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Smallpox scarred this

child for life in 1915.

© 2013 Scientific American

Sonia Shah is a science journalist and author of The Fever:
How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years. She is
currently writing a new book on emerging diseases.


POXVIRUSES Smallpox may be gone, but its viral cousins—

monkeypox and cowpox—are staging a comeback
By Sonia Shah


do little more than pray to the gods for succor. Later known as variola,
the virus that caused the disease first attacked the linings of the nose or
throat, spreading throughout the body until a characteristic rash fol-
lowed by virus-filled blisters developed on the skin. Over the course of
recorded history, the “speckled monster” killed up to a third of the peo-
ple it infected. During the 20th century alone, it felled more than 300
million men, women and children.


When smallpox was eradicated 35 years ago, people lost immunity not only to smallpox but also to other The number of cases of monkeypox and cowpox has
stopped getting vaccinated against it. poxviruses that were formerly held in check by the started to climb, raising the possibility of a new global
In the intervening years the general population has smallpox vaccine. scourge spreading in smallpox’s place.

March 2013, 67

© 2013 Scientific American
By the late 1970s, however, the deadly they could devastate large parts of the monkeypox in the Western Hemisphere.
scourge had been eliminated from the globe. That grim possibility drives a small The outbreak, which occurred in six states
face of the earth thanks to mass vaccina- band of virologists to learn more about in the U.S., led to the hospitalization of 19
tion campaigns that protected millions these—or any other—potential pox plagues people, including a child who suffered en-
and left them with a small scar on their in the making, so as to sound the alarm if cephalitis and a woman who was blinded,
upper arm. With nowhere to hide in the they show signs of developing into more necessitating a corneal transplant. Inves-
natural world—humans are the virus’s threatening forms. tigators traced the infection to rodents im-
only host—variola was beaten into extinc- ported from Ghana that passed the virus
tion. Today the only known viral samples VARYING SEVERITY to pet prairie dogs, which in turn infected
are locked in two specialized government THE HISTORY AND BIOLOGY of poxviruses of- their owners. Such intermediary animals
laboratories, one in the U.S. and the other fer some clues as to what to expect from allow a virus that normally lives in ani-
in Russia. Absent a catastrophic lab acci- smallpox’s kin in the future. Historically, mals with little human contact to reach
dent, deliberate release or the genetic re- 60 percent of the pathogens that plague potentially large numbers of people.
engineering of the virus, smallpox will humankind, including the orthopoxvirus- Subtle genetic differences may help ex-
never again spread death and misery es, have originated in the bodies of other plain the shifting severity of pox infec-
across the globe. vertebrates. Variola’s closest living rela- tions. For example, some poxviruses pos-
The World Health Organization, which tive, taterapox, was isolated from a wild sess genes for proteins that interfere with
had organized the eradication campaign, gerbil in Africa in 1968. Molecular analy- the ability of the immune system to re-
sounded the official all clear in 1979, two ses suggest that smallpox’s evolutionary spond effectively to the infection. When
years after the last sporadic case was re- ancestor probably got its start in an Afri- researchers compared the genes from dif-
corded, in a Somali hospital worker. Since can rodent species, possibly now extinct. ferent poxviruses, they zeroed in on one
then, no country has routinely vaccinated Similarly, cowpox and monkeypox, de- that was found in several different kinds
its citizens against smallpox, although the spite their names, live in voles, squirrels of poxviruses. In the most deadly strains of
U.S. began inoculating certain health per- or other wild rodents. variola, this gene triggered the production
sonnel and selected members of its armed When variola’s ancestor first jumped of a protein that evidence suggests pre-
forces after the terror attacks on Septem- into humans, it probably was not very con- vents some immune cells from efficiently
ber 11, 2001. Thus, an entire generation has tagious, says microbiologist Mark Buller coordinating their counterattack against
reached adulthood without any exposure of Saint Louis University. Then, some- the virus. But the equivalent gene in the
to either the disease or the vaccine, which where along the line, he and other re- Congo Basin strains of monkeypox (which
sometimes caused serious side effects. searchers surmise, a variant emerged that are less deadly than smallpox) provided
And therein lies the rub. The smallpox was much more transmissible. The critical the hereditary instructions for a much
vaccine did not protect just against the va- change allowed the virus to broadcast it- shorter protein. When researchers looked
riola virus. Anyone who was vaccinated self via the coughs, exhalations or sneezes at the milder West African version of mon-
against smallpox also developed immuni- of an infected person. Meanwhile human keypox, the gene was missing altogether
ty to infection with variola’s viral cous- beings started living in much closer quar- and the protein in question could not be
ins—including monkeypox and cowpox. ters, making it that much more likely for manufactured. Thus, the evidence sug-
Given the much larger scale of smallpox one person to pass the infection on to an- gested that the shorter protein in the Con-
infections at the time, this secondary pro- other. The combination of the biological go Basin strains of monkeypox somehow
tection was seen as a minor benefit. change and the altered environment gave made them less deadly than smallpox.
Now that the smallpox vaccine is no the emerging virus the edge it needed to Speculation among researchers about
longer widely given, the question be- become a global scourge. how different species of poxvirus ac-
comes: Could these obscure pathogens, Just because a virus is easily transmit- quired this and other genes indicates why
which, like smallpox, belong to the Ortho- ted, however, does not necessarily make it monkeypox and its cousins could poten-
poxvirus genus, pose a new danger to hu- lethal. Indeed, scientists still cannot ex- tially become more dangerous threats
mans? There are reasons to worry. Unlike plain why poxviruses vary so greatly in than they are now. The genes, which are
smallpox, cowpox and monkeypox natu- their severity. In most people, cowpox, not essential for poxvirus replication, ap-
rally lurk in rodents and other creatures, camelpox and raccoonpox infections trig- pear to be faithful copies of genes the vi-
so they can never be fully eliminated. The ger little more than a skin rash, with virus- ruses acquired at some point in the evolu-
number of cases of monkeypox and cow- filled pustules that harmlessly clear up on tionary past from organisms they infect-
pox in humans has steadily risen in recent their own. Monkeypox infections, on the ed. Yet, curiously, the viruses do not in the
years. And both viruses have begun to in- other hand, can be quite deadly in hu- normal course of an infective cycle come
fect different creatures beyond their nor- mans. Even at that, not all monkeypox vi- anywhere near the genetic material stored
mal hosts, raising the possibility that they ruses are equally dangerous. The worst in the nucleus of the host cells.
might spread through new paths around subtype, found in the Congo Basin, kills One possible explanation, popular
the planet. about 10 percent of people who are infect- among pox virologists, posits the simulta-
No one knows how monkeypox and ed, whereas another version, from West neous infection of a human or other verte-
cowpox will change over time, but virolo- Africa, rarely if ever ends in death. As it brate host with a poxvirus and a retrovi-
gists worry that if they mutate to jump happens, the West African strain in 2003 rus. Such co-infections are probably pretty
more easily from one person to the next, caused the first-ever recorded cases of common, researchers say. Retroviruses are

