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In-depth Interviews: Definition and how to conduct

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What are in-depth interviews? (/blog/educati
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In-depth interviews are a qualitative data ( collection
method that allows for the collection of a large amount of information about the behavior, attitude and
perception of the interviewees.

During in-depth interviews, researchers and participants have the freedom to explore additional points and
change the direction of the process when necessary. It is an independent research method that can adopt
multiple strategies according to the needs of the research. Academic
Characteristics of in-depth interviews
Academic Research
There are many types of interviews (, each with its
particularities, in this case the most important characteristics of in-depth interviews are: research-consumer-insights-in/)

1. Flexible structure: Although it is not very structured, it covers a few topics based on a guide, which allows Academic Research
the interviewer to cover areas appropriate for the interviewee. (
2. Interactive: The interviewer processes the material that is produced during the interview. During the
interaction the interviewer poses initial questions in a positive manner, so that the respondent is
encouraged to answer. The complete process is very human, and so less mundane and dull.

3. Deep: Many probing techniques are used in in-depth interviews, so that results are understood through
exploration and explanation. The interviewer asks follow-up questions to gain a deeper perspective and 1/5
4/15/23, 8:50 PM In-depth Interviews: Definition and how to conduct them | QuestionPro
understand the participant’s viewpoint. Artificial Intelligence
4. Generative: Often interacting with your target audience creates new knowledge. For instance, if you are
talking to your customers, you learn more about the purchase behavior. Researchers and participants
present ideas for a specific topic and solutions to the problems posed. Assessments
To learn more about the characteristics of in-depth interviews, check out our blog on interview questions software/assessments/)

Importance of conducting in-depth interviews

As an in-depth interview is a one-on-one conversation, you get enough opportunities to get to the root causes
of likes/dislikes, perceptions, or beliefs. 

Generally, questions are open-ended questions and can be customized as per the particular situation. The
interviewer gets an opportunity to develop a rapport with the participant, thereby making them feel
comfortable. Thus, they can bring out honest feedback and also note their expressions and body language.
Such cues can amount to rich qualitative data.

With surveys, there are chances that the respondents may select answers in a rush, but in case of in-depth
interviews it’s hardly the worry of researchers. 

Conversations can prove to be an excellent method to collect data. In fact, people might be reluctant to
answer questions in written format, but given the nature of an interview, participants might agree giving
information verbally. You can also discuss with the interviewees if they want to keep their identity

In-depth interviews are aimed at uncovering the issues in order to obtain detailed results. This method allows
you to gain insight into the experiences, feelings and perspectives of the interviewees.

When conducting the initial stage of a large research project, in-depth interviews prove to be useful to narrow
down and focus on important research details.

When you want to have the context of a problem, in-depth interviews allow you to evaluate different solutions
to manage the research process while assisting in data analysis.

Steps to conduct in-depth interviews

1. Obtain the necessary information about the respondents and the context in which they operate.

2. Make a script or a list of topics you want to cover. This will make it easy to add secondary questions.

3. Schedule an interview at a time and date of the respondent’s choice.

4. Ask questions confidently and let the interviewees feel comfortable, so that they too are confident and
can answer difficult questions with ease.

5. Set a maximum duration such that it doesn’t feel exhaustive.

6. Observe and make notes on the interviewee’s body expressions and gestures.

7. It is important to maintain ethics throughout the process.

8. Transcribe the recordings and verify them with the interviewee.

Advantages of in-depth interviews

The benefits of conducting an in-depth interview include the following:

They allow the researcher and participants to have a comfortable relationship to generate more in-depth
responses regarding sensitive topics.

Researchers can ask follow-up questions (

up-questions/), obtain additional information, and return to key questions to gain a better
understanding of the participants’ attitudes.

The sampling is more accurate than other data collection methods


Researchers can monitor changes in tone and word choice of participants to gain a better understanding
of opinions. 2/5
4/15/23, 8:50 PM In-depth Interviews: Definition and how to conduct them | QuestionPro
Fewer participants are needed to obtain useful information. 
In-depth interviews can be very beneficial when a detailed report on a person’s opinion and behavior is
needed. In addition, it explores new ideas and contexts that give the researcher a complete picture of
the phenomena that occurred.

The disadvantages of in-depth interviews are:

They are time-consuming, as they must be transcribed, organized, analyzed in detail.

If the interviewer is inexperienced, it affects the complete process.

It is a costly research method compared to other methods.

Participants must be chosen carefully to avoid bias, otherwise it can lengthen the process.

Generally, participants decide to collaborate only when they receive an incentive in return.

What is the purpose of in-depth interviews?

The main purpose of in-depth interviews is to understand the consumer behavior and make well-informed
decisions. Organizations can formulate their marketing strategies based on the information received from the
respondents. They can also gain insights into the probable demand and know consumer pulse.

In the case of B2B businesses, researchers can understand the demand in more detail and can ask questions
targeted for the experts. Interviews offer a chance to understand the customer’s thought process and design
products that have higher chances of being accepted in the market.

Final words
An in-depth interview should follow all the steps of the process to collect meaningful data. Hope this blog
helps you decide whether you should conduct a detailed interview with your target audience, keeping in mind
the pros and cons of it.

If you want to get started with conducting research online, we suggest using an online survey software that
offers features like designing a questionnaire (,
customized look and feel, distributing to your contacts and data analytics. Create an account with
QuestionPro Surveys and explore the tool. If you need any help with research or data collection, feel free to
connect with us.





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About the author

Adi Bhat
View all posts by Adi Bhat


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