IV. Loading Process 1 Check The Jumper Code: U V U V U V

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Users’ guide____Testing regulation

secondary side.
Make sure checked:
Purpose: the excitation generator machine units are based on the in-phase voltage
transformer parameter set and its corresponding input, so in commissioning operators
should double check the secondary side voltage matching with the primary side
Record data according to the following table:

U AC (380V ± 15%) U BC (380V ± 15%) U AC (380V ± 15%)

Ex-factory power I
Ex-factory power II

DC 24DC power Regulator power

power For AC For DC Channel A Channel B
Attention: the voltage of the switch power can be measured at its external terminal.
Attention: in the test of the AC 24VDC, as the secondary side voltage in the regulator
units is lower than the actual value; it is necessary to wire from AC380V factory to
the primary side of the power voltage transformer (special alarm: the grade of the
connected wire should be matched with AC380V voltage.) and then check if the
current circuit is at normal state.

IV. Loading process

1 Check the jumper code

1.1 Intelligent system

The switch quantity board JP1 off, JP2 and JP3 short connected.
Attention: JP3 in the pumping power accumulation systemshould be off.
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

The diling switch keys 3 and 4 on the intelligent board should be diled according to
the address (power controller 1# is 00, 2# is 01, 3# is 10, 4# is 11).
The CAN BUS terminal electric resistor at both ends on (generally short circuit the
I/O board and the LK1 on the de-excitater intelligent board, but please check if the
terminal resistor is on at the regulator controller terminal. With the resistors at both
ends on, the resistor of CANBUS is 60Ω when there’s no power. )
Make sure the above operation finished:

1.2 Conventional rectifier system

The switch quantity board JP1, JP2 off, and JP3 short connected.
The diling switch keys 1 and 2 on the intelligent board should be diled according to
the quantity of the power controllers (for 1 power controller 00, for two 10, for three
01, for four 11.).
JP3 on the pulse power releasing board should be short connected.
CAN BUS resistors on at both ends. (Generally short circuit the I/O board and the
LK1 on the de-excitater intelligent board, but please check if the terminal resistor is
on at the regulator controller terminal. With the resistors at both ends on, the resistor
of CANBUS is 60Ω when there’s no power. )
Make sure the above operation finished:

2. Attention in the filling process

Load the effective version of regulator program and single-chip machine program
orderly with microcomputer.
Attention: before downloading the program, get off the corresponding jumper code
(K board means the power controller intelligent board, the de-excitator board or the
intelligent board: JP1, I board means the IIU board:JP2, J board means the LOU
board: JP1), or the programme cannot be downloaded. After the downloading, turn
on the above jumper codes, so as to make the anti-interruption measure effective.
Make sure the above operation finished:

V. Calibration testing

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

1. Terminal 1PT, 2 PT and system 3PT voltage calibration

The 3 lines of the PT voltage are supplied by the programmable power. When the
input voltage is the rated value, regulate the voltage coefficient ID [4] at the machine
terminal, so as to make the displayed value at the terminal 100.00%; regulate the
system voltage tracking regulatory coefficient ID [5], so as to make the displayed
value on the system voltage 100.00%; record data according to the following table.
Record for set A voltage calbration:
Input Input Display value Display value Terminal System voltage
voltage voltage of terminal of system voltage tracking regulatory
voltage voltage coefficient coefficient
(%) (V) (%) (%) (Kug) (Kus)
Record for set B voltage calbration:
Input Input Display value Display value Terminal System voltage
voltage voltage of terminal of system voltage tracking regulatory
voltage voltage coefficient coefficient
(%) (V) (%) (%) (Kug) (Kus)

2. Generator current calibration

Simulate CT secondary current with the programmable power supply. When the input
voltage is the rated value, regulate the generator current coefficient ID [2], so as to
make the displayed value 100.00%. Record the data according to the following table
after regulation.
Record for generator current calibrtion:

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Input Input Display value Display value A generator B generator

current current of A current of B current current current
(%) (V) (%) (%) coefficient coefficient
(Kig) (Kig)

3. Generator power calibration

Simulate CT and PT with the programmable power supply. In the condition of
voltge reference value and current reference value, regulate the power coefficient ID
[1], so as to make the displayed value 100.00%. Record the data according to the
following table after regulation.
Set A power coefficient Kpow:
Set B power coefficient Kpow:
PT=100.00%, Φ=0°
CT current Set A active Set A reactive Set B active Set B reactve
(A) power (%) power (%) power (%) power (%)

PT=100.00%, Φ=90°
CT current Set A active Set A reactive Set B active Set B reactve
(A) power (%) power (%) power (%) power (%)

PT=100.00%, Φ=-90°

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

CT current Set A active Set A reactive Set B active Set B reactve

(A) power (%) power (%) power (%) power (%)

PT=100.00%, Φ=rated power coefficient angle

CT current Set A active Set A reactive Set B active Set B reactve
(A) power (%) power (%) power (%) power (%)

4. Excitation current calibration

Simulate CT secondary current with the programmable power supply. When the
input currnt is the rated value, regulate the generator current coefficient ID [3], so as
to make the displayed value 100.00%. Record the data according to the following
table after regulation.
Excitation current calibration record the reduced parameter for input current rated


Input Input Display Display A excitation B excitation

current current value of A value of B current current
(%) (A) current current coefficient coefficient
(%) (%) (Kil) (Kil)
Attention: errors exit with this measure, in actual grand current testing, please
recalibrate according to the actual current value.
Purpose: the above test is mainly used to examine whether the analogue quantity

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

signal sampling and function-transmission is working well. In the process of

calibration, operators need to simultaneously input rated voltage signal to the terminal
PT, otherwise the current calibration may suffer larger errors.

