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THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 302:19–31 (2019)

Remodeling of the Embryonic

Interventricular Communication
in Regard to the Description
and Classification of Ventricular
Septal Defects
Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Department of Pediatric Cardiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Francis Crick Institute, London, UK
Department of Anatomy, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Ventricular septal defects are the commonest congenital cardiac mal-
formations. Appropriate knowledge of the steps involved in completion of
ventricular septation should provide clues as to the morphology of the dif-
ferent phenotypes. Currently, however, consensus is lacking regarding the
components of the developing ventricular septum, and how best to describe
the different phenotypes seen in postnatal life. We have reassessed the pre-
vious investigations devoted to closure of the embryonic interventricular
communication. On this basis, we discuss how studies in the early part of
the 20th century correctly identified the steps involved in the remodeling
of the embryonic interventricular foramen subsequent to the stage at which
the outflow tract arises entirely above the cavity of the developing right
ventricle. There has, however, already been remodeling of the foramen
from the stage at which the atrioventricular canal is supported exclusively
by the developing left ventricle. We show how these temporal changes in
morphology can provide explanations for the different ventricular septal
defects seen in the clinical setting. Thus, muscular defects represent inap-
propriate coalescence of muscular ventricular septum. The channels that
are perimembranous are due to failure of closure of the persisting embry-
onic interventricular foramen. Those that are doubly committed and juxta-
arterial reflect failure of formation of the free-standing subpulmonary
muscular infundibular sleeve. The findings also point to the importance of
appropriate alignment, during development, between the developing atrial
and ventricular septums, and between the apical component of the ventricular
septum and the ventricular outlet components. Anat Rec, 302:19–31, 2019.
© 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

*Correspondence to: Professor Robert H. Anderson, 60 Earlsfield DOI: 10.1002/ar.24020

Road, London SW18 3DN, UK. Telephone: 00-44-20-8870-4368. Published online 8 November 2018 in Wiley Online Library
E-mail: (
Received 1 December 2017; Revised 7 January 2018; Accepted
19 January 2018.



Key words: development; cardiac embryology; outflow tract;

