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Monster Hunter

You are a Monster Hunter, whenever towns

or nobles have a beast that needs to be Serums and Concoctions (Level
taken care of, you are the one to deal with
the problem. You use ingredients and parts
of monsters to create alchemical mixes, As an Monster Hunter, you have vigorously
imbibing you with the powers of the very studied monsters and how their various
beasts you have sworn to destroy. body components work and interact with
different alchemical substances.

Key Attribute: Strength, Intelligence By 1st level, you have memorized a number
of serums equal to your Intelligence
Hit points: 1d5+5 (plus Con bonus if any) modifier. Each level thereafter you learn one
per level up to 9th level, then 3 hp/level. additional serum and, if desired, may
substitute one known serum for another.
Armor and shields: Light, Medium armor,
and shields Taking 1d4 hours, you can create serums
out of harvested monster parts, along with
Weapons: Any plants and ingredients found in the wild.
When finding new ingredients, make an Int
Skills: Apothecary, Wilderness lore, plus 3 check to see what they do. If you fail you
of the following: Animal Lore, Arcane Lore, can trial and error to discover the effects’
Divine lore, , Insight, Detection, Acrobatics, Drinking this serum grants you an ability
Athletics, Traps & Locks, Gather information from that monster (Some more powerful
abilities might have side effects, GMs
discretion) Serums last in the body 2d6
rounds, and stay good for 1d6 days after
MONSTER HUNTER ATTACK BONUS creation (unless stored in a container that
would keep it “fresh”)
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6

Bonus 0 1 2 3 4 5 Concoctions differ from serums and potions

in that they are short term, on-the-fly recipes
Level 7 8 9 10 11 12 that only become active once you use a
Bonus 6 7 8 9 10 10 point of DDM to prime them because the
ingredients alone don’t become a
concoction without the addition of
alchemical magic known only by Hunters. A
At 1st Level a Hunter must choose two of concoction takes 1 round to create and
the three 1st level skills in which to train. prime, and takes a free action to imbibe (if
The remaining, unlearned skill can become you take damage while creating
the 3rd Level Unique Feature that the concoction, you lose the concoction. It's a
Hunter learns. The three options are free action to imbibe the concoction but
Serums and Concoctions, Adaptable cannot be imbibed on the same turn it was
Fighting, and Rune Carving. created). To create a successful
concoction, tell your GM which parts of a 6 2 4
monster you've collected, what potions or
7 3 6
serums you are mixing etc. to make a
desired effect. Make an intelligence check, 8 3 6
and if successful it creates the desired 9 3 6
effect. A great success on the check could 10 4 8
do max damage, double the affected area,
11 4 8
etc. A great Failure might make it have the
opposite effect, make you automatically roll 12 4 8
on the Alchemical imbalance table, etc
A basic concoction universally lasts 2d6
rounds from when the concoction is primed,
not from when a concoction is imbibed.
Adaptable fighter (1st, 4th and
Only one concoction may function on an 7th level)
individual at a time, with the exception of At 1st level, the Monster Hunter knows a
stated healing concoctions which don’t number of talents equal to his Int modifier.
interfere with other active concoctions. At 4th and 7th level, the Monster Hunter
learns one new talent, and if desired, may
If desired, you may spend an action to substitute one known talent for
“feed” the concoction to an adjacent party another. You begin an adventure with one
member, saving them from spending their use of this ability per level. You may regain
action to grab it from you. Regardless, expended uses by taking short or long rests
whoever imbibes the potion must roll a (p.81). Each time you use this ability,
DDM check, and on a failure must roll on choose one of your known talents to apply.
the Alchemical Imbalance table. You may use this ability as part of your
normal action. If a talent requires an Int
The rules governing the gathering and check, you may use your Reroll Pool.
butchering of ingredients, as well as the list
of known recipes is posted at the end of this ● Keen eye: Before rolling for damage
document. At 1st and every level following, with a single handed melee attack, the
a Hunter can gather ingredients according Monster Hunter may make
to the following table: a Int check. If successful, the attack
causes critical hit damage. This ability may
not be used more than once per round.
Ingredients Found
● Anti-toxin Draught: One target within
l Success Great Success
reach may apply the effects of Anti-toxin
1 1 2 (p.54). In addition, 1d4 attribute points
2 1 2 lost due to poison are restored over 1d6
3 1 2

