Cakaj 2010

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2010 Second International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications

Simulation of Local User Terminal Implementation for Low Earth Orbiting

(LEO) Search and Rescue Satellites

Shkelzen Cakaj Mickey Fitzmaurice, Jesse Reich, Eric Foster

Post and Telecommunication of Kosovo National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
(Fulbright Scholar Researcher at NOAA, 2009) NOAA Satellite Operational Facility (NSOF)
Pristina, Kosovo Suitland, Maryland, USA,,

Abstract - NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration) - LEO environmental satellites provide II. COSPAS-SARSAT SYSTEM CONCEPT
continuous coverage of Earth, supplying high-resolution global The basic COSPAS - SARSAT concept is illustrated in
meteorological, oceanic and space observation data. In Figure 1 [1][2]. The operation of this system is further
addition, these satellites are part of the international COSPAS described.
– SARSAT program, which aides search and rescue teams
worldwide. The USA segment is referred to as SARSAT
(Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking) system, designed
to provide distress alert and location data in order to assist on
search and rescue operation. SARSAT system detects and
locates distress beacons (406MHz) activated at distress
location. System calculates the location of distress event using
Doppler processing techniques. Processed data is repeatedly
retransmitted to Local User Terminals (LUT) when
satellites are in view and also stored in on-board memory. A
simulation of implementing a Local User Terminal (LUT) in
Kosovo and respective communication reliability analyses
are provided through this paper. The methodology applied
for LUTKOS simulation is applicable for other sites.
Figure 1. COPSAS-SARSAT concept.
Keywords - LEO; Satellite; LUT; Beacon; Simulation.
1. In situations of distress anywhere in the world, when and
I. INTRODUCTION where lives are at risk the emergency beacons are activated
manually or automatically.
COSPAS-SARSAT is an international, humanitarian
2. Emergency alerts received by the satellites are
satellite based search and rescue system which operates retransmitted to 45 automatic (unstaffed) ground stations
continuously, detecting and locating transmissions from worldwide, with several more being built each year. These
emergency beacons carried by ships, aircrafts and satellite ground stations are called Local User Terminals
individuals. This system was originally sponsored by (LUTs).
Canada, France, the former Soviet Union and the USA [1] 3. Alerts are routed to a Mission Control Center (MCC) in
[2]. In cases of aircraft, marine or individual distress the the country that operates LUT. Routed alerts include beacon
location determination accuracy and the time required to location computed at the LUT received by one of the system
alert rescue authorities depends on the communication low - Earth - orbiting (LEO) satellites.
reliability between the LUTs and the satellites [3][4]. 4. After validation processing (based on Doppler Effect)
The paper describes the general concept of search and alerts are relayed depending on beacon location or country
rescue system, providing a few characteristics of beacons of registration to either another MCC or to appropriate
and Doppler shift physicality at Section II. The satellite Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) [1][2].
tracking is considered at Section III. The paper aims
through simulation to prove that a LUT dedicated for A. Beacons
search and rescue purposes could be implemented and Emergency distress beacons are essentially
operate properly in Kosovo. The performance is specialized radio transmitters for search and rescue
considered from the communication reliability purposes [1][2]. SAR satellites can “hear” even faint
perspective between local user terminal and satellites. distress signals from beacons. Beacon can be activated
Communication between hypothetical beacons and manually or automatically. From February 2009, all these
satellites is considered, also. The simulation concept and rescue beacons transmit on 406 MHz. Few characteristics
respective results are further provided at Section IV. of 406 MHz beacons are shown in Table I [5].

