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Gerizim Christian School

Reading Test
I Quarter, 2023
Name: ______________________ Date: _________________
I. Instructions: Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition. Write the
corresponding letter clearly in the space given. (1% e/o = 5%)
1. Siblings ____ A) a good characteristic of your character as a person.

2. Scarce ____ B) to hurt or ruin something.

3. Damage ____ C) when there is almost nothing of an item.

4. Virtue ____ D) to have a brother and sister or more than one.

5. Trade____ E) to give an object in return for another object.

II. True or False: read the following statements and write the word TRUE if the
statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is false. 5% (1% e/o = 5%)
1. John wanted to trade his iron kettle for some food. ___

2. Jelani told his children that they could help other people until they finished school. ___

3. People from the 1st village asked Jelani for his help with the mudslide. ___

4. Katherine Stinson wanted to be a soccer teacher. ___

5. Katherine Stinson was the first person to fly at night. ___

III. Complete the following sentences with the vocabulary word that best fits the
sentence. Read carefully, choose your words from the word box. (1% e/o = 5%)

Cooperate Peeked Shared Supplies Tradition Skywrite

1. I was hungry so my sister ________ her sandwich with me.

2. In my family we have a ________ of eating cake for our birthday’s.
3. Stunt pilots _______ as part of their performance.

4. My dad needs ________ to build the doghouse.

5. I we _____ with the classroom jobs everything is easier.

IV. Multiple choice: Read the statements and circle the best vocabulary word. (1%
e/o = 5%)
1. Many of our men have learned how to ________ with wood.

a) Destroyed b) stitched c) virtue d) construct.

2. He ______ sticks and dry wood and then built a blazing fire all around his pot.

a) Traded b) peeked c) shared d) gathered.

3. A _____ needs to train for many hours to learn how to fly.

a) Mechanic b) tradition c) pilot d) cottage

4. The stone soup _____, more and more people added ingredients to the soup.

a) Simmered b) lined up c) floated d) aroma

5. Today the Stinson Family ______ is alive in San Antonio, Texas.

a) Air shows b) tuberculosis c) Municipal d) tradition

V. Short Answer: Read the questions carefully and answer them with your own
words at the best of your capacity. Be sure to write complete sentences! 10%
(2% e/o = 10%)
1. What is the Plot of The Three Gifts?





2. What people came to help Jelani and Kofi with the mudslide? Why?





3. Why did John decided to make Stone Soup?





4. Why do you think John gave the rock to the little girl?





5. How can you help others by doing what you love?




Gerizim Christian School
Spelling Test
I Quarter, 2023
Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

I. Dictation: Please listen carefully to the words assigned by the teacher. The word will be

repeated 3 times, please listen in silence. (1% e/o = 10%)

1. ____________________ 6. ____________________

2. ____________________ 7. ____________________

3. ____________________ 8. ____________________

4. ____________________ 9. ____________________

5. ____________________ 10. ____________________

II. Instructions: Unscramble the words into their correct spelling. (1% e/o = 5%)

1. Stletek __________ 3. Oungel __________

2. Angche ___________ 4. Ckaejts __________ 5. Ttachead __________

III. Fill in the blanks: Read the following sentences and fill the blanks with the correct

vocabulary word from the word bank. (1% e/o = 5%)

Quality Thick Knees Reach Coaches

passengers Agency Queen Check Attached

1. The Math book is very ________ it has like 300 pages!

2. I ask my big brother to ________ for the cereal on top of the fridge.

3. The bus _____________ have to pay Lps.15 for the trip.

4. The __________ of England died this year.

5. I will wait for Ms. Keiver to ________ my test before I ask my grade.
IV. Instructions: Read the clues provided and write the vocabulary word that matches the clue.

(1% e/o = 5%)

Gerizim Christian School
Science Test 5th Grade
I Quarter, 2023
Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

I. Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the information requested. (0.5% each line = 5%)

1. Name the 7 functions of life: 

___________________ - Respiration - ___________________ -

Growth –_________________ Excretion- _____________________

2. What jobs do cells have? 

Transport materials ______________________ – Make Proteins _____________________ –


3. What are the 5 levels of organization? 

– ___________________, Tissue, organs, __________________and


4. What are the 2 main types of organisms based on the structure of their cells?
_________________________________ and ________________________________

II. Short Answer: Read the following questions and answer at the best of your capacity (2.5% e/o = 5%)

1. What are Cells? 


2. What does catabolic mean? 

Instructions: Identify and Color the Organelles of each Cell. ( 10% each Cell 1% each Organelle)
Gerizim Christian School
Science Test 4th Grade
I Quarter, 2023
Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

I. Fill in the blanks: Read the question and fill out the blanks with the information required. ( 1% each line
= %10)

1. What substances do you need for photosynthesis? 

Water, _______________________, carbon dioxide _______________________and
2. Name the 6 major classes of nutrients? 
____________________, ______________________, carbohydrates, fats,
________________________, and_______________________.
3. What are the 3 diets that animals can have?
__________________, __________________, __________________.