atrioventricular cushions; outflow cushions

Ventricular septal defects are the commonest congeni- accrued over the past decade using the technique of epi-
tal cardiac malformations. Not only do they exist in isola- scopic microscopy (Mohun and Weninger, 2011). We place
tion, in which setting they show various phenotypic these findings into the setting of previous descriptions.
variations, but they are an integral part of other lesions, We show how knowledge of the temporal changes in for-
such as tetralogy of Fallot, common arterial trunk, and mation of the ventricular septal components can provide
double outlet right ventricle. As yet, however, there is no a platform for appreciating the phenotypic differences
agreed system for the description and categorization of between the channels, which provide shunting between
these defects, neither in their isolated form, nor when the ventricles in the postnatal heart.
they are part of more complex malformations. Despite the
comment made almost a century ago, namely that knowl-
edge of cardiac development could provide the basis for
understanding congenital cardiac malformations (Abbott, When initially formed, the heart is a linear entity
1936), it is surprising that the necessary information encased within a developing pericardial cavity. Evidence
regarding the development of the normal ventricular sep- that has emerged over recent decades has shown that this
tum remains contentious. Some investigators, for exam- linear component of the tube, when first seen, subse-
ple, suggest that, during its formation, the septum quently forms little more than the definitive left ventricle.
possesses up to four developmental components (Van Part of the work showing the importance of the so-called
Praagh, Geva, and Kreutzer, 1989; Geva, 2016). We second heart field in adding material to the developing
recently summarized our own interpretation of the steps tube originated from the laboratory of Roger Markwald,
involved in the processes of normal development in whose honor this special issue is being collated
(Anderson et al., 2014). We revisit that information here, (Mjaadvedt et al., 2001). Along with others (Kelly et al.,
again taking advantage of the knowledge that has 2001, Waldo et al., 2001), these investigators showed that
the new material entering the developing heart from the
heart-forming areas within the body of the embryo
formed the components of the atrial chambers, along with
much of the right ventricle and the outflow tract. It is
subsequent to the addition of this new material that it
becomes possible to recognize the ventricular loop. When
first formed, the walls of the loop, along with those of the
atrial component and the outflow tract, are made up of
myocardium that does not stain positively for either atrial
natriuretic factor or connexin 40. These walls were said
to be made up of primary myocardium (Moorman and
Christoffels, 2003). With subsequent development, the
atrial appendages expand from the atrial component of
the tube, while the trabecular ventricular components
grow from the inlet and outlet parts of the ventricular
loop (Fig. 1). The walls of these components, subsequent
to the process described as “ballooning,” were then noted
to react positively to both atrial natriuretic factor and
connexin 40. The walls were then considered to represent
chamber myocardium (Moorman and Christoffels, 2003).
This process of ballooning is also important for under-
standing development of the ventricular septum. This is
because the primordium of the muscular ventricular sep-
tum first becomes apparent concomitant with the expan-
sion of the ventricular trabecular components (Fig. 1). The
trabecular components balloon in series from the loop,
with the left ventricular component expanding from its
Fig. 1. The image, taken from an episcopic data set prepared from a inlet, and the right ventricular part from the outlet of the
mouse embryo sacrificed at embryonic day 10.5, shows how the atrial loop (Fig. 1). It is subsequent to the ballooning that it
appendages are ballooning in parallel (horizontal white arrows with red becomes possible to recognize the embryonic interventricu-
borders) from the atrial component of the heart tube, which retains its
lar communication. When first seen, it has exclusively
connection to the pharyngeal mesenchyme through the dorsal
mesocardium. The trabeculated components of the ventricles are
muscular borders, as at this stage the atrioventricular
ballooning in series (oblique downward white arrows with red borders) canal opens exclusively into the cavity of the developing
from the inlet and outlet parts of the ventricular loop. The primordium of left ventricle, while the cavity of the developing right ven-
the muscular ventricular septum (white star with red borders) is tricle supports the entirety of the outflow tract. By virtue
developing between the ballooning trabecular components. of these arrangements, the entirety of the blood entering
the ventricular loop through the atrioventricular canal
must perforce pass through the embryonic interventricular
communication so as to reach the outflow tract (Fig. 2).
The morphology of the outlet component of the ventric-
ular loop at this early stage of development is itself perti-
nent to controversies regarding the structure of the
second chamber observed in the congenital cardiac lesions
known as double inlet left ventricle and tricuspid atresia.
For many years, hearts with double inlet left ventricle
were considered the exemplars of “single ventricle” (Van
Praagh, Ongley, and Swan, 1964; Edwards, 1977). This
was despite the fact that such lesions have two obvious
chambers within their ventricular mass. The logic
required to support their description as being “univentri-
cular hearts” was provided by suggesting that the second
chamber was no more than an infundibulum, thus dis-
qualifying it from ventricular status. Van Praagh himself
continues to espouse this notion (Van Praagh, 2015). In
this context, Geva also suggests that the “infundibulum”
is a discrete component of the developing right ventricle,
possessing a trabeculated component, which extends to
the ventricular apex (Geva, 2016). As can be seen from
Fig. 3. The image comes from an episcopic data set prepared from a
Figure 2, however, the default option for the early embryo
human embryo at Carnegie stage 13. The data set is cut in a plane
is double inlet to the developing left ventricle. At this replicating the subcostal oblique echocardiographic sections. The
early stage, there is no direct connection between the image shows that, at this stage of development, there is no direct
right atrium and the developing right ventricle, with the communication between the atrial chambers and the developing right
communication between the developing ventricles having ventricle (dashed white line). The developing right ventricle, although
exclusively muscular borders (Fig. 3). It is this absence of lacking any inlet, and hence being incomplete, already possesses a well
the right atrioventricular connection, as seen in the devel- formed apical trabecular component. It also supports the entirety of the
oping heart that is now the acknowledged phenotypic fea- outflow tract, with the outflow cushions unfused at this early stage. As
ture of the commonest examples of tricuspid atresia yet, there has been no formation of the infundibulum. The similarity
between the incomplete right ventricle and the second chamber seen in
(Anderson and Cook, 2004). Examination of the develop-
tricuspid atresia and double inlet left ventricle with concordant
ing right ventricle at this early stage of development, fur- ventriculo-arterial connections is striking.
thermore, shows that it is incomplete, lacking its inlet

component. It is, nonetheless, much more than a mere

infundibulum, as it already possesses a well-formed api-
cal trabecular component (Fig. 3). It is this trabeculated
component that forms the basis of the developing right
ventricle. Its resemblance to the second chamber in the
functionally univentricular heart with a dominant left
ventricle justifies the description of the smaller chamber
as an incomplete right ventricle (Jacobs and Anderson,
2006). It also follows that, as the entirety of the circum-
ference of the atrioventricular canal is initially supported
by the developing left ventricle, it is not possible at this
early stage for the developing embryo to close the inter-
ventricular communication. To achieve complete separa-
tion and subsequent septation of the ventricles, it is
necessary for the boundaries of the communication to be
remodeled such that the right ventricle achieves its direct
inlet component. It is then necessary to transform the ini-
tially solitary outflow tract such that discrete outlets are
provided for each of the developing ventricular chambers.
It is during this process of remodeling that the bound-
aries of the initial foramen, which is well-described as the
Fig. 2. The image is from another dataset prepared from a developing primary interventricular foramen, become converted into
mouse embryo sacrificed at embryonic day 10.5. It is a frontal secondary, and then tertiary, foramens (Fig. 4). It is the
section across the ventricular loop, showing how the entirety of the remodeling of the primary to the secondary foramen that
atrioventricular canal is supported by the developing left ventricle, while
provides the direct communication between the right
the outflow tract arises exclusively from the developing right ventricle.
All the blood entering the left ventricle through the atrioventricular canal
atrium and the right ventricle (Fig. 5, left-hand plot). The
must pass through the initial, or primary, embryonic interventricular ongoing changes from the secondary to the tertiary fora-
communication, which is bounded caudally by the developing muscular men then produce the outlet for the left ventricle (Fig. 5,
septum (white star with red borders), and cranially by the inner heart middle plot; Odgers, 1938; Frazer, 1916). Subsequent to
curvature, so as to reach the outflow tract. this remodeling, the developing embryo is then able to

