English Test Part 2 - Filab

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Puntaje: FILA
Depto: Inglés
Docente: Daniela Vergara Muñoz B
English Test – Part 2 FILA: Tiempo:
Nombre Estudiante:
Curso: Fecha: B 45 MIN
Aprendizajes OA 9 Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explícita en textos adaptados y auténticos Prema Pje ideal
Esperados / Objetivo simples.
de aprendizaje: 60% 29
OA 14 Expresar ideas por medio de textos simples, describiendo acciones de manera coherente y clara.
Habilidad(es): Reading – Writing
Instrucciones Lee atentamente las instrucciones de cada Ítem y responda CON LAPIZ PASTA cuando esté seguro/a. NO SE PERMITE EL USO DE CORRECTOR.
Generales :

Item I: Reading Comprehension.

Instruction: Answer true, false or doesn’t say - 5pts

1.Ana’s home is in Australia.

a)Right b) wrong c) doesn’t say
2.She hopes she will become an
Olympic swimmer.
a)Right b) wrong c) doesn’t say

3.Ana has met people from

different countries at swimming
a)Right b) wrong c) doesn’t say

4.Ana has won a lot of swimming

a)Right b) wrong c) doesn’t say

5.She likes doing the same things

as other teenagers.
a)Right b) wrong c) doesn’t say

Item II: English in Use:

1) Read the following text and complete the missing part with the correct question: - 6pts

Julian : Good morning, everyone. I’m Julian and I am from Brazil.

I usually come here to Texas every summer.
Dany: Hello!. I am Dany and I am from Colombia.
Julian : Amazing!! And tell me, _____________________________________?
Dany: I am 15 years old, and this is my first time here in Texas.
Julian: You are young, don’t worry. You will have great time here in the summer camp.
Look! The General Counselor is coming.
Dany: Hello!
Nick: Hey, thanks for asking, my name is Nick. Welcome to the summer camp.
I’m the General Counselor. Let me tell you that we generally start the day with a music activity.
Julian: My favorite instruments are guitar and drums.
What about you, Dany?
Dany : I love playing the guitar too!
Nick: Perfect! You are going to enjoy the classes!
Julian: Yes, I have a musical band in Colombia. The music is my passion!
Nick: That is good news. In the summer camp, we have more activities for the students.
Julian: No, I don’t practice any sport, but I would like to learn how to play volleyball.

Read these questions and select the correct alternative for each one. – 6pts.

1) What time do you usually wake up? 4) What is your favorite kind of movie?
a) I don’t like to wake up early. a) I love watching The last of us in my free time.
b) I usually wake up around 6 am b) I love romance movie! My favorite movie is Titanic
c) She doesn’t sleep after 10 am c) My dad always watches to horror movies, but I
Ana usually wakes up at 7 o’clock don’t like it.
d) Bruno Mars has the best songs in the world!
2) Where does Lucas study?
a) I would like to study in Viña del mar 5) What is your father’s name?
b) Rocio studied in IPchile last year. a) The name of my father is Vicente.
c) He studies in AIEP, Rancagua b) Vicente is the name of my brother
d) I study in Inacap, Temuco. c) My mother’s name is Rocio.
d) The father’s name of my friend is Daniel

3) How do you get to school?

6) Where do you live?
a) I get to school by taxi.
a) I am working in an important company in Santiago.
b) She gets to school by car.
b) My mother lived in Talca for 3 years.
c) I don’t go to the school.
c) I live in Santiago.
d) Walking is the best way to go to the gym.
d) I used to live in Buenos Aires when I was in the high

Item III: Writing

Answer the following questions giving your own ideas. Please give complete answers. - 12 pts

1) What is your name? 7) What season do you like?

2) Where do you study? 8) Do you like Pedro Pascal?

3) What do you do on weekends? 9) What kind of movie do you like?

4) What do you do in your free time? Mention 2

activities. 10) What did you eat yesterday?

5) When is your birthday? 11) What was the last movie you went to see at the

6) What is your favorite food?

12) Have you ever been in Coya?


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