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HEALTH SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION benefits to putting safety first, such as reducing

the number of safety hazards and incidents.
WHAT IS CONSTRUCTION SAFETY? • This is critical because safety hazards and
Construction safety is a principle that construction incidents harm the company's reputation
safety managers follow and enforce. It is the result of among industry professionals and regulatory
proper equipment use, worker safety, regular site agencies, and they can be costly.
inspections, and risk assessments.

Compliance with regional safety and health regulations

is a critical component of construction safety.
• Prioritizing construction safety has the
• Construction workers require adequate
advantage of strengthening trust between
protection due to the hazards of their
workers, construction safety managers, and
company executives.
• To ensure their safety, construction workers
• This increased trust leads to better
should be constantly monitored.
communication throughout the organization,
• A construction site can be one of the riskiest
which leads to fewer misunderstandings and
places to work.
In the case of the construction industry, several things • Improving construction safety can also boost
are required to ensure worker safety. worker productivity and efficiency.
• When a company provides adequate training
• Construction workers must be oriented, and protection for its employees, they are
instructed and trained by the construction better equipped to do their jobs effectively and
project manager to assure safe handling of safely.
equipment and of disposing waste.
• All employees must have protective equipment
for the eyes, face, feet and all crucial body parts
when exposed to hazardous work procedures.
• On heavy equipment, a safety officer is required EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW
to ensure proper handling.
• Working in the construction industry can be a
In the case of the construction industry, several things hazardous occupation. According to the
are required to ensure worker safety. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA), fatal injuries in the construction
• Construction workers must be oriented,
industry are still far too common, with an
instructed and trained by the construction
average of 937 deaths per year between 2003
project manager to assure safe handling of
and 2006.
equipment and of disposing waste.
• Construction sites are notorious for being
• All employees must have protective equipment
riddled with hazards. There are numerous
for the eyes, face, feet and all crucial body parts
potential hazards present, ranging from tools
when exposed to hazardous work procedures.
and equipment to the materials being worked
• On heavy equipment, a safety officer is required
on. As a result, everyone involved in
to ensure proper handling.
construction, from the workers to the site
IMPORTANCE OF CONSTRUCTION SAFETY manager, must be aware of the risks and know
how to protect themselves (and others).
• While complying with safety and health • Construction sites are complex environments
regulations is the primary reason for improving with a lot of moving parts. Workers are
construction safety, there are numerous other frequently required to navigate heights, operate
heavy machinery, and handle a variety of workplace settings. Harnesses, guardrails, and safety
hazardous materials. As a result, construction belts are examples of fall protection equipment that can
sites are a well-known hotspot for potential be used to reduce injuries or fatalities. Working at
injuries. You could be confronted by one of heights training is also important for educating
these dangerous construction workplace employees on the best guidelines and safety protocols.
hazards, especially if you are not cautious
Type #3: Mechanical Hazards
• It is your responsibility as an employer to Machines significantly improve efficiency on
identify all types of hazards on construction construction sites and in the workplace. They do,
sites. The first step in making your workplace however, come with their own set of risks. Construction
safe is to conduct a full risk assessment. A workers are at risk from hot surfaces, sharp edges, and
professional safety inspection can help you moving parts. Some of the most common causes of
identify potential construction site hazards. machine accidents are loose parts, faulty locks, and
Following that, you can take the necessary failing to keep a safe distance from the equipment.
precautions to reduce the risks.
• Here are the seven common types of health and The majority of mechanical hazards occur at the point of
safety hazards in the construction industry: operation. They can happen when you're cutting,
shaping, crushing, or doing high-pressure construction
Type #1: Physical Hazards work with the equipment. These dangers can result in
physical amputations or other serious injuries. You can
Manual handling activities, such as carrying or lifting
learn about the proper safeguards to prevent machine-
heavy objects, are frequently the source of physical
related injuries with construction safety training.
hazards on a construction site. These activities place
undue strain on the body, causing tendons and muscles Type #4: Chemical Hazards
to tear. Manual handling without proper construction
safety protocols may result in long-term problems such Chemical hazards cause many deaths and illnesses
as musculoskeletal disorders, which can be permanently among construction workers. This could be because
disabling. they are frequently exposed to hazardous chemicals on
any given day. They may be exposed to fuel, lubricants,
It's important to remember that not all physical hazards sewage water, and mechanical oils on a daily basis.
on a construction site are visible or touchable. Heat, Other commonly used chemicals, such as lead, mercury,
electricity, vibration, and sound are all potential hazards. and flame retardants, may pose a health risk.