4 2 4
● Two Hander: If you use a melee
5 2 4 weapon
two handed, you gain advantage when 4 +1 2
rolling damage.
5 +1 2

● Opportunist: Once per turn, when 6 +1 2

you 7 +1 2
reduce a foe to zero hit points with a 8 +1 3
weapon attack, you may immediately
9 +1 3
make one free melee or thrown attack.
10 +1 3
● Dual Weapons: If you are armed 11 +1 3
with two single handed melee 12 +1 3
weapons, every time you miss with
your extra attack, you gain +1 to hit
(cumulative) on subsequent extra
Runes are triggered by speaking the name
attack rolls until it hits.
of the rune. If the Hunter is unable to speak
the name of the rune, it will not trigger.
Rune Carving (Level 1)
Runes can only be inscribed during a
When a Hunter trains at his House of short/long rest. Once carved, the Hunter
Hunters, he can learn how to imbue his must pass an Int check to imbue the carving
equipment with runes, giving the equipment with runic magic. On a failed check, the
benefits past that of normal means. The carving remains inert. Only one attempt,
Master of Runes teaches the Hunters the whether a success or failure, can be
magic of the runes and how to carve and attempted per day and the use of the ability
imbue them with magic. cannot be regained during a short rest with
a Will check.
By 1st level, you know a number of runes
equal to 1 plus your Intelligence modifier. A rune’s magic is renewed at dawn each
Each level thereafter you learn one day and has one use per day. The use of
additional rune and, if desired, may the rune’s magic cannot be regained during
substitute one known rune for another. At a short rest with a Will check.
each level a Hunter is able to imbue a
number of carved runes into a piece of Some runes are more powerful and take up
equipment or thing according to the table. two or even three spaces on a piece of
equipment. A piece of equipment can have
any combination of runes, but cannot go
over the maximum allowed by the piece of
Leve Runes Runes per Piece equipment.
l known of Equip. or Thing
1 1+Int 1 The list of known runes is posted at the end
of this document.
2 +1 1
3 +1 2
Scavenger (2nd level) They create a redoubt and home for the
Your familiarity with monsters has led you to Hunters that call that House home. When
learn more about harvesting from their not at the House, they rove the land in
corpses. Any Int check has a +2 to discover search of contracts and protect the people
ingredients for serums and concoctions. for the good of the land.
Any Lore checks made to recall monster or
beasts information is made with advantage.
Additionally, you gain the skills and know
how to create physical objects and tools out
of various monster parts. Whether that’s a
shield out of a giant’s shoulder blade, or
arrowheads out of a giant spider’s fangs,
your knowledge goes above and beyond
that of a normal craftsman.

Unique Feature (3rd, 6th, 9th &

12th level)
At 3rd, 6th, 9th & 12th level, you gain one
new unique feature.

New Skill (4th & 8th level)

At 4th and 8th level, you gain one new skill.

Melee Master (5th Level)

At 5th level, your weapon attacks cause
critical hits on a natural 1d20 roll of 19-20. If
your weapon causes a special effect on a
natural 19, the effect also occurs on a
natural 20.

You gain the ability to create the potions

described on LFGDE pg 264.

Second Attack (7th level)

At 7th level, you may spend a Reroll die to
make a second attack that turns (if using
two weapon fighting, you do not gain a
second extra attack).

House of Hunters (Level 10)