5. Preset of the exctation regulatory range at C channel

Add in-phase voltage signals.
According to the measures for excitation current calibration, add 100% rated
current, and regulate the potential device at W4 on the analogue quantity board to
make the voltage at the testing point CK1 at the right corner on the board 6.8v.
Make sure adjusted:
Purpose: the above step is the reference value forcurrent feedback signal calibration
in C channel regulator, from which operators can set the measuring range.
5.1) Check Toplimit for excitation current in C channel
Switch to channel C, increase excitation until the limit light in C channel is on.
Regulate the current to make the control signals in channel C 50%; the current value
of excitation current is the toplimit, about 120% of the rated excitation current.
Make sure adjusted:
5.2) Check lowlimit for excitation current in C channel
Switch to channel C, reduce excitation until the limit light in C channel is on.
Regulate the current to make the control signals in channel C 50%; the current value
of excitation current is the lowlimit.
Make sure adjusted:

6. Preset of the 110% voltage restraint at C channel

According to the calibration method at terminal PT, add 110% terminal voltage vale,
and switch on channel C. regulate the potential device W2 at channel C on the
analogue quantity board so as to make the display value at channel C about 50%.
Make sure adjusted:

7. Measure of R631, R639 signal value and 10%, 40% voltage

7.1) R631 on analogu quantity BUS signal value
Without excitation current
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

R631 signal action value:

R631 signal feedback value:
Attention: in the action of R631, No.6 signal output indicatory light would be on on
the micro compter regulator I/O board.
7.2) Record the corresponding actual value of R632 signal
Action value: Upt=
Feedback value: Upt=
Attention: in the action of R632, No.7 signal output indicatory light would be on on
the micro compter regulator I/O board.
7.3) Regulate overexcitation protection
R639 Signal Action value:
R639 Signal Feedback value:
Over-excitation protection fold:
After the over-excitation protection action, please check the correctness of the
output signals.
Make sure checked:
Attention: when the signal R639 is at work, the relay K04 inside the excitation
regulator would work, and at the same time the regulator screen and I/O board would
give telative signals.

VI. Operation circuit and signal circuit check

1. Excitation initiation operation

Handy manual: Results :
Automatic initiation: Results :
Attention: to see if the initiation is at normal state, operator can judge from the action
of the initiation contactor. Once the contactor is switched on, keep this state unless the
startup time is up or operator closes the initiation manually.
If the residual voltage initiation is not on, the results: 10 seconds after initiation
witout successfully establishing the voltage, the initiation would automatically stop
and sends out signals “initiation failure”.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

If the residual voltage initiation is on, the results: 10 seconds after initiation witout
successfully establishing the voltage, the auxiliary power supply would be
automatically put into use. 5 seconds later, the initiation stops automatically and sends
out signals “ initiation failure”.
Flashing polarity Results :

2. Fan operation
Manually switch on and off the fans. Normal operation:
Attention: intelligent power controller system operats the fan switch on the display
screen, while the conventional power controller system has a manual switch inside it.
Automatically switch on and off the fans. Normal operation:
Attention: if the startup command R651 is effective, the fans would be turned
Automatic switch of fan Normal operation:
In the AC current line 1, fan’s direction check Results:
In the AC current line 1, fan’s direction check Results:
Power plant switch Results:
Fan operational status signal indicator Normal display:
Attention: when the power conroller applies the A /B two fans, the direction and
status indicator of both fans should be checked.

3. De-excitater operation
Handy manual switch on and off the brake Normal operation:
Remote operational switch on and off the brake Normal operation:
Accident and invertion failure brake Normal operation:
Line I breke circuit Normal operation:
Line II brake circuit Normal operation:
Attention: both of the circuits in the ABB de-excitater switch should be checked.
De-excitator switch status signal indicator Normal display:

4. Check of illumination and heater results:

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

5. Check of external input signals

Order External input signals Display on DI lights on the I/O board
the screen
1 Increase-excitation -- DI.1
2 Reduce-excitation -- DI.2
3 PSS locked When PSS is at work,DI.5
light is on, and then the
lock signal is input and the
light DI.5 is off.
4 Brake of Circuit breaker DI.6
at the exit of the genertor
5 Startup command DI.9
6 Stop command DI.10

6. Abnormal phenomen test im set A and B power voltage

Regulate the output +5v power voltage in the regulator A and B respectively,
similate the situation of the abnormal low or high voltage. When it reaches to the low
limit (about 4.75v) or the high limit (about 5.25v), signal “ power error of reglator A
or B” would be sent out, and switched to the standby channel.
Set A regulator power +5v voltage monitoring low limit: v
Set A regulator power +5v voltage monitoring high limit: v
Set B regulator power -5v voltage monitoring low limit: v
Set B regulator power +5v voltage monitoring high limit: v
After the above test, set the voltage at the wiring terminal to 5.00v.
Attention: rgulate the potential device on the micro computer switch in chaneel A and
B, which can help to regulate the power output on the regulator. When it reaches the
high limit , remember not to set the power voltage at more than 5.5v , otherwise it
might damage the components inside the regulator.

7. Check of excitation output signal

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Order Items for test Signals at contact Signals on display

No. point without power and the panel
1 Channel A operation
2 Channel B operation
3 Channel C operation
4 Channel B standby
5 Channel C standby
6 Constant IL regulation
7 Aotomatic mode
8 PSS input
9 PSS lock
10 DC Power setction I off
11 DC Power setction II off
12 AC power off
13 Switch on de-excitater switch
14 Switch off de-excitater switch
15 Switch off de-excitater switch
by mistake
16 Introduce de-excitater
auxiliary switch point
17 1#power controller fast fuse
18 2#power controller fast fuse
19 Fault of 1#power controller
resistor capacity
20 Fault of 2#power controller
resistor capacity
21 Fan power fault of 1#power
22 Fan power fault of 2#power

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

23 Error or exit of 1# power
24 Error or exit of 2# power
25 Set A power fault
26 Set B power fault
27 24V power fault
28 Communication fault
29 Initiation failure
30 Over-excitation protection
31 Over-excitation exit
Attention: according to the semand of users, the signals at contact point without
power may not be totally identiacal to the above signals. The acutual value should be
checked according to the special diagram.

8. Check of excitaion communication

Test the communication function of the excitation system by the BitBoy Software
and RS485/RS232. Make sure checked:
Attention: the outlet serial communication interface of the EXC9000 excitation
system if RS485 interface. In the commissioning, the operaters need to do the test by
the RS485/RS232 communication exchange mode.

VII. Open-loop testing

The testing machine units are testing the open loop of excitation device when the
electricity is reversely supplied.
Wiring way: from the low voltage terminal PT side, operators introduce a wire to
the wiring terminal inside the excitation cubicle, at which the 1PT and 2PT are
parrelel connected. Introduce wire from the excitation change secondary side in the
testing machine unit to the anode side of the excitater rectifier bridge, switch off the
circuit breakers at the testing machine unit and the rotor circuit, switch on the
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

interconnected circuit breaker, and send electricity in reversed direction, so as to

electricize the PT terminal and the excitation voltage transformer. Put a resistance
wire into the rectifier bridge in place of a rotor as the load for commissioning.