68 Scientific American, March 2013

© 2013 Scientific American
known for incorporating their own genes WO R R I S O M E T R E N D
into their host’s DNA. (About 8 percent of
the human genome consists of DNA that
originated in retroviruses.) It is possible
Monkeypox Cases Rise
that the unusual biochemical activity of
the retrovirus inside the cell could allow
Faster Than Predicted
the poxvirus to capture its host’s genes. Keeping track
If true, this hypothesis could prove
portentous. Poxviruses are genetically sta-
ble and do not usually mutate quickly. If -
they can steal genes from their hosts that
make them more virulent, then there is no
predicting what a relatively harmless, not
to mention an already deadly, poxvirus
might do under the right circumstances.
The change from mild to dangerous threat
could occur more quickly and unpredict-
ably than anyone might have previously


MONKEYPOX IS BETTER poised than any of its
viral cousins at present to emerge as a
global threat. Virologists refer to it as
smallpox’s “little cousin,” in part because it
causes an illness that is clinically indistin-
guishable from smallpox. First reported in
captive monkeys in 1957, the virus typical-
ly lives, evidence suggests, in African ro- Democratic Republic
of the Congo
dents, possibly rope squirrels. Outbreaks
have so far occurred mostly in Central Af-
Central African Republic
rica, with the notable exceptions of the
U.S. in 2003 and Sudan in 2006. Gabon
University of California, Los Angeles, Republic of the Congo
epidemiologist Anne W. Rimoin was in Liberia
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Sierra Leone

Congo, in 2002, when she first heard about Nigeria


local residents who had fallen ill with Ivory Coast


monkeypox. She did not know how many U.S.

people were infected, how they were ex- Sudan
posed to the virus or whether the virus
*Not all cases from
could spread to others. But she knew the 1996–1997 could
disease was life-threatening and wanted
to learn more.
With her blond hair and buff pedicure,
Rimoin could hardly be mistaken for a lo-
cal in the remote Congolese jungles. Yet
she had studied the country’s politics as
an undergraduate in African history and
was fluent in French, which is still spoken
in the former Belgian colony, as well as
Lingala and other local languages. She
started asking around. “I just clicked with 404 cases 14 cases 511 cases* 58 cases 10 cases 760 cases
the right people and asked the right ques-
tions,” she says. And “it became clear to
me that there were probably a lot more
cases than were being reported.” 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
But how to find them? Unsurprisingly, Study intervals: 1970–1986 1987–1995 1996–1997 2003 2005 2006–2007
given the dearth of health care facilities in