Many people underestimate the dangers of vibrations
from handheld power tools, which can harm your hands PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is a common chemical hazard
or fingers. Similarly, construction workers frequently in construction. PVC is primarily used in adhesives,
report an unpleasant ringing in the ears as a result of ductwork, and flooring. PVC may begin to degrade into
constant exposure to loud noises. ethylene dichloride, dioxin, and vinyl chloride during
application. These chemicals can increase the likelihood
Type #2: Height Hazards of developing cancer. Mercury is also absorbed through
the skin, eyes, and nose. The chemical compound can
People falling and being injured on construction sites
be extremely difficult to remove once it has entered the
are examples of height hazards. Many workplace
fatalities are caused by the hazards of working at
heights. When dealing with height hazards, you must Type #5: Electrical Hazards
consider the height of the fall as well as anything that
could cause additional damage upon impact. A 3-metre One of the most common construction site hazards is
fall on a sand surface, for example, may not result in electrical shock. The harsh environment around loose
serious injuries. A 1-metre fall onto a rocky surface, on cables and electronic equipment makes them extremely
the other hand, could be fatal. dangerous. In such cases, have personal protective
equipment (PPE) on hand as a last line of defense. A
Although height hazards are more common in multi- flesh protection kit, insulating boots, safety glasses, face
story buildings, they can occur in a wide range of
shields, and gloves are examples of PPE that protects SAFETY SIGN AND SYMBOLS
against electrical hazards.
• The Health and safety (safety signs and signals)
Make high-quality electrical testing a priority in regulations 1996 required employers to provide
construction projects. You can also improve conditions and maintain safety signs where there is
by using tools such as receptacle testers, clamp meters, significant risk to health and safety that has not
and voltage detectors, which reduce the volatility of been avoided or controlled
electrical hazards. • Provided that the use of a sign can help reduce
the risk
Type #6: Health Hazards
What is a safety sign?
Dermatitis, deafness, musculoskeletal disorders, and
silica-related diseases are some of the occupational • A safety and/or health signs and symbols is
health risks for construction workers. You should also be defined as “information or instruction about
on the lookout for asbestos-related diseases, which are health and safety at work on signboard, a
responsible for the majority of construction-related colour, an illuminated sign or acoustic signal, a
deaths. Asbestos fibers can be hazardous when they verbal communication or hand signal
become airborne. Breathing in these fibers has been • In addition to safety signs, you get signboards
linked to cancer and lung damage. which are:
• A sign which provides information or
The most difficult aspect of asbestos is that it can be
instructions by a combination of shape, colour
difficult to detect. Before beginning construction work,
and a symbol or pictogram which is rendered
you must determine whether asbestos is present. If it is,
visible by lighting of sufficient intensity. In
assess the risk and then take the necessary steps to
practice, many signboards may be accompanied
control the asbestos levels.
by supplementary text.
Type #7: Slip and Fall Hazards
Why safety sign and symbol used?
Wet floors, trailing cables, uneven floor surfaces, unsafe
• May show and help to explain the hazards
ladders, and inappropriate footwear are all slip and fall
hazards. A construction site is a hotbed for these types
• Can be understood by both readers and non-
of workplace hazards. Always keep an eye out for
changes in floor levels to reduce slips and falls. Keep
• May be multilingual and usually translate
work areas clean and walk slowly when carrying loads.
directly into all language’s
Use a flashlight when necessary and report any lighting
issues immediately. There are four categories for signboards:
Other hazards on a construction site: • Prohibition Sign:
• Biological hazards include mold and bacteria. • This is a sign that prohibits behavior or actions
• Ergonomic hazards include repetitive motion that are likely to increase the chance of danger.
injuries and back injuries. For example, no smoking.
• Lower back injuries are quite common because • Prohibition signs are circular with a black
of all the heavy lifting that occurs in pictogram on a white background with a red
construction. To help prevent back injuries, diagonal line through the middle and around
make sure that you lift with your legs and not the outside.
your back. Use panel lifters instead of carrying
panels on shoulders. Don’t be afraid to ask a • Warning Sign:
buddy to help carry something heavy.
• A warning sign draws your attention to a
• To protect workers from these hazards, potential hazard or danger. For example,
construction site managers must implement
warning about a hazardous substance.
health and safety protocols.
• These signs are triangular with a black • These signs are usually square or rectangular
pictogram on a yellow background with black with a green background and white text.
• Mandatory Sign:
• Special care needs to be taken if an employee’s
• This sign encourages certain behaviors. For vision is impaired.
example, wearing personal protection • This is because they may struggle to see the
equipment. For example, wearing personal signs.
protection equipment. • In addition, if the sign uses audio aids, make
• Mandatory signs are usually circular with a blue sure they are loud so those with hearing
background with a white pictogram. problems can identify them.
• Take into account that employee’s PPE could
• Safe Conditions Sign: obstruct their vision or hearing.
• These signs provide information of emergency • Bright and unobstructed signs are most
exits, first aid and rescue facilities. effective.

