The Anatomical Record - 2014 - Anderson - The Development of Septation in The Four Chambered Heart

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THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 297:1414–1429 (2014)

The Development of Septation in the

Four-Chambered Heart
Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom
Department of Pediatric Cardiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Congenital Heart Institute of Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida
Division of Biomedical Sciences, St. George’s University of London, London, United
Division of Developmental Biology, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London,
United Kingdom

The past decades have seen immense progress in the understand-
ing of cardiac development. Appreciation of precise details of cardiac
anatomy, however, has yet to be fully translated into the more general
understanding of the changing structure of the developing heart, par-
ticularly with regard to formation of the septal structures. In this
review, using images obtained with episcopic microscopy together with
scanning electron microscopy, we show that the newly acquired infor-
mation concerning the anatomic changes occurring during separation
of the cardiac chambers in the mouse is able to provide a basis for
understanding the morphogenesis of septal defects in the human
heart. It is now established that as part of the changes seen when the
heart tube changes from a short linear structure to the looped
arrangement presaging formation of the ventricles, new material is
added at both its venous and arterial poles. The details of these early
changes, however, are beyond the scope of our current review. It is
during E10.5 in the mouse that the first anatomic features of septa-
tion are seen, with formation of the primary atrial septum. This mus-
cular structure grows toward the cushions formed within the
atrioventricular canal, carrying on its leading edge a mesenchymal
cap. Its cranial attachment breaks down to form the secondary fora-
men by the time the mesenchymal cap has used with the atrioventric-
ular endocardial cushions, the latter fusion obliterating the primary
foramen. Then the cap, along with a mesenchymal protrusion that
grows from the mediastinal mesenchyme, muscularizes to form the
base of the definitive atrial septum, the primary septum itself forming
the floor of the oval foramen. The cranial margin of the foramen is a
fold between the attachments of the pulmonary veins to the left
atrium and the roof of the right atrium. The apical muscular ventricu-
lar septum develops concomitant with the ballooning of the apical
components from the inlet and outlet of the ventricular loop. Its apical
part is initially trabeculated. The membranous part of the septum is
derived from the rightward margins of the atrioventricular cushions,
with the muscularizing proximal outflow cushions fusing with the
muscular septum and becoming the subpulmonary infundibulum as
the aorta is committed to the left ventricle. Perturbations of these

*Correspondence to: Robert H. Anderson, Institute of Genetic Revised 13 July 2013; Accepted 30 August 2013.
Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom. DOI 10.1002/ar.22949
Fax: 44-20-8870-4368. E-mail: Published online 27 May 2014 in Wiley Online Library


processes explain well the phenotypic variants of deficient atrial and
ventricular septation. Anat Rec, 297:1414–1429, 2014. V C 2014 Wiley

Periodicals, Inc.

Key words: atrial septum; interatrial communications; atrioven-

tricular septum; atrioventricular septal defects; ven-
tricular septum; ventricular septal defects

out the gene Pitx2c (Martin et al., 2010). We have then

INTRODUCTION extended the initial findings obtained using scanning
The past decades have seen immense progress in the electron microscopy by analyzing, using high-resolution
understanding of cardiac development. Appreciation of episcopic microscopy (Mohun and Weninger, 2011), a
precise details of cardiac anatomy, however, has yet to large series of mouse embryos obtained from day E9.5 to
be fully translated into the more general understanding term.
of the changing structure of the developing heart. For
example, many, if not most, current textbooks of embry- Initial Development of the Cardiac Chambers
ology have still to provide an accurate account of the
development of the atrial septum (Cole-Jeffrey et al., It is now established that, as part of the changes
2012). Uncertainty remains with regard to the key seen when the heart tube changes from a short linear
processes underscoring postnatal persistence of a com- structure to the looped arrangement presaging forma-
mon atrioventricular junction, as opposed to the normal tion of the ventricles (Fig. 1), new material is added at
formation of separate right and left atrioventricular both its venous and arterial poles (Rana et al., 2007).
junctions (Briggs et al., 2012). It has to be still recog- The details of these early changes are beyond the scope
nized that, in the normal heart, although there is an of our current review. Acceptance that the linear tube
extensive embryonic outflow septum, barely any of the does not contain all the component parts of the defini-
septal structures persist between the definitive ventric- tive heart, nonetheless, has revolutionized our under-
ular ouflow tracts (Webb et al., 2003). Some of the rea- standing of cardiac development (Moorman et al.,
sons for this situation reflect the difficulties in 2007). By E10.5 in the mouse, the stage at which the
appreciating the four-dimensional changes that take first anatomic features of septation are seen, the sys-
place during cardiac development. It is hard enough to temic venous tributaries have already been remodeled
understand the three-dimensional changes that occur from their initial state of symmetry (Fig. 2) so that
during formation of the septal structures without they open exclusively to the right side of the still com-
access to complex and time-consuming reconstructions mon atrial chamber (Fig. 3).
(Soufan et al., 2003). The added problem of temporal By E10.5, the atrial orifice of the pulmonary vein
morphological changes during the process of develop- has become visible within the left side of the common
ment compounds the situation. With the exception of atrium (Fig. 3B). The vein opens to the atrial chamber
the temporal aspect, all of this has potentially been within the pulmonary pit, this being the area initially
solved with the advent of episcopic microscopy. This bounded by the reflections of the dorsal mesocardium.
technique now permits rapid analysis, in high resolu- The origin of the pulmonary vein has been the topic of
tion and in three dimensions, of the morphologic discussion for more than a century. In a recent exhaus-
changes occurring during embryological development tive review, combined with elegant experimental tech-
(Mohun and Weninger, 2011). In addition, the ability to niques, Jahr and Manner (2011) have shown
analyze large series of developing embryos, as is now conclusively that the pulmonary vein connects directly
possible when using experimental models such as the with the left side of the developing atrial chamber and
mouse, provides sufficient material to ensure the accu- has never had any connection within the confines of
racy and uniformity of the changes observed, thus over- the systemic venous sinus. The experiments of Jahr
coming some of the temporal problems. In this review, and Manner were carried out in the amphibian Xeno-
we show that the newly acquired information concern- pus; however, their findings endorse the recent
ing the anatomic changes occurring during separation accounts of pulmonary venous development provided
of the cardiac chambers in the mouse is able to provide for man, mouse, and chicken (Webb et al., 1998a,b,
a basis for understanding the morphogenesis of septal 2000, 2001). The lateralization of the systemic venous
defects in the human heart. return (Figs. 2 and 3), such that the venoatrial junc-
tion is committed exclusively to the right side of the
developing common atrial chamber, sets the scene for
septation of the cardiac chambers. The first sign of this
We had previously used scanning electron microscopy septation is the appearance in the roof of the common
to demonstrate the anatomic changes seen during car- atrial chamber, during E10.5, of the primary atrial sep-
diac development in the mouse (Webb et al., 1996). We tum (Fig. 3).
have revisited the images collected to show the changing By the time the primary atrial septum has become
morphologic features of the normal heart, comparing visible in the roof of the common atrial chamber,
these additionally to the changes induced by knocking endocardial cushions have also formed superiorly and

