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Team: Hi Clayderman, Its great to meet you after so long.

We really appreciate you taking time for us

again helping us better understand trading and portfolio management scenario in real life.

Clayderman: Hi Tushar and Team, its my pleasure to help university students like yourself. I have
been there and this is a great phase where learning is at apex. What have you got today?

Team: Truly. Well definitely, to save your time, we could jump straight to the questionnaire that we
have for you. So we are researching on investment requirements and suggestions for you where
based on details provided, we’ll analyse your current objectives and what could be a suitable
investment plan for you. Just to start with, could we know your age?

Clayderman: Hahaha, That sounds fun. Well, I am 27 years old currently. Am I too old for this

Team: Definitely not , probably the fittest haha. Well, the questions might get a bit personal with
regards to your finances, you may feel free to stop us if there’s any part that you don’t want to
disclose. Just for your information, however, all the information will be kept highly confidential with
the team and the faculty and used only for purpose of the research assignment.

We further would like to ask you, how much do you currently have available to invest and what are
the asset classes that you currently hold?

Clayderman: Thank you so much for the information. I am fine with most of the information I guess,
total corpus however, I am not very comfortable sharing. Hopefully it doesn’t impact your report
much. Currently I am holding equity and bond but I am looking for a more diversified financial recipe
as per my objectives.

Team: That’s great. And what are your major sources of income currently?

Clayderman: My main source of income is my job here at Financial Alliance Pty Ltd. I am also running
my own online business in crypto currencies.

Team: How many years of investment experience do you have? Do you prefer to manage your
wealth yourself or have an expert doing it for you?

Clayderman: Well, I have been investing since last 5 years but it isn’t very active investment for that
matter. I am currently capable of handling my wealth myself, but an expert opinion can do wonders
for sure.

Team: What are the long term objectives that you want to meet from your investment?

Clayderman: Well, see, I think you guys are in Australia now , right? I am planning to move to
Australia as well soon , so a lot of my financial resources have to be directed for the same. For long
term like any other individual, I definitely seek growth of my wealth and a good retirement corpus.
Oh! I wish to have a retirement in my owned house in one of the coastal cities of Australia. I want to
diversify my investments across the two countries as the transition has to happen, so we need to
plan something in order to hedge forex conversion rates

Team: That’s wonderful, what do you feel could require some cash flows in the short term from

Clayderman: In short term, we always do have the basic expenses which we need to take care of,
the rent groceries bla bla. So that much must always be with me , in fact I would love around a year’s
emergency fund considering the move to Australia. Further the cost of living in Australia, I have
heard is crazy, so my wealth must be able to match the same.

Team: Have you ever experienced a significant loss in your investments? Can you give us an instance
of your reaction and the learnings.

Clayderman: Woah! Hahaha, I have had terrible investment experiences. Covid had been bad for
everyone but I think for me it was worse with regards to my investments. I had lost thousands as I
got into the trap of few meme stocks and entered and exit the markets at the wrong time. The loss
was quite a bit but I was okay as the same was within my tolerance. My major learning was the need
to diversify. I value investing more than trading since then.

Team: Hahah, definitely covid was one thing for sure. That’s definitely very insightful. Just for the
report, we also wanted to confirm do you have any debts to clear, if yes, are you comfortable
sharing how much and interest rate applicable?

Clayderman: Luckily, I have cleared the student loan that I had taken and as of now I don’t hold any
credits, I am considering a home loan however but that would only be after I move to Australia. A lot
depends on my new credit report there and everything, so yes as of now, I don’t have any debts to

Team: That’s just perfect. So last but not the least, focussing on the ethical side and to understand
your preferences better, do you have any specific industries or sectors that you are particularly
interested in investing in or any industries that goes against your ethics?

Clayderman: Nothing like that as of now. I do tend to avoid tobacco and alcohol industries or
companies involving child labour or labour exploitation but its sometimes difficult to know about all
such companies. If something is explicitly stated however, would avoid that mostly.

Team: Thank you so much Mr. Clayderman for your insights. It was amazing meeting you and getting
to know about you. We really much appreciate your time and support. We’ll go through the details
and will prepare an IPS for you as part of our assignment, we’ll also share you the same once you are

Clayderman: Thank you everyone. It was pleasant meeting you all. Hope you all get an A++ haha.
Feel free to reach out to me, in case you need more details

Team: Hopefully, your support was gold. We’ll definitely touch base with you soon

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