1. Preset value
Channel A preset Channel Bpreset Channel C preset

Attention: when the “0 voltage initiation “ is operable, the preset value of Channel A
and B IS 10%, while it is not operable, the preset value is 97%. When the preset is at
normal state in channel C, the preset value is the low limit of its current regulation.

2. Check the automatic channel characteristics

Without changing the preset value, the control signal in channel A and B should rise
as the PT voltage rises, and should decrease as the PT voltage decreases. The
feedback signals in Channel C are the excitation current, which remains unchanged
even the PT changes.
Without changing PT voltage, in excitation increase, control signals decrease, and
αangle shrinkd; in excitation decrease, control signals increase and αangle swell.
Attention: because there’s the function to prevent excitation increase or decrease
points from sticking to each other, in operation of excitation increase or decrease, the
time for conneting should not exeed 4 seconds, or the command is ineffective.

3. Check the rectifier bridge wave form

Located in channel A and B, used to check the waveforms from each rectifier
bridge, with continual alteration and without mutation.
Attention: when there are more than 2 rectifier bridges in the system, separate check
for each rectifier bridge is necessary. At the same time, cut the AC current input or
triggering pulse in the rest of the rectifiers.

4. Check test for channel C

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Short connected the JP1 on analogue quantity board by jumper code, switch to
channel C, and observe the waveforms from the rectifier. The operation of exctation
increase or decrease should be able to symmetrize the waves and should be
continually adjustable.
After the test, get the PJ1 out. Make sure this done:

5. Phase-change characteristics check

Check compatibility between the set control angle in channel A and B and the
control signals. The ranges for UKX are 860~7600, the corresponding UK should be
10.6%~103.7%, linear.
UKX 860 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7600
UK refernce
Set A UK
Set B UK
Attention: in the procedure of the test, use the commissioning compter to set the
channel as the constant angle mode, after input the set UKX, record the UK value on
the regulator screen. (When Channel A is working, record UKA; When Channel B is
working, record UKB,) the standard for judgement: in the space interval of
UKX=4000~5000, the UK error should not exceed 3%.

6. Voltage display calibration in de-excitator

DC output Transformer LCD voltage LCD display LCD display Voltage gauge
voltage output display B value V value ranges

Attention: as to the intelligent power controller system, it is necessary to do the

coltage calibration on the screen of de-excitator. For measures of calibrtion, refer to
the indication on the screen. As to the conventional power controller system, there’s
no need of calibration, but operaters need to check if the output of transformer is at
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

normal state.

7. Failure test for inversion failure

In the situation of reversed electricity supply, please set the “rectifier/reversion”
switch at the post of “reversion” or the remote reversion command. If 10 seconds after
receiving the command, the PT voltage is still higher than 10% of the set value, the
de-excitater switch is turned on by the relay protector caused by reversion failure and
check the correctness of corresponding alarm signals.

8. Test for impulse circuit

Power controller withdraw switch “on” for the cubicle withdrawal, and “off” for its
onstate. Observe the LCD, impulse indicator lights on power controller pulse board
and the output waveforms in the rectifier bridge, to make sure the function of the
switch is at normal state.
Attention: when there’s only one power controller, there’s no switch for pulse cut.

9. Divided de-excitation switch cut impulse check

Divide de-excitation switch, to ensure no impulse output. Results:

10. BOD switch off function check after over-voltage protection

Similate over-voltage protection by means of condenser discharged. Observe the
DC voltage output, and check the correctness of corresponding alarm signals.
Attention: the standard for the condensers can be 50V/1000uf, directly charged from
the 24v power circuit in the excitation system. The charging time is generally less
than 5 seconds. In the process of discharging, directly put the condenser on the
mutual-inducer in the de-excitation resistor. As to the linear resistor de-excitation
circuit, this step can be skipped.

11. In-phase voltage circuit check

Through testing the DC current in the in-phase primary, secondary voltage and the

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

diode rectifier voltage or QF01, operators can judge the correctness of this circuit wire.
The in-phase voltage transformer 3-phase voltage is basically the same. The input DC
voltage for the QF01 operational switch should be 1.4 fold larger than the in-phase
change secondary volt 220v voltage. (If there are 2 steps changing at the same time,
fill in the following table.)
Sandard value Actual value
In-phase changing primary volt
In-phase changing secondary volt
Rectifer volt

12. Fan power voltage transformer circuit check

Measure the primary and secondary volt voltage of the fan power, and fill in the
Standard value Actual value
Fan power primary volt
Fan power secondary volt
Changing ratio
Check the 90%Ug fan power. Results:
Attention: (1)when the test could not provide the rated power of the fan power
voltge transformer primary volt, operaters can add AC 380v power plant power supply
to the transformer primary volt to get the voltage on the secondary volt, and judge if
the transformer is at normal state. (2) when the voltage at the generater terminal is less
than 90% of the rated vale, the power transformer circuit is out of work, or the low
voltage in the fan may damage the fan. (3) when there is no fan power voltage
transformer , this step can be skipped.

13. Record for excitation system output signals

Order No. Items for test Contact signal Screen signal
without power
1 Pulse error

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

2 In-phase phase cut

3 Reversion failure
4 Over-voltage protection

VIII. Unloaded close loop testing

Wiring way: from the low voltage terminal PT side, operators introduce a wire to
the wiring terminal inside the excitation cubicle, at which the 1PT and 2PT are
parrelel connected. Introduce wire from the excitation change secondary side in the
testing machine unit to the anode side of the excitater rectifier bridge, switch off the
circuit breakers at the testing machine unit and the rotor circuit, switch on the
interconnected circuit breaker, connect the excitation voltage transformer and the
generator terminal. Switch on the rotor circuit breaker in the testing machine unit, and
connect the rotor with the de-excitator wsitch output terminal. Turn on the generator
to make it spin at rated speed.