Fig. 1. The scanning electron micrographs show the changes in new material is associated with lengthening of the tube, with the ven-
structure of the developing heart during E9. The heart has been tricular component looping as the primordium of the right ventricle
revealed by removing the ventral wall of the pericardial cavity. Initially, becomes evident within the pericardial cavity, supporting the develop-
as shown in Panel A, the tube retains its initial linear structure, ing outflow tract. The initial linear component of the tube eventually
although already material is being added to the tube at both the arte- forms little more than the apical part of the left ventricle.
rial and venous poles. As shown in Panel B, the continuing addition of

inferiorly within the atrioventricular canal, providing the developing chambers are formed by the process that
the basis for septation of this part of the developing has become known as ballooning (Moorman and Chris-
heart. The canal itself at this stage has significant toffels, 2003). The location at which these components
length, interposing between the walls of the common balloon from the initial primary heart tube provides a
atrial chamber and the proximal walls of the newly good explanation for the abnormal changes seen in the
formed ventricular loop (Fig. 4A). Initially, the opening syndromes described as visceral heterotaxy (Cohen
between the atrioventricular cushions is positioned so as et al., 2007). The essence of these syndromes is the bilat-
to open exclusively into the cavity of the developing left eral presence of the anatomic features that, in the nor-
ventricle. The apical component of the left ventricle will mally developed individual, are lateralized. Thus, in the
form from the proximal, or inlet, component of the loop normal individual, the right lung has three lobes and is
(Fig. 4B). From the outset of formation of the ventricular supplied by a short bronchus, whereas the left lung has
loop, nonetheless, the right wall of the canal is in direct two lobes and a long bronchus. In the subsets of visceral
continuity with the cranial wall of the distal, or outlet, heterotaxy, individuals have either trilobed lungs sup-
component of the heart tube, from which will grow plied by a short bronchus bilaterally or bilobed lungs
the apical trabecular component of the right ventricle with a long bronchus bilaterally. In other words, the tho-
(Fig. 4A). racic organs are arranged in isomeric rather than later-
alized fashion. Within the heart, however, at least in
humans, it is only the appendages of the atrial chambers
Lateralization of the Chambers
that are truly isomeric (Uemura et al., 1995a). As can be
By E10.5, it is already possible to recognize the com- seen in Fig. 4, the primordiums of the appendages bal-
ponents which, in the postnatal heart, will permit dis- loon in parallel from the atrial component of the primary
tinction of the morphologically right as opposed to the heart tube. As the atrial component itself is a midline
morphologically left chambers. For the atrial chambers, structure, the right-sided appendage grows under the
the key components are the appendages, which from the influence of the genes responsible for morphological
outset have discrete and different morphologies. For the right-sidedness. The left-sided appendage, in contrast,
ventricles, it is the apical components that, in man, best develops under the influence of genes such as Pitx2, and
permit distinction of the morphologically left and right Cited2, which produce morphologically leftness (Mom-
structures when the heart is congenitally malformed, as mersteeg et al., 2007; Martin et al., 2010). When Pitx2c
they, too, eventually have discrete trabecular patterns is knocked out in the mouse, both appendages are
(Anderson et al., 2012). These distinctive components of formed with morphologically right identity, in other
merism, then the left-sided vein always drains directly
to the roof of the left-sided atrium and is never incorpo-
rated within the left-sided atrioventricular junction, as
is the case in normal development (Fig. 6). Hence, as the
presence of morphologically right appendages is bilat-
eral, the absence of a coronary sinus in the left-sided
atrioventricular groove is an excellent anatomic marker
of right isomerism.

