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Rubrica de Reporte

Nombre: Matrícula:
Marco Antonio Sámano Domínguez 2869775

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Pensamiento sistematico
Módulo: 2 Actividad:1

Fecha: 17/08/2022


Part 1

1. First, write the definition of systems thinking in a sheet of paper.

Systems thinking is a form of reasoning which understands reality from

complete entities; thus, emphasizing the relationships between their
components and their interaction with larger systems that surround them

Systems thinking is a style of integrating reasoning that encompasses

both the understanding of situations of interest and the conclusions
which may emerge from them. It proposes solutions in which all the
elements and relationships comprising the structure of the system must
be considered, as well as everything that forms the system’s environment
once it is defined.

Through systems thinking, all the parts of a whole are studied. It is a type
of thinking that is usually applied in scientific studies, engineering and
business administration, among others, as a method by which a problem
or situation can be solved

2. Next, write a list of words and ideas related to systems thinking.

-look for a solution


Rubrica de Reporte


-look for the solution


-whole entity

-clear understanding of the components

- reasoning

3. Also, do a mental run-through about different problems in your city, for

example: urban or social.

-robberies on buses

-vehicular chaos on the main avenues



-car accidents

4. Moreover, identify those problems whose solution didn’t consider the

consequences; thus, worsening the original problem and/or generating
more problems.

The big problem that is happening is that they pothole the main avenues
at the busiest hour, what it generates is that there is too much traffic,
both the main and the alternate ones are saturated, all because of not
having road order.

5. Then, write a list with the reasons that justify the importance of systems
thinking in order to solve such problem.

- a broad vision was needed to prevent a hasty solution from bringing

with it a larger problema

- it is necessary to generate clearer reasoning and improve

communication between the government and the needs of citizen

- Before giving an immediate solution, it was necessary to analyze the

collateral effects that it brings and how to give a solution.
Rubrica de Reporte

6. In addition, share your information with a classmate and identify the

similarities and differences.
7. Besides, write a list on the whiteboard and share it with the class.

If you had to choose one with the colleagues who shared it, this would
be the chosen one

Before giving an immediate solution, it was necessary to analyze the

collateral effects that it brings and how to give a solution

8. Finally, design a draft of an interview that will be conducted with a

person who has participated in the definition or solution of a problem in
your city. You would ask him/her if the implemented solution caused
unexpected negative consequences, if that’s the case he/she must explain
the main reasons for implementing such solution.

How do you plan to attack this problem?

Why did they get out of hand?

What was the methodology used to reach the solution of the problem?

How many solutions exist?

Once the solution was implemented, did it bring negative or positive


What is needed to reach a solution without negative consequences?

What were the tools used to identify the problem?

Part 2

9. Gather in teams.
10. Check the information collected from the people you interviewed.
11. Describe the analysed situation and the consequences.

La situación para analizar es el gran problema que esta ocurriendo que el

gobierno esta arreglando las principales calles de la ciudad pero las
consecuencias que esto conlleva es un mal plantamiento del problema
por que esta retrasando el trafico de la ciudad no pensaron en eso y no
Rubrica de Reporte

le dieron una solución adecueada donde fuera lo mejor para ambas


12. Reflect on the common reasons that were identified as the common
causes of these negative consequences.

-no hay pensamiento sistematico

-falta de comunicación con la ciudadanía

-se quedan con la solución mas a priori y no analizan las siguientes


-falta de ver el problema como prioridad

13. Write a list of those common reasons for the analysed situations.

-problemas de comunicación

-intereses opuestos

-falta de analizar el problema como prioridad

Part 3

14. Read the following situation.

Due to the increasing insecurity in the city, the mayor has decided to carry out a
project to improve the performance of the local police. Such modernization
included the purchase of police cars, special uniforms, modern arms, and better
However, contrary to the mayor’s expectations, the number of crimes hasn’t
decreased and besides his concern for insecurity, there were complaints by the
citizens regarding the policemen’s arrogance.
Likewise, the mayor has received criticism from the media because he has focused
so much on security that he didn’t worry about other important problems in the
Rubrica de Reporte

15. In teams, analyse the case and answer the following questions.
a. Why should this situation be analysed by using systems thinking?

This is a complex problem because there are several components.

This has to be solved through systematic thinking where the
relationships with the surrounding systems have to be analyzed in

b. What principles of systems thinking should be considered in the

analysis of the situation?

c. What factors should be considered for the solution of this


-Factores cuantificables de inseguridad en el municipio (registros

denuncias etc)

-Causas por lo cual las personas cometen actos delictivos


-alta pobreza en el municipio

-falta de oportunidades para estudiar

Estructura de la policía
-falta capacitación del personal
-quitar la corrupción en el cuerpo policial
-como eligen al personal de policía

d. Identify the suprasystem, system and subsystems in case they are



Alto índice de pobreza


Inseguridad en el municipio
Rubrica de Reporte


Mala capacitación de la policía

Descontento de toda la población

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