MEANING SHAPE & COLOUR SYMBOLS – are put inside the safety
shape. These are used in all EEC
PROHIBITION You must not. RED means STOP. No admittance
Do not do. No smoking
Stop. No dirty clothes
MANDATORY You must do. BLUE means OBEY. Keep clear
Carry out the action Head protection must be worn
given by the sign. Wear gloves
WARNING Caution. YELLOW means risk of Danger high voltage
Risk of danger. DANGER. Danger mind your head
Hazard ahead. Danger forklifts in operation
SAFE CONDITION The safe way. GREEN means GO. First aid station
Where to go in an Emergency phone
emergency. Emergency exit

To be used when the hazard requires more than one of
the 4 types to convey the safety message.

If the safety sign needs additional information, it may be
added in words.


For indicating the location of fire fighting equipment and
how they should be used.


Are the same design as public road signs.
• Read and comply with all safety regulations and Important Safety Signs & Symbols And Their
procedures Meanings
• Follow reasonable instructions the employer
gives on health and safety • Safety Symbols are labels portraying graphics
• Ask questions whenever one is unsure about set forth by the International Standards
the procedure to follow Organization (ISO) which are recognized
• Use the correct tools and equipment for the job; internationally. This helps ensure the dangers
keep it in good condition present are understood by an increasingly multi-
• Do not use alcohol or drug while at work lingual workforce. The shapes and colours of the
• Announce any hazards they identify safety symbols distinguish the hazard type or
immediately to management hazard instruction.
• Report any arrangement intended to protect
health which is not effective ( not just ignore the
problem and carry on working unsafe condition)
Introduction • A commercial building must have the following
fire safety features that comply with the
• Green architecture, or green design, is an
National Fire Code of the Philippines.
approach to building that minimizes harmful
• They must also comply with local state
effects on human health and the environment.
regulations and building codes.
• The "green" architect or designer attempts to
safeguard air, water, and earth by choosing eco- FIRE DOORS
friendly building materials and construction
practices (Roy,2008). • Fire doors are required in commercial buildings
to prevent the spread of fire, heat, and smoke
Green Architecture and Green Design throughout the structure. They also allow
people to move quickly from one area of the
Green architecture defines an understanding of
building to another or outside.
environment-friendly architecture under all
• These doors must have specific fire-resistant
classifications, and contains some universal consent
characteristics that are rated and certified by
(Burcu, 2015), It may have many of these characteristics:
authorities after an inspection. In newer
• Ventilation systems designed for efficient buildings, they may be functional while also
heating and cooling blending in with the building's design.
• Energy-efficient lighting and appliances
• Water-saving plumbing fixtures
• Landscapes planned to maximize passive solar • All commercial buildings must have smoke
energy detectors and a fire alarm system that alerts
• Minimal harm to the natural habitat occupants in the event of a fire. The system may
• Alternate power sources such as solar power or also be linked to the local fire department. A
wind power licensed technician must test it at least once a
• Non-synthetic, non-toxic materials year to ensure proper operation.
• Locally-obtained woods and stone • More advanced smoke detectors are linked to a
• Responsibly-harvested woods camera system throughout the building.
• Adaptive reuse of older buildings Building authorities can use these cameras to
• Use of recycled architectural salvage quickly confirm the location of smoke and fire
• Efficient use of space detection.
While most green buildings do not have all of these FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND SPRINKLERS
features, the highest goal of green architecture is to be
fully sustainable. • All commercial buildings must be equipped with
an overhead sprinkler system capable of
extinguishing small fires and assisting in the
control of larger fires. The sprinkler system must
be maintained and tested on a regular basis.
BUILDINGS • Based on the area and number of occupants,
each floor requires a specific number of fire
• For the occupants of commercial buildings to be
extinguishers. Fire extinguishers should be
safe, specific health and safety features must be
checked on a regular basis as well.
installed. Some of these features are classified
as fire safety, physical security, and building EMERGENCY LIGHTING AND EXIT SIGNS
occupant health.
• The following is a list of some of the most • All commercial buildings must have emergency
common health and safety features found in lighting in the event of a power outage. If the
commercial buildings. emergency lighting is bright enough, people
should be able to safely evacuate the building. It
should be noted that emergency lighting and • The system can also be linked to the CCTV
exit signage are not the same thing. surveillance system so that security personnel
• Exit signs are required by law in all commercial can more easily identify the intruder and take
buildings to assist people in finding their way appropriate action.
out in the event of an emergency. Exit signs
must also be illuminated in the event of a power
outage so that people can see them. HEALTH SAFETY FEATURES IN COMMERCIAL