Septation of the Atrial Chambers

We have already shown that the first sign of separa-
tion of right and left halves of the common atrium is the
appearance in the atrial roof, during E10.5, of a distinct
ridge that is the beginnings of the primary atrial septum
(Fig. 3). During E11.5, this muscular septum extends
through the cavity of the initially common atrial cham-
ber, growing toward the cushions already present within
the atrioventricular canal. As it extends toward the atri-
oventricular junction, it carries a mesenchymal cap on
its leading edge (Fig. 7A). In addition to the mesenchy-
mal cap, a second mesenchymal protrusion contributes
to the eventual formation of the basal part of the devel-
oping atrial septum. This structure, directly continuous
Fig. 2. The scanning electron micrograph, prepared using a devel- dorsally with the mediastinal mesenchyme, protrudes
oping mouse heart at embryonic day 9.5, shows evidence of the initial into the atrial cavity at the caudal end of commissure
symmetry of the systemic venoatrial connections, which drain to the between the valves of the systemic venous sinus (Fig.
common atrial chamber through the right and left sinus horns, 7A). The entity was initially observed by His in the nine-
although already the left horn has become smaller than the right. The teenth century (His, 1885) and described by him as the
section is taken through the dorsal mesocardium and shows the pul- “spina vestibuli.” We describe it as the vestibular spine.
monary pit (arrow) between the reflections of the myocardial walls into Normal growth of the spine is essential for separate for-
the mediastinal mesenchymal tissues. At this stage, there are no dis- mation of the right and left atrioventricular junctions
crete structures marking the boundaries between the venous connec-
(Webb et al., 1997). When development proceeds nor-
tions and the atrial cavity (compare with Fig. 3).
mally, it grows so as to reinforce the right side of the
area over which the mesenchymal cap on the primary
words, the atrial component of the heart exhibits right atrial septum fuses with the atrial surface of atrioven-
isomerism (Fig. 5; Martin et al., 2010). The apical ven- tricular endocardial cushions (Fig. 7B). It is fusion of the
tricular components, rather than taking origin from the mesenchymal tissues with the atrioventricular endocar-
same component of the heart tube, develop in series dial cushions that obliterates the primary atrial fora-
from the primary linear heart tube, ballooning from the men. This process serves to anchor the primary atrial
inlet and outlet components of the ventricular loop, septum to the atrioventricular cushions. The cushions
respectively (Fig. 4A). Subsequent to looping, although themselves, by this stage, have fused to separate the
the ventricular part of the initial tube is no longer a right and left atrioventricular junctions. At the same
midline structure, its entire left side is developed under time, expansion of the rightward wall of the atrioventric-
the influence of Pitx2c. Each of its components, there- ular canal has brought the cavity of the right atrium
fore, develops under the control of the same genes that into direct continuity with that of the developing right
determine morphologically rightness and leftness. Nei- ventricle (Fig. 8). Moreover, even before the primary
ther of the developing ventricles shows evidence of iso- atrial foramen has closed, a linear communication
merism subsequent to knocking out genes such as between the atriums has appeared due to breakdown of
Pitx2c. It is often stated that the initial evidence of loss the cranial attachment of the primary septum to the
of symmetry is provided by ventricular looping. atrial roof. It is this space that becomes the secondary
Although this may be true, the arrangement of the ven- atrial foramen (Fig. 7A). With closure of the primary
tricular loop does not prove to be a discriminating fea- foramen, it is the secondary foramen that provides the
ture in patients with visceral heterotaxy (Cohen et al., essential interatrial communication that is part of the
2007), and Pitx2c does not control the process of looping fetal circulation. It might be thought that the primary
(Martin et al., 2010). It behooves those seeking the cues atrial foramen, or “ostium primum,” was an atrial septal
to isomeric as opposed to lateralized development within defect. This is not strictly the case, as the foramen is
the heart, therefore, to direct their attention to the atrial bounded on the one side by the leading edge of the
chambers, ideally the appendages, rather than the ven- developing atrial septum, and on the other side by the
tricular loop. When seeking markers of morphologically atrial surfaces of the atrioventricular endocardial cush-
leftness, it should be remembered that the coronary ions. As it is not within the developing atrial septum, it
sinus, derived from the left sinus horn, is one such cannot be an “atrial septal defect”. It is an atrioventricu-
structure. In patients with right isomerism, the coronary lar septal defect, as it provided, prior to fusion of the
sinus is universally absent (Uemura et al., 1995b). If atrioventricular cushions, a potential communication
caval veins develop bilaterally in the setting of right iso- between the cavities of the atrial and ventricular
Fig. 3. The panels show a frontal section through an episcopic data- micrograph, orientated so as to focus on the dorsal wall of the com-
set (A) and a scanning electron micrograph illustrating the atrial cavity mon atrium, reveals the opening of the pulmonary vein, which is adja-
as seen from the amputated cardiac apex (B). Both are prepared from cent to the developing atrioventricular junction. Both images show
mouse embryos from early day 10.5. The episcopic section (A) shows how the opening of the systemic venous sinus to the developing right
how the systemic venous tributaries now drain exclusively to the right atrium is now guarded by venous valves. It is the appearance of the
side of the common atrial chamber, with the primordium of the primary valves that permits definition of the boundary between the atrial wall
atrial septum seen as a ridge in the atrial roof. The scanning electron and the walls of the systemic venous tributaries.