Graphic by Jen Christiansen March 2013, 69

© 2013 Scientific American
rural Congo, few people who were sick With expanded have been weakened, such as by HIV, can-
sought out clinicians. And those who had cer chemotherapy or treatment to prevent
recovered could not easily be identified opportunities to infect the rejection of transplanted organs. “They
with blood tests because there was no way people, monkeypox can get a smallpoxlike disease, and they
of telling whether the presence of anti- can die,” says Malcolm Bennett of the Uni-
bodies against poxvirus was the result of might better adapt to versity of Liverpool in England. Since
an earlier smallpox vaccination or anoth- humans. A few tweaks 1972, public health experts estimate, the
er poxvirus infection. Assessing the inci- number of immunocompromised people
dence of monkeypox required finding
to a current viral trait in the U.S. who are now susceptible to seri-
people who were in the throes of an acute may be all that ous disease from cowpox and other poxvi-
monkeypox infection, when it would be is needed to make ruses has grown 100-fold.
possible to test for the virus itself from the Bennett, a veterinary pathologist, stud-
pustules on the skin. it a much more ies the ecology and evolution of cowpox in
Rimoin began her quest by establish- contagious pathogen. wildlife. In the U.K., he says, cowpox nor-
ing a research site deep in the forest. mally resides harmlessly in bank voles,
There were no roads, no cell-phone sig- field voles and wood mice. Domestic cats
nals and no radio transmission. She char- Why monkeypox might be jumping pick up the virus from the rodents they
tered planes to get in and out and spent into humans more frequently is a matter hunt. They then expose the people who
days walking and traveling by canoe and of conjecture. It could be that continued care for them (often at close range) to cow-
by motorcycle to track down monkeypox clearing of land for agricultural use and pox, a chain of events that accounts for
cases among the Lingala-speaking villag- for burning wood has put more and more half of all human cowpox cases in the U.K.
ers of interior Congo. people in contact with infected squirrels, Like monkeypox, cowpox has started
The results were alarming. Compared mice and other rodents. In addition, more making forays into creatures outside its
with similar data collected by the World local people may have been reduced to eat- normal reservoir hosts. With bank vole
Health Organization in 1981–1986, Rimoin ing potentially infected animals as a result populations booming thanks to mild win-
had found a 20-fold increase in the num- of the Congolese civil war. A 2009 survey, ters and other favorable climatic condi-
ber of human monkeypox cases. Even so, published in October 2011, found that a tions, rats may have started playing an in-
she believes that her findings, which were third of people in rural Congo eat rodents termediary role in cowpox transmission
published in 2010, are an underestimate. found dead in the forest and that, sugges- similar to the one played by prairie dogs in
“It’s the tip of the iceberg,” she asserts. Af- tively, 35 percent of monkeypox cases oc- the 2003 American outbreak of monkey-
ter all, the WHO had a much bigger and cur during hunting and farming season. pox. “There’s been a proliferation of re-
much better financed operation looking (Most people contract monkeypox from ports, either zoo-related or pet-related, as-
for monkeypox 30 years ago. Rimoin’s close contact with infected animals, such sociated with rats,” says Mary Reynolds,
team undoubtedly missed many more cas- as handling or eating them.) an epidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for
es, relatively speaking, than that earlier, Rimoin and other virologists worry Disease Control and Prevention. That
larger effort. that with expanded opportunities to in- trend “is potentially quite concerning be-
fect people, monkeypox might better cause black and brown rats sure make
RISE OF MONKEYPOX adapt to the human body. Buller studies their way around the globe pretty effi-
ALTHOUGH THE SPIKE in monkeypox cases the ways in which orthopoxviruses cause ciently,” she notes. If cowpox becomes es-
was larger than anyone had anticipated, it diseases in both humans and animals. tablished in rats, as opposed to just voles
was not unexpected. After all, most of Monkeypox “can already kill people,” he and wood mice, millions more people
the country’s population is unvaccinated says, and it can spread between individu- could be readily infected by, for example,
against poxviruses. (The Democratic Re- als, too—just not that well. All that may be being bitten or coming into contact with
public of the Congo stopped vaccinating needed to transform monkeypox into a their droppings.
against smallpox in 1980.) much more contagious human pathogen Indeed, orthopoxviruses are notorious-
Further research suggested that some- might be a few minor tweaks to a current ly adept at colonizing new species. The
thing else was going on as well. Ecologist viral trait. vaccinia virus, for example, which was
James Lloyd-Smith, one of Rimoin’s col- used to create modern smallpox vaccines,
leagues at U.C.L.A., uses computer models SPREAD OF COWPOX now freely propagates in dairy cattle in
to study how diseases jump from animals REPORTS OF PEOPLE and animals infected Brazil, as well as in buffalo in India. And
to humans. According to his analyses of with rodent-borne cowpox virus are rising there are “a range of orthopoxviruses out
Rimoin’s data, the withdrawal of the as well—in this case, in Europe. there that have never been isolated or fully
smallpox vaccine and subsequent loss of Cowpox infections are mild in most characterized,” Reynolds points out. Given
immunity to related poxviruses could not people. After the virus enters cells and dis- the right opportunities, those less familiar
fully account for the spike in cases. There arms the host’s initial immune response, a pox strains could extend their ranges into
must have also been at least a fivefold in- fusillade of virus-hunting antibodies made new regions and species. “Some will be
crease in “spillover” events, he says, in by the victim prevents the pathogen from pathogenic to people,” Bennett adds. “They
which the virus jumped from infected ro- spreading to tissues throughout the body. just haven’t managed to make the species
dents into humans. Not so in people whose immune systems jump yet.”