Fig. 4. The drawings show, in diagrammatic fashion, the steps involved in remodeling of the embryonic interventricular communication (double
headed white arrow in Figs. 2). The left-hand plot shows the foramen as the double headed green arrow, bounded cranially by the inner heart
curvature, and caudally by the crest of the muscular ventricular septum. Its dorsal boundary is marked by the blue line and the ventral boundary by
the red line (see Fig. 5, left-hand plot). The middle plot illustrates how remodeling of the dorsal boundary by expansion of the atrioventricular canal
produces the right ventricular inlet (see Fig. 5, middle plot). The remaining channel between the ventricles is now the secondary foramen.
Remodeling of its ventral border then produces the outlet for the left ventricle (right-hand plot, see also Fig. 5, right-hand plot). The embryo is then
able to close the persisting channel, which is between the aortic root and the right ventricle, and which can be described as the tertiary
interventricular foramen. The drawings do not, however, represent the three-dimensional changes that take place during the remodeling of the
boundaries of the primary foramen. These can better be appreciated when superimposed on reconstructed hearts, as shown in Figure 5.

close the tertiary foramen by formation of the so-called foramen are not shown to size in Figure 4. It is apprecia-
membranous septum (Fig. 5, right-hand plot). The dimen- tion of the processes involved in this remodeling, how-
sions of the various components of the remodeling ever, which we will describe in greater detail below, that

Fig. 5. The steps of remodeling shown diagrammatically in Figure 4 have been superimposed on hearts from developing mice in this figure. The
left-hand plot shows the starting point for remodeling, as already illustrated in Figure 2. The middle plot shows how, during E11.5, the dorsal part of
the primary foramen (blue line) becomes remodeled so as to form the boundaries of the right ventricular inlet. This produces the secondary
foramen, which remains roofed by the inner heart curvature. Further remodeling during E12.5 transforms the ventral part of the secondary foramen
into the boundaries of the left ventricular outflow tract (red line in right-hand plot). The developing embryo then closes the tertiary foramen, which is
the channel between the aortic root and the right ventricle. It is represented by the double headed green arrow in the right-hand plot, and is closed
by formation of the membranous septum. The evidence underscoring the remodeling is shown in Figure 6.
provides the key to understanding the phenotypic vari- exclusively by the developing left ventricle at the initial
ability in the channels between the ventricles seen in the stages of development (Fig. 2), the muscular floor of the
setting of congenital cardiac disease. right atrium was already in continuity with the roof of
the developing right ventricle at the rightward margin of
the canal (Fig. 7, left-hand plot). All that was required to
bring the cavities of the developing right atrium and right
CANAL ventricle into direct communication was expansion of the
It is expansion of the atrioventricular canal that is the right margin of the atrioventricular canal. It is this
first step in remodeling of the interventricular communi- expansion that underscores the initial remodeling of the
cation. As indicated above, this provides the right ventri- dorsal part of the initial interventricular communication
cle with its inlet component. This step did not attract (Figs. 4–7). The investigations performed using the GlN2
attention in the otherwise authoritative account of remo- antiserum also showed that, subsequent to this expan-
deling of the interventricular communication provided by sion, the initial atrioventricular canal myocardium
Kramer (Kramer, 1942), nor did Odgers discuss these ini- became incorporated into the right atrium as its vestibu-
tial changes (Odgers, 1938). The mechanism of transfer of lar component (Wessels et al., 1992; Lamers et al., 1992).
the right ventricular inlet had remained controversial This permitted the inference to be made that the entirety
prior to the investigation made using an antibody to the of the muscular walls of the developing right ventricle
no-dose ganglion of the chick, known as GlN2, which ser- were derived from the outlet component of the initial ven-
endipitously proved to mark the boundaries of the inter- tricular loop. The findings also showed that it is inappro-
ventricular communication (Fig. 6; Lamers et al., 1992). priate to argue that the so-called “infundibular”
The antibody recognizes the same epitope, an N-linked component of the right ventricle has a different develop-
carbohydrate present in several adhesion molecules mental origin from its “sinus” (Geva, 2016).
(Mitsumoto et al., 2000) as the HNK-1, Leu7, and CD57 Appreciation of the mechanism of expansion of this
antisera. The patterns of GlN2-staining showed that, rightward component of the embryonic atrioventricular
although the atrioventricular canal was supported canal is pertinent to the understanding of one of the most

