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UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Get to Know All the Basics!

Tes Evaluasi Level 0 - Part 1
Doc Name:001240 Tes Evaluasi Level 0 - Part 1 Version:202212120857

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tonton dulu nih materi konsepnya yang sesuai topik
soal2 di sini. Kode
materinya 001241.

No. 1
Marissa: “Ms. Linda is on maternity leave starting from next week.”
Kia: “Oh my god, does that mean her classes will be independent study?”

Marissa: “I don’t think so. I heard the teachers talking about a … teacher coming soon.”

Which adjective is not suitable to fill in the blank?

A. new
B. Japanese
C. female
D. substitute
E. ancient

No. 2
Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of the word.
My friend texted the customer service for MCalls but they didn’t reply to her quickly and were …. All they did was give her
basic template replies with … she already knew.

A. responsive; information
B. responsible; inform
C. unresponsive; inform
D. unresponsive; information
E. responsible; informant

No. 3
Some ads use conversational slang and terms, undoubtedly to evoke a sense of youth — a time-hallowed positioning
method that immediately makes the target demographic feel like a brand identifies with them.

The bolded word ‘them’ refers to ….

A. some ads
B. youth
C. a certain brand
D. some young people
E. the target demographic

Halaman 1 Link pembahasan soal @zeniuseducation
UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Get to Know All the Basics!
Tes Evaluasi Level 0 - Part 1
Doc Name:001240 Tes Evaluasi Level 0 - Part 1 Version:202212120857

No. 4
Which statements refer to the action/event in the past?

1. We haven’t eaten dinner together for a while.

2. They were singing along in the car.
3. They had been thinking about moving out.
4. She brought her self-made lunchbox.

A. (1) and (2)

B. (1), (2), and (3)
C. (2) and (3)
D. (2), (3), and (4)
E. (3) and (4)

No. 5
Egypt has one of the largest and most complex pantheons of gods of any civilization in the ancient world. Over the course
of Egyptian history hundreds of gods and goddesses were worshipped. The characteristics of individual gods could be hard
to pin down.

The underlined sentence should be replaced with ….

A. Egypt have one of the largest and most complex

B. Egypt will have one of the largest and most complex
C. Egypt had one of the largest and most complex
D. Egypt is having one of the largest and most complex
E. Egypt has had one of the largest and most complex

No. 6
Marissa was so fascinated when we brought her to the zoo. She saw a lot of animals at the facility. I think her favorite
animal was the lemur. She couldn’t stop staring at it! She said …. I also think the same, its tail was quite fascinating.
Fill in the blank to continue the statement. 

A. the lemur’s long, black and white tail was really cute
B. she was interested in its bright eyes
C. the lemur sitting on the tree is very silent
D. the lemur’s tail was dirty, odd and untaken care of 
E. the lemur’s tail is different from what she’s seen

No. 7
Cassowaries are curious, and they do attack from time to time, but attacks on humans are … rare. Even when it happens,
those attacks that do occur overwhelmingly involve soliciting food … people. One of the most recent incidents came in
2012, when a tourist in Queensland, Australia, was kicked by a cassowary off a ledge and into a body of water … remained

Fill in the blank with the appropriate choice.

A. relatively; by; but

B. relatively; from; but
C. quite; from; although
D. quite; to; although
E. extremely; from; but

Halaman 2 Link pembahasan soal @zeniuseducation
UTBK - Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Get to Know All the Basics!
Tes Evaluasi Level 0 - Part 1
Doc Name:001240 Tes Evaluasi Level 0 - Part 1 Version:202212120857

No. 8
Lisa : Did you see the look on Kate’s face? She seemed sad.
Matt : It’s not a surprise. I heard she failed her exams.
Lisa : Oh that’s such a shame. I don’t really care for exams, but I know Kate does. She must be devastated. 
From the text above, we can infer that ….

A. Kate appeared sad after Lisa saw her

B. Kate is devastated due to Lisa gossiping about her
C. Kate did not fail her exams and appeared fine
D. Kate does not care much for her exams
E. Kate is sad because she failed her exams

No. 9
Cheetah, (Acinonyx jubatus), one of the world’s most-famous cats, known especially for its speed. Cheetahs’ sprints have
been measured at a maximum of 114 km (71 miles) per hour, and they routinely reach velocities of 80–100 km per hour
while pursuing prey.

The underlined word can also be replaced with ….

A. knowledgeable 
B. impressive
C. recognized 
D. despised
E. being chased

No. 10
The cheetah has lived in association with humans … at least 3000 BCE, when the Sumerians depicted a leashed cheetah
with a hood on its head on an official seal. During this period … Egypt, the cheetah was revered as a symbol … royalty in the
form of the cat goddess Mafdet.

Fill in the blank with the appropriate prepositions.

A. for; on; of
B. since; on; of
C. since; in; to
D. since; in; of
E. for; in; to

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