1. Raise voltage from 0

Choose the mode of “increase voltage” in channel A or channel B. initiation should
be able to establish 10% terminal voltage.
After this voltage increase in order, continue the operation of excitation increase
until the terminal voltage reaches 100%. In this process, operators can see the steady
increase of voltage through the commissioning software, without vibration.
Check residual voltage excitation function. Results:
Attention: if the lab cannot meet the requiry of “voltage increase from 0” or
“residual voltage initiation” tests, the above test could be done on site test.

2. Initiation at preset value

Initiate respectively in the “normal” state in channels A, B and C. Each of them can
establish terminal voltage at the preset value.
Channel A PT voltage:

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Channel B PT voltage:
Channel C PT voltage:
Attention: the preset value of channel C is the loe limit of the excitation current in
channel C, generally speaking, after voltage increase, the terminal voltage is
10%~20% of the rated value.

3. Regulating ranges
Channel Regulating range Standard value Results
A Terminal voltage high limit: High limit: 110% rated voltage
Low limit: Low limit: 70% rated value
B Terminal voltage high limit: High limit: 110% rated voltage
Low limit: Low limit: 70% rated value
C Excitation voltage or current High limit: 110% rated excitaion
High limit: voltage
Low limit: Low limit: 10%~20% 0-loaded
excitation voltage

4. Regulation of channel tracking accuracy and switch

4.1) Accuracy regulation when channel C tracks channel B

Regulate W3 potential device on the analogue quantity board to prevent
interruption when channel B is switched tochannel C.
Make sure done:
4.2) Accuracy regulation when channel B tracks channel C
After channel C tracks channel B, channel B is at work, after the channel C tracking
is finished (LDD, LID flashes alternately), modify parameter ID [6](ie.
Kc=Kc*UKB/UKC), so as to prevent interruption in the generator termianl when
channel C is switched to Channel B. otherwise remodify the ID [6] in channel B.
Set B Kc:

4.3) Accuracy regulation when channel A tracks channel C

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

After channel C tracks channel B, channel A is at work, after the channel C tracking
is finished (LDD, LID flashes alternately), modify parameter ID [6](ie.
Kc=Kc*UKA/UKC), so as to prevent interruption in the generator termianl when
channel C is switched to Channel A. otherwise remodify the ID [6] in channel A
Set A Kc:

4.4) Accuracy regulation of A/B channel tracking

Regulate parameter ID [8](ie. Kab), to prevent interruption when the 2channels of
A and B is switched one another.
Set A Kab:
Set B Kab:
Original Swiched to PT voltage in the Switched to
working standby working channel standby
channel channel

5. Test for reversion

Working at 3 different channels, check if the manual and automatic reversion is at
normal state.
Manual Automatic Stop Manual Automatic Stop Manual Automatic Stop
Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Attention: “manual reversion” means to operate the reversion switch on site.
“Automatic reversion” means the command input from the remote terminal.
“Shutdown reversion” means the machine unit frequency is lower than the excitation
system reversion frequency.
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

6. Analogue remote operation

Check if the initiation, excitation increase, excitation reduce and reversion is at
normal state, if the indicator lights are at normal state.
Channel A results:
Channel B results:
Channel C results:

7. V/f restraint characteristic

The V/f restraint value is set at 110% rated valuein the automatic channel. When
the frequency is lower than 45Hz, the regulator qutomatically reverses. Check the
correctness of the alarm signals of “V/f restraint”.
Regulator channel
V/f restraint value
Reversion frequency

8. Frequency test
PT voltage

9. System voltage tracking

System voltage tracking is on. The terminal voltage should be able to automatically
track the system voltage.

10. Power disappearance test

With electricity supplied by the sigle way power, the regulator should be able to
work normally.
Switch AC off, switch DC on Switch DC off, switch AC on
Results: Results:

11. Automatic switch test

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

The regulator works at channel A , similate the following faults respectively, the
regulator should be able to switch to the standby channels without vibration on the
generator voltage.
A: 1PT phase loss results:
Meathod: cut any of the 1PT 3-phase input voltage
B: Power error: microcomputer channel 5v power results:
Meathod: turn off the power switch QF03 of regulator in channel A.
C: regulator error results:
Method: restore the CPU of regulator in channel A.
When the regulator is working at B channel, similate the above error, the regulator
should be able to switch to channel C, without vibration in the generator voltage.

12.Over-excitation limit test

Modify the over-excitation restraint value in the A/B regulator, similate the
over-excitation restraint, check the stability after the restraint action, and check the
correctness of the “force-excitaion” , “over-excitation restraint” alarm signals.
Attention: when the sampling excitation current inside the regulator is larger than
the preset over-excitation restraint time, the “force-excitation” alarm signal would be
sent out. When the over-excitation anti-timage is due, the “over-excitation” signal
would be sent out.

12. Regulation of channel C 110%over-voltage limit

Channel A or B is working. Short connect the CT signal circuit to make the feeback
signal as 0. at this moment, the control signal in channel C is the lowest. Regulate W2
potential device in channel C to make the control signals in channel C compatible
with that in the working channels. Switch to C channel. The terminal voltage remains
the same, and then regulate W2 potential device at channel C to set the terminal
voltage as 110% reted value.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

13. Revertion command test when On-line breaker lock

Analogue on-line breaker on, reversion command is ineffective. Results:
Analogue on-line breaker on, intelligent de-excitater switch is ineffective.

14. Step test

Order Phase Termina Step up Vibration Regulator Step down Vibratio Regulat
No. step l voltage regulati times for y time for regulation n times ory time
quantit before on step up step up quantity for step for step
y step quantity down down

Attention: this test is done through the commissioning software. If the results
are not satisfactory, operators can modify the TA3,TA4 parameter of the AVR.
Because of the great rotor time constant difference between the testing machine units
and the actual machine units, this test is just for reference, which means that the actual
phase step test should be done on site.

15. Record for excitation system output signal

Order Items Contact signal Screen signal
No. without power
1 1PT error
2 2PT error
3 Set A testing system error
4 Set B testing system error
5 Set A power error
6 Set B power error

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

7 Set A regulator error

8 Set B regulator error
9 Set C regulator error
10 V/f restraint
11 Over-excitation restraint
12 Force-excitation

IX. ON-Load close loop testing

Increase the voltage from 0 volt to the rated value, operators should pay attention to
the indication on the corresponding table on the gauge screen of the testing machines.
When interconnecting the machines, regulate the terminal voltage as well as the
generator spinning speed, to make the spinning speed of the corresponding table as
slow as possible. When the indicated needle nears to the angle of 0 degree, switch on
the interconnection button. This done, the machines are interconnected, when the
shock to the generator is the lowest. After interconnection, check the regulator screen
to make sure the indicator light of “interconnection” is on.