Fig. 6. Serial transverse sections through the heart of a CS14 (top row) and a CS23 (bottom row) human embryo. The sections are stained with
the GlN2 antiserum, which identifies the junction between the embryonic left and right ventricles and the future ventricular conduction system. Plots
A–C show 4-chamber views through a CS14 heart, with plot A as most superior and plot C as most inferior section. Note that the GlN2 “ring”
marks the top of the ventricular septum (B) and the roots of the bundle branches that straddle the interventricular septum (C). The stain further
marks the ventricular pole of the AV node (A) and the junction between the right atrium and the right ventricle (B, C). Plots D–G show near
transverse serial sections of the heart axis of a CS23 embryo, with interventricular septum, aorta, and right AV junction. Plot D shows the most
superior and G the most inferior section. GlN2-positive myocytes mark the ventricular pole of the AV node (E, F), the left bundle branch (D), and the
right AV junction (G). Plots F and G show that the GlN2-positive ring marks the ventricular border of the AV canal. Note that the GlN2 antiserum,
which recognizes a possibly sulfated carbohydrate epitope on proteins, also marks cells in the arterial walls and nerves.

contentious types of ventricular septal defect, namely, the spine, also known as the “dorsal mesenchymal protru-
defect of so-called “atrioventricular canal type”. It is now sion” (Briggs, Karkala, & Wessels, 2012). Muscularization
well-recognized that some patients with atrioventricular of this component, which occurs only after the rightward
septal defect and common atrioventricular junction can expansion of the right atrioventricular junction is com-
have shunting between the chambers confined at ventric- plete, produces the antero-inferior buttress of the atrial
ular level. This is because the bridging leaflets of the com- septum. This structure is formed on the atrial side of the
mon atrioventricular valve are attached to the leading insulating tissues of the atrioventricular junctions
edge of the atrial septum. It is these lesions that are the (Anderson et al., 2014). The phenotypic feature of the so-
true ventricular defect of atrioventricular canal type. The called ventricular septal defect of “atrioventricular canal
hearts exhibit commonality of the atrioventricular canal, type” as described by Lacorte and colleagues is malalign-
and have a trifoliate left atrioventricular valve. The ment between the atrial septum and the muscular ven-
lesion initially described as being of “atrioventricular tricular septum. The hearts with these features do not
canal type” was designated as such because the muscular have a common atrioventricular junction, but rather pos-
ventricular septum extended across the full width of the sess a tricuspid valve overriding the right atrioventricu-
overriding orifice of the tricuspid valve (LaCorte, Fellows lar junction. They are perimembranous defects with
and Williams, 1976). Others continue to designate these atrioventricular septal malalignment (Fig. 8). As we will
lesions as being of “atrioventricular canal type,” arguing discuss below, others subsequently identified perimem-
that they exist because of failure of formation of an branous defects with inlet extension as being of “atrioven-
alleged septum of the atrioventricular canal (Van Praagh, tricular canal type” (Wells and Lindesmith, 1985). These
Geva, and Kreutzer, 1989). The investigations using the defects also have separate atrioventricular junctions for
GlN2 antibody, however, had shown that the developing the mitral and tricuspid valves. They, too, are not appro-
atrioventricular bundle was positioned on the crest of the priately described as possessing “atrioventricular canals.”
muscular ventricular septum (Lamers et al., 1992; Fig. 6).
And, subsequent to the completion of ventricular septa-
tion, the atrioventricular bundle is sandwiched between
the crest of the muscular ventricular septum and the INTERVENTRICULAR COMMUNICATION
insulating tissues of the atrioventricular junctions. This Expansion of the right margin of the atrioventricular
means that there cannot have been formation of a new canal is sufficient in itself to provide the right ventricle
muscular “septum of the atrioventricular canal,” as had with its inlet component. In the developing mouse, this
been suggested by Van Praagh and his colleagues (Van process is completed during embryonic day 11.5. At embry-
Praagh, Geva, and Kreutzer, 1989), and as Geva con- onic day 12.5, the entirety of the developing outflow tract
tinues to claim (Geva, 2016). It has now been shown that remains supported by the right ventricle. This is compara-
a structure deserving of the title “septum of the atrioven- ble to the situation seen in the developing human heart at
tricular canal” is formed during this stage of develop- Carnegie stage 16. This arrangement was well-illustrated
ment. It is derived by muscularization of the vestibular by Kramer in embryos of 12 to 14 mm crown-rump length

