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tomas alt <tomasalt123@gmail.


Is Being “Friends” With Your Ex A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?

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Clay Andrews <> 4 March 2023 at 18:00


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Are you worried about being put in the friend zone by your ex?

...After all the two of you have been through…?

Just to become a platonic friend who gets to sit there having coffee
with them, sipping on a latte while they tell you all about the new
person they’re seeing…


It makes you wish someone would just put you out of your misery with
a quick sledgehammer blow to the head, doesn’t it?

Hold on though.

Maybe being “friends” with your ex isn’t so bad.

In fact, maybe it could actually be a GOOD sign.

That’s right.
Being “friends” with your ex could actually be a GREAT thing if you
want to get back together with them.

Okay, I know you probably think I’ve lost it, but hear me out.

THIS Is Why You WANT to Be “Friends”

with Your Ex

Getting back together is a big decision.

It’s not something your ex is going to take lightly.

And no “perfect” text message or anything is going to change that.

Instead, the harsh reality is that getting back together is going to take
time while you and your ex heal and mend your relationship.

And being “friends” is a great way to buy yourself the time you need to
do that.

If you refuse to be "friends" with your ex, you're essentially forcing

them to choose between being with you in a romantic sense or not at

Frankly, that isn't a decision they are ready to make right now.

...Which means they'll choose to cut you out of their life for good.

Don't force them to make this decision until you've had some time to
warm them up a bit (more on that in a moment, though...).

But What About the "Friend Zone”?

Maybe you’re wondering...

"If I’m “friends” with my ex, won’t I just end up in the ‘friend
zone’? Then won’t I be in REAL trouble?”

And the answer is…


You won’t be in the “friend zone.”

For better or worse, your ex has already decided that you are

I’m sorry, but you’re hot.

(Yes, YOU!)

There’s nothing that your ex can do about it.

If your ex didn’t think you were attractive, the two of you would have
never ended up in a relationship together in the first place.

Your ex might say that the two of you are "just friends.”

They may even try very, very hard to be “just friends” with you.

But underneath all of it, they still feel attracted to you.

You can’t change that.

So, don’t worry about the "friend zone,” okay.

What You Should Do Next…

So, now that you know that you need to buy yourself some time to
restore the connection you have with your ex…
…And you know that you CANNOT be put in the “friend zone"… 

...You should go ahead and agree to be friends with your ex.

It gives your ex a really good excuse to spend time with you while
they warm up to you again (“Sure, we can hang out, after all, we’re
just friends.”)

But What Next?

What do you do now that you’ve got yourself the opportunity to mend
the connection?

Well, that’s where the Advanced Relational Skills in the Ex Solution

Program come into play.

These skills will help you rebuild the connection, the love, and the
openness that you and your ex have for one another.

I’ve been helping people with their breakups for years now, and I’ve
seen absolute miracles happen when people start using developing
and using these skills.

In fact, don’t be surprised if your ex suddenly realizes that they have

very strong feelings for you, even if the two of you are “just friends.”

Are you ready to get started?

Well, you can learn more or sign up with the Ex Solution Program
over here.


Who Is Clay Andrews?

Since 2009, Clay has been helping heart centered
entrepreneurs and professionals going through breakups heal,
connect, and find a new beginning with the people they used to
call their exes.

However, it wasn’t always this way.

Several years ago, Clay found himself in the exact same

situation that you might be going through right now.

The woman he loved left him for someone else.

Through trial and error, and learning everything the hard way,
he was eventually able to get her back.

You can learn more about how Clay did it over here.

Work With Us

There are a lot of ways to work with Clay and the Modern Love

Connect And Commit - What to say to turn potentially

devastating situations with your ex into opportunities for

Ex Solution Program - Navigate your ex’s emotional world to

build a stronger connection and inspire commitment for lasting
Effortless Connection - Develop high-stakes communication
skills to help a struggling relationship thrive.

Emotional Freedom - Overcome the pain of your breakup to

build a new possibility for love with your ex or with someone

Authentic Dating - Strategies to navigate the dating world to

find your ideal partner in 5 dates or less.

Private Coaching - Work with us to develop a custom solution

for your current situation

Media Interviews and Appearances

If you work in radio, television, print, or online media and would

like to feature Clay Andrews or the Ex Solution Program,
please contact us with details at

Psychologists, Counselors,

Therapists, etc.

Psychologists and counselors frequently ask us if they can

share our courses with their clients to help them with breakups
or relationships.
If you are a psychologist, counselor, therapist, or other helping
professional and would like to share our work with your clients,
please contact us at and ask about

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