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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics for Grade Four Pupils Prepared by: Eunice Paquingan I.

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to: 1.Visualize addition of fractions 2.Add fractions 3.Solve word problems involving fractions 4.Compute for the sum correctly 5. Help in household chores Subject Matter A. Topic: Adding Fractions B. Time Allotment: 45 minutes. C. Reference: BEC-PELC II.D.1.1 1.2 21st Century Mathematics pp.224-230 D. Materials: Pictures, Flannel Cloth, Word problems written on Cartolina, and activity sheets. Flash cards


E. Math Concept/ Ideas: Fractions are a part of everyday life. It is essential to a variety of different jobs, such as: cooking, building, construction, digital media development and many more. F. Values Integration: Following instruction. G. Skills: Visualizing, Adding Solving, and Computing


Teaching Strategy: Story Telling

A. Preparatory Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Greetings Praying Checking of Attendance Assignments Review Students Activity

B.Lesson Proper Tinay, Bobot and Loloy were friends. One day, Bobot planned to visit her mother at Isla Dolog, so she asked her friends Tinay and Loloy to Look at her project while she is away.But, Tinay and Loloy forgot about the project because they were so busy playing with the other children. And then the rain came.They forgot to bring Bobots project inside so its ruin. Tinay: Now what do we do? Bobot asked us before she left to keep an eye on her project Loloy: Bobot will surely get upset when she learns about this. Tinay: Then dont tell her, we can just make new one to replace those, maybe she wouldnt notice. Loloy: I dont know Tinay. I think thats not a good idea. Tinay: Oh! come on Loloy. Bobot doesnt have to know. Loloy: Yes she does. Im not lying to her Tinay: Thats not exactly lying Loloy, were just keeping this between us. I just dont want to upset Bobot thats all. Loloy: Its the same thing Tinay, were being dishonest I will tell Bobot wether you like it or not. Tinay: If you tell her and she gets mad at us. I will never speak to you again Loloy: What? Tinay: I dont know what youre so worried about. Its easy to replace those. All I need are card board and seeds. So Tinay measured the cardboard that she needed to replace Bobots project. Tinay : 5/10 meter long, 3/10 meter wide and this one is 7/10 meter long 5/10 meter wide. 3/10, 5/10 and 7/10 .Are called similar fraction because they have the same denominator. All I need to do Is look for a cardboard with the same size. Hmmm! what size do I need for this two project. Ahh! Ill simply add there measurements. Thats easy. First we add the numerators and copy the denominators.So for the length 5/10 + 7/10. 5+7 = 12 over the common denominator 10. So I need a cardboard that is 12/10 meters long. Loloy: You still have to reduce the sum to its simplest form. 12/10 can be simplified as a mixed number. Just divide the numerator by the denominator. So 12 divided by 10 is 1 with a remainder 2. The quotient 1 becomes the whole number and the remainder 2 becomes the numerator retain the denominator 10 so the simplest form of 12/10 is 1 and 2/10 reduce the

fraction parts of 2/10 to its lowest term by dividing the numerator and denominator by 2. So 2 divided by 2 is 1. 10 divided by 2 is 5. Therefore the simplest form of 1 and 2/10 is 1 and 1/5. Tinay: I know that your interrupted me. Now where was I. Loloy: You know, forget about replacing bobots project youre just wasting your time Im not going along with your plan I am telling Bobot. Tinay: Now, what do I need?Ahhh! I need a cardboard thats 1 and 1/5 meter long. So Tinay went to the city to buy a cardboard. While Tinay is away Let us help this boy to solve his problem. Problem 1: This boy must bring his cattle from the river side to Grace at the fourth of the hill. There are two ways to get there. On the first route the boy will pass by on the small town from the river side to the town the boy will walk 3/5 kilometer and from town to the hill he will walk 1/5 kilometer. On the other route he will pass by a rice field. The river side to the rice field is 4/5 kilometer. From the rice field to the hill is 2/5 kilometer. 3/5, 1/5.4/5,2/5 are called similar fraction. Because, they have the same denominator. Do you know which way is shorter? To find out is simply add the fraction for the first route the given fractions are 3/5 plus 1/5. First add the numerators and then copy the common denominator. So 3 plus 1 is equal to 4 over the common denominator 5. The first route is 4/5 kilometer. On the second route the given fraction are 4/5 and 2/5 add the numerator 4+2 = 6 over the common denominator 5. Dont forget to reduce the sum if necessary 6/5 can be reduced into 1 and 1/5. Now, which is the shorter route the boy should take. The first route is 4/5 klm and the second route is 1 and 1/5 kilometer. Therefore the shortest way from the river side to the hill is the first route. The boy: Thank you for helping me guys! Loloy: Give it up Tinay. Youll never finish before Bobot arrives. Tinay: Yes I will, I still have lots of time. Bobot went to her mother to Isla dolog. So its still quite a while before she gets back. Loloy: How sure are you about that? Tinay: Well, if you must know Loloy. It is 1 and hours ride from Isla Dolog main town to their dock. Then 1 and hours boat ride from their dock to our island.And hour walk to Barangay Pulang Bato. So Bobot will be back in 3 and hours. Loloy: 3 and hours. let me check your addition. 1 and hours, another 1 and hours and hour. I see these are similar fractions in simple and mix forms. You just add the numerators and then copy the common denominator. So, thats 1+1+1=3 over the common denominator 2 and then you add the whole numbers 1+1 =2. So thats, 2 and 3/2 hours. Tinay: You forgot to simplify the sum. Loloy: No I did not; I was just about to say that the sum is reduced to its lowest form if possible. To simplify 2 and 3/2 we change the fraction parts 3/2 into a mix number. First divide the numerator by the denominator so 3 divided by 2 is 1 with the remainder 1. The quotient 1 becomes the whole number and the remainder 1 becomes the numerator. Retain the denominator