Fig. 7. The images are taken from episcopic data sets from mouse embryos sacrificed early (top plot) and later (bottom plot) during embryonic
(E) day 10.5. The left-hand plot shows that, although at the early stage the developing right atrioventricular orifice opens to the cavity of the
developing left ventricle (white arrow), the floor of the right atrium is in continuity with the roof of the developing right ventricle (red dotted line). All
that is required to produce direct continuity between the cavities of the right atrium and right ventricle is to expand the atrioventricular canal
rightward (white arrow with red borders). As is shown in the right-hand plot, this has been achieved by the end of E10.5, with the right
atrioventricular orifice (white arrow) now opening to the right of the developing muscular ventricular septum (white star with red borders in both
plots). The initial embryonic interventricular communication has been remodeled (see Figs. 4 and 5) so as to surround the newly developed right
ventricular inlet (blue dotted line).
channels between the ventricles found in the settings of
double outlet right ventricle with subaortic defect, tetral-
ogy of Fallot, and the commonest type of ventricular septal
defect coming to surgical correction. In the setting of dou-
ble outlet right ventricle, the channel between the ventri-
cles is equivalent to the secondary interventricular
communication (Fig. 11, left-hand plot). In the setting of
tetralogy of Fallot, where there is overriding of the aortic
root, the part of the channel between the ventricles now
representing the secondary foramen has already been
remodeled to become the outflow tract of the left ventricle.
It is the persisting communication between the overriding
aortic root and the right ventricle that is equivalent to the
tertiary foramen. This is the area identified by most inves-
tigators as the “ventricular septal defect” (Fig. 11, middle
plot). It is this channel that also represents the commonest
type of ventricular septal defect encountered in patients
referred for surgical correction. In these latter patients,
the secondary embryonic interventricular communication
has again remodeled to become the outflow tract for the
left ventricle (Fig. 11, right-hand plot). In the setting of
double outlet right ventricle, paradoxically, most pediatric
cardiologists still describe the channel equivalent to the
secondary interventricular communication as the “ventric-
ular septal defect.” This channel between the ventricles,
Fig. 8. The image shows a “four chamber” section from a human however, which represented the outflow tract for the left
heart with a ventricular septal defect produced by malalignment ventricle, cannot be closed during surgical correction.
between the atrial septum and the muscular ventricular septum. Some Instead, during most surgical corrections, an area within
authorities suggested that the lesion is an “atrioventricular canal the right ventricle, roofed by the outlet septum, is patched
defect”. As is shown, nonetheless, there are separate atrioventricular
by the surgeon so as to redirect the flow from the left ven-
junctions, with the left atrioventricular junction guarded by a
morphologically mitral valve. The lesion is a perimembranous inlet
tricle into the aortic or pulmonary root. If the area repre-
ventricular septal defect with atrioventricular septal malalignment. This senting the secondary foramen is directed to the
type of defect is best understood as the consequence of incomplete pulmonary root, the operative procedure also includes an
rightward expansion of the embryonic atrioventricular canal. arterial switch. It is the area patched by the surgeon,
therefore, that logically should be described as the ventric-
ular septal defect. The channel between the ventricles is
(Kramer, 1942; Fig. 9). So as to complete ventricular septa- more accurately described simply as the interventricular
tion, therefore, it is necessary to continue the remodeling communication (Ebadi et al., 2017; Fig. 11).
of the interventricular communication. This is achieved by
transferring the aortic root such that it arises above the CLOSURE OF THE PERSISTING
cavity of the left, rather than the right, ventricle (Figs. 4
and 5). This process occurs in the developing mouse during
embryonic days 12.5 and 13.0, equivalent to human devel- Transfer of the aortic root to the left ventricle, there-
opment through Carnegie stages 16 through 18. The proxi- fore, serves to reorient the secondary interventricular
mal outflow cushions complete their fusion during this communication to become the left ventricular outflow
period, creating a shelf in the roof the right ventricle. Con- tract. The changes involved in remodeling the interventri-
comitant with this process, the margins of the embryonic cular foramen were well described by Frazer and Odgers
interventricular communication provide the outlet for the in seminal investigations published in the first part of the
blood entering the left ventricle from the left atrium to 20th century (Frazer, 1916; Odgers, 1938). It was they
reach the aortic root (Fig. 5, central plot; Fig. 10, left-hand who pointed out how, after transfer of the aortic root to
plot). A new communication between the ventricles, how- the left ventricle, the persisting interventricular foramen
ever, is then created between the rightward margin of the was a new entity (Figs. 4 and 5). It is this tertiary fora-
aortic root and the cavity of the right ventricle. This area, men that is closed by formation of the membranous part
which can be considered to represent the tertiary foramen, of the ventricular septum. Odgers showed that the new
is then readily identified as being discrete from the second- component of the ventricular septum was formed by the
ary interventricular communication (Fig. 10, central plot). rightward margins of the atrioventricular cushions, which
Then, by the end of embryonic day 14.5, the aortic root has he called the tubercles (Odgers, 1938). Kramer, while
been realigned to achieve its definitive position above the endorsing the larger part of the account provided by
cavity of the left ventricle. This means that the boundaries Odgers, argued that his material suggested that the prox-
of the secondary interventricular communication (Fig. 4) imal outflow cushions, or ridges as they were termed by
have been remodeled to form the left ventricular outflow him, also contributed to the membranous septum,
tract (Fig. 10, right-hand plot, Fig. 5, right-hand plot). describing the formation of a “mesenchymal mass.” Our
The changes occurring during remodeling of the second- episcopic images suggest that both Odgers and Kramer
ary interventricular communication (Figs. 4–5, and 10) are could be correct in their descriptions. The proximal out-
recapitulated in the features seen in the morphology of the flow cushions, subsequent to their fusion, create a shelf in

