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tomas alt <tomasalt123@gmail.


How "silent killers" act

1 message

Alex <> 25 March 2023 at 15:03

To: Don Piper <>

I spend a lot of time talking to billionaires.

For confidentiality purposes, I can’t say who, but these guys are the real

They’re running $100MM companies….

$500MM companies…

Even billion-dollar companies…

And I noticed one single trend that shocked me to my core.

And it could be the EXACT thing that’s holding you back from your next
level of success.

Let me explain.

Everyone on social media is trying to look richer than they are.

They post Lambos…

They post mansions…

They post ocean-front apartments in Miami…

They want others to think they’re rich.


They crave the attention…

They crave the status…

But the billionaires…they see right through that sh*t.

In fact, the real players are trying hard to be the OPPOSITE:

They don’t want anyone to know who they are.

They want to make money in silence.

These are what I call the “silent killers”

They are outworking and outproducing all the “rich” influencers you see
plastered all over social media…

They don’t want to look rich…they want to BE rich.

This is especially true within ecom.

Look at all the ecom “experts” out there with thousands of followers on

Most of them have dog sh*t results.

Then they boast their mentorship program like it’s some revolutionary

When I entered this industry, I noticed this trend…and I wanted to be the

exact opposite.

I wanted to create a community of silent killers in ecom.

People doing 10k, 50k, 100k days…

…yet you never see them posting on IG about it.

Over the past 4 years, I’ve built this community of silent killers:

eCommerce Scaling Secrets.

And if you want to be one of them…

…and be amongst the top 1% of ecom entrepreneurs in the WORLD…

Then apply for the ESS program here >>

I’ll see you inside.

- Alex

P.S. We purposely don’t accept everyone into the ESS community. We

like to only accept the silent killers doing at least 30k/mo…so if that’s not
you, then don’t apply.

P.P.S. If you don't own a biz doing over 30k/mo, apply for our beginner
friendly program Brand Builders Academy here.
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eCommerce Scaling Secrets, 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States

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