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Worksheet Unit_1

Unidad Curricular Virtual Class

Introducción a los Estudios Interculturales 1

(Primer año TN)
UNIT 1: Culture, Identity, Language and the Teacher´s Role
Different Approaches to Culture

Now we are going to watch Professor Galina Elizarova who is going to speak about basic approaches to the concept of
culture. She provides three different approaches to understand it.

TASK 7 – Scan the QR code and watch the video. Then, take note of the three definitions the professor provides
about culture.

Approach # 1 Approach # 2 Approach # 3

TASK 8 – The professor provides some examples about culture in a Russian society. What is she trying to
demonstrate? What, in her opinion, in an example culturally-bound?

TASK 9 – What other examples of culturally-bound beliefs you may find in your culture.

TASK 10 – The professor introduces the concept of cultural value. What does she mean? She speaks of forms,
propositions and beliefs. May you explain what she means?

TASK 11 – If you had to explain characteristic aspects of your culture to a foreigner, which ones would you pick? In
groups, discuss possible options.
Do all the tasks. We are going to discuss them in our next class.

See you!

Tutor Diego

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