Fig. 9. The left-hand plot is modified from Figure 8 in the publication of Kramer from 1942. It depicts reconstructions made from human embryos
of 12 to 14 mm crown-rump length. The arrangement is directly comparable to the episcopic image shown in the right-hand plot, which is taken
from a dataset prepared from a mouse embryo sacrificed at embryonic day 12.5. The interventricular foramen has already been remodeled to
produce the inlet of the right ventricle (See Fig. 5, left-hand plot). At this stage, the developing right ventricle continues to support the entirety of the
outflow tract, which is being divided into the aortic and pulmonary outflow tracts by fusion of the proximal outflow cushions. AV – atrioventricular.

the roof of the developing right ventricle. This process in Roger Markwald. As the cushion mass muscularizes, its
itself reduces the dimensions of the persisting communi- central part shows evidence of attenuation. It is the right-
cation between the aortic root and the right ventricle ward surface of the muscularized component, subsequent
(Fig. 10, right-hand plot). By the time the cushions have to extensive remodeling, which becomes the free-standing
created the shelf in the right ventricle, however, their subpulmonary infundibular sleeve. This supports the leaf-
surface has muscularized (van den Hoff et al., 1999), pro- lets of the pulmonary valve in the base of the ventricular
ducing initially an extensive wedge-shaped structure. The mass (Fig. 12, left-hand plot). Kramer did not take
initial work regarding the myocardialization of the out- account of the attenuation of the core of cushion mass,
flow tract was also performed, in part, in the laboratory of arguing instead that the supraventricular crest formed by

Fig. 10. The episcopic images are taken from data sets prepared from mouse embryos sacrificed during embryonic day 12.5 and early 13.5. They
show how the secondary interventricular communication (red double headed arrow, see Figs. 4 and 5) becomes remodeled to produce the outflow
tract of the left ventricle. It is the persisting interventricular communication between the aortic root and the right ventricle, or the tertiary
interventricular foramen (green double headed arrow), as seen in the right-hand plot that is closed by formation of the membranous septum (see

Fig. 11. The images are from congenitally malformed human hearts with, to the left hand, double outlet right ventricle with subaortic defect, in the
middle tetralogy of Fallot, and to the right hand, the commonest type of ventricular septal defect coming to surgical correction. Each heart has
been sectioned to replicate the echocardiographic four-chamber cut incorporating the aortic root. The images show the channel representing the
secondary interventricular foramen as the red double headed arrow (see also Figs. 4 and 5), and the area for eventual closure of the ventricular
septum as the green double headed arrow. They illustrate a paradoxical situation. It is the boundaries of the locus providing the outflow tract for the
left ventricle as seen in the setting of tetralogy of Fallot (middle plot) that is currently named by most as the “ventricular septal defect” when both
arterial trunks arise from the right ventricle (left-hand plot).