• One of the best practices for commercial THE FOLLOWING FEATURES ENABLE A COMMERCIAL
buildings is to install a security system to protect BUILDING TO ENSURE THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF
people and property within the building from ITS OCCUPANTS
malicious intruders, theft, vandalism, and other Air Quality
physical harm.
• The air quality in a commercial building must be
ACCESS CONTROL monitored to ensure that it is safe for
• Access control systems are used to manage who occupants. Air quality sensors can be used to
has access to which parts of a building. This is detect pollutants and contaminants in the air.
usually accomplished by using electronic key • The sensors can be linked to a central control
cards or biometrics such as fingerprint scanners. system that can automatically adjust the
• The system can be configured so that only ventilation to maintain acceptable levels of air
authorized personnel can enter certain areas at quality.
certain times. This improves security and safety Water Quality
by preventing unauthorized access to areas
containing sensitive information or dangerous • The water quality in a commercial building must
materials. be monitored to ensure that the occupants are
safe. Impurities in water can be detected using
CCTV SURVEILLANCE water quality sensors.
• A CCTV surveillance system must be installed in • The sensors can be linked to a central control
a commercial building to help deter crime and system, which can adjust the water treatment
improve security. Security personnel should process automatically to maintain acceptable
keep an eye on the system at all times. If a levels of water quality.
crime occurs, the CCTV footage can be used as TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY CONTROL
• The CCTV surveillance system is integrated with • To ensure occupant comfort, the temperature
the fire protection system in more advanced and humidity in a commercial building must be
buildings. As a result, it may also link to the fire controlled. Temperature and humidity sensors
department's connection to the fire alarm can be used to detect temperature and
system. This allows authorities to better monitor humidity changes.
events in the event of an intrusion. • The sensors can be linked to a central control
system, which can automatically adjust the
INTRUSION DETECTION heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
• An intrusion detection system is used to detect to keep the desired temperature and humidity
and report any unauthorized entry into the levels.
building. The system can be set up to trigger an SOUNDPROOFING
alarm or alert security personnel in the event of
an intrusion. • Soundproofing is often used in commercial
buildings to ensure the comfort of occupants.
Soundproofing material that absorbs noise can
be used to reduce the amount of noise that is • Electrical systems in your commercial building
transmitted through walls, ceilings, and floors. should also be regularly inspected. Develop a
• The material can also be used to reduce the comprehensive electrical safety guide for your
amount of noise that is produced by mechanical business and employees to ensure they are
equipment such as HVAC systems. Green walls, aware of the unique hazards in their workplace.
which are vertical plantings that absorb noise,
can also be used to reduce the amount of noise
Entryway and Parking Lot Safety Features
in a building. • If the concrete on your property is uneven,
cracked, or crumbling, employees and
customers entering the building may trip and