Fig. 4. The sections are from episcopic datasets of developing them (star). The right-hand panel (B) shows a short-axis cut through
mouse embryos at embryonic day 11.5. The left-hand panel (A) shows the ventricular loop equivalent to the black line shown in Panel A. The
a four-chamber section through the atrioventricular canal (double- ventricular mass is then viewed from the aspect of the transected api-
headed black arrows). By this stage of development, the atrial appen- cal components. The star again shows the developing ventricular sep-
dages are beginning to balloon in parallel fashion from the common tum. The opening between the atrioventricular cushions (double-
atrial chamber (upper white arrows), whereas the apical components headed white arrow), the cushions themselves develop so as eventu-
of the developing ventricles are ballooning in series from the ventricu- ally to septate the atrioventricular canal, at this stage opens exclu-
lar loop (lower white arrows). As the apical components balloon out, sively into the cavity of the developing left ventricle. From the outset,
with the left ventricular apical part growing from the inlet of the loop however, the right side of the atrioventricular canal is in direct continu-
and the apical component of the right ventricle from the outlet, so is ity with the superior wall of the inlet of the developing right ventricle
the primordium of the muscular ventricular septum formed between (curved arrow in Panel A).
chambers (Becker and Anderson, 1982). It is the second- quent to formation of this communication, a small mus-
ary foramen, therefore, that represents the first hole to cular ridge can be seen in the atrial roof. It marks the
be found within the developing atrial septum. Subse- cranial margin of the space that will become the oval
foramen. The primary atrial septum itself becomes the
flap valve of the foramen, which closes postnatally when
interatrial shunting is no longer a necessary part of the
circulation (Vettukattil et al., 2013). Standard textbooks
of cardiac development usually illustrate the right atrial
margins of the oval foramen as being formed by down-
growth from the atrial roof of a secondary atrial septum.
There is no evidence from study of the developing
mouse, or human embryonic hearts, to support the
notion that such a second septum grows into the atrial
cavities from their roof. The mesenchymal cap, along
with the vestibular spine, nonetheless, become trans-
formed by muscularization to form the ventral and cau-
dal margins of the rim of the oval fossa, which then
buttress the septum to the atrioventricular junctions
(Fig. 9). These structures that form the buttress of the
oval fossa, therefore, can justifiably be considered to rep-
resent a secondary atrial septum. With ongoing develop-
ment, the cranial margin of the fossa continues to be
formed by the muscular ridge that initially marked the
junction between the walls of the developing right and
left atrial chambers. Just prior to birth in the mouse,
Fig. 5. The scanning electron microscopic image shows the atrial cham-
however, the dorsal margin of the fossa is formed by a
bers, viewed from the ventricular aspect having cut the heart in its short
axis, from a Pitx2c knockout mouse. There is isomerism of the right atrial more pronounced infolding of the atrial walls (Fig. 9).
appendages and the sinuatrial junctions. There is also absence of a supe- The left component of this fold is formed by the attach-
rior caval vein in the left-sided atrioventricular junction, failure of formation ment of the pulmonary vein to the left atrium, whereas
of the primary atrial septum, and a midline location for the pulmonary vein. right atrial myocardium forms the right wall between

Fig. 6. The scanning electron microscopic images show views of septum has already broken down to produce the secondary atrial
the atrial chambers, seen from the aspect of the removed ventricular foramen. The dissections show how the left sinus horn, which in the
chambers, from a developing mouse heart obtained late at E10.5. mouse persists as the left superior caval vein, has become incorpo-
Panel A is viewed from beneath, and Panel B is shown obliquely from rated into the developing left atrioventricular junction. It possesses its
the right side. The primary atrial septum is seen in both panels, divid- own walls discrete from those of the left atrium. The presence of this
ing the common atrial chamber into its morphologically right and left venous channel within the atrioventricular groove is an excellent ana-
components. The opening of the pulmonary pit into the left atrium is tomic marker of morphologically leftness.
seen in Panel A. Panel B shows how the upper part of the primary
Fig. 7. The images are frontal sections obtained from an episcopic there is a cranial muscular ridge (arrow) that marks the cranial bound-
datasets from a developing mice hearts at late E11.5 (A) and early on ary between the right and left atrial chambers. Panel B shows how, by
E13.5 (B). They show (A) how the muscular primary atrial septum E13.5, the mesenchymal cap has fused with the atrioventricular cush-
grows from the atrial roof toward the cushions present in the atrioven- ions to obliterate the primary atrial foramen. The rightward margin of
tricular canal, breaking down at its original origin from the roof to pro- the zone of fusion has been reinforced by continuing growth of the
duce the secondary atrial foramen. The primary atrial foramen, or vestibular spine (white dotted lines). The rightward margin of the
“ostium primum,” is the space between the mesenchymal cap carried developing septum is also now recognizable as the oval fossa (dou-
on the leading edge of the primary septum and the atrial surface of ble-headed white arrow), with the interatrial muscular ridge forming its
the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions. Note that there is also cranial margin (arrow) and the vestibular spine its caudal border. The
an obvious protrusion at the caudal extent of the venous valves mark- more obvious muscular ridge to the right is the attachment of the left
ing the boundaries of the systemic venous sinus. This is the vestibular venous valve.
spine, which is emphasized by the white dotted lines. In addition,

Fig. 8. The images are four-chamber sections taken from episcopic wall of the developing right ventricle (see also Fig. 4A). Early on E11.5
datasets from developing mice at E10.5 (Panel A) and early on E11.5 (Panel B), rightward expansion of the atrioventricular canal has permitted
(Panel B). Panel A shows that, initially, when the apical ventricular septum the right atrioventricular orifice to communicate directly with the cavity of
is beginning to form (red star), the right atrioventricular orifice (long white the right ventricle (red arrow), the orifice now opening to the right side of
arrow) opens the cavity of the developing left ventricle. Already, however, the muscular ventricular septum (red star). Note the beginning of forma-
the right wall of the atrioventricular canal is in continuity with the parietal tion of the primary atrial septum (red arrow) in Panel A.