70 Scientific American, March 2013

© 2013 Scientific American

Why Monkeypox Is Harder

to Control Than Smallpox
Global eradication
gray arrow

Humans Humans

Terrestrial Nonhuman
rodents primates

Smallpox Monkeypox

ARMED AND VIGILANT host. Despite not yet being approved by that 21-year-old Somali hospital worker
AS THE CROWD of people who have never re- the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, cleared his smallpox infection back in
ceived a smallpox vaccination grows, pox the federal government has already pur- 1977. With new tools and better surveil-
virologists expect the incidence of human chased a large amount of ST 246 and add- lance, scientists are better armed and
cases of monkeypox, cowpox and other ed it to the national biodefense stockpile. more vigilant than ever before. But to pre-
poxviruses to continue to rise. In places such as the rural Congo River vent another pox from falling on human-
Should any of these poxviruses become basin, where health financing for cutting- kind, society will need to maintain those
adept at plaguing humans, new drugs and edge new vaccines and drugs is limited, defenses for some time to come. .
vaccines—and the resources necessary to the best hope for now seems to be en-
use them—will be needed to contain the hanced surveillance, combined with com-
threat. Because of post-9/11 fears of inten- munity education programs. For example, Extended Interhuman Transmission of Monkeypox in
tional releases of smallpox, a spate of new a monkeypox education program run by a Hospital Community in the Republic of the Congo,
2003. Lynne A. Learned et al. in American Journal of Trop-
the CDC, in conjunction with local health

vaccines and drugs are being developed to Vol. 73, No. 2, pages 428–434;
fight smallpox. These medications will officials and voluntary nongovernmental August 2005.
likely provide protection against naturally organizations in the Democratic Republic Monkeypox Virus and Insights into Its Immunomod-
emerging poxviruses as well. But produc- of the Congo, increased the proportion of ulatory Proteins. Jessica R. Weaver and Stuart N. Isaacs

in Vol. 225, pages 96–113; October

ing and distributing them, as well as safe- local people able to recognize monkeypox 2008.
guarding against their inevitable side ef- cases from 23 to 61 percent. Rimoin’s ar- PMC2567051
fects, will be a complex and costly under- duous surveillance of monkeypox contin- Major Increase in Human Monkeypox Incidence
taking. New smallpox vaccines, such as ues as well, with new studies aimed at se- 30 Years after Smallpox Vaccination Campaigns Cease
in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Anne W. Rimoin
Bavarian-Nordic’s Imvamune, have been quencing the genes in variants infecting
et al. in
designed to be safely administered even to animals and people today to see how the USA, Vol. 107, No. 37, pages 16,262–16,267; September 14,
immunocompromised people, but they virus may be changing. Better detection 2010.
must be given in higher doses and over the means more opportunity to care for and Anne W. Rimoin’s U.C.L.A. laboratory Web site,
course of two shots instead of one, making isolate infected individuals, squelching including photo gallery, publications and press:
them more expensive than traditional chances for the virus to mutate into new
smallpox vaccines. A new drug, manufac- forms that spread more efficiently be- SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ONLINE
Watch as Anne W. Rimoin describes her research
tured by Siga Technologies and known as tween people. into the spread of human monkeypox at
ST 246, prevents orthopoxviruses from The ancient war between poxviruses
traveling from one cell to another in a and humans may not have ended when

Illustration by Portia Sloan Rollings March 2013, 71

© 2013 Scientific American

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