• To ensure the safety of its occupants, a fall. As your company is liable for any injuries
commercial building must have a number of obtained on the property, it is essential to
features in place. Fire protection systems, protect yourself by fixing any damage.
Physical protection systems, and Health
protection systems are examples of these Employee Harassment Support
features. With these in place, a commercial • While not specifically a feature of the building
building can provide its occupants with a safe itself, one of the most important safety
and comfortable environment. protocols to implement within your commercial
property is anti-discrimination policies. Creating
a positive environment for employees where
they feel safe bringing up issues and safety
1. Fire Safety Features concerns is integral to the growth of your
• Fire hydrants should be readily accessible, and
staff should be trained in using them if the need HOW THE ADVENT OF SMART TECHNOLOGY IS
2. Earthquake Safety Features As the world becomes more digitized, more and more
devices become "smart," particularly in the home
• If you live in an area prone to earthquakes, an security and maintenance industry, where products such
earthquake preparedness kit is a must. It’s a as smart thermostats and smoke detectors are
good idea in places that don’t commonly get becoming common place.
earthquakes as well, as you never know what
could happen. While these devices provide numerous benefits to
• A disaster preparedness kit should include: consumers, they also present new challenges for
• Water and food businesses seeking to stay ahead of the competition. In
• A battery-powered radio this rapidly changing landscape, it’s more important
• First aid kit than ever for businesses to keep up with the latest
• Flashlight trends in smart technology.
• Masks
• Wrenches and pliers
• Supplies should last at least 3 days. • Smart technology advancements provide more
options for homeowners looking to improve
Electrical Safety Features
their home security and energy efficiency. Smart
• Making sure there is no live wire exposed is an thermostats, for example, enable homeowners
obvious electrical safety measure, but there are to program their heating and cooling systems to
many additional steps you should be taking to run only when necessary, resulting in significant
protect your employees. Electrical panels should utility bill savings.
always have lockable doors, and doors should
be locked when not in use.
• Furthermore, many smart thermostats can be 2 – Remote Control
controlled remotely, making it simple to adjust
the temperature even when you're not at home. You can control the temperature to have the right
thermostat with the touch of a button on an app. even
3 Reasons To Use a Smart Thermostat you are out of your own houses

1 – Energy Savings 3 – Easier Programming

Smart thermostats allow you to set schedules and zones Programmable thermostats detects the activity within
so that you only use the amount of heating and cooling the home so that it can adjust the heating or cooling
you need only when you need it. accordingly.

Smart door locks add another layer of security by

allowing only authorized individuals to enter.
Furthermore, many smart locks now include built-in
As home automation technology advances, it is clear that
cameras, allowing homeowners to see who is attempting
smart devices will be the future of home security and
to enter their homes even when they are not present.
Smart locks, in addition to increased security, provide the
convenience of hands-free operation, as they can be
opened with a simple voice command.