II. Identify: Look at the picture and identify the parts of the flower. Use the words from the
word bank. (2% each line = %10)

Stamen Pistil Ovary Sepals Petals

III. Identify: Look at the picture and identify the parts of the process of Photosynthesis.
Use the words from the word bank. (1% each line = %10)
Gerizim Christian School
Grammar Test 5th Grade
I Quarter, 2023
Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

I. Instructions: Write a complete sentence with more than 6 words using the rule and the verb given.
Use Will and Be (am, is, are) going to to talk about plans, predictions or guesses. (2% e/o =10%)
Plan (Work):
Prediction/ Guess (Be):
Future Fact (Teach):

Decision/ Promise/ Offer (Video Call):


Preconceived Plan (Travel):


II. Write the correct Past Tense for the following verbs. (0.5% each = 10%)

1. Go ____________________ 12. Forget ____________________

2. Sing ____________________ 13. Drink ____________________

3. Learn ____________________ 14. Become ____________________

4. Think ____________________ 15. Make ____________________

5. Teach ____________________ 16. Find ____________________

6. Pay ____________________ 17. Eat ____________________

7. Read ____________________ 18. Break ____________________

8. Jump ____________________ 19. Give ____________________

9. Work ____________________ 20. Is ____________________

10. Catch____________________

11. Fly ____________________

III. Fill in the blank with the verb in its Past Tense that best fits in the sentence. (1% each = 5%)

1. My grandmother (cook) ___________ lasagna for my last birthday.

2. I (read) ___________ a book for my Reading class last year.

3. My mom (cry) ___________ on her wedding day, she felt so happy!

4. I (clap) ___________ at the end of the presentation.

5. She (scream) ___________ every time she rode on the roller coaster.

IV. Read the following paragraph and identify the verbs in Past Tense that are written in correctly.

Circle the incorrect verb and write on the line the Past Tense Verb with the correct Spelling. (0.5%

each = 5%)

Last weekend I went to a park to play Landa with my school friends. I had to wake up early and

brushied my teeth before I left my house. I had breakfast with my family, we ait waffles with syrup. I

noticed that it was late so I hurried up and got my things ready to go. I thougt that would be late but I

arrived on time to play with my friends! We plaiyed landa and Soccer until 2pm. We win the match

and we yelled with each point.

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________

Gerizim Christian School

Writing Test 5th Grade
I Quarter, 2023
Name: _________________________ Date: _________________
I. Write a paragraph about your favorite memory with your mom or grandma. This paragraph must

be 7 sentences long, at least. Use your memory and the verbs we studied in our Grammar class.

Make your idea organizer. (5%) You will make 1st draft which will be corrected, and the 2nd draft

will be evaluated. Please read your 2nd and final draft CAREFULLY.


My favorite memory:



















Gerizim Christian School

Phonics Test 5th Grade
I Quarter, 2023
Name: _________________________ Date: _________________
I. Place each word in the right column according to the pronunciation of each word. (1% e/o


Watch Chorus Purchase Check Character Anchor America Change Cone Chest

C As the sound of /k/ Ch As the sound of /Sh/

II. Read each word. Write G on the line if the word has the hard sound of g. Write J on the line if the

word has the soft sound of g. (1% e/o =10%)

III. Gymnast ____ VIII. Age ____

IV. Gazebo ____ IX. Guest ____

V. Arrangement____ X. Galloping____

VI. Rage ____ XI. Gym ____

VII. Region ____ XII. Sponge ___

II. Instructions: Read each clue and write down the word that best fits the definition. Choose a word

from the word box. (1% e/o =10%)

Quart changed Eager gymnast quake Knack look Sponge black Kinds knight gate Knees

blacksmith character attached check bargain unique Quality pockets August

Crossword Puzzle

Across Down
3. a metric used to measure water. 1. a profession where a person works welding
4. to feel excited or anxious for something that is metal.
about to happen soon. 2. when you try to change an offer with an offer of
6. the characteristic of being good at doing your own.
    3. how good something is, based on brand or
7. a sea animal that is used as a tool for cleaning. materials.
8. when there is more than one type thing. 5. the eighth month of the year.
9. usually, a metal door that limits the entrance to a

Gerizim Christian School

Social Studies Test 5th Grade
I Quarter, 2023

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________

I. Multiple choice: Read the statements and circle the best vocabulary word. (1% e/o =


1. A ________ is a narrow body of water.

a) Land b) Mound c) Strait d) tradition

2. ________ is a set of beliefs and way of life that is special to a certain group.
a) Tradition b) story c) Shaman d) Culture

3. ________ are groups of people who developed religions and systems for learning and

passing on knowledge to the next generation.

a) Hunter – gatherers b) Civilizations c) Mayas d) Culture

4. ________ is a system for bringing water to dry fields.

a) Agriculture b) Irrigation c) Strait d) River

5. __________are people who do not settle in one place, they move constantly in search of
a) Bison b) Mayas c) Nomads d) Hunter - gatherers

II. Write the letter of the correct vocabulary word on the line with its corresponding definition. (1%

e/o = 5%)

A) Hunter – Gatherers _____ It is to learn or change to survive the conditions they face.

B) Government _____ It’s a system by which a group makes, shares, and uses the good they must

C) Ancestor thrive.

_____ It is a relative who lived in the past.

D) Economy
_____ The system by which nations and other groups make laws and decisions to
E) Adapt
help guide the group.

_____ the people who hunt animals for food and look for plants to eat.
I. Fill in the Chart: Write in each column the job of each family member in your home. Write at

least 4 different activities for Women and Men and 2 for the Children. Grammar and Spelling

will be evaluated. (1% e/o = 10%)

For example: My mom goes to the market, gives food to the dogs, makes dinner… My dad

sweeps and washes the dishes….

1. Job of my family members.

Women  Men Children 

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