Guidelines For Video Educational Presentation Assignment 1

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Video Educational Presentation on a topic related to trauma.

SW 5016
ASSIGNMENT #1: Educational Presentation

Educational presentation: Trauma resources and interventions. (40 points) This assignment
includes reading a book chapter, workbook item or journal article related to trauma treatment,
summarizing it and presenting one technique from it (which should be interactional in nature,
i.e. demonstration of the technique, example role play of demonstration of the technique, etc).
Your recorded video presentation should be at least 15 minutes but no longer than 20 minutes.
You will need to confirm the chapter or article title by March 26, 2023 (end of Week 2).  Please
email the instructor to confirm the chapter or article.

Presentation of one technique from the book chapter, workbook item or article. This will
include your PowerPoint video presentation (summary of the chapter and demonstration of
one technique from the chapter) and a one-page infographic handout- 30 points

Post at least two questions and also two comments on any of your peer’s video presentations
posted in Moodle. Think critically and utilize the concepts learned and materials used in class
for your posts. Your questions and comments must not be on one video presentation, it must
be spread out amongst various presentations. You can post one question and one comment on
one video presentation. Your grade depends on the quality and content of your question and
comment—10 points

Guidelines for Designing Your Educational Presentation: The purpose of this assignment is to
develop and share a small bit of treatment information related to trauma. This can be a brief
technique, information about treating a particular population, or some other aspect of
treatment or assessment that is relevant.

Your presentation will consist of a 5-6 slide PowerPoint, and a one page handout detailing
the technique or pertinent treatment information.

In preparing for your presentation:

1. Pick a topic that is of interest to you and relates to some aspect of this course. All topics
must be collaboratively discussed and agreed to by the learner and course instructor.

2. Decide upon the concept, issue or idea that you wish to present. Plan to present a small
amount of information in a way that is clear, simple and interesting. If you don’t have
ideas yet, browse the assigned readings in this course and look at the CSU Stanislaus
library for chapters or journal articles. There is also a list of articles related to diversity,
culture and trauma interventions linked to Week 3 that is a good place to look for ideas.

3. Develop no more than 2 learning objectives for your presentation. Your objectives must
Video Educational Presentation on a topic related to trauma.
SW 5016
be included in your PowerPoint presentation. These are things you want participants to
walk away with at the end of your presentation.

4. Develop your PowerPoint and your handout. When working on your handout, think of
an infographic which presents details about your technique in a simple and concise way.
Use graphics and words/phrases.

5. When delivering your presentation, please ensure that you:

- give clear instructions to learners

- adopt an effective and clear delivery style

- manage the content in the allotted time

- points will be deducted if you go over the allotted time frame of 20 minutes: (0-5
minutes over 5 point deduction, 6 – 10 minutes over 10 point deduction, etc.)

6. Submit your video presentation via Moodle in the assignment submission tab. Once the
instructor posts everyone’s video presentation in Moodle, you will have 24 hours to post your
questions and comments on your peers’ video presentations. The instructor will send out an
email to notify everyone when the video presentations are available to view and ready for your
posts and comments.

Presentation Rubric (please see below for the detailed rubric)

♦ Overall knowledge base of instructor on the topic

♦ Clarity of instruction

♦ Presentation meets learning objectives

♦ Flow of presentation (Logical progression, pace of instruction, timing)

♦ Variety of teaching styles used in lesson to reach a range of learners

The presentation and written materials are due the end of Week 6- April 16, 2023


Presentation Rubric (please see the detailed rubric)

♦ Overall knowledge base of instructor on the topic
Video Educational Presentation on a topic related to trauma.
SW 5016
♦ Clarity of instruction
♦ Presentation meets learning objectives
♦ Flow of presentation (Logical progression, pace of instruction, timing)
♦ Variety of teaching styles used in lesson to reach a range of learners

Objective Advanced: Competent: Basic: Below basic:

30 points 20 points 10 points 0 points
Demonstrates Understands Understands Basic Minimal
knowledge of the topic, can give topic and can understanding of understanding of
topic examples & give examples topic topic
connect them to
Clarity of States why States why Connects content Does not address
instruction content is content is to learning importance of
important, and important, and objectives content, or
connects it to connects it to connect it to
learning learning learning
objectives & to objectives objectives or
practice practice
Lesson meets Has one or more Has at least one, Has one learning Does not have
learning learning clear learning objective, but any learning
objectives objectives that objective that is objective is objectives
are articulated at articulated at the unclear
the beginning beginning
and achieved at
the end
Video Educational Presentation on a topic related to trauma.
SW 5016

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