Subordinated Clauses or Linking Words

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Subordinated Clauses
Clauses or
Linking Words
Part 2 01
There are 6
types of
linking words
Linking Clauses Clauses of Time

Clauses of Reason

Clauses o Result

Clauses of Purpose

Clauses of Concession

Clauses of Manner
Clauses of Purpose
They are introduced by:
in order to / so as to /
so that + can/will/could/would
with a view to / with the aim at + ING
for + noun/inf form
in case + present simple (present/future reference)
in case + past simple (past reference)
Clauses of Purpose

Subordinated Clauses
Let's see some examples:
I'll leave home early to get to work on time.
She's studying so as to qualify as a lawyer.
He works hard so that he will have better career prospects.
He gave me directions so that I could find his house easily.
He did a Master's degree with the aim of applying for a
managerial post when he had finished.
This is a knife for cutting bread.
I'll write it down in case I forget it.
He took an umbrella in case it rained.
Negative Purpose is normally
expressed with:

so as not to / in order not to + inf.

so that + can't/won't /couldn't/wouldn't
for fear of sth/doing sth.
for fear/lest + might/should
prevent + noun/pronoun + (from) + ING
avoid + ING
Clauses of Purpose

Subordinated Clauses
Let's see some examples:
She studied hard so as not to/in order not to fail the test.
Tie up the dog so that it won't get out of the garden.
She locked the door so that burglars couldn't get in.
He didn't say where he was going for fear he might be followed.
He gave them all his money for fear of being shot.
She put on her raincoat to prevent herself (from) getting soaked.
He took a taxi to work to avoid being late.
Clauses of Result

LEST - conjuction (formal)

with the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid
the risk of.
"he spent whole days in his room, wearing headphones lest he
disturbs anyone"
(after a clause indicating fear) because of the possibility of
something undesirable happening; in case.
"she sat up late worrying lest he be murdered on the way home"
Clauses of Concession
although/even though/though + clause
despite/in spite of + noun/ING
despite/in spite of + the fact that-clause
while/whereas/but/on the other hand/yet +clause
nevertheless/however + clause
however/no matter how +adj./adv. + subject
adj./adv. + though + subject + verb (may)
adj./adv. + as + subject + verb
Clauses of Concession

Subordinated Clauses
Let's see some examples:
Although it was expensive, they bought it.
Despite his wealth/being rich, he never lends money.
In spite of the fact that he's rich, he never lends money.
She swam fast, yet she finished third.
She is bright; however, she is rather lazy.
However clever you are, you won't solve the puzzle.
However fast he runs, he won't catch the robbers.
Whatever you do, you won't succeed.
Loudly though he knocked on the door, nobody heard.
Exhausted as he was, she went to the party.

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