Cunning Marketing Insights From A New York Surgeon's Side Chick

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tomas alt <tomasalt123@gmail.


Cunning marketing insights from a New York surgeon’s side chick

1 message

Ben Settle <> 30 January 2023 at 11:45


True story about love and lust:

When I first met Stefania, she told me about a time when she briefly dated a neurosurgeon
in New York. A very successful guy who made a lot of money. And, also, a guy surrounded
by nurses wanting nothing more than to be the next Mrs. New York Neurosurgeon. And
Stefania said when she first started dating him that one of those nurses - who was the 30-
year long “side chick” affair for another married surgeon at that same hospital - pulled her
aside to give her advice.
And that advice was this:
“Okay, what you do is, you have to make him lunch. Or at least bring lunch to him. And you
have to come and visit him as often as possible. And make sure the nurses know you’re
there to see him, and especially make sure they SEE you bring him lunch. That way they
know you’re around and that you’re with him. Because he’s young and handsome and
makes a lot of money, and so they will always have designs on him constantly.”
This is coming directly from a side chick.
And she was telling Stefania that to protect herself from chicks like her stealing her
i.e., it was based in harsh reality not fantasy or theory.
And certainly not the imaginary fan fiction by a single lady boss life coach.
Anyway, there is a specific word for this phenomenon the nurse was describing. And it is a
phenomenon that can potentially be used by cunning marketers who know what they're
doing to help grow a business practically teeming over with what I call:
“Berserker Customers”
Berserker Customers are your extremists.
They are out there “berserking” hard on your business’ behalf, and making it almost like a
virtue to buy from & indoctrinate the world with your brand… sometimes while mocking,
picking fights with, and (on the really extreme side) using threats of canceling, doxxing, or
even violence against those who don’t.
I don’t condone those parts, but it can happen.
Anyway, back to the phenomenon the nurse described:
Believe it or not, it is not just advice for mate guarding wives and girlfriends to have peace
of mind, it is also potentially an extremely powerful 6G Marketing Warfare weapon. I
invented that term a couple years ago to describe a way of selling where selling, pitching,
marketing, and promoting — directly or indirectly — are done well before anyone sees an
offer, or before a product is even created, with most of the selling being done by that
company’s fans & customers (as well as its haters & trolls). And often without those
customers even being aware of it by you using everyone and everything as a marketing
media to sell with.
And guess what?
You can see this particular 6G Marketing Warfare weapon everywhere.
Especially in the seedy underworld of mafia goomas, powerful men with side chicks, and
tropes on popular TV shows and movies. I am talking about everyone from politicians like
John Kerry’s disgraced Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards getting some booty on
the sneak while his wife was dying of cancer & former Speaker of the House Newt
Gingrich getting some side (who he ended up marrying) from his secretary… to Arnold
Schwarzenegger nailing his housekeeper & Ben Affleck banging the nanny… to Grace
Kelly giving it up to whoever was on set & Clint Eastwood sticking his John Thomas into
anything that moved… to Steve McQueen seducing Ali McGraw from her husband (the
head of Paramount Studios — arguably the most powerful man in Hollywood at the time)…
to Dr. Seuss getting some action from family friend Audrey (while his wife suffered from
debilitating partial paralysis) & William Randolph Hearst keeping a girlfriend while
married… to Johnny Cash & June Carter, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie, Stan & Joan Lee,
Dylan & Kelly from Beverly Hills 90210…
And the list goes on and on and on.
All these, er, unions, were not merely people cheating or due to natural mutual attraction.
And it goes way beyond just mere hypergamy.
There was something else going on far more powerful than all those forces.
Something that has gotten many a powerful man in a lot of trouble, including men of high
status (like former Vice President Mike Pence and the late celebrity evangelist Billy
Graham) who knew it could be used against them. And, thus, are/were never alone in a
room with another woman.
A lot of feminists got grumpy about Pence doing that.
But that’s because they don’t understand the dangers a powerful man has to contend with
due to this phenomenon I speak of any more than a man can understand menstruation or
an incel can understand what happens on a date.
What, exactly, is this “phenomenon?”
And how can you harness it for your 6G Marketing Warfare campaigns?
The answer to that is in the February Email Players issue.
All I will say besides the above is, it’s a truly primal force. It not only can help cause
people to literally leave their spouses and children on a dime never to return… but it can
even help cause mass genocide and war!
I kid you not on this
We’re talking about an extremely potent primal force.
And yes, it can absolutely be used ethically and legally (no genocide or adultery required)
to peacefully & profitably create a rabid following of Berserker Customers for your
business, too — where other business’ customers are attracted to you, “cheat” on them
with you, and then never want to leave you.
All right enough of this obnoxious teasing.
Of the 139 Email Players issues I’ve written this is probably my favorite.
Certainly it’s one of the more important ones.
And, yes, I believe it’s one of the most profitable ones.
But, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a learning curve. Nor does it mean everything inside is
"new!" (it's not, just arranged and applied uniquely, I believe) or that you can read this
issue on a Monday and expect to be rich beyond the dreams of avarice by Friday. No, this
particular topic takes a lifetime to think about, implement, and benefit from. And how fast it
can work for your business really depends on your relationship with your market, list, and
audience now.
This is why it’s not for newbies.
If you don’t even have a list and an offer it’ll do you zero good.
Now for the logistics:
Tomorrow is the deadline to subscribe in time to get this February issue.
After that?
Too late.
You’ll have to keep marketing like the normies who don’t know this do.
Otherwise, here’s the link:
Ben Settle

This email was sent by Ben Settle as owner of Settle, LLC. Copyright © 2023 Settle, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this email may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission
from Settle, LLC.

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