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A. Content Standards The learner understands the principles and uses of a concept paper.
B. Performance Standards The learner produces a well-balanced concept paper in a specific discipline.
C. Learning Competencies Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and clarification.
Write the LC code for each (CS_EN11/12A-Eapp-lg-j-20)
D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 80% of the learners are able to:
a. Define what is Clarification
b. Differentiate Definition, Explication, and Clarification
A. References English for Academic and Professional Purposes QUARTER 1– MODULE 7: Ways to Elucidate a
1. Teacher’s Guide pages N/A
2. Learner’s Material pages pages 12 and 13
3. Textbook pages N/A
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

Good morning, class!

: Good morning, Ma’am.

Before we start, let's pray for guidance from the Lord to

enlighten our minds and understand today's lesson. (Name
of the student), could you lead us in prayer?
: (The student will lead the prayer.) Amen.

Is everyone present for today's discussion? Secretary, will

you inform me who is absent today?
: None, Ma’am. Everyone is present in
today’s discussion.
Great! Please tidy up your area by checking for any
scattered pieces of paper or trash and arrange your chairs
before we start the class discussion.
: (The students will arrange their chairs
and will pick up the trashes.)
A. Reviewing previous lesson Before we start our discussion for today, Let us have a
or presenting the new lesson recap of what we discussed last time.

Anyone from the class? What did we discuss last time?

: (The students raise their hands.)
Yes, (Student’s name) can you give us some background
about our last topic.
: We have discussed about explication last
time. Explication is an attempt to reveal
the meaning by calling attention to
implications, such as the connotations of
words and the tone conveyed by the
brevity or length of a sentence. An
explication is a commentary that makes
explicit what implicit.

Very good!

What else did we discuss yesterday?

Yes, (Student’s name) : (The students raise the hands.)

: We have discussed the difference

between description and explication.
Good to know that we are clear.
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson Why do we need to explain or explicate things again?
: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: We need to explicate concepts for us to
clear the meaning of the concepts or
Yes, very good! We need to explicate those vague points
to be able to understand the point of the concept.
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson After we have finished the two ways of elucidating a
concept, we are now going to discuss the last one which is

Are you ready?

: Yes, Ma’am
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #1 First we are going to discuss and unlock the meaning of
the word Clarification.

Are you familiar with the word clarification?

: Yes, Ma’am
If so what do we mean by clarification?
: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Student’ name)
: Clarification means the action of making
a statement or situation less confusing
and more comprehensive.
Very good! We are clarifying things to make something less

Who wants to read the definition of Clarification?

: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: Clarification is a method of explanation in
which the points are organized from a
general abstract idea to specific and
concrete examples.
The analysis of the concept is done by
looking at the examples and specifying its
Thank you.

When we say clarification we are to clarify or explain

something from general to specific.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2 Who wants to read the other definition of Clarification?
: (The students are raising their hands.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: Entrails analysis of a concept by looking
at the examples and specifying some of
the characteristics to arrive at one working
definition which can be used throughout
the paper.

In other words when we think of a general concept, to

clarify it we will give some examples to make it clear and
specific on how you really mean it. After we have given
some examples then we are now going to give our
definition or explanation of that concept base on the
examples that we have given.

Is Clarification clear? :Yes Ma’am

Now let us move on to the Signal Words for Clarification.

Kindly read all the signal words please? : (Students raise their hands to answer.)

Yes, (Name of the student) : Signal Words for Clarification

After all, As an example, Considering the

following example, To clarify, for instance,
in other words, for example, namely, put
another way, in particular, in short, that is,
to be specific, specifically, stated

From the given signal words, can anyone give some

examples using these signal words to clarify some terms or
concepts? : (Students raise their hands to answer.)

Yes, (Student’s name) : For example we are going to clarify what

we mean by the word “elucidate”. We are
now going to give some examples on how
we are going to use the word elucidate, to
make it clear.