1. Negative charge in interconnection

Chanenl A results:
Channel B results:
Channel C results:
Attention: operators can increase or reduce active power through regulation of the
generator spinning speed, while the increase or reduce of reactive power can be
achieved through regulation of excitation current output.

2. Polarity check in deviation regulation

Set the polarity as positive deviation regulation.
Channel A results:
Channel B results:
Attention: the polarity and grade of this regulation can be set through the
operational bottons on the screen of the regulator. When the deviation regulation is set

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

as positive, the increase of grade results in the decrease of reactive power of the
machine unit.

3. Test for under-excitation restraint

When the genrator active pwer is getting close to 0, the de-excitation makes the
generator’s reactive power negative. Till the function of under-excitation restraint is
stimulated, the reactive power of the generator would not increase any more. Check
the correctness of alarm indicator and the output of signal contact.
Keep the generator in the state of reactive power, gradually increase the active
power of the generator, and check the generator reactve power value, which should be
reduced accordingly.
In the process of under-excitation, the system is in a steady state. Increase
excitation, and the regulator will exit the under-excitation restraint.
Channel A results:
Channel B results:
Attention: in this test, operators can temporarily reduce the setting value of

4. Constant reactive power regulation test

Increase excitation so as to make the generator reactive power positive, set the
regulator as “constant Q regulation “ through the regulatory software or the
operational bottons on the screen, and the excitation system would regulate based on
the the current reactive value and increase or reduce the active power. In this process,
the reactive power remains the same. Operators check the correctness of the status
display and the signal contact output.
Exit the constan Q regulation, connect the commissioning software and the serial
interface of the regulator, input the command “constant reactive power regulation”
and set the reactive value to the excitation system through BitBoy software and
RS485/RS232, the regulator would regulate according to the set value of the
command. Check the correctess of the status display and the output of signal

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Channel A results:
Channel B results:

5. Constant power coefficient regulation test

Increase excitation so as to make the generator reactive power positive, set the
regulator as “constant PF regulation “ through the regulatory software or the
operational bottons on the screen, and the excitation system would regulate based on
the the current power coefficient and increase or reduce the active power. In this
process, the reactive power remains the same. Operators check the correctness of the
status display and the signal contact output.
Exit the constan PF regulation, connect the commissioning software and the serial
interface of the regulator, input the command “constant PF regulation” and set the
reactive value to the excitation system through BitBoy software and RS485/RS232,
the regulator would regulate according to the set value of the command. Check the
correctess of the status display and the output of signal contact.
Channel A results:
Channel B results:
Attention: (1) when channel C is in operation, both constant PF and constant Q
regulation are ineffective. (2) When the reactive power is lower than 0, the constant
PF regulation is invalid (3) when the constant Q and constant PF regulation are
invalid, the status display and the output of signal contact should exit, too.

6. Record for excitation system output signals

Order Items Contact signal Screen
No. without power signal
1 Under-excitation restraint
2 Constant Q reglation (handy
3 Constant PF regulation (handy
4 Constant Q reglation
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

(communication control)
5 Constant PF regulation
(communication control)

X. Grand electric current testing

Wiring way: from the low voltage terminal PT side, operators introduce a wire to
the wiring terminal inside the excitation cubicle, at which the 1PT and 2PT are
parrelel connected. Switch off the wire from the excitation change secondary volt in
the testing machine unit to the excitaion cubicle. Introduce wire from the grand
currentn voltage transformer to the rectifier bidge input terminal. Switch off the
circuit breakers at the testing machine unit and the rotor circuit, connect the the rotor
in the testing machine unit to the grand current testing load and switch off the
interconnection circuit breaker. As to the intelligent power controller system, the
secondary cable of testing voltage transformer should go hrough CT, and the output
terminal of CT should be introduced to the CT wiring terminal at the excitation
Set channel A and B in the manual operation mode, set the parameter TB1, TB2 of
constant IL regulation as 0.1, 4 for the time being.
Input the AC input current of rectifier, measure and check the phase order as a
positive one. Switch on the interconnection circuit breaker to make the PT signal
electrical. The regulator is in the state of operation. The output value of excitation
current should be the excitation current low limit of regulator A/B, accounting for
5~10% of the rated current.
Operate the excitation increase botton and the excitation current increases

1. Excitation current calibration

Based on the current divider output, calibrate the regulator, power controller and
the de-excitater current display.
Attention: calibrate the regulator current display when the cannel is not in opertion.
Record for regulator excitation current calibration

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Output Output Set A Set B Set A excitation Set B excitation

current (%) current current current current coefficient current
(A) display display coefficient

Record for power controller excitation current output calibration

Output current (%) Output 1#cubicle current 2#cubicle current
current (A) display (A) display (A)
LCD display positive
bridge arm K value
LCD display negative
bridge arm K value
LCD display B value

Record for power de-exciter current output calibration

Output Output Transducer LCD LCD LCD Ammeter
current current output current display display quantity
(%) (A) (mA) display B value K value (A)

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Attention: for the convetional system there’s no need to calibrate the power
controller and the de-excitater parameter except the output value of exciation current

2. Test for rectifier on/off

In the rated output current, operators use the switch for this test.
Attention: when there’sjust 1 power controller, there’s no power controller pulse cut

3. Regulation of automatic current balancing

3.1) Regulation of bisectrix signal

Based on the priciple that under the circumstance of rated excitation current, the
current bisectrix is 10m A, input all power controllers, IL=1.0, regulate the W1
potential device on the switch quantity board to make the voltage at the EL-Q point:
2.5v/cubicle quantity.
Make sure this test done:

3.2) Regulation of current balancing

When all the automatic current balancing is off, find out the power controller with
the biggest current output and then put all the automatic current balancing on again.
Regulate the deviation quantity on the power controller picked out, until the balancing
effect is satisfactory. Record the results in the following table.
Test data when all the automatic current balancing is on
Total Divider Current 1#cubicle 2#cubicle De-excitater Current
current output display of the current current current balacing
output (A) (Mv) regulator (A) display display display (A) coefficient
(A) (A) (%)

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Parameter record for balancing calibration

1#power 2#power 3#power 4#power
controller controller cntroller controller
Positive bridge arm
calibration value
Negative bridge arm
calibration value
Attention: conventional power controller needn’t being tested as above-mentioned.
Test data when automatic current balancing is all off:
Total Divider Current 1#cubicle 2#cubicle De-excitater Current
current output display of current current current balacing
output (A) (mv) the regulator display (A) display (A) display (A) coefficient
(A) (%)

4. Wind channel temperature calibration in the rectifier

Make sure this test finished:

5. Calibration of de-exciter rotor temperature KT=

Attention: conventional power controller needn’t being tested as above-mentioned.

