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St Peters Lutheran College (Indooroopilly)

Year 9
(Biology IA2)

Student name

Student number



Due date

Marking summary

Research and planning 8
Analysis of evidence 8
Interpretation and evaluation 8
Communication 4
Overall 28

Student declaration: I confirm that this work is my own work and is the final version. I have
acknowledged each use of the words or ideas of another person, whether written, oral or visual.

Candidate’s signature: ........................................................................

Date: ........................................

Technique Student Experiment

Unit Year 9 Biology

Topic Topic 1 Human Body systems

Duration 5 Lessons (All work completed in class)

Mode Handwritten or digital research notes with typed bibliography

Handwritten or typed scientific report

Hand drawn or digital results tables and graphs

Length 500 – 1000 words

Individual/Group Practical work is to be conducted in groups.

Individual Experimental report to be submitted

Resources Students are to modify an experiment to investigate Osmosis

Context and Purpose In this unit students will study Osmosis. Experiment on the effect of salty water on plant
cells is attached.
You are to modify this experiment to investigate effects (eg salt concentration, temperature, pH) on osmosis and
present the results in the form of a scientific report.

Report Template

Research question - title


Background research with intext referencing.

Why that IV was chosen and why the range of IV was selected.

What are the expected outcomes.

Original experiment: Refer specifically to the attached experiment. Do not re-write it.

Modification of methodology

Refined by (if method was improved) and extended by (what IV and range was selected)

Variable table (IV, DV, controlled, monitored)

Labelled diagram or photo

Risk assessment and ethical considerations:

Hazards Risks from hazards Management of hazard

Qualitative observations.


Table in excel, include header row and unit row

Graph/s (xy scatter where appropriate)

Analysis: describe trends and relationships


Compare results to theory (what was expected to happen)

Experimental error – select one high quality source of error.

Improvement: How could the experiment be improved to reduce this error.

Extension: What other IV could be studied

Conclusion: What do the results suggest about the salt concentrations in plant cells and/or diffusion in cells.

Reference list (Bibliography)

Effect of salty water on plant cells. Modified from Queensland Studies Authority
Aim: To measure the effect of salt solution on the change of length of a
potato core.

1. Cut 3 cores of potato of the same diameter and cut them to the same length.
2. Measure the length of each core to the nearest mm.
3. Place each core in a tube and cover with the salt solution.
4. Leave the potato cores to soak overnight.
5. Pour out the solutions and measure the length of each potato core to the nearest mm.
6. Calculate the change in length of each core.
7. Observe any other changes to the potato core.
Table 1: Investigation results

core Initial length (mm) Final length (mm) Change in length observations

1. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable?
What other variables were controlled? How were they controlled?

2. What do your results tell you about the effect of high salt concentrations on the length of
a potato core?

3. Explain your results on a cellular level.

Instrument Specific Marking Guide (ISMG) – Junior Sciences
Student Experiments

Criterion 1: Research and Planning

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks
• Informed application of scientific understanding demonstrated by:
o A considered rationale for the experiment (Aim, Hypothesis, Background theory)
o Justified modifications
o A specific and relevant research question 7–8
o A methodology that enables collection of accurate, sufficient, relevant data (Data
o Considered management of risk and ethical or environmental issues
• Adequate application of scientific understanding demonstrated by:
o A reasonable rationale (Aim, Hypothesis, Background theory)
o Feasible modificatons
o A relevant research question
o A methodology that enables collection of sufficient, relevant data (Data table)
o Management of relevant risks, ethical or environmental issues
• Rudimentary application of scientific understanding demonstrated by:
o A basic rationale for the experiment (Aim, Hypothesis, Background theory)
o Basic modifications
o A basic research question
o A methodology that enables collection of relevant data (Data table)
o Describes relevant risks, ethical or environmental issues
• Isolated application of scientific understanding demonstrated by:
o A vague or irrelevant rationale for the experiment (Aim, Hypothesis, Background
o Vague modifications 1–2
o A vague research question OR vague statement of aspects of the investigation
o A methodology that causes the collection of insufficient OR irrelevant data
o Identifies risks, ethical or environmental issues
• Does not satisfy any of the above descriptors 0
Criterion 2: Processing & Analysing data and information
The student work has the following characteristics: Marks
• Correct and relevant processing of data using algorithms, visuals, and graphical
representations. (Calculations, graphs and graphical features)
• Systematic and effective analysis of experimental evidence demonstrated by: 7–8
o Thorough identification of relevant trends, patterns or relationships.
o Thorough and appropriate identification of uncertainties and limitations of evidence
• Relevant processing of data using algorithms, visuals and graphical representations.
(Calculations, graphs and graphical features)
• Effective analysis of experimental evidence demonstrated by: 5–6
o Identification of relevant trends, patterns or relationships
o Identification of uncertainties and limitations of evidence
• Rudimentary processing of data using algorithms, visuals and graphical representations.
(Calculations, graphs and graphical features)
• Adequate analysis of experimental evidence demonstrated by: 3–4
o Identification of obvious trends, patterns or relationships
o Identification of obvious anomalies
• Isolated processing of data using visuals and graphical representations.
• Ineffective analysis of experimental evidence demonstrated by:
o Identification of incorrect or irrelevant trends, patterns or relationships OR
o Identifies obvious anomalies
• Does not satisfy any of the above descriptors 0

Criterion 3: Evaluating & Concluding

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks
• Insightful interpretation of experimental evidence demonstrated by justified conclusion(s)
linked to the research question.
• Critical evaluation of experimental processes demonstrated by:
o Justified discussion of reliability and validity of the experimental process.
o Suggested improvements and extension to the experiment are logically derived from
the analysis of evidence
• Adequate interpretation of experimental evidence demonstrated by reasonable conclusion(s)
relevant to the research question
• Basic evaluation of experimental processes demonstrated by:
o Reasonable description of the reliability and validity of the experimental process
o Suggested improvements and extensions to the experiment that are related to the
analysis of evidence
• Superficial interpretation of experimental evidence demonstrated by basic conclusion relevant
to research question.
• Superficial evaluation of the experimental process demonstrated by: 3–4
o Identification of reliability and validity of experimental process
o Suggested improvements and extensions related to the experimental investigation
• Invalid interpretation of experimental evidence demonstrated by inappropriate or irrelevant
• Superficial evaluation of the experimental process demonstrated by:
o Cursory or simplistic statement(s) about reliability or validity of the experimental
o Ineffective or irrelevant suggestion(s)
• Does not satisfy any of the above descriptors 0
Criterion 4: Communication
Communication of understandings and experimental findings, arguments and conclusions
demonstrated by:
• Coherent, fluent and concise use of scientific language and representations
• Mastery of genre conventions 4
• Mastery of referencing conventions with Intext and bibliography
• Appropriate use of scientific language and representations
• Appropriate use of genre conventions 3
• Appropriate use of referencing conventions with some Intext and bibliography
• Competent use of scientific language and representations
• Use of basic genre conventions 2
• Competent use of referencing bibliography
• Rudimentary use of scientific language and/or representations
• Basic organization and presentation of information 1
• Basic use of referencing bibliography
• Does not satisfy any of the above descriptors 0

Achievement Cut-offs:

A > 80%
B > 60%
C > 40%
D > 20%
E ≤ 20%
N --

Allocated Marks Results

Criterion 1: Research and Planning 8

Criterion 3: Processing & Analysing data and information 8

Criterion 4: Evaluating & Concluding 8

Criterion 5: Communicating 4

Totals: 28

Percentage: %

Final Achievement

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