CW2 Employment

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Module name: Employment and Academic Skills

Module code: KH4001MKT

Full name: Farah Al Najjar

ID number: 202101119

Group: 1

Name of module leader: Dr. Mayar Fahim

Name of assistant lecturer: Dr. Dara Ashraf

Word count: 1073

Coursework 2

Part 1:

Skill 1: Working with others

The meaning behind working with others is being able to successfully collaborate,

connect, and handle disagreements with other members in order to accomplish tasks and achieve

collective aims (Okrepilov, 2022). It has been proved that the importance of effectively working

with others and being able to solve problems is that it always leads to better outcomes. A person

is typically more persuaded and encouraged to take risky chances which generates modernized

thoughts if only their group supports and agrees with their thoughts. Other than that, working

with others motivates a person’s development, adds on to one being satisfied with their job, and

is found to reduce stress. (Middleton, 2022). In order to properly develop and use this skill, one

must first analyze how they will do it. The first step in doing this is to be aware of what your

goal is. This way, everyone will know what their responsibilities are so they can easily work to

achieve them. Secondly, people should have a positive mindset this is because when an issue

arises, the group will feel empowered to do all they can to fix it. Another thing is proper time

management, this is because in groupwork, some people rely on others for their part in the work,

therefore the group should effectively communicate due date lines as well as practice managing

their time. (Middleton, 2022).

Skill 2: Decision making

The meaning of decision making is the action of being able to successfully make crucial

choices or decisions (Sharma, 2015). The significance of decision-making is placed in the way it

helps one to make a choice from numerous options. Prior to deciding, one must collect any
accessible information and consider its benefits and drawbacks. It’s necessary to apply steps that

may assist in making the most appropriate choices. Using a step-by-step decision-making

technique can assist one to make more intentional, considerate choices by sorting out the

admissible information and characterizing substitutes (Sharma, 2015). It can be used in every

day normal activities such as choosing which tasks to start with or in important work-related

events. There are several ways in which one can improve their decision-making skills. This

includes firstly, planning because if one is aware that they have a coming decision to make, they

should plan it out first. Another thing is to limit one’s choices. This is because with more choices

comes more complexity when it comes to choosing, therefore limiting the options may help in

making a more knowledgeable choice. Another way for improvement is to weigh one’s options.

Making a list of all the pros and cons for each of the options. This will allow one to analyze each

choice properly to be able to make the most logical decision (Upwork, 2022).

Part 2:

Skill 1 situation

Description: What happened was that I had a math group project in school where the

teacher picked our groups. I was put in with a group of people whom I wasn’t close with and

never talked to before.

Feelings: I felt nervous and scared at the same time. I was overthinking about how I

needed to focus on the project itself rather than the group, but I was aware that in order to

succeed I needed to get out of my comfort zone and effectively and properly communicate with

the rest of the group members.

Evaluation: The good thing about this experience was that it made me gain the

experience of working with others, which helped me improve my skills in this area. On the other

hand, the bad thing about this experience was that I felt very uncomfortable at first, and the rest

of the group weren’t as worried about getting a good grade, which made it a more stressful


Analysis: Things went well because I was put in the situation, so I knew I had to find a

way to deal with it, and it ended up well because of teamwork. On the other hand, other things

went bad because I didn’t express my feelings and was stuck in my comfort zone

Conclusion: something else I could’ve done is to interact more with the group and

understand their plans and intentions. The fact that we weren’t communicating properly made it

hard to come together as a group, instead each person was thinking differently with their own

plans and goals.

Action plan: If this arose again, since I’m now more experienced in this area, I’ll make sure to

effectively communicate with the group members, become aware of my goals as well as theirs,

make sure everyone has a positive mindset, and make sure to manage out time properly.

Skill 2 situation

Description: When I was a senior, graduating high school, I had to decide about which

university I was going to attend, more specifically if I was even going to stay in Egypt or travel

to study abroad.

Feelings: I was thinking about which option would be better for me and also focusing on

where my friends are going. I felt very stressed during this time because I had a limited amount

of time left and I needed to take a decision quickly.

Evaluation: What was good about the experience was that I had the help of my family

and friends supporting and guiding me to pick a university, whether in Egypt or aboard. What

was bad was that I wanted to attend the same university as my friends, but they weren’t going to

stay in Egypt. Other than that, I wasn’t thinking clearly and didn’t weigh out the pros and cons of

each university

Analysis: Things went well because I had people around me who already had experience

on this topic, and so they were able to help me. However, some things went badly because it was

stressful to decide in a short amount of time

Conclusion: Another thing I could have done is more research as well as starting to think

about this topic from earlier especially since I knew it was a big decision to make

Action plan: If this arose again, after graduating university, when applying to jobs, I will

be sure to plan from the start, limit my choices down to a very low number, and lastly weigh my

options and become aware of the pros and cons of each.


Middleton, T. (2022, April 18). The benefits of teamwork (as proven by science). Work Life by
Atlassian. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from

Okrepilov, E. (2022). What is teamwork: Definition, meaning. What is teamwork: definition,

meaning. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from

Sharma, P. (2015, December 19). Decision-making : Definition, importance and principles:

Management. Your Article Library. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from

Upwork. (2022). How to improve decision-making skills in 9 steps | upwork. How to Improve
Decision-Making Skills in 9 Steps. Retrieved December 20, 2022, from

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