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Company Information:

Company Name: Loblaw Companies Limited

Headquarters: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Number of Employees: Approximately
200,000 employees across Canada (Loblaw
Companies Limited, 2021)

CSR Initiative: Primary Stakeholder

Loblaw Companies Limited - prominent food retailer in

Launched "President's Choice Children's Charity"

Goal: assist children and families in need

Provides funding for programs and services such as

medical care, and education support

Initiative aligns with Loblaw's commitment to community

development and social responsibility

Company seeks to make a positive impact on the lives of


Loblaw dedicated to improving well-being of children and

their families

CSR Initiative: Secondary Stakeholder

Initiative: Naturally Imperfect

Goal: Reduce food waste by selling "imperfect" fruits and

vegetables at a lower price

Purpose: Make healthy food more affordable and accessible to


Alignment: With Loblaw Companies Limited's commitment to

sustainability and minimizing environmental impact

Advantage: Well-placed to utilize its resources and supply

chain to positively impact food waste reduction.

From the Good to Bad

Issue: Criticism over treatment of workers,

specifically regarding fair wages and working

Response: Taking steps to improve working

conditions and implementing policies for fair
wages and benefits

For The Future!

Potential CSR initiative: "Zero Waste" initiative

Objective: Reduce waste across the company's supply chain from

production to distribution to retail

Actions: Minimizing packaging waste, promoting recycling and

composting, creating sustainable products and services

Importance: Reducing waste is critical in reducing the

environmental impact of consumer goods and promoting a more
sustainable future

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