Fig. 10. The image, from a human heart, is prepared to simulate the
Fig. 9. The four-chamber section is from a developing mouse at echocardiographic four-chamber section of the atrial septum. It shows
E18.5. The opening of the oval fossa is again shown by the double- how the cranial margin of the oval fossa (double-headed white arrow),
headed arrow, white in this image. Its dorsal rim is formed by an seen to the left-hand in this figure, is formed by a deep infolding, filled
infolding of the atrial walls, which is continuous cranially with the mus- by extracardiac fat, between the atrial walls. Note the location of the
cular ridge initially seen in the atrial roof. The right wall extends membranous septum, which forms the right wall of the aortic outflow
between the leftward attachment of the systemic venous sinus to the tract from the left ventricle.
right atrium and the apex of the fold, whereas the left wall is formed
by the attachments of the pulmonary veins to the left atrium. Even at
this late stage, the right and left pulmonary veins still drain to the left
atrium through a common venous orifice. The ventral and caudal mar-
gin of the fossa is formed by the muscularized mesenchymal struc-
tures, which provide a buttress than anchors the primary septum to
the atrioventricular junctional tissues. Note the discrete walls of the
left superior caval vein (LSCV), which is the persisting left sinus horn.

the attachment of the left venous valve and the apex of

the fold (Fig. 9). In the mouse, therefore, the caudal
component of the right atrial margin of the oval fossa,
traditionally considered to represent the secondary atrial
septum, or the “septum secundum,” is formed by the
infolding between the right and left atrial walls. This
fold is itself continuous cranially with the muscular
ridge that, from the outset, marks the boundary between
the developing right and left atrial chambers. Ventrocau-
dally, the rim of the fossa is formed by the buttress
derived by muscularization of the tissues derived from
the vestibular spine and the mesenchymal cap of the pri-
mary atrial septum. As yet, we are unable to determine
the precise mechanisms of this muscularization. In the
human heart, in contrast, it is the cranial margin,
rather than the dorsal margin of the fossa, which is
formed by the extensive interatrial fold (Fig. 10). This is Fig. 11. The four-chamber section through a human heart shows
the left atrial opening of a vestibular defect. The communication tracks
because, in man, the pulmonary venous walls, with
through the caudal buttress of the oval fossa (double-headed white
ongoing development, become incorporated into the roof arrow).
of the left atrium. In man, therefore, one pulmonary
vein eventually drains at each corner of the left atrium
(Webb et al., 2001). tered in man exist because of failure of anatomic fusion
Appreciation of these features of development facili- of the flap valve of the oval foramen with its right atrial
tates understanding of the morphogenesis of the holes rims. Such persistent patency exists throughout life in
that, in man, provide the potential for postnatal inter- up to one-third of the normal human population (Hagen
atrial shunting. By far, the commonest defects encoun- et al., 1984). In postnatal life, however, interatrial

shunting occurs only when right atrial pressure exceeds extensive cranial rim to the fossa, against which the flap
that in the left atrium. In man, when compared with valve closes. In the murine heart, in which the pulmo-
mouse, and as shown in Fig. 10, there is a much more nary veins retain a solitary dorsal opening (Fig. 9), the
oval foramen is closed by adherence of the flap valve
derived from the primary septum with the atrial roof,
with the point of closure extending well to the left of the
cranial margin of the foramen (Cole-Jeffrey et al., 2012).
It is when the flap valve is of deficient size to cover the
margins of the foramen, or else when it is multifenes-
trated, that there are true defects within the oval fossa
(Anderson et al., 1999). Often called as secundum
defects, the holes exist because of deficiencies of the pri-
mary atrial septum. Hence, they are strictly “ostium
secundum” defects. There is then another true atrial
septal defect to be found in man. When present, this
lesion takes the form of a small channel that extends
through the muscular rim of the oval foramen that but-
tresses its attachment to the atrioventricular junctions
(Fig. 11). Well described as the vestibular defect (Shar-
ratt et al., 2003), but not thus far commonly recognized,
the defect is almost certainly due to failure of union of
the muscularizing mesenchymal structures that produce,
in man, the normal ventroinferior rim of the oval
The remaining defects that produce the potential for
interatrial shunting are all outside the confines of the
oval fossa and its muscular boundaries, and hence are
Fig. 12. The image is a frontal section through an episcopic dataset
not true septal defects (Anderson and Brown, 1996). The
prepared from a developing mouse early on E12.5. The atrioventricular “primum defect,” like the “ostium primum” itself, as we
(AV) canal has expanded so that the cavity of the developing right atrium will describe in our next section, is an atrioventricular
is now in direct continuity with the cavity of the right ventricle. The supe- septal defect, but one which permits shunting only at
rior and inferior cushions in the atrioventricular canal have yet to fuse. atrial level. The “sinus venosus defect” is the

Fig. 13. The images show the ventricular aspect (A) and a four- caudally, overlapping the crest of the muscular ventricular septum
chamber section through (B) the atrioventricular junction later on [white arrow in (A)]. The margins of the atrioventricular cushions have
E12.5 in the developing mouse heart. The major atrioventricular (AV) been emphasized by dotted white lines in Panel B. Note that at this
endocardial cushions have now fused to divide the junction into right stage of development, the proximal ends of the outflow cushions
and left orifices, which are slit like. It is the accompanying fusion of (stars in A) have yet to fuse, although the intermediate parts of the
the vestibular spine with the atrial aspects of the cushions (Panel B) cushions have already fused centrally to separate the aortic root from
that subsequently permits the right atrioventricular junction to expand the pulmonary root.