978-0-7695-4067-2/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 140

DOI 10.1109/SPACOMM.2010.9
Output power 5W
(500ms on every 50sec)
Modulation Phase
Frequency stability High

There are three types of emergency beacons [1][2]:

1. Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons
(EPIRBs) for maritime applications,
2. Emergency Locator Transmitters (ETLs) for aviation
applications, and
3. Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) for individuals.
The transmitted power output must be within limits of
5W ± 2dB. Omnidirectional antenna defined for all
azimuth angles and for elevation above 5º is used.
Frequency spectrum lies in the band 406.0 MHz-406.1
MHz. Radio beacons emit very constant frequency.
Because of high importance of frequency stability on
location determination, the carrier frequency shall not vary
more than ± 5 KHz from 406.025MHz in 5 years [5].
The 406 MHz carrier is phase modulated with
information such as beacon identification,
synchronization frame, and the nature of emergency.
Figure 2. Doppler curve.
Looking at the time slot of 500ms (Table I), only 160ms
are dedicated for poor carrier and the rest is for The relative velocity v is a function of the satellite
modulated data [5]. Beacon identification transmission is motion and of the Earth’s rotation, as [8]:
mandatory for accessing a user registration database.
This database can supply the beacon type, its country of R(T X ) − R (T X −1 )
v= (2)
origin and the registration number of the maritime vessel,
T X − T X −1
aircraft or individual. In USA beacon’s registration is
obliged by law, and there are approximately 260,000
registered beacons presently in use at USA. where R(TX ) and R(TX −1 ) are satellite ranges at TX and
The satellite is equipped with processor for storing T X −1 respectively, for ( T X − TX −1 ) arbitrarily small.
and forwarding the information from a continuous The time at which Δf is zero is known as the time of
memory dump, providing complete worldwide coverage. closest approach. The beacon of 406MHz, when has
view of site with the satellite hits the satellite with bursts
B. Doppler shift of 406MHz for 500ms, periodically every 50s [5]. The
satellite processor records the frequency and time tag.
LEO satellites are moving at velocity of around 7.4
This beacon’s hit with recorded frequency and time tag
km/s ensuring sufficient velocity relative to a fixed point
represents a Doppler Event. The number of Doppler
on the ground to generate a perceptible Doppler shift in
events depends on visibility time between a beacon and
the frequency of the emergency beacon signal as received
satellite. Longer records are obtained for longer satellite
aboard the satellite, thereby yielding e reasonably
passes. Figure 2 illustrates the case with 7 Doppler events.
accurate position of distress location [6]. The transmitted
signal by a beacon is picked up by LEO satellite, and In Figure 2, TC represents the time of closest approach.
because the satellite is moving relative to radio beacon, a With TC − N are denoted times of Doppler events before
Doppler shift in frequency is observed. The shifted the closest approach and with TC + M times of Doppler
frequency and time tag is registered at a satellite Search
and Rescue Processor (SARP) [1][2]. The Doppler shift events after the closest approach.
concept is presented in Figure 2. Denoting the constant With orbital parameters of the satellite, the beacon
frequency, and the Doppler shift, the distance of the
emitted beacon’s frequency by f 0 , the relative velocity beacon relative to the projection of the orbit on the Earth
between satellite and beacon measured along the line of can be determined [7]. The determination location is
sight as v , the velocity of light as c , then to a close based on time of closest approach and on slope of curve.
approximation the Doppler frequency shift resulting from However, whether the beacon is east or west of the orbit
relative motion is given by [7][9]: cannot be determined from a single pass. Thus, in Figure
v 2 it is shown the mirrored beacon. This ambiguity in east
Δf = f − f 0 = f 0 (1) – west positioning is solved with two successive passes.