The word elucidate means to make

something clear by defining the term. For
example we are going to define the terms,
that are vague is an example of
elucidating a term. In short the word
elucidate only means that we are going to
make a concept explicit and clear.

Thank you (Name of the student)

: Yes Ma’am
Are we clear?
F. Developing Mastery (Leads
to Formative Assessment 3) What does Clarification mean again?
: (Students raise their hands to answer.)

Yes, (Name of the student)

: Clarification is a method of explanation
in which the points are organized from a
general abstract idea to specific and
concrete examples.
Very good, how do we do it?
: (Students raise their hands to answer.)
Yes, (Name of the student)
: We use Clarification to make the things
clear and concise.
After we have discussed about Clarification. How can we
differentiate the three ways to elucidate a concept from
each other? : (Students raise their hands to answer.)

Yes, (Name of the student)

: Definition we will just define the words or
concept that are vague.
Explication means we will analyze the
concept and explain it thoroughly.
Clarification means we will give some
examples and explain it to clarify what we
really mean.
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts and Kindly read the example given?
skills in daily living : (The students raise their hands to
Yes, (Name of the student)
: A friend is often someone that you share
a bond with. You may share some
common beliefs and values with friends,
and often, a friend is someone you trust
and enjoy being around. Friends can be in
person or online and can vary in distance.
You might have a next-door neighbor
friend, or a friend thousands of miles
away. Some friends may be casual; you
may talk sometimes and enjoy each
other’s company, but the connection may
not be very strong. With close friends, you
may feel more deeply connected and like
you can rely on them for support. You may
be able to talk and laugh easily and share
Based on the selection you have read, what do you think is
the concept we are clarifying?
: (The students raise their hands to
Yes, (Student’s name)
: This example is a clarification of a friend.
That we often misinterpret and sometimes
take it for granted. We often label a friend
as the people we just met and just talk for
a while.

Very good! What does a friend means based on the

clarified meaning of a friend? : (The students raise their hands to

Yes, (Student’s name) : It clarifies that a friend is the one we can

trust, the one who we can lean on, the one
we enjoy being with even the distance
won’t matter because we have strong

Good job!

Another example is the word love. We have many kinds of

love, can you give some examples?
: (The students raise their hands to
Yes, (Name of the student)
: Romantic love, Family love, Friendly
love, self-love etc.

Very good. What is the word we are clarifying?

: (The students raise their hands to
Yes, (Name of the student)
: The word love
What about the word love?
: We are clarifying that there are a lot of
kinds of love in the word.
Very good, is clarification clear?
:Yes Ma’am
H. Making generalizations and Now, before we end our lesson, who can summarize our
abstractions about the lesson today’s discussion?
: (The students raise their hands to
Yes, (name of the student)?
: Our lesson for today is about the third
way on how to elucidate a concept;
What have you learned about Clarification?

: Clarification is a method of explanation in

which the points are organized from a
general abstract idea to specific and
What are the signal words that we are going to use to concrete examples.
clarify some concepts?

: Signal Words for Clarification

After all, As an example, Considering the

following example, To clarify, for instance,
in other words, for example, namely, put
another way, in particular, in short, that is,
to be specific, specifically, stated
Very well said! It seems that you already understood
today’s discussion.
I. Evaluating Learning N/A
J. Additional activities for Do you have any questions about our lesson?
application or remediation : None, Ma’am.
Okay! If you don’t have any questions our class will end

So, that’s ends our lesson for today. I hope you understand
the discussion and hopefully you will keep in mind what
you have learned today.

Goodbye class. See you next meeting.

: Goodbye, Ma’am.

A. No. of learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned 80% above
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require _______ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson
continue to require mediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well? Why ___ Group collaboration
did this work? ___ Games
___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises
___ Carousel
___ Dyads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/ Poems/ Stories
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method

___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials
___ Students’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s cooperation in doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among students
encounter which my principal __ Students’ behavior/attitude
or supervisor can help me __ Colorful IMs
solve? __ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:


Practice Teacher
Checked by:


Critic Teacher

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