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World history chapter 13 quiz 1

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Who had a monopoly on the trade routes leading to the Orient? The Italians.
What traveler to Far East contributed to the Age of Exploration
with his tales of the strange customs and great wealth of the Marco Polo.
Which if the following problems did Not lead to the search for new
Mediterranean Pirates.
trade routes to the Far East?
Which of the following was Not a motive for exploration? Need sell excess products.
Motives for exploration? Need for new trade routes, Desire for gold, Desire for fame
The Astrolabe, quadrant, and cross-staff helped a sailor deter-
Ship's distance from the Equator.
mine the?
The caravel was superior to ships built before 1400 because it? Had Triangular and Square sails.
The principal goal of Prince Henry the Navigator was? The Circumnavigation of Africa.
The first man to round the southern tip of Africa was? Dias.
Whose expedition around the Cape of Good Hope to India gave
vasco da Gama.
Portugal a Lucrative spice with India?
Columbus's three ships Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
Which of the following ships was not used by Columbus on his first
Which country was the first to explore the New World? Spain.
The line Demarcation divided the world between which two coun-
Portugal and Spain.
Which North American Indians built huge mounds for their dead? Southwest.
Who was the first man to circumnavigate the world? Magellan.
What Italian journeyed four years to get to China? Marco Polo.
Which country claimed Brazil? Portugal.
What term describes a country's hold on a particular item or trade
What term is used to indicate the distance an object is from the
What fast vessel of the fifteenth century aided ocean travel? Caravel.
The line running North and South down the middle of the Atlantic
Ocean, dividing the world between Spain and Portugal, was called Line of Demarcation.
What it the predominant language in Brazil today? Portuguese.
What term describes a voyage around the earth? Circumnavigate or Circumnavigation.
Who was the first explorer to round the Cape of Good Hope? Bartolomew Dias.
Who discovered the West Indies (Caribbean Sea)? Christopher Columbus.
Which country claimed Mexico? Spain.


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