Fig. 14. The images show a frontal section (A) and a short-axis sec- right atrium and the left ventricle, in other words an atrioventricular
tion (B) from episcopic datasets prepared from separate mice at septum (double-headed arrow). In addition, note the continuity from
E13.5. Panel A shows how, subsequent to expansion of the right side the mediastinal tissues alongside the pulmonary vein to the vestibular
of the atrioventricular canal, the base of the atrial septum, formed by spine (white arrow in Panel A). The short-axis section (Panel B) shows
muscularization of the vestibular spine, is in line with the muscular how the bulk of the fused atrioventricular cushions are within the left
ventricular septum. The inferior atrioventricular cushion (white dotted ventricle, forming its roof (star).
lines) at this stage is positioned so as to be a septum between the

Fig. 15. The sections in short axis (A) and frontal (B) projections are atrioventricular septum at the cranial margin of the newly developed
from separate datasets from developing mice at E14.5. The aortic root left ventricular outflow tract (Panel B). Note the location of the cranial
has been transferred into the left ventricle, and the interventricular rim of the oval foramen (white arrow) relative to the cranial attachment
communication closed. Note the separation of the mitral and tricuspid of the flap valve of the foramen (red arrow), the latter derived from the
valvar orifices, with the aortic root wedged between the mitral valve primary atrial septum. The septal leaflet of the developing tricuspid
and the septum (Panel A). The inferior atrioventricular cushion (double- valve has still to begin its delamination from the ventricular septum.
headed black arrow) now forms the primordium of the membranous

Fig. 16. The images, from postnatal human hearts, replicate the how, in the limited area of the atrioventricular junctions where the
four-chamber echocardiographic sections showing the separating atri- hinges of the atrioventricular valvar leaflets are offset, a continuation
oventricular structures. Panel A is through the membranous septum, of the inferior atrioventricular groove, filled with epicardial fat, and
which forms the right wall of the left ventricular outflow tract. The labeled as such, interposes between the atrial and ventricular muscle
location of the hinge of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve sepa- masses. The area (double-headed white arrow), while interposing
rates this fibrous part of the septum into interventricular (double- between the atrial and ventricular cavities, is a sandwich rather than a
headed blue arrow) and atrioventricular (red arrow) components. Panel muscular septum.
B is a section taken more dorsally from a different heart. It shows

Fig. 17. The images are frontal sections from episcopic datasets within the left ventricle (Panel B). The arrows show the reorientation of
prepared from developing mice at E13.5 (A) and E14.5 (B). They show the dorsal wall. Panel B also shows how the rightward extensions of
how fusion of the proximal outflow cushions separates the dorsal part the atrioventricular cushions fuse so as to complete ventricular septa-
of the outflow tract as the aortic root (Panel A), and then how remod- tion. The cushions will subsequently form the interventricular compo-
eling of the inner heart curvature brings the root from its position nent of the membranous septum.
above the developing right ventricle (Panel A) to its definitive location

Fig. 18. The episcopic sections show the right sides of the develop- mass is then removed, presumably by a process of apoptosis, so that
ing right atrium and ventricle. Panel A is from a dataset from E13.5, the muscularized surface becomes transformed into the free-standing
and Panel B is from a dataset from E14.5. The images show how the muscular subpulmonary infundibulum (Panel B). The rightward margins
surface of the proximal outflow cushions, having fused to form the of the atrioventricular (AV) endocardial cushions fuse to close the right
ventral margin of the embryonic interventricular (IV) communication ventricular entrance to the subaortic vestibule, completing the process
(Panel A), then muscularize (Panel B). The central part of the cushion of ventricular septation.

consequence of anomalous connection of one or more of primary atrial septum to the atrial aspect of the atrio-
the the right pulmonary veins to a caval vein, but with ventricular cushions (Fig. 13B) that the newly formed
the pulmonary veins retaining their left atrial connec- right atrioventricular junction expands ventrally and
tions (Butts et al., 2011). The hole described as the caudally. These processes also bring the dorsal end of
“coronary sinus defect” provides interatrial shunting the developing muscular ventricular septum in line with
through the right atrial orifice of the left sinus horn. the atrial septum (Fig. 14A). Even after expansion of the
The shunting becomes possible when there is either atrioventricular canal, and fusion of the cushions, the
fenetrations of the walls that normal separate the cav- larger part of the fused cushion mass remains within
ities of the left atrium and the left sinus horn, or else the left ventricle (Fig. 14B). A plane of separation can
total absence of the walls. In this setting, the right atrial then be seen between the left ventricular components of
orifice of the systemic venous channel then persists as the cushions and the developing muscular ventricular
the site of interatrial shunting, but is again outside the septum. The inferior cushion, which roofs this plane, is
confines of the normal atrial septum (Knauth et al., now positioned so as to produce an atrioventricular sep-
2002). It is an interatrial communication rather than an tum (Fig. 14A). It is then over the period of E13.5, and
atrial septal defect. into E14.5, that the aortic root is transferred, by remod-
eling of the part of the ventricles derived from the origi-
Septation and Separation of the nal primary heart tube, into the cranial part of the left
ventricular cavity, thus wedging the aortic vestibule
Atrioventricular Junctions
between the mitral valvar orifice and the muscular ven-
At the beginning of E12.5, although the atrioventricu- tricular septum (Fig. 15).
lar canal has expanded, the cushions within it remain as Subsequent to the aortic root achieving its definitive
separate entities (Fig. 12), with shunting potentially pos- position between the mitral valvar orifice and the ven-
sible from ventricular to atrium between the cushions tricular septum, the leaflets of the mitral valve have a
and through the ostium primum atrioventricular septal limited area of attachment to the muscular ventricular
defect. By the end of E12.5, the cushions have fused septum (Fig. 15). After the developing aortic root has
along their facing margins (Fig. 13A), and the mesenchy- become committed to the left ventricle, its right-sided
mal atrial components have fused to their atrial surfa- wall is formed by the membranous septum. As we will
ces, thus separating the cavity of the canal into discrete describe, this structure itself is derived from the right-
right and left atrioventricular orifices (Fig. 13B). A key ward margins of the atrioventricular endocardial cush-
feature that ensures subsequent separation of the mus- ions, which close the embryonic interventricular
cular right and left atrioventricular junctions is the communication. As we have already shown, the inferior
growth of the vestibular spine (Fig. 13B). It is subse- cushion itself separates the cavities of the left ventricu-
quent to the anchorage of the spine and the developing lar outflow tract and the right atrium. In the postnatal