2. So its 1 and hours plus the whole number of the original fraction so thats 2 +1 and add the whole numbers 2+1 = 3 and copy the fraction part. So thats 3 and hour. Loloy: So your actually right Tinay. Bobot will be back in 3 and hours. Tinay: Of course, Im right Loloy: But youre not right about of what you are doing. I think we should be honest to Bobot about her project. But Tinay did not listen, she continued making Bobots project. So, while Tinay is busy, This old lady is asking for our help. The children are hired by an old lady to plant some vegetables in her backyard .After a few hours she checks how they are doing. One boy has already planted 1/3 of the plots in the yard with pechay. Another boy has planted 1 and 1/3 of the plots in the yard with tomatoes. And the girl has planted 2 and 2/3 of the plots in the yard with string beans. The old lady wants to know the total number of plots that have already been planted. To get this first add the numerators. 1+1+2 is equal to 4 and then copy the common denominator 3. Then add the whole numbers 1+2 is equal to 3. The sum is reduced to its simplest form when necessary. 4 and 1/3 of the plot in the old ladys backyard has been planted with vegetables.So again, we help the old lady solving her problem. Loloy: You better give up tinay. Bobot will be back any minute now. I think I see Bobots coming. Shes there. Bobot: Hi guys,How are you? Tinay; Were fine Bobot: May pasalubong akong prutas para sa inyo kasi binantayan nyo yung project ko. Atis at ang paborito ni Tinay Pakwan. Tinay: Thank you Bobot ha! Bobot: o kain na kayo. Atis , pakwan, huwag nyo palang itapon ang mga buto ha baka magamit ko pa. Tinay: Ahm, Bobot we have something to tell you. Bobot: What is It Tinay, is there something wrong? Tinay: Ah, we forgot to bring your project in when its rain, it ruin. Sorry Bobot. Bobot: what! How could you forget! I even reminded you before I left this morning. Loloy: Were really sorry Bobot, But dont worry, Tinay already replace them. She spent the whole morning making new ones. Bobot: its nice, But I cant use it, its not my work I need to make another all over again and I need it tomorrow. I know what we can do. Both of you can just help me make new ones. Tinay: Sure, wed love too.. So Tinay and Loloy, help Bobot to make new one. Tinay: There were done, that was fast. Loloy: Yes, and we finish this one in 1/3 of an hour and this one is 2/3 of an hour Bobot: I wouldnt have finish it that quick if you guys are not around. Thanks Loloy and Tinay. Tinay & Loloy: Youre Welcome (THE END)

Addition Of Dissimilar fractions in Mixed from. Problem 1. This is Aling Cita, a seamstress, today she is making a blouse and a short dress for her daughter. She will use the same printed fabric for both.For the blouse she needs 1 and meter of the fabric for the short dress she needs 2 and 2/3 meters. Now, how many meters of fabric will she get at the stores? Answer: To find out, Step1; Change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the Least Common Denominator (LCD).( the LCD is 6) Step2: Divide the LCD by the denominator of each fraction. Multiply the quotient by the numerator. Step3: Add the fraction Step 4: Add the whole numbers Step5: Reduce the answer to its lowest term if necessary. Problem 2: It is the harvest time in the coconut plantation. This group of workers have harvested All the coconuts within 1 square kilometer of the plantation. Another group covered 3/5 square km of the plantation and 2/3 square km of the plantation was covered by another group. The last group harvested the coconut within 2 square km of the plantation. What is the total area of the coconut plantation covered by the harvesters in 1 day? Answer: Follow the steps. 1+3/5+ 2/3+2 Step1; Change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting the Least Common Denominator (LCD) ( the LCD is 15). Step2: Divide the LCD by the denominator of each fraction. Multiply the quotient by the numerator. Step3: Add the fraction Step 4: Add the whole numbers Step5: Reduce the answer to its lowest term if necessary. 4 and 4/15 square kilometers. Problem 3: Mang Ramon mills corn for farmers. For 1 farmer he produce 2 cavans of milled corn the other day. Then cavan of milled corn yesterday and 3 cavans that morning and in the afternoon 3/5 cavans of milled corn. The farmer asked Mang Ramon the total cavans of milled corn. Answer: Change the dissimilar fractions to similar fractions by getting their cross products.

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