• Security systems come equipped with advanced technology now allows you to control almost
features like motion sensors and two-way audio every aspect of your home from your
that can make it easier to deter intruders and smartphone.
stay safe in the event of an emergency. • Everything from turning on the lights to
adjusting the thermostat is covered. It makes
IMPROVED HOME SECURITY life easier by improving home security and
• There's no denying that smart technology has maintenance.
altered our way of life. The introduction of new • You can now, for example, set timers for your
technology has had an impact on nearly every lights to make it appear as if someone is home
aspect of our lives, from how we communicate even when you are not.
with our loved ones to how we manage our MANAGING ALL YOUR HOME DEVICES FROM ONE
finances. PLACE
• Smart technology is now changing the way we
keep our homes safe and secure. It's now easier • Here are a few examples of how smart
than ever to keep an eye on your property while technology is improving home security and
you're away, maintenance:
• With features such as remote monitoring and • To begin, smart technology can assist you in
automatic notifications, you can be confident monitoring your home environment. You can
that your home is in good hands even when you install sensors to monitor temperature,
are not present. humidity, carbon dioxide levels, and so on.
• Security systems come equipped with advanced • The data can be used to adjust your air
features like motion sensors and two-way audio conditioner or furnace settings to maintain a
that can make it easier to deter intruders and comfortable level of indoor air quality.
stay safe in the event of an emergency. • You can also be notified if any unusual changes
in your home environment point to a potentially
ENHANCED HOME MAINTENANCE dangerous situation.
• There has been a significant shift in how people • Second, smart technology can provide you with
interact with their homes in recent years. Smart increased control over your home security
system. You can receive alerts when someone • Repeated violation of the same prohibited act
enters your home and even view live footage of shall be penalized of the corresponding fine plus
what is going on inside your home from afar. It 50% for every instance of repeat violation
enables you to quickly determine whether there • When the violation exposes the worker to
is an intruder and take appropriate action to death, serious injury or serious illness, the
ensure your family's safety. imposable penalty shall be P100,000
• Finally, cutting-edge technology can help you
manage all of your home devices from a single ENFORCEMENT/EFFECTIVITY
location. • Enforcement is through the DOLE-Regional
Offices having jurisdiction over the workplace
D.O. 183-17 shall govern the procedure in the
1. Artificial Intelligence implementation of DOLE D.O. 198-18 OSH Law
2. 3D Multi-Sensor Transmitters IRR,DOLE D.O. 198-18 effectivity:25 January
3. Robotics 2019
4. IoT, 5G And Edge Computing • Use the correct tools and equipment for the job;
5. Quantum Teleportation keep it in good condition
6. Homomorphic Encryption • Do not use alcohol or drug while at work
7. Nanotechnology • Announce any hazards they identify
8. Solar Fuel immediately to management
9. Atmospheric Energy • Report any arrangement intended to protect
10. Blockchain health which is not effective (not just ignore the
11. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality problem and carry on working unsafe condition)
• Overall, it is clear that smart technology
improves home security and maintenance
significantly. Smart technology makes it easier • All private establishments where work is being
to identify potential hazards and take action to undertaken including establishments located
ensure the safety of your family by allowing inside special economic zones and other
homeowners to monitor their homes. investment promotion agencies (e.g. Philippine
Furthermore, smart technology improves the Economic Zone [PEZA], Clark Development
efficiency of home systems by allowing all Corporation (CDC])
devices to be managed from a single location. • Utilities engaged in air, sea and land
• Exemption – Public Sector (national government
RA 11058 agencies, government-owned and controlled
corporations with original charters, government
financial institutions, state universities and
colleges and local government units)
PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS • Employer's Duties: provide a safe and healthy
workplace through the following, among others:
• Wilful failure or refusal to comply with OSH
• Capacity building of all workers including
Standards or compliance orders shall be
mandatory trainings;
penalized with not more than P100, 000 daily
• Provision of information on OSH;
until full compliance; reckoned from the date of
• Use of devices/equipment with approved
issuance of Notice of Results or Compliance