muscular atrioventricular septum. As shown in Fig.

16B, a superior extension of the inferior atrioventricular
groove interposes in this area between the atrial and
ventricular muscular walls (Fig. 16B). The combined
area, therefore, is a muscular atrioventricular sandwich
(Anderson and Brown, 1996), rather than a solitary
muscular septum interposed between the cavities of the
right atrium and left venticle.
Appreciation of the growth of the vestibular spine into
the heart from the mediastinal myocardium, contribut-
ing as it does to the anterior–inferior muscular buttress
of the atrial septum, makes it easier to understand how
the cranial extension from the inferior atrioventricular
groove reaches toward the middle of the separated atrio-
ventricular junctions. The possible role of the vestibular
spine in ensuring normal separation of the right and left
atrioventricular junctions was initially suggested at the
latter end of the twentieth century (Webb et al., 1997,
1998a). At the same time, deficiency of the spine was
proposed as playing a role in the morphogenesis of atrio-
ventricular septal defects (Webb et al., 1997). Further
evidence supporting the significance of the spine then
emerged during the first decade of the twenty-first cen-
tury, with the protrusion being shown to originate from
the second heart field (Snarr et al., 2007). Most investi-
gators seeking to unravel the genetic and molecular
abnormalities underscoring deficient atrioventricular
septation, however, have tended to concentrate their
attention on the developing endocardial cushions (Briggs
et al., 2012). The very fact that patients are found with
unequivocal evidence of deficient atrioventricular septa-
tion, but with obvious continuity of the atrioventricular
valvar tissues to produce separate right and left valvar
orifices, is already sufficient to cast doubt on the pre-
sumption that it is failure of fusion of the endocardial
cushions that is the prime mover in retention of a com-
mon atrioventricular junction (Anderson et al., 2010).
This suggests that future investigations should devote
just as much, if not more, attention to the spine as to
Fig. 19. The images compare a developing mouse heart at E13.5 as the endocardial cushions. In this respect, it should be
shown by a long-axis section through the right atrium and ventricle noted that although patients with atrioventricular septal
(upper panel) with a perimembranous ventricular septal defect in a defects and common atrioventricular junctions can have
human heart sectioned to replicate the subcostal oblique echocardio-
the potential for shunting at either atrial or ventricular
graphic section (lower panel). The phenotypic feature of the perimem-
branous defect, which opens to the right ventricle between the limbs
levels through the defect or at both levels, with the holes
of the septomarginal trabeculation, or septal band (yellow, Y) is the permitting the shunting are part of the atrioventricular
presence of fibrous continuity between the leaflets of the aortic and septal defect (Becker and Anderson, 1982). It is a mis-
tricuspid valves. This feature is well explained by the fact that the dor- take to consider them as representing “atrial septal
sal wall of the embryonic interventricular communication is formed by defects” or “ventricular septal defects,” as they are not
continuity between the atrioventricular (AV) and outflow cushions within either the atrial or the ventricular septal struc-
(arrows). The ventral trabeculations in the developing heart (stars in tures, but rather represent parts of the atrioventricular
upper panel) compact to form the septoparietal trabeculations of the septal defect.
postnatal heart (stars in lower panel).

Septation of the Ventricular Chambers

heart, both in man and mouse, it is this component that
becomes the atrioventricular membranous septum. The We have already demonstrated that the key features
delamination of the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve ensuring normal atrioventricular septation are expan-
then eventually produces the division of the overall sion rightward of the atrioventricular canal and leftward
membranous septal component into its fibrous atrioven- expansion of the ventricular outflow tract, the latter per-
tricular and interventricular parts (Fig. 16A). The mitting the aortic root to achieve its required position in
fibrous component of the membranous septum is the the roof of the developing left ventricle. The latter fea-
only true atrioventricular septal structure found within ture, along with fusion and muscularization of the proxi-
the human heart. Previously, the area where the cavity mal outflow cushions, is also essential for the completion
of the right atrium overlaps the cavity of the left ventri- of ventricular septation. The morphological changes
cle by virtue of the off-setting of the hinges of the mitral required for closure of the embryonic interventricular
and tricuspid valves had been considered to represent a communication and the subsequent formation of the

