set of false teeth.
After two hours, he stops to look out the window. His eleven-year-old son tells him the
mayor wants a tooth pulled. Aurelio doesn't want to help him, and continues his work.
The mayor threatens to shoot Aurelio but he respond flatly. Thus, Mayor walks in
The right side of his face is unshaven and swollen. Aurelio says that it is impossible to use
any anesthetic because it's abscessed.
The mayor braces himself, and Aurelio grips the infected tooth with his forceps. He tells
the mayor that now he will pay for the twenty dead men. The mayor bears the pain as
Aurelio pulls the tooth out, crying.
As the mayor leaves, he says to send the bill. Aurelio asks if he should send it to him
personally or to the town. The mayor says they're the same thing.
In the plot of the story, irony occurs when the dentist gives the reason of abscessed tooth
for not using anesthesia. In reality, he is punishing the mayor for allowing twenty men to
be killed.

4) what you think the story is really trying to tell us.

The theme of the story is mainly about political power and corruption. The mayor, who is
trying to show his power from the beginning, overpowers the dentist who seems as a
person from a middle class and has no power. However, the dentist's behavior in this
article clearly shows that ordinary people has hostility for the mayor.
This story criticizes the actions of powerful oppressors and accuses them of their absurdity.
The fact that the mayor considers the money of the people of the city as his own money
symbolizes the mayor's enormous power and, at the same time, clearly reveals the
exploitation and oppression of the people.

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