the process of muscularization was a “conal septum” 1980). We pointed out that, depending on the extent of
(Kramer, 1942). Van Praagh and his colleagues continue the deficiency of the muscular septum, the perimembra-
to hold this opinion (Van Praagh, Geva and Kreutzer, nous defects could open centrally (Fig. 13, central plot), or
1989). Geva, as we have discussed, suggests that an even could extend so as to open primarily to the inlet or outlet
greater part of the septum belongs to the “conus” (Geva, of the right ventricle. The defects opening to the inlet of
2016). We now know that, subsequent to eventual closure the right ventricle would be shielded by the septal leaflet
of the persisting communication between the aortic root of the tricuspid valve (Fig. 13, left-hand plot). Wells and
and the right ventricle, and formation of the membranous Lindesmith had interpreted such perimembranous
septum from the tubercles of the atrioventricular cush- defects opening to the right ventricular inlet as represent-
ions as described by Odgers (Odgers, 1938), the central ing the “atrioventricular canal type” of defect (Wells and
part of the proximal cushion mass becomes transformed Lindesmith, 1985). These defects are different from
into extracavitary fibroadipose tissue. There is no rem- the malalignment defects accorded this description by
nant of a septum in the postnatal heart between the free- LaCorte et al. (1976). Sherman had already pointed out
standing subpulmonary infundibular sleeve and the aor- (Sherman, 1963) that the defects lacked a common atrio-
tic root (Anderson et al., 2014). ventricular junction, with the left-sided junction guarded
by a morphologically mitral valve. They are no more than
FAILURE TO CLOSE THE TERTIARY perimembranous defects opening predominantly to the
right ventricular inlet (Fig. 13, left-hand plot). They differ
markedly from the perimembranous inlet defects with
Prior to its closure, the persisting channel between the atrioventricular septal malalignment (Fig. 7). The defects
ventricles is positioned directly beneath the aortic root. It opening to the ventricular outlet, in contrast, could do so
can now be considered to represent the tertiary interven- either because the supraventricular crest, derived from
tricular communication. It opens to the right ventricle the proximal outlet cushions, was itself hypoplastic
centrally within its base. This is the precise location of (Fig. 13, right-hand plot), or because the crest was devi-
the commonest type of ventricular septal defect found in ated in antero-cephalad or postero-caudal fashion relative
patients coming forward for surgical correction of their to the muscular ventricular septum itself. Perimembra-
defect. For many years, such defects were described as nous defects, nonetheless, can also be confluent, opening
being “membranous.” Becu and his colleagues, however, to both the right ventricular inlet and outlet, while
had already noted that the dimensions of such defects retaining their central location at the ventricular base
were appreciably larger than the size of the membranous (Fig. 14, left plot).
septum itself (Becu et al., 1956). They commented that It also follows that, should the proximal outflow cush-
the defects likely represented deficiencies of the muscular ions themselves have failed to muscularize, then the defi-
septum in the environs of the interventricular communi- ciency of the supraventricular crest can be sufficiently
cation. This concept was subsequently endorsed by Sher- extreme that the resulting defect is roofed by fibrous con-
man (Sherman, 1963). It was this concept that was tinuity between the leaflets of the aortic and pulmonary
embraced by ourselves when, in collaboration with valves. It is for this reason that, on occasion, it is possible
European colleagues, we proposed that the defects were to identify a fibrous rather than a muscular outlet sep-
better considered as being perimembranous (Soto et al., tum. It is the presence of such fibrous continuity between

Fig. 12. The episcopic images are from data sets prepared from mouse embryos sacrificed on embryonic day 14.5, at the time of closure of the
tertiary interventricular (IV) communication. The left-hand plot, which is cut to reveal the septal surface of the right ventricle, shows how
the proximal outflow cushions have formed the supraventricular crest, with part of the trabecular layer of the right ventricle compacting to form the
septomarginal trabeculation and its septoparietal extensions, labeled as “compacting trabeculations” in the image. The tertiary interventricular
communication, or the channel between the aortic root and the right ventricle, itself is being closed by the tubercles of the atrioventricular
(AV) cushions. As is shown in the right-hand plot, a four-chamber section, these form the nonmyocardial part of the ventricular septum. A remnant
of the septal cushion can still be seen within the developing supraventricular crest, but this does not contribute to the definitive membranous
septum. Note also that, as shown in the right-hand plot, there remains a substantial subaortic infundibulum subsequent to closure of the persisting
interventricular communication. This will not become fibrous in the mouse until embryonic day 16.5.

the leaflets of the arterial valves that is the phenotypic Such defects often have a muscular postero-inferior rim,
feature of the type of ventricular septal defect that is now produced by fusion of the trabecular layer of the right
described as being doubly committed and juxta-arterial. ventricular wall with the inner heart curvature. Being

Fig. 13. The images show how defects that share the phenotypic feature of fibrous continuity in their roof between the leaflets of the aortic and
tricuspid valves, making them perimembranous, can open to the inlet of the right ventricle (left-hand plot), centrally at the ventricular base (central
plot), or to the outlet of the right ventricle (right-hand plot) depending on the extent of deficiency of the muscular ventricular septum. In the case of
the outlet defect, the deficiency is due to hypoplasia of the supraventricular crest, such that the defect opens between the limbs of the
septomarginal trabeculation.

Fig. 14. The images show defects that open to the right ventricle because of hypoplasia of the supraventricular crest, which is formed by
muscularization of the proximal outflow cushions. The left-hand plot shows a defect that is perimembranous, as revealed by the fibrous continuity
between the aortic and tricuspid valvar leaflets. Clearly opening to the right ventricular outlet, it also extends to open to the right ventricular inlet.
This makes it a confluent defect. In the right plot, the heart shows no muscularization of the proximal outflow cushions at all, so that the defect is
roofed by fibrous continuity between the leaflets of the aortic and pulmonary valves. This makes the defect doubly committed and juxta-arterial.
Both defects open to the right ventricle between the limbs of the septomarginal trabeculation, but the doubly committed defect has a muscular
postero-inferior rim, which presumably is produced by compaction of the right ventricular trabeculations fusing with the inner heart curvature.

