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Progress Report re-Found Dead Body

This pertains to a reported found dead body in Brgy Baliwanan, Kabugao, Apayao particulalry at the
Madangli Creek of sitio Li-liganon at around 10:00 AM of April 4, 2023 which was reported at the
Kabugao Municipal Police station at around 4:00 PM of same date by Mrs Leonila Pugyao Y Saweran,
of legal age , Married, Barangay Lupon and a resident of Barangay Baliwanan, Kabugao, Apayao. She
was accompanied by Hon, Jessie Ayabo, of legal age, Barangay Chairman of Baliwanan , Kabugao,
Apayao and Mrs Jane Lea Buggay Y ayabo, of Legal age , Married , Teacher and a resident of same
Barangay. Accordingly the found dead body was identified as Gretchen Agandung Y Dallugues, 12
years old, Female,Resident of Barangay Baliwanan, Kabugao, Grade six Pupil at Baliwanan elementary
School, Kabugao Apayao. She was identified by her mother Mrs _______ after they have found her
dead body at the Madangli Creek sitio Lil-ligan, Baliwanan, Kabugao, Apayao.

Please be informed that after receiving the said report The Officer In Charge PCPT Basali and The Duty
Investigator of this Police Office together with the Municipal Health Officer of Kabugao proceeded at
Baliwanan, Kabugao to conduct further investigation and Post mortem examination on the cadaver
respectively. Results of investigation disclosed that the victim was on her way to attend the 40 days
death anniversary of her relative on March 30, 2023 at around 5:00 PM when she reached the cliff at
the Madangli Creek , sitio Lil-ligan she fell off more or less ten Meters below . Her dead body was
found on April 4, 2023 at around 10:00 AM submerged on the water in a decomposing stage. The
cadaver was already wrapped and dress by her relatives when the investigator and the MHO arrived
at the place however her mother narrates that when they retrieved the cadaver she noticed that her
clothes including her undergarments was intact and her sling bag was still hanged on her shoulder .

Furthermore this Police Office has requested an autopsy examination on the cadaver to further
determined and to clear any doubts surroundings the cause of death of the found cadaver. The
autopsy examination is set on April 11,2023.

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