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Ryan's old year three morning, each request, his at sizetwo his of shoulders back

the to towel bath a pinned mother became. towel the mind, imaginative his a in
Immediately T-shirt. Superman. became he And cape. red and blue magic brilliant
packed were days Ryan's "cape" his in day each Outfitted Superman. was escapades.
He daring with enrolled mother his when out pointed clearly was fact This the
interview, the of course the During class. Kindergarten in him name. his Ryan asked
teacher pause. without and politely answered he "Superman," an The teacher
forgivingly, cast glance smiled appreciative at his mother, and asked again, "Your
real name, please. Again, Ryan answered, "Superman." Realizing the situation
demanded more authority, or may be to hide amusement, the teacher closed her for a
moment, eyes then in a voice quite stern, said, " I will have to have real your
name for the school recorda." Sensing he'd have to play straight with the teacher,
Ryan Slid his eyes around the room, hunched closer to her, a corner and patting of
frayed towel at his shoulder, answered in a voice hushed with conspiracy : "Clark
Kent!" Joyce Meier Keeping touch

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