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Sanders: Technology Use and Support Survey 1

Technology Use and Support Survey

Jacqueline Nichole Sanders

College of Education, University of South Carolina

EDET 746

Stephen Rodriguez, Ph.D.

October 5, 2022

On my honor as a University of South Carolina student, I have completed my

work according to the principle of Academic Integrity. I have neither given nor received
any unauthorized aid on this assignment.
Sanders: Technology Use and Support Survey 2

Technology Use and Support Survey

The technology use and support survey was administered to eleven teachers and
support staff at Banks Trail Middle School. The survey collected data on the overall
technology use and support of technology at Banks Trail Middle School. Listed below
are the compiled data.

Question 1: The school provides adequate access to technological tools for learning.
Strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1).

Question 2: Which best describes you? (Answer options are listed below to the right on
the pie chart).
Sanders: Technology Use and Support Survey 3

Questions 3: Rate the level of support for the use of technology the school provides.
Strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1).

Question 4: Rate the use of technology by personnel in your workplace. Strong use of
technology (5) to no technology use (1).
Sanders: Technology Use and Support Survey 4

Question 5: Rate the use of technology by students in your lessons. Strong use of
technology (5) to no technology use (1).

Question 6: How can we improve the use of technology in school?

● PE tech is difficult to integrate
● If we had an in-house technology integration specialist versus just one at the
district level assigned to our school.
● I feel our tech use is pretty proficient
● I am currently happy with the way technology is used
● Give each teacher Chromebooks
● Students being able to take Chromebooks home
● I think is good, but the internet could be better.
● 1:1
Sanders: Technology Use and Support Survey 5

● By providing instruction and PD to teachers to use the technology as a learning

tool and not as just something flashy to do, it would be good if districts had a
system of vetting programs and apps and how to use them/for what content area.
It would also be a good idea to use the latest technology and implement that into
the learning management systems used by the district.
● I think the Tech Dept. for Fort Mill Schools does an excellent job meeting
teachers’ need.
● Devices available for all teacher's classrooms (not just homerooms). Access to
devices other than Chromebooks.

Question 7: How would you rate your proficiency in technology? (Answer options are
listed below to the right on the pie chart).

Question 8: List one challenge you have faced with the use of technology in the
● Breaking tech equipment (accidentally)
● Time-consuming to teach how to use it (sometimes)
● When we lose the internet
● The ipads are an older generation, and it takes the district a long time to update
them for me
● Websites blocked, internet goes out.
● Lack of recording functionality to record the band.
Sanders: Technology Use and Support Survey 6

● Problems with connection

● Student editing podcasts and recorded videos on their technology devices.
● Having to have what I use approved by people who know less about tech
programs than I do.
● Getting documents from a peer once they leave the district.
● Access on Chromebooks

Question 9: Which tech tools do you use most frequently in your job?

Question 10: Which tech tools could the district use to increase tech use?
● PE tech is difficult to integrate
● Not sure
● Google apps allowed to be added
● Chrome cast
● Using products from RealCare that offer simulations!
● Built-in recording for band rooms.
● N/A in my subject
● ipads
● Better personal devices for the students
● For me personally, I like the idea of having technology that correlates with
Fitness. Something as simple as an exercise bike, rowing machine, or more
complex like a Peloton.
Sanders: Technology Use and Support Survey 7

● Apple Technology

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