At 10th level, a Monster Hunter may create
and lead a chapter of the House of Hunters.
Alchemy System When gathering ingredients, a player will
have to roll to find the specific plants that
Concoctions are on the fly and using grant the alchemical powers they want.
magic and alchemy on the fly is risky, First they must pass an Int check
causing the maker and the drinker to roll (Wilderness Lore, Animal Lore) to see if
against their DDM tally. A failure against they can search out the ingredients they’re
the DDM tally causes a roll on the looking for, whether it’s an elusive and rare
Alchemical Imbalance table. plant, or hard to process part of a beast. If
successful, they can roll a D4, and that will
Serums take time and can be controlled, choose the category of what they gather. If
meaning that lower strength serums can a Great Success, they can roll twice. Then,
be created without risking alchemical they roll according to the table of that
imbalance, but the more powerful category.
serums contain strong alchemical
properties and magic which causes high
rises in the Hunter’s DDM tally. The roll A Hunter uses the ingredients he’s gathered
against the tally is made when the serum to create concoctions and serums. It is up
is imbibed, not when it is created. to the DM to decide what the effect is,
according to the ingredients used. The
Concoctions System minimum amount of ingredients needed to
make a concoction is 2.
Concoctions take very little time to create
and prime and last for very little time after
being primed. The risk of working at such a
pace causes the chances of a mistake to be Serum System
made to be increasingly high, meaning that
each concoction crafted on the fly causes Using the same ingredients, but taking
the player to add a point to their DDM tally. much more work, serums are more powerful
A failed DDM roll causes the player to roll than concoctions, though they last just as
on the Alchemical Imbalance Table. long. Serums require at least 4 ingredients
and can only be created when resting, but
There are obviously an infinite amount of the ingredients that serums require are just
ingredients in the world, so in an effort to of the category and not down to the exact
avoid the infinite sized book it would take to trait. Serums don’t require a roll against a
build that system, this alchemy system uses player’s DDM tally because the Hunter can
4 ingredient types, based on what they take the time to carefully create the serum
affect. The types are as follows: and avoid causing it to imbalance himself,
and the extra time allows the alchemical
1 Attributes properties of the ingredients to be realigned
2 Physical to the Hunter’s will. This is why the
3 Elemental ingredient’s category is all that matters
4 Magic when creating serums.
Serum Recipes are tested and known by
Hunters, though more are added all the
time. A starting Hunter knows a number of
Serum Recipes according to his Int modifier.

Because the list of serums is ever-growing,

the known serums can be found in the
possession of the Master of Alchemy at the
House of Hunters, where new serums can
be learned through study with the Master.
Rune Carving Ghostwalk Rune
This rune functions as the spell A Wisp
The list of known runes taught by the Unseen (Invisibility)
Master of Runes is as follows:
Lifewell Rune
Level 1 Runes - 1 Space This rune functions as the spell Fusing of
Flesh (Cure Light Wounds)
Ironkeep Rune
This rune grants +1 to AC (Passive) Bladesharp Rune
This rune gives the wielder a +1 to hit
Earthshatter Rune (Passive)
This rune functions as the spell Thunderous
Invocation (Thunderwave) Lifegaurd Rune
This rune acts as the spell Arcane Aegis
Bloodletting Rune (Shield) Can be triggered as a reaction
This rune adds a bleed affect to the attack
and adds 1d4 of damage for the following Titan Heart
two rounds after the attack hits (Passive) This rune grants a +1 to Str (Passive)

Shadowbind Rune Windrider Rune

This rune gives the Hunter a surge of action This rune grants a +1 to Dex (Passive)
which the Hunter can use as an extra attack
or extra move Colossus Rune
This rune grants a +1 to Con (Passive)
Deathstrike Rune
This rune causes a hit to cause maximum Warlord Rune
damage. Can be triggered after the attack This rune grants a +1 to Int (Passive)
Panther Rune
Blazebrand Rune This rune grants a +1 to Perc (Passive)
This rune, when imbued to a weapon,
causes it to ignite and cause 1d6 of fire Mountain Heart Rune
damage on a successful hit This rune grants a +1 to Will (Passive)

Spiritshield Rune Prince Rune

This rune functions as the spell Lash of This rune grants a +1 to Cha (Passive)
Unerring Pain (Magic Missile)
Tiger Eye Rune
Flamestrike Rune You gain a +5 bonus to initiative and you
This rune functions as the spell Lucent can't be surprised while you are conscious
Emanation (Light)
Level 2 Runes - 2 spaces

Voidflight Rune
This rune has two parts that each take up
one space. The rune is carved into two
things and so long as the Hunter bears one
of those two things, he can summon the
other to himself as long as it is one the
same plane of existence

Every consecutive hit on a creature
increases your crit range by 1 until you
score a critical hit, miss an attack, or hit a
different creature

Bloodthirst Rune
Increase the damage die size by 1, to a
maximum of d12. A d12 gains a +3.

Greenleaf Rune
At dawn each day the Hunter’s DDM tally
goes down by one mark

Bloodshadow Rune
This rune, when activated, drinks in light
around it and causes 1d8 of necrotic
damage on a successful hit

Titanfist Rune
Before attacking, you can choose to take a
-5 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits,
add +10 to the attack's damage. (Passive)

Arcanum Shield Rune

This rune functions as the spell Sever
Arcanum (Dispel Magic)

Red Moon Rune

This rune functions as the spell Nostrum of
the Dying (Cure Serious Wounds)

Level 3 Runes - 3 spaces

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