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Name: Ashelly Ailee Binti Hendry

Index Number: P22070510

Identity Card Number: 040630-09-0028
Group/Unit: PSVSK1
Lecturer Name: Christye Majuddin
Date of Submission: 30/10/2022

Through this 21-century, of course all of us know about online gaming

especially the new generation. Online gaming become one of the hot topic among
young people in this world and now as all of us know, its already become an E-sport.
Not only that, kids nowadays too are constantly spend their time playing online
games. It’s no wonder that parents often worry about the negative effects on their
children. This issue have been a controversial topic for parents. However, there are
actually a benefits of online gaming to children that not all people know about it.

First, online gaming have a positive effect on develop early learning skills for a
younger children. Studies has shown that certain games can help children to improve
their early reading skills with the support of their parents and teachers, which is
‘Times Table Rock Stars’ game. This game is a carefully sequenced programme of
daily times tables practise, its aim is to boost times table recall speeds. This
programme available as a paper worksheets and web games. For example, majority
of a maths topics require multiplication knowledge and without quick recall children
can fall behind. This can also affect learners confidence in maths or cause them to
become anxious about their abilities in maths. Teaching a higher level maths too can
become difficult for a teacher if students lack of fundamental skills, such as times
tables recall and so it is a crucial aspect of maths lessons, not only in primary
education but also in secondary. Times Tables Rockstars is a gamified, which is a
child friendly game that takes the boredom out of learning times tables. In this game,
children are inspired to become a ‘rockstars’ through fun yet structured daily practice.
Also, with all of this, children can still grow up in a healthy way even though they like
to spend most of their time playing games.

Next, the most obvious benefits of online gaming to children is it can improve
children confidence and communication skills. As we know, not all children have a
confidence in communication. Everytime they try to communicate with someone, they
will feel nervous that they cant even say any word. Sometimes they rather
communicate with people through in-game and social media than face to face. This
way, they can improve their confidence slowly in communication even though it’s not
face to face. For example, children can try playing multiplayer games, where they
can team up with a random people. This person can be just anyone from all over the
world, that is why it’s good for children who are in state of improving their
communication skills. Not only that, its gonna be a whole new experience to children
because they manage to make a friends who is from another country.
Communication between teammates can build up strong understanding and respect
between each other, this thing can avoid any fight that might happen because of
misunderstanding. In other word, children can collaborate and learn from each other
to build up confident and communication skills.

Other than that, one of the benefits of online gaming to children is its can help
children manage their emotions. Online games can be fun to anyone who play it
including children, but sometimes they can be frustrating too especially when you
lose in game because one of your teammates AFK. It is not uncommon if you try
something and ‘fail’ to have it or it did not go according to the plan. This situation will
make anyone having so much emotion, such as sad, depression, angry and even
disappointed. If children got to feel this emotions in their early age, in future they
already know how to encounter it so that they can control their emotions. Children
can try learning on how to calm themselves if they feel so many emotion after playing
a game. For example, keep their mind in a positive way to ensure that their mind
were in a good state. This can avoid them from burst out because of anger issue.
Apart of that, children too can improve their building resilience from playing online
games. There is actually so many people in game who are not kind towards other
people and of course children too will be their victims if children meet one of them.
So from this experience that children have come across with, when they grow up,
they can just ignore all the bad word that people give to them.

In conclusion, its revealed that online gaming do give a benefits to children.

From playing games its show that it can increase children self-confidence and self-
esteem. Children can transfer this self attitude to real life so that they don’t have to
feel nervous or down because they don’t have courage to do something. Playing
games too can make children become more creative and innovative in building or
doing something. To sum it up, people should change the way they thing about
online gaming. They should recognize the we are now living in a high tech and
sophisticated world, if children select a good game. Therefore, they can gained the
benefits of online gaming.

The benefits of playing online games. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2022, from


HundreD. (2013). Times Tables Rockstars.

Online video gaming benefits for young players. (2022, August 3). Internet Matters.


Benefits of Online Games for Kids. (2021, July 29). Parenting Tips and Advice.

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