outlet defects, such channels continue to open to the right thickness until embryonic day 14.5, they coalesce to pro-
ventricle between the limbs of the septomarginal trabecu- duce the compact component of the walls. This is not true,
lation (Fig. 14, right-hand plot). Our inferences made as the compact part of the ventricular walls is formed, in
regarding the morphogenesis of the different defects its larger part, by hyperplasia of the initially thin com-
depending on failure to close the tertiary interventricular pact layer. This thin compact layer is present from the
foramen, or hypoplasia or malalignment of the supraven- outset of formation of the chamber myocardium
tricular crest, have now been confirmed by observations (Anderson et al., 2017). It is the initial trabeculations,
made in a colony of mice in which the Furin enzyme was nonetheless, which do coalesce to form the muscular ven-
perturbed. Several of these mice showed persistence of tricular septum. The initial trabeculations also coalesce
the tertiary interventricular foramen at embryonic day to form the papillary muscles of the atrioventricular
15.5, producing a ventricular septal defect bordered by valves, along with the septoparietal and septomarginal
continuity between the developing leaflets of the mitral trabeculations of the right ventricle. Failure of complete
and tricuspid valves, in other words a perimembranous coalescence of the septal trabeculations, therefore, can
defect. The defects opened centrally into the base of the account for the presence of muscular defects within any
right ventricle (Fig. 15, left-hand plot). Other mice part of the muscular septum. It is widespread failure of
showed hypoplasia and failure of muscularization of the such coalescence that produces the so-called “Swiss-
proximal outflow cushions, leaving ventricular septal cheese septum.” Such defects can open to the inlet of the
defects that were doubly committed and juxta-arterial right ventricle, but more frequently they are found within
(Fig. 15, right-hand plot). the apical part of the septum, either in mid-septal posi-
tion, or at the ventricular apex. They can also be found
COMPACTION OF THE MUSCULAR anterior to the body of the septomarginal trabeculation.
The muscular defects can also open to the outlet of the
right ventricle when there is hypoplasia of the supraven-
It is often presumed that the individual trabeculations tricular crest. Muscular defects, however, cannot open
making up the trabecular layer of the developing ventric- centrally within the ventricular base. This is the area
ular walls, which form the greater part of the mural occupied by membranous septum. An intact membranous

Fig. 15. The images are prepared from episcopic data sets obtained from mouse embryos sacrificed at embryonic day 15.5 subsequent to
perturbation of the Furin enzyme. By this stage of development, the channel between the aortic root, and the right ventricle would normally have
closed. The images show a central perimembranous defect in the left-hand plot, and a doubly committed and juxta-arterial defect in the right-hand
plot, that latter being found in the presence of double outlet from the morphologically right ventricle.

septum is always to be found in central position when muscularization of the proximal outflow cushions. The so-
defects have exclusively muscular borders. The only called “Type 2” defect, that is, the consequence of failure
exception to this rule is when muscular defects coexists of closure of the tertiary interventricular communication,
with a second defect that is perimembranous. this being the space remaining between the right ventri-
cle and the aortic root subsequent to fusion of the proxi-
mal outflow cushions. These defects are now usually
CONCLUSIONS described as being perimembranous (Soto et al., 1980).
According to Wells and Lindesmith, it had been “tradi- Depending on the deficiency of the muscular components
tional” to categorize ventricular septal defects into four surrounding the interventricular communication, the
categories according to their developmental heritage defects can open centrally, can extend toward the inlet or
(Wells and Lindesmith, 1985). These four types of defects, outlet of the right ventricle, or can be confluent, opening
labeled in numerical fashion, were said to have been out- to both inlet and outlet. As emphasized, this perimembra-
let, membranous, of “atrioventricular canal type”, or mus- nous category includes the so-called “Type 3” defect. The
cular. We have been unable to trace the “tradition” on “Type 4” defects, as defined by Wells and Lindesmith,
which this categorization was allegedly based. It does make up the muscular group. These channels can be pro-
now prove to be the case, nonetheless, that according to duced either by lack of coalescence of the apical muscular
the deficiencies in formation of the normal ventricular septum, or failure of fusion of the supraventricular crest
septum, it is possible to recognize the entities as with the apical muscular septum. All defects, therefore,
described. In our opinion, they can better be grouped into can be categorized into the doubly committed and juxta-
three categories. This is because the so-called “atrioven- arterial, perimembranous, and muscular groups. To
tricular canal defect,” described by Wells and Lindesmith provide complete descriptions, nonetheless, it is also nec-
them as the “Type 3” defect, is no more than a perimem- essary to describe their geography relative to the land-
branous defect with malalignment between the atrial and marks of the right ventricle, and to account for the
muscular ventricular septal components. The so-called presence or absence of septal malalignment. The mala-
“Type 1” defects in the categorization popularized by lignment most frequently involves the outlet septum.
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