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Laboratory Exercise No.

Soil Density and Pore Space

Name: Jacky Lou A. Germano Date Conducted: April 1, 2022

Lab. Section: C098 Date Submitted: April 3, 2022
Lab. Instructor: Mark Anthony Barbadillo Rating: _ __ _


I. Bulk Density by Core Method

Kindly show your solutions.

Sample 1 Sample 2
a. weight of tin can (g) 35 50
b. weight of tin can and oven-dried soil (g) 240 355
c. oven-dry weight of soil (g) : (b-a) 205g _ 305g _
d. diameter of sampler (cm) 6 8
d. radius of sampler (cm) 3cm _ 4cm _
e. height of sampler (cm) 5 6
f. volume of core sampler (cm3) 141.37cm3 _ 301.59cm3 _
g. volume of soil (cm3) 141.37cm3 _ 301.59cm3 _
h. Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.45g/cm3 _ 1.01c/cm3 _
i. Porosity (%) 45% _ 62%_
Assumption: Dp = 2.65 g/cm3


diameter(d) Ms
c. Sample 1 H. Sample 1 e. Radius = i. Db=
2 Vt
(b − a) (b-a) Sample 1 Sample 1
6 205 g
= 240 – 35 =3.1416 (3) 2 (5) = =
2 141.37 cm3
=205g = 3.1416 (9) (5) =3 cm =1.45 g/cm3
= 141.37 cm 3
Sample 2 Sample 2 Sample 2
8 305 g
(b − a) Sample 2 = = 3
2 301.59 cm
= 355 – 50 = 3.1416 (4) 2 (6) =4 cm =1.01 g/cm3
= 305g = 3.1416 (16) (6)
=301. 59cm3
g. volume (v) = πr 2h j.
Sample 1
= 3.1416 (3)2 (5) Sample 1 Sample 2
1.45 1.01
= 3.1416 (9) (5) = 1- x 100 = 1- x 100
2.65 2.65
=141.37 cm3 = 45% = 62%

Sample 2
= 3.1416 (4)2 (6)
= 3.1416 (16) (6)
= 301. 59cm3


1. Discuss the importance of knowing bulk density values of soils.

Bulk density reflects the soil's ability to function for structural support, water and solute movement,
and soil aeration. Bulk densities above thresholds indicate impaired function. Bulk density is also used to
convert between weight and volume of soil. It is also an indicator of soil compaction and soil health. It
affects infiltration, rooting depth/restrictions, available water capacity, soil porosity, plant nutrient
availability, and soil microorganism activity, which influence key soil processes and productivity.

2. From your data, how would you explain the differences in bulk density values between the two
According to the data above, sample 1 has a higher bulk density compared to sample 2. Sample 1 has
fewer pore spaces and more compact compare to sample 2. Sample 2 has loose, high percentage of
porosity as a result it contains more water and air enter, and less erodible. Bulk density increases with
compaction and tends to increase with depth.

3. Discuss at least three (3) cultural practices that influence soil bulk density.
Inherent factors that affect bulk density such as soil texture cannot be changed. Bulk density is
dependent on soil organic matter, soil texture, the density of soil mineral (sand, silt, and clay) and their
packing arrangement. Soil organic matter increases a soil's ability to hold water, both directly and
indirectly. Compaction increases bulk density and reduces total pore volume, consequently reducing
available water holding capacity. Sandy soils have relatively high bulk density since total pore space in
sands is less than that of silt or clay soils. Finer-textured soils, such as silt and clay loams, that have good
structure have higher pore space and lower bulk density compared to sandy soils. Fine textured soils like
silt loam and clay loam have lower bulk density than sandy soils. This is mainly because of more
granulation/ aggregation. As aggregation and clay content increase, bulk density decreases.

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