industry standards;
• Compliance with all the requirements of the
OSH Standards:
• Provide appropriate DOLE tested and approved • The HSC shall review and evaluate the OSH
PPES FREE of charge to the workers. Workers' Program at least once a year or as necessary. A
Rights: revised copy of the program shall be submitted
• To know the different types of hazards in the to DOLE.
workplace; • A suitable Construction Safety and Health
• Be provided with training, education and Program (CHSP) specific for each construction
orientation; project shall be submitted to concerned DOLE-
• To refuse unsafe work without threat or reprisal Regional Office or Field Office for its approval
from the employer in cases of imminent danger. prior to start of the project.
Affected workers may be temporarily assigned • The total cost of implementing OSH Programs
to other work areas; shall be an integral part of the company's
• To report accidents and dangerous occurrences operations cost.
to DOLE- ROs and other government agencies in
the most convenient way: Workers shall be free
from retaliation for reporting any accident; • All covered workplaces shall have qualified OSH
• First Aider
• Based on the level of risks brought about by the • Safety Officer
nature of activities/business processes in the • Nurses
establishment; determined by the company • [Number and type of OSH personnel are based
safety officer. on the number of employees and the correct
• Low Risk Workplace refers to those with less determination by the Safety Officer of his/her
exposure to safety and health hazards, having workplace classification] *Refer to Table of OSH
low level of danger, with no or less probability Personnel on Sec. 14 & Sec. 15 of D.O. 198-18
to cause an accident, harm, injury or illness
• Medium Risk Workplace refers to those having SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING REQUIREMENTS
moderate exposure to safety and health hazards • All OSH personnel shall undergo the prescribed
and with probability of an accident, injury or mandatory trainings from DOLE-accredited
illness if no preventive or control measures are Safety Training Organizations or its recognized
in place training institutions.
• High Risk Workplace refers to those wherein • All workers shall undergo the mandatory 8- hour
presence of hazards affects not only workers but OSH seminar as prescribed by DOLE. This
persons outside establishment; with high level training may be conducted by the company
of exposure to safety and health hazards; safety officer in a staggered manner.
probability of major accident is likely to occur • Workers performing critical occupations shall
undergo the mandatory competency
assessment and certification by TESDA.
• Workers' OSH seminars and
• Covered workplaces through the Health and trainings/orientations required by the employer
Safety Committee (HSC), shall develop and or by other regulations in the performance of
implement a suitable OSH Program following their task shall be undertaken at no cost to the
the DOLE-prescribed format. worker and considered as compensable working
• OSH Program shall be submitted and considered time.
approved upon stamped-received by concerned
DOLE-Regional Office or Field Office. Pre-
approved program shall be validated during • All workers shall have FREE access and use of
inspection and may be modified by DOLE as the following welfare facilities:
necessary, based on existing laws, rules and • Adequate supply of safe drinking water
regulations. • Adequate sanitary and washing facilities
• Suitable living accommodation as may be INCENTIVES
applicable such as in construction, shipping,
fishing and night workers • Incentives may be given to qualified employers
• Separate sanitary, washing and sleeping and workers in recognition of their efforts in
quarters for all genders, as may be ensuring compliance with the OSH standards .
applicable • Incentives shall be given in the form of training,
• Lactation Station additional protective equipment, technical
• Ramps, railings and the like guidance, recognition awards and the like.
• Medical Facilities (treatment room/clinic) INTER-GOVERNMENT COORDINATION AND
• Other workers' welfare facilities as may be COOPERATION
prescribed by the OSH Standards and other
issuances • A Joint Coordinating Committee shall be
established to effectively implement the Law
• The employer, project owner, contractor or • The Committee shall develop mechanisms for
subcontractor and any person who manages, harmonizing each Agency's
controls or supervises the work being mandates/policies/guidelines related to OSH,
undertaken shall be jointly and solidarity liable with reference to the Law.
for compliance with the Occupational Safety • DOLE to collaboratively work with DENR, DOE,
and Health Standards and corresponding DOTR, DA, DPWH, DTI, DILG-LGUS, DOH, DICT,
penalties for violations. PEZA and other government agencies.

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