Fig. 20. The images show a dataset from a developing mouse heart however, the proximal cushions have failed to fuse. The fused interme-
at E14.5 in which the furin enzyme has been perturbed (left-hand diate components of the cushions form the roof of the interventricular
panel) when compared with a doubly committed and juxta-arterial communication, which opens beneath both arterial roots (yellow
ventricular septal defect as seen in the human (right-hand panel). The dashed line). The features of the doubly committed defect shown in
image from the heart of the genetically modified mouse shows both the right-hand panel illustrate how the defect, as in the mouse heart,
arterial trunks arising from the right ventricle, but with failure of forma- represents failure of formation of the subpulmonary infundibulum. The
tion of the subpulmonary infundibulum. The distal outflow cushions cranial roof of the defect is formed by a fibrous raphe (yellow dashed
have fused to produce separate aortic and pulmonary valvar orifices; line) between the leaflets of the aortic and pulmonary valves.

membranous part of the ventricular septum were 15B, and 18B). It is also the case that multiple muscular
described in the middle part of the twentieth century ventricular septal defects are associated with the process
(Odgers, 1937/1938). Our episcopic images endorse the described as “ventricular noncompaction.” The evidence
accuracy of these observations and interpretations. As suggests, therefore, that the muscular ventricular sep-
we have shown, the expansion of the atrioventricular tum is itself formed by a process of compaction of
canal brings the rightward margins of the central cush- trabeculations.
ions into the cavity of the right ventricle. Subsequent to Abnormalities in these various processes involved in
fusion, it is the cushion mass itself that forms the dorsal normal ventricular septation provide rational explana-
wall of the embryonic interventricular communication. tions for the different types of communication seen in
At this stage, with fusion of the atrioventricular cush- humans with deficient ventricular septation. Defects can
ions occurring during embryonic days 12.5 and 13.5, the exist in any part of the muscular ventricular septum
cavity of the proximal outflow tract remains undivided and can be multiple. Indeed, the worst variant of multi-
and is supported exclusively by the musculature of the ple defects is typically described as forming the “swiss-
right ventricle. From the outset, nonetheless, the dorsal cheese” septum. This is well explained on the basis of
part of the ouflow tract, destined to become the aortic incomplete compaction of the trabeculations that form
vestibule, is in morphological continuity with the roof of the apical component of the developing septum. It has
the developing left ventricle (Fig. 17). As the aortic root long been known that such compaction is responsible for
becomes transferred to the left ventricle, the fused proxi- formation of the muscular ventricular septum in chicken
mal components of the outflow cushions are brought into hearts (Ben-Shachar et al., 1985). The episcopic images
line with the crest of the muscular septum, reducing certainly show a likeness between the texture of the sep-
markedly the size of the persisting communication tum and that of the trabecular walls; however, the sug-
between the cavity of the right ventricle and the aortic gested process of compaction needs to be confirmed. The
root (Fig. 18). commonest type of ventricular septal defect requiring
The muscular ventricular septum itself was initially surgical closure is the one directly related to the aortic
formed concomitant with the process of ballooning of the root. This variant is well explained simply on the basis
ventricular apical components (Figs. 4, 7, and 12). As it of failure of closure of that part of the embryonic inter-
forms, the crest of the developing septum is compact. ventricular communication that normally exists between
Even as late as E14.5, however, the episcopic sections the cavity of the right ventricle and the aortic root (Fig.
show that the texture of the apical part of the septum is 19). The rarest type of ventricular septal defect found in
more comparable with the trabecular parts of the ven- human hearts is characterized by fibrous continuity
tricular walls than their compact components (Figs. 12A, between the leaflets of the aortic and pulmonary valves.

This defect cannot exist in the normally developed heart, 1998b). Many of the anatomic features emphasized in
as its prime feature is failure of formation of the muscu- our review have been known for quite some time. The
lar subpulmonary infunbibulum. It is closely related to illustrations provided by His (1885), and the account
the type of defect found in the setting of common arte- given by Odgers (1937/1938) for development of the
rial trunk. In consequence of the absence of formation of membranous part of the ventricular septum, are remark-
a subpulmonary infundibulum in both these lesions, the ably accurate. The fact that the superior rim of the oval
defect itself is roofed cranially by the leaflets of either fossa in the human heart is an infolding, rather than a
the truncal valve or the conjoined leaflets of the aortic solid muscular septum, was also stressed in the latter
and pulmonary valves (Fig. 20, right-hand panel). In the part of the nineteenth century (Rose, 1889). It is difficult
heart with separate aortic and pulmonary roots, the to explain why these facts did not make their way into
lesion is well explained on the basis of failure of fusion standard accounts of cardiac development. Perhaps this
and muscularization of the proximal outflow cushions. deficiency will now be rectified, as the evidence is more
Indeed, we have now discovered such lesions, albeit readily seen from the episcopic reconstructions. Infer-
associated with double outlet from the right ventricle, in ences made on the basis of anatomic findings, nonethe-
mice with perturbation of the furin enzyme (Fig. 20, left- less, remain speculative. It is now incumbent on those
hand panel). In these mice, some also show common experts in developmental biology to unravel the molecu-
arterial trunk due to complete failure of fusion of the lar and cellular mechanisms that underscore the
outflow cushions, endorsing the long-established concept observed morphologic changes.
for the morphogenesis of this lesion (Van Mierop et al.,
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