6. Fan shutdown test (no less than 30 minutes)

6.1) Silicon component type standard:
6.2) Temperature measurement
Room-emperature: ℃, 1#cubicle power controller output current : Measure
the silicon component surface temperature in the condition of shutdown fan A.
Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

temperature (℃)


temperature (℃)


temperature (℃)


temperature (℃)


temperature (℃)


temperature (℃)

Room-emperature: ℃, 2#cubicle power controller output current : Measure

the silicon component surface temperature in the condition of shutdown fan A.
Time 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
temperature (℃)
temperature (℃)
temperature (℃)
temperature (℃)
temperature (℃)
temperature (℃)
Attention: only those power controller systems with more than 1000A need this test.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

At the same period, a single silicon component would not exceed 5℃, or there amy be
something wrong with the silicon component or the units. In this circunstance,
operators should lay emphasis on this test and prolong the testing time.

XI. Factory set parameter

Insulation and dielectric strength testing

XII. Insulation and dielectric test

1. Insulation test
Main excitation circuit to the ground MΩ
DC operation circuit to the groud MΩ
AC power circuit to the groud MΩ

2. Frequency dielectric strength test

Main excitation circuit frequency dielectric strength to the ground v
DC operational circuit frequency dielectric strength to the ground v
AC operational circuit frequency dielectric strength to the ground v

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Appendix 2 “Site commissioning schemes for the EXC9000

excitation system”
I. The necessay conditions for commissioning

1. The following preparation should be done by the users before

the site commissioning

z Make sure that all the cubicles are properly installed according to the
diagram “the arrangement diagram of excitation cubicles” in the excitation
system. Pay attention to the correctness of the arranging direction and order
of the cubicles.
z Lay all the cables and wires and check the lines according to the diagram,
including checking the voltage mutual-inducer, current mutual-inducer and
protection circuit and prevent no short circuit in voltage mutual-inducer and
no open circuit in current mutual-inducer.
z Make sure that the AC; DC system has the power for power supply for the
excitation system.
z If operators are doing some tests on generator and other main tests, such as
the generator short circuit test, they should prepare the temporary power
supply for voltage transformer and the switch.
z Other equipments such as protection eqipment, electric substation, water
turbine, speed regulator, gas turbine, gas machine regulator, generator and
auxiliary eqipment should be prepared well several days ahead.
z Get ready for the preservation and protection measures.
Attention: the control contact for other control unit to the excitaion machine set
should be empty contact without power, or the power would burn the internal

2. The following preparation should be done by the engeneers of

excitation set up before the site commissioning.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

z Make sure that all the cubicles are properly installed according to the diagram
“the arrangement diagram of excitation cubicles” in the excitation system. Pay
attention to the correctness of the arranging direction and order of the cubicles.
z Check the laid cables and wires according to the diagram, including checking the
voltage mutual-inducer, current mutual-inducer and protection circuit and prevent
no short circuit in voltage mutual-inducer and no open circuit in current
z Double check the parent wires cross the cubicles, cables and BUS in the
excitation system to make sure its correctness.
z Especially check the wiring of de-excitater switch and the over-excitation
protection circuit
z Double check correctness of voltage and polarity input into the AC/DC power
from outside.
z Check the correctness of in-phase voltage transfomer and its primary grade

II. Operation and signal circuit testing

1. Check the power supply circuit

Switch off the switch connecting the outside power and the excitation cubicle and
the fast fuse. Input the outsidepower and check if the input power voltage and polarity
is at normal state at the power input terminal.
Uab Ubc Uac
Factory power section I
Factory power section II
DC power section I
DC power section II
Power for swith on
Power for excitation
Check the power circuit inside the excitation cubicle with a universal meter,
including the AC power circuit, DC power circuit, DC24v power circuit, DC 12v
power circuit, and DC5v power circuit, to make sure there’s no problem of short
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

circuit. Then switch on the switch, making the power supply available. Check if the
following power is at normal state at the power output terminal.
Items DC 24v DC power Regulator power supply
power DC electricity Channel A Channel B
operation supply

2. Flashing
Handy manual results:
Automatic initiation results:
Attention: to prevent electricity moving to the rotor circuit, the swich of excitation
should be turned off. Operators can check the normality of the initiation circuit
through the action of excitation contactor. Keep the initiation once it is on, unless the
initiation time is up or the operator manually stops the initiation.
If the residual voltage initiation is not on, the results: 10 seconds after initiation
witout successfully establishing the voltage, the initiation would automatically stop
and sends out signals “initiation failure”.
If the residual voltage initiation is on, the results: 10 seconds after initiation witout
successfully establishing the voltage, the auxiliary power supply would be
automatically put into use. 5 seconds later, the initiation stops automatically and sends
out signals “ initiation failure”.
Flashing polarity Results:
Attention: in checking theinitiation polarity, there should be an excitation power
supply, which should be switched on. To prevent electricity moving to the rotor circuit,
the swich of excitation should be turned off. Then switch on the main contactor of
Q61 to measure the voltage between the positive and negative wire on the
dde-excitater switch and its polarity.

3. Fan operation
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Manually switch on and off the fans. Normal operation:

Attention: intelligent power controller system operats the fan switch on the display
screen, while the conventional power controller system has a manual switch inside it.
Automatically switch on and off the fans. Normal operation:
Attention: if the startup command R651 is effective, the fans would be turned
Automatic switch of fan Normal operation:
In the AC current line 1, fan’s direction check Results:
In the AC current line 1, fan’s direction check Results:
Power plant switch Results:
Fan operational status signal indicator Normal display:
Attention: when the power conroller applies the A /B two fans, the direction and
status indicator of both fans should be checked.

