How To Calculate The Score For C1 Advanced

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How to calculate the score for C1 Advanced (CAE)

The C1 Advanced (CAE) has 5 components and each one has a particular number of parts
and items. Read the following information carefully, because while the test is done in 4 parts,
it has 5 components because the Reading and the Use of English are assessed separately:

 Reading: 34 items = 50 points

o Part 1: 8 items (1 item = 1 point)
o Part 5: 6 items (1 item = 2 points)
o Part 6: 4 items (1 item = 2 points)
o Part 7: 6 items (1 item = 2 points)
o Part 8: 10 items (1 item = 1 point)
o Minimum score to pass:  32 points
 Use of English: 22 items = 28 points
o Part 2: 8 items (1 ítem = 1 point)
o Part 3: 8 items (1 ítem = 1 point)
o Part 4: 6 items (1 ítem = up to 2 points)
o Minimum score to pass:  16 points
 Writing: 2 items = 40 points
o Part 1: 1 item = 20 points
o Part 2: 1 item = 20 points
o Minimum score to pass: 24 points
 Listening: 30 items = 30 points (1 item = 1 point)
o Part 1: 6 items
o Part 2: 8 items
o Part 3: 6 items
o Part 4: 10 items
o Minimum score to pass: 18 points
 Speaking: 75 points in total (not divided into items or parts). In this case, the score is
assigned to different competences:
o Grammar: 5 points (up to 5 points, but multiplied by 2)
o Lexis: 5 points (up to 5 points, but multiplied by 2)
o Discourse: 5 points (up to 5 points, but multiplied by 2)
o Pronunciation: 5 points (up to 5 points, but multiplied by 2)
o Interaction: 5 points (up to 5 points, but multiplied by 2)
o Global: 25 points (up to 5 points, but multiplied by 5)
o Minimum score to pass: 45 points

Okay, so now the process to calculate your score. Follow these steps:

1. Add up the points for each part separately. For example: R = 30 points; UoE = 19
points; W = 32 ; L = 25 point; S = 51 points.
2. Work out the percentage for each part. In order to do so, divide the points of each
part by the number of items, and then multiply by 100. Like this:
o Formula: (score/no. items) x 100
o R = 30/50×100 = 60%
UoE = 19/28×100 = 68%
W = 32/40×100 = 80%
L = 25/30×100 = 83%
S = 51/75×100 = 68%
3. Calculate the average percentage:
o Formula: Average % = (R + UoE + W + L + S)/5
o My average percentage = (60 + 68 + 80 + 83 + 68)/5
o My average percentage = 72%
4. Use this calculator to transform the percentage into the Cambridge English
Scale score. If you type 72%, it will transform it into 190 points, which means I would
have passed.

Now, if you want to know if you have a low or high score, here’s the different ranges you can
get depending on your score:

 Nivel B2 (failed): 160 – 179

 Grade C (Pass): 180 – 192
 Grade B (Pass): 193 – 199
 Grade A (Level C2): 200 – 210

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