III. TRACKING THE SATELLITE same; consequently the communication duration between
The position of the satellite within its orbit considered the satellite and the ground station is not constant and varies
from the ground station point of view is defined by Azimuth for each orbit path. Considering the whole horizon in the
(Az) and Elevation (El) angles as presented in Figure 3 [10]. azimuth range of 0º - 360º, in any direction of the horizon
The azimuth is the angle of the direction of the satellite, plane the natural barriers will differ; consequently so will
measured in the horizon plane from geographical north in the acquisition and loss elevation [13]. This is presented in
clockwise direction. The range of azimuth is 0º to 360º. The Figure 5 [10]. The broken circle represents the practical
elevation is the angle between a satellite and the observer’s horizon. The practical elevation values ranges from 1º- 4º. It
(ground station or beacon) horizon plane. The range of is obvious that the practical horizon is always shorter than
G G G ideal one, reflecting on shorter communication time
elevation is 0º to 90º. In Figure 3, vectors r , d and R e between the satellite and the ground station. [13][14]. So,
represent respectively, the vector from the Earth’s center to the communication time depends on the maximum
a satellite, the vector from the ground station to a satellite elevation, and on the practical horizon.
and the vector from Earth’s center to a ground station. This
relationship can be clearly defined as:
d = r − Re (3)
For tracking the satellite, Kepler elements are fed to
orbit determination software which calculates the actual
position of the satellite and updates orbit vectors based on
data from previous satellite passes. A software process
running on the LUT uses these orbit vectors to precisely
determine the time when the satellite will communicate with
the ground station, and prepares the ground station’s
antenna in advance to wait for the upcoming pass of the
satellite [11][12]. The respective software provides real-
time tracking information, usually displayed in different
modes (satellite view, radar map, tabulated, etc). The “radar
map” mode includes accurate satellite position with the Figure 3. Horizon plane and orbits.
ground station considered at the center, as in Figure 4,
The perimeter of the circle is the horizon plane, with
North on the top (Az = 0º), then East (Az = 90º), South (Az =
180º) and West (Az = 270º). Three concentric circles
represent different elevations: 0º, 30º and 60º. At the center
the elevation is El=90º. Most usual parameters which define
the movement of the satellite related to the ground station
are: AOStime (Acquisition of the satellite (time)), LOStime
(Loss of the satellite (time)), AOSAz (Acquisition of the
satellite (azimuth)), LOSAz (Loss of the satellite (azimuth)),
Max El (Maximal Elevation) and Orbit is Orbit number.
The line through the circles represents the satellite pass.
This is the satellite’s orbit projection on the horizon plane
(Figure 3) [13]. Each orbit path is characterized with Figure 4. Radar map display.
Maximal Elevation (Max El). Communication duration is
defined, as:
Duration = AOS time − LOS time (4)

This is the theoretical time duration of communication

between the satellite and ground station. The orbital plane
is in principle fixed and defined by Kepler’s orbital
parameters. Because of Earth’s rotation around its N-S axis,
the ground station changes the position relatively to orbital
plane, so the pointing (azimuth and elevation) from the
ground station to the satellite is not identical for different
satellite passes. This is typical for LEO satellites which
move too fast over the Earth. Obviously, the satellite’s path
length over the ground station for different passes is not the Figure 5. Horizon plane.

In order to avoid the problem of natural barriers, TABLE II. Coordinates of LUTKOS and Beacons.
designers predetermine the lowest elevation of the horizon
plane which is applied during link budget calculations. Location Latitude Longitude
Considering a safe margin, this elevation ranges from 5º - LUTKOS 42º30´ 21º
30º. The horizon plane with a predetermined minimal BC1 50º 10º
elevation is considered the designed horizon plane. In BC2 50º 30º
Figure 5, the designed horizon plane is presented with a BC3 34º 30º
bold circle. For SARSAT LUTs, the minimal required BC4 34º 15º
elevation is 5º. There is a clear relationship between
communication duration and Maximal Elevation. Higher
Maximal Elevation provides longer communication between
the satellite and LUT.
The hypothetical Local User Terminal assumed to be
implemented in Kosovo and considered for further
simulation is defined as LUTKOS (Local User Terminal
in Kosovo). For SARSAT system, the uplink transmitter
is distress beacon, and the LUT is downlink receiver.
Thus, the proper operation for search and rescue services
should be analyzed for uplink as seen from random Figure 6. LUTKOS and Beacons.
beacons appearance and for downlink as seen from
satellite to fixed LUT.
Four hypothetical beacons are considered for analyses
on uplink, and a fixed ground station LUTKOS for
downlink is considered as presented in Table II. The
goal of simulation is to confirm reliable data
communication between assumed LUTKOS ground
station and SARSAT satellites, and to confirm the
visibility of hypothetical beacons with SARSAT
satellites in terms of Doppler events compliance. These
two facts will prove the proper operation of LUTKOS
dedicated for search and rescue services. Single satellite
is considered for simulation. The presence of more Figure 7. Satellite, LUTKOS and Beacons.
satellites improves results. For simulation purposes, the
commercial satellite orbit analyses software is used.
Simulation relates on SARSAT satellites.
For simulation purposes, the coordinates of LUTKOS
site are considered as; Latitude of 42º30´ and Longitude of
21º. Using simulation assumptions, consider the area with
line of sight of (1100 - 1500) km from the center,
respectively from LUTKOS. The area to be considered for
simulation is presented in Figure 6 and data about LUTKOS
and hypothetical beacons in Table II. NOAA environmental
satellite with SARP (Search and Rescue Processor) for
further simulation is added as presented in Figure 7. Figure 8. The first case.
Satellite’s orbit is considered as circular with no
eccentricity, the orbital attitude of 860 km, orbital time of
102 minutes and Inclination of 98.7º. The satellite’s
antenna conic angle is 60º. Practically, this means that at
least high Alps Mountains in Austria and very large area of
Mediterranean Sea to be covered with search and rescue
services. This range provides coverage on the Earth’s
surface of around 3 Million square kilometers. Different
relative positions among satellite, LUTKOS and beacons are
considered, in order to conclude about operation and service
performance. Three typical cases in Figures 8, 9 and 10 are
further presented. Figure 9. The second case.