4. De-excitater switch operation

Handy manual switch on and off the brake Normal operation:
Remote operational switch on and off the brake Normal operation:
Accident and invertion failure brake Normal operation:
Line II brake circuit Normal operation:
De-excitator switch status signal indicator Normal display:
Correctness of de-excitater switch auxiliary contact output results:

5. Check of illumination and heater results:

6. Check the input signal from outside of the excitation system

Order External input signals Display on the DI lights on the I/O
screen board
1 Increase-excitation --- DI.1
2 Reduce-excitation --- DI.2
3 PSS locked When PSS is at
work,DI.5 light is on,

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

and then the lock signal

is input and the light
DI.5 is off.
4 Brake of Circuit breaker DI.6
at the exit of the genertor
5 Startup command DI.9
6 Stop command DI.10
Attention: input the external signals through the short connected wire. Then test
through the direct input of signals from the remote control.

7. Check the input signal of the excitation system

Similate the following output signals, observe the relay on the IO board and see if
the indicator light is on. At the same time check if the corresponding contact of relay
is connected, and if the indication for remote monitoring system is correct.
Order Items Indicater lights Relay Remote
No. on the IO contactor display
board action
1 Channel A working
2 Channel B working
3 Channel C working
4 Channel B standby
5 Channel C standby
6 Constant IL
7 Automatic mode
8 PSS input
9 Over-excitation
10 DC power section I

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

11 DC power section II
12 AC power off
13 De-excitater switch
14 De-exctater switch
15 De-excitater switch
off mistakenly
16 1#power contrller
error or exit
17 2#power contrller
error or exit
18 Set A power error
19 Set B power error
20 24v power error
21 Communication error
22 Initiation failure
23 Over-excitaton --- ---
protection exit
Attention: (1) according to the semand of users, the signals at contact point without
power may not be totally identiacal to the above signals. The acutual value should be
checked according to the special diagram. (2) Other signals, such as “PT “ error, the
“regulator error” can be tested in the open loop testing.

8. Excitaion communication check

Connect the RS485 with the monitoring system, so the monitoring system would
send controlling command to the excitation system based on the bilateral agreement
assigned by both sides. At the same time, the monitoring system would also
parallelize signal wires at the excitation system serial communication interface,

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

converted by the RS485/RS232 then connected to the commissioning computer.

Operators use the BitBoy software to monitor if the output signal and the reaction
signal in the excitation system are at normal state.
Make sure checked:
Attention: the outward serial interface in EXC9000 system is RS485. In the
process of commissioning, it is necessary to setup the convertion mode RS485/RS432
for testing.

III. Open-loop testing

Wiring way:
(1) Unfold the wire inside the cubicle introduced through 1PT, 2PT; unfold the DC
cable from the output polar of the de-excitater switch to the fenerator rotor; unfold the
cables from the excitation change secondary volt to the power controller rectifier
Attention: if there are too many DC cables from the output polar of the
de-excitater switch to the fenerator rotor to unfold all of them, operators can cut the
de-excitater switch and cut the rotor load. But remember to remove the signals of “cut
pulse with devided brakers” and “reversion with devided brakers”, or the regulator
would not be able to work normally.
If there are too many cables from the excitation change secondary volt to the power
controller rectifier bridge to unfold all of them, operators can devide the anode switch
of the rectifier bridge, cut the input power from the excitation voltage transformer and
at the same time, cut off the fuse on the primary volt of the in-phase voltage
transformer so as to connect the in-phase power supply.
(2) The 3-phase power supply is introduced to the primary volt of the 3-phase voltage
regulator through the air switch and operators should make sure that the input power
is positive-phase. The secondary volt of this regulator replace 2PT,1PT, the input
terminal of PT signal as well as the anode switch of the rectifier bridge. The capacity
of the 3-phase voltage transformer should be no less than 3KVA.
(3) The rotors off, operators use eletric furnace or resistor with a certain capacity to

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

take place of the rotors. Connect them to the output side of the rectifier as the
commissioning load. The capacity should be about 30Ω, with a capacity of more
than 1KW.
(4 )The point of the ondoscope should be connected to the rectifier bridge for the sake
of observing the output excitation voltage waveforms.

1. Record the actual corresponding value of the 10% voltage

ActionvalueUpt= Feedback value Upt=

2. Setup for the set value

Channel A preset Channel Bpreset Channel C preset

Attention: when the “0 voltage initiation “ is operable, the preset value of Channel
A and B IS 10%, while it is not operable, the preset value is 97%. When the preset is
at normal state in channel C, the preset value is the low limit of its current regulation.

3. Check the automatic channel characteristics

Without changing the preset value, the control signal in channel A and B should rise
as the PT voltage rises, and should decrease as the PT voltage decreases. The
feedback signals in Channel C are the excitation current, which remains unchanged
even the PT changes.
Without changing PT voltage, in excitation increase, control signals decrease, and
αangle shrinkd; in excitation decrease, control signals increase and αangle swell.
Without changing PT voltage, similate remote increase or reduce excitaion by
means of short circuit, the controlling signals should be working normally.
Without changing PT voltge, actually increase or reduce the excitation through
remote monitoring system, the controlling system should be at normal state of work.
Attention: because there’s the function to prevent excitation increase or decrease
points from sticking to each other, in operation of excitation increase or decrease, the
time for conneting should not exeed 4 seconds, or the command is ineffective.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

4. Check for the rectifier output waveforms

Located in channel A and B, used to check the waveforms from each rectifier
bridge, with continual alteration and without mutation.
Attention: when there are more than 2 rectifier bridges in the system, separate
check for each rectifier bridge is necessary. At the same time, cut the AC current input
or triggering pulse in the rest of the rectifiers.

5. Test for channel C

Short connected the JP1 on analogue quantity board by jumper code, switch to
channel C, and observe the waveforms from the rectifier. The operation of exctation
increase or decrease should be able to symmetrize the waves and should be
continually adjustable.
Results: normal
After the test, get the PJ1 out. Make sure this done: confirm

6. Reversion failure test

Input rated PT voltagein the regulator, please set the “rectifier/reversion” switch at
the post of “reversion” or the remote reversion command. If 10 seconds after
receiving the command, the PT voltage is still higher than 10% of the set value, the
de-excitater switch is turned on by the relay protector caused by reversion failure and
check the correctness of corresponding alarm signals.

