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A Mexican´s life

Hi, I'm Saul Flores Alvarez, and I'll show you some eating habits that we Mexicans have.

Everyone agrees on one thing, in Mexico chili is indispensable in our gastronomy, for the simple
fact that the spiciness makes any food more delicious.

There are many street foods that for us as Mexicans are completely normal, while to people from
other countries they seem out of the ordinary.

Tamales are a fundamental part of our gastronomy, you will know how important they are if you
know that there is a special day for tamales, February 2nd, Candelaria´s day, where people who
have the "muñequito" in the "rosca", must buy tamales for everyone, and this celebration of the
"rosca de reyes" takes place on January 6th.

A typical Mexican breakfast is the "torta de tamal", which is a tamale inside a "telera" or "bolillo",
which is bread.

There are also "Dorilocos", which are "Doritos" with corn, peanuts, cheese, jelly beans and
everything you can imagine, including vegetables such as cucumber or carrots.

Without a doubt, I invite you to try the gastronomy in Mexico, you will not regret it.

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