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Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section: ______________ Score: _________

Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an electronic machine that collects information, stores it, processes it according to user instructions,
and then returns the result.
a. mouse b. computer c. keyboard d. Analytical Engine
2. What was the time period of the second generation of computers?
a. 1940 to 1970 b. present to future c.1957 to 1963 d. 1945 to 1956 
3. ______ generation of computer started with using vacuum tubes as the basic components.
a. 1st b.2nd c.3rd d. 4th
4. He is the Father of computers.
a. Charles Babbage b. Ada Lovelace c. Allan Turing d. Joseph Marie Jacquard
5. What was the time period of the first generation of computers?
a. 1940 to 1955 b. present to future c.1957 to 1963 d. 1945 to 1956 
6. ___________ is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means and method of making
computers think like human beings.
a. Block chain b. VR c. AI d. Cloud computing
7. What was the time period of the 3 generation of computers?

a. 1940 to 1955 b. present to future c.1964- 1971 d. 1945 to 1956 

8. In which generation of computer microprocessors was introduced?
a. First-generation b. Second generation c. Third generation d. Fourth generation
9. It’s a wooden metal rods with beads attached to them.
a. Pascaline b. Napier’s Bone c. Difference engine d. Abacus
10. What was the time period of the fourthgeneration of computers?
a. 1940 to 1955 b. 1971- 1980 c.1964- 1971 d.1945 to 1956 
11. You should type the A key with: a. middle finger b. index finger c. pinky d. ring finger
12. You should type the S key with: a. middle finger b. index finger c. pinky d. ring finger
13. You should type the E, D, C key with: a. middle finger b. index finger c. pinky d. ring finger
14. You should type K with:
a. Left Middle Finger b. Right Middle Finger c. right pinky d. left ring finger
15. What finger do you use to press shift key?
a. middlefinger b. index finger c. pinky d. ring finger
16. It was a mechanical computer that took input from punch cards.
a. Pascaline b. Analytical Engine c. Difference engine d. Abacus
17. The world’s first computer was written by ___________.
a. Grace Hopper b. Ada Lovelace c. Allan Turing d. Joseph Marie Jacquard
18. In the year 2000 _________ is introduced.
a. Integrated Circuit b. Microprocessor c. USB flash drive d. Artificial Intelligence
19. In the year 1801 Joseph Marie Jacquard a weaver and businessman from France devised loom.
a. Allan Turing b.Joseph Marie Jacquard c. Grace Hopper d. Charles Babbage
20. An electronic machine that collects information, stores it, processes it, according to user instructions.
a. Computer b. Analytical Engine c. Tabulating Machine d. Differential Analyzer
21. A computer scientist, creates the first computer language known as COBOL.
a. Grace Hopper b. Ada Lovelace c. Allan Turing d. Joseph Marie Jacquard
22. In what year does Charles Babbage invented the steam-powered calculating machine capable of
calculating number tables. a. 1833 b. 1822 c. 1844 d. 1855
23. COBOL and FORTRAN are employed as assembly languages and programming languages in the 2nd
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I don’t know
24. It was in the 2nd Generation they advanced from vacuum tubes to transistors.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I don’t know
25. The defining aspect of the 5th Generation is Artificial Intelligence.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I don’t know
26. C, C++ and Java were the programming languages utilized in 4th Generation.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I don’t know
27. It was in 2nd Generation when the Integrated Circuit was developed.
a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I don’t know
29.In 1890, what technique did Herman Hollerith created to calculate the 1880 census.
a. Z3 b. UNIVAC-I c. Punch Card d. Java
30. What year does Differential Analyzer was invented and built?
a. 1822 b. 1950 c. 1930 d. 1931
31.Who founded the Apple Computer?
a. Konrad Zuse and J.V. Atanasoff b. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie
c.Paul Allen and Bill Gates d. Steve Jobs and Sete Wozniak
32. In what university that Sergey Brin and Larry Page develop the Google search engine?
a. Harvard University b. University of Cambridge c. Colubmia University d. Stanford University
33. The integrated circuit, sometimes known as the computer chip was created by Jack Kirby and _____?
a. Robert Metcalfe b. Steve Jobs c. Robert Noyce d. Paul Allen
34.In what year does Personal Computer introduced in the market?
a. 2000 b. 1964 c. 1974 d. 1984
35. Who proposes the modern computer prototype that combines a mouse and a graphical user interface
(GUI)? a. Douglas Engelbart b. Steve Jobs c. Bill Gates d. J.V. Atanasoff
36. At the first West Coast Computer Fair, Jobs and Wozniak announce the _______
a. Facebook b. Friendster c. Microsoft d. Apple II
37. What year does Wi-Fi created? a. 2000 b. 1990 c. 2001 d. 1999
38. In 2004, _______ began as a social networking website.
a. Friendster b. Telegram c. Google d. Facebook
39. In 2009, Microsoft released Windows __. a. 7 b. 8 c. 9 d.10
40. In what year does the world’s first reprogrammable quantum is built.
a. 2009 b. 2016 c. 2015 d. 2013
41. The following are types of Digital Computer, EXCEPT.
a. Microcomputer b. Macrocomputer c. Embedded Processors d. Mainframe Computer
42. It is a small computer that is based on microprocessors integrated circuit, known as a chip.
a. Mainframe Computers b. Microcomputers c. Embedded Processors d. Supercomputers
43. The information in this computer is represented in discrete form, typically as sequences of 0s and 1s.
a. Mainframe Computers b. Supercomputers c. Analog Computers d. Digital Computers
44. This computer is built in various components such as gears and levers.
a. Mainframe Computers b. Supercomputers c. Analog Computers d. Digital Computers
45. It is a type of computer with enormous system that are purpose-built to solve complicated scientific and
industrial problems. a. Supercomputers b. Minicomputers c. Mainframe Computers d.
46. These are miniature computers that control electrical and mechanical processes with basic
a. Mainframe Computers b. Microcomputers c. Minicomputers d. Embedded Processors
47. This computer is now referred as SERVERS.
a. Mainframe Computers b. Microcomputers c. Minicomputers d. Embedded Processors
48. Generally utilized by a large enterprises for mission-critical activities such as massive data processing.
a. Mainframe Computers b. Microcomputers c. Minicomputers d. Embedded Processors
49. Type of computer that has many of the same features and capabilities as a larger computer but is smaller
in size.
a. Mainframe Computers b. Minicomputers c. Minicomputers d. Embedded Processors
5. What was the time period of the first generation of computers?
a. 1940 to 1955 b. present to future c.1957 to 1963 d. 1945 to 1956 

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