7. Test for forbidden reversion after interconnection

Input rated PT voltagein the regulator, similate the interconnection signal input with
short connected wires, set the “rectifier/reversion” switch at the post of “reversion” or
the remote reversion command. If 10 seconds after receiving the command, the PT
voltage is still higher than 10% of the set value, the inversion failure will not occur
and the failure protection relay would not start up the de-excitater switch.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

8. Test for over-voltage restraint

After input rated PT voltagein the regulator, continue increase the PT voltage till it
reaches to about 110% of the rated value. The “V/F restraint” signal would take action;
observe if the signals are at normal state.

9. Test for pulse cut circuit

Power controller withdraw switch “on” for the cubicle withdrawal, and “off” for its
onstate. Observe the LCD, impulse indicator lights on power controller pulse board
and the output waveforms in the rectifier bridge, to make sure the function of the
switch is at normal state.
Attention: when there’s only one power controller, there’s no switch for pulse cut.

10. Check for de-exictation switch cut pulse

Similate the signal “cut pulse with devided braker” and send it to the regulator,
make sure that there is no pulse output.

11. Test for automatic switch

Regulator works at channel A, analogue the following errors, the regulator should
be able to switch to channel B or C. Observe the normality of status of display signals
and the signals sent out to the monitoring system.
A: 1PT phase loss: Results:
Test meathod: cut off any of the 3-phase input voltage.
B: power error (the 5v power in the microcomputer channel Results:
Test meathod: cut off the power switch QF03 in regulator A
C: Regulator error Results:
Test meathod: restore the restoring botton on the CPU board in regulator A.
When the regulator is working in channel B, analogue the above errors respectively,
the regultor should be able to automatically switch to channel C without too much

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

vibration in the generator voltage.


12. Check normal state of the 90%Ug fan power supply


13. Check of the excitation output signals

Analogue the following signals, observe the indicator lights on the IO board for
relay output to see if they are on and at the same time, check if the relay contactor is
connected and whether the remote monitoring indication is correct.
Order Items Display of the Relay Remote
No. indicator contactor display
lights on the action
IO board
1 1PT error
2 2PT error
3 Set A test system error
4 Set B test system error
5 Set A power error
6 Set B power error
7 Set A regulator error
8 Set B regulator error
9 Set C regulator error
10 V/f restraint
11 De-excitation failure

IV. Generator short circuit testing

The test of short circuit dry and circuit characteristic on the generaror sets are
actually not inclusive in the tests of the excitation system and the rectifier generally
carries it out through the power supplied by power of changeable voltage. As the
capacity of the generator sets is becoming bigger and bigger these years, the

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

changeable rectifier power can no longer meet the requirement of the test, which
means that the excitaion system is needed for the short circuit test. Since the
generator terminal has already been short circuit, the excitation power needs other
source of power supply. There are 2 modes:
(1) After the electricity is reversed, the excitation voltage transformer supplies
the power
(2) Connect the power through the electricity from the factories: get electricity
from 6kV or 10Kv wire to the excitation voltage transformer, or use the
factory testing voltage tranformer in place of the excitation voltage

Stop serious alarm:operators should close the functions of “residual voltage

exctation”, “system voltage tracking “ and “channel tracking”, and switch off the
excitation switch. At the same time, the operation of initiation botton and
switchingchannel is forbidden, which is to prevent abnormality.
Before the test, operators should first of all, check the correctness of the order
phase of the power. Make sure it is of positive phase.
Generall speaking, in the above 2 modes, to carry out the short circuit test, there are
the following wiring ways:

1. Short circuit test when the point is inside the PT terminal

In this mode, the point is at the PT terminal, the terminal volt is unfold outside the
shortcircuit point, the interconnection switch of generator is on, and after the
electricity reversion, the excitation change as well as the PT terminal is charged at the
same time.
Before the test, operators should first of all, check the correctness of the order
phase of the power and the normality of the regulator. Ways to check as the
1) Detach the “interconnection command” in the external terminal line;
Attention: because in this way the electricity upply is resersally provided, which is
not the real generators interconnection, this signal should be removed.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

2) De-excitator braker devided, operators should remove the “devide pulse cut” signal
in the regulator
3) Connect an electric furnace or a resistoric load at the input terminal of the
excitation switch. Connect the touching point of the ondoscope. operators get ready to
observe the voltage waveforms from the rectifier.
Attention: first connect the resistor for test, which is to test if the control of
regulator and rectifier is at normal state.
4) The machine units are in the state of shutdown, the regulator powered off, switch
on the interconnection switch at the side of generator outlet, which would provide
electricity for the excitation voltage transformer and PT, check the phase order of the
rectifier bridge input power to ensure the positive phase.
5) Switch off the interconnection switch, resend electricity to the regulator, and set the
regulators in A/B channel into the mode of “constant excitation regulation”. Short
connect the JP1 of the regulator in channel C on the analogue quantity board, set the C
channel in the mode of “constant control angle regulation”
6) Regulators switched to channel C
Attention: this is the first time the excitaton system is tested with the generator unit,
so it is impossible to judge if the current feedback is normal. Channel C doesn’t need
the current feedback signals in the “constant angle control regulation” mode, which
is safer and more reliable. .
7) Switch on the interconnection switch at the exit of the generator, providing
electricity for the excotation voltage transformer and PT. Regulator set C will begin to
work normally, and send out pulse signals.At this moment, the set signal of channel C
is at its loe limit, the output of excitation voltage is 0.
8) Operate the excitaion increase botton on the regulator to add the set value of

channel C, the control signals in channel C would s decrease accordingly, while the
output voltage of the rectifier would increase. At this moment observe the voltage
waveform to see if it is steady and if there’s mutation.
9) Operate the excitaion decrease botton on the regulator to reduce the set value of

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

channel C, the control signals in channel C would increase accordingly, while the
output voltage of the rectifier would decrease. At this moment observe the voltage
waveform to see if it is teady and if there’s mutation.
10) When the output voltage reaches it maximum value, wind the botton
“rectifier/reversion” to the position of “reversion”. The output voltage should drop to
0, and make sure if it is normal.
11) After the above tests, operators can judge the performace of the regulator and
rectifier. Switch off the interconnection switch, and turn on the de-excitater, so that
the “devided braker pulse cut” returns to normal state.

