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Preserved Human Remains

Case Study 1: Otzi the Iceman

1. How was the Iceman ‘discovered’? (By whom, where and when)

The Iceman was discovered by a few hikers on the border of Italy and Austria. As they were hiking up the
mountains, they saw something popping out of the snow, they soon realized that it was a decayed person.
Initially they though it was only a couple of weeks old but using carbon dating scientists and archeologists
soon realized that it was 5300 years old!

2. How old is the body of the Iceman?

The ice man is 5300 years old! It is a great discovery for humankind and changed the course of history.

3. What tests / examination was carried out to determine the date of death?

The date of the death was discovered by looking at his clothing and the equipment as it was preserved in the
dry and chilly weather in the mountains. Archaeologists also used a method called carbon dating which
helped them figure out how old the body was, leading to the date of death.

4. What are “preserved” human remains?

The definition of preserved human remains is something frozen in time, showing how they were when they
died. Preserved human remains are when a body still has skin or other forms of covering still left on its body
through a specific condition, where it is cold and dry, or hot and dry where doesn’t decay. This makes it
much easier for research and to find things that you usually won’t find in skeletal remains.

5. Briefly explain the conditions that allowed the Iceman to become “preserved”. (Hint: what was present, and
what wasn’t present?)

The man did not decay as the climate is very cool and dry. This means that there were no bacteria. The
mountains acted like a refrigerator as it was cold and dry making it hard for bacteria to grow and completely
biodegrade the person.

6. Create a chart that lists and describes.

a. The equipment the Iceman had

 Longbow - This longbow shows signs of craftmanship and was almost finished until Otzi died.
 Quiver – Otzi carried a quiver which was created from deer hide to carry his arrows.
 Flint dagger - This flint dagger was made from wood and preserved in the ice (deathly sharp).
 Retoucheur - Otzi used this to sharpen his flint dagger and its one of a kind in the world.
 Birch-bark containers - Container made of bark and are still used today (light and robust).
 Wooden Backpack – Two wooden rods were the only parts left of the backpack (leather).
 Stone disc – A talisman that was today identified as a bird. (They used the hook to hang them).
 Birch fungus – This was used for medical purposes and were threaded into hide strips.

b. The clothing the Iceman had

 Hide coat – This was made from goat and sheep hide (also looked very dirty).
 Grass cape or mat – This is a debatable item as we think it’s a mat but might be a cape.
 Legging – They were made from goat and sheep hide. (Legging had been repaired).
 Underwear – Otzi wore this made from leather and fastened it with a belt.
 Belt with sew on pouch – This was made from calfskin and was two meters long.
 Shoes – The only part that was found was the string netting (grass in shoe to insulate).
 Bearskin cap – It was made from bearskin and had a strap to prevent from falling.

Equipment Description Purpose

The copper axe head was bound to a This could have been used as a tool
Copper axe wooden handle with long strips of leather. and/or a weapon.
This would have been a very rare and
valuable item because …
Flint dagger

7. If you were the archaeologist in charge of this discovery.

a. What questions would you want answers to?
b. What tests / examinations would you conduct?

Questions Tests / examinations Reasons
How long ago did Iceman die? Carbon 14 dating To determine the age in which
he lived.
A forensic examination of the
How old was Iceman when he fissures in his skull would be a
died? X-Rays of the skull good way of determining his
age at death.

8. Using ONLY the body and artefacts found, and your conclusions from question 7, provide a theory of how
the Iceman died. (Resist the urge to look up the theories of ‘experts’ online. Form your own theories first.

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