Figure 10. The third case.

1. During the satellite pass (presented in Figure 8) beacons

BC1 and BC4 are within a satellite footprint. Other two
Figure 11. Maximal Elevation.
beacons (BC2 and BC3) are out of footprint. LUTKOS is
within a footprint. In this case the signals from beacons BC1
and BC4 can be received by the satellite. The satellite can Figure 12 shows, that only one pass is under 200s,
transmit the signal to LUTKOS, and LUTKOS further to few around 300s, but the highest density is concentrated
respective MCC. Action can be taken. Eventually, distress in the range of 400s - 700s, or between 6min to 12
signals from BC2 and BC3 should be waiting for the next minutes. This communication duration well satisfies data
pass or other satellite. download from the satellite to LUTKOS.
2. During the satellite pass (presented in Figure 9) all The same approach is conducted for all beacons, so
beacons and LUTKOS are within a footprint. From the the best and the worst pass is considered, and then
search and rescue view, this is the most optimistic case. presented in Figure 13. For all beacons within a period
Each beacon can communicate with satellite and the of one month are treated around 700 passes. Successful
satellite further can download data to the LUTKOS. Doppler processing is defined by reception of at least
3. During the satellite pass (presented in Figure 10) only four beacon messages during the satellite path [15].
Beacon BC1 is within a satellite footprint. LUTKOS and Considering that beacon hits on each 50s, for Doppler
other beacons are out. This is pessimistic case, since the processing it is mandatory a communication duration of
distress beacon communicate with the satellite but can at least 200s. For analyses of this simulation, the lower
not communicate with LUTKOS, so satellite should look margin of duration it is considered time of 250s, which
for another LUT to download data. This is a delay. will provide at least four Doppler events. In Figure 13
These three examples indicate insufficiency of a around 20 passes are below 250s, representing around 3%
single satellite, thus 6 NOAA LEO environmental of total considered passes. The densest range is 300s to
satellites are equipped with search and rescue processor. 700s, what is sufficient time for Doppler processing and
distress location determination. Facts above, confirm that
A. Simulation Results LUTKOS can properly operate and be a part of LUTs
Analyses are related to a period of one month, network.
respectively from October, 1 to October, 30, 2009.
Maximal Elevation angle and Communication Duration is
Communication Duration (LUTKOS -SAT)
conducted. Appropriate software provides these data in
different formats, tabulated or graphically which can
further be processed with Excel program. Maximal
Elevation variation during the period (Oct., 1 to Oct. 30) 600
D u ra tio n (s)

between LUTKOS and SAT is presented in Figure 11.

Higher maximal elevation provides longer 400
communication between LUTKOS and satellite. Figure 200
12 shows results of communication duration between the
LUTKOS and satellite. For the whole period under 0
conduction, data are gathered for further processing as 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58
Excel files. For Excel presentation of the whole period, Satellite passes
from all daily passes is chosen the best and the worst
pass, in order to create real opinion about the LUTKOS -SAT
communication duration time range.
Figure 12. Communication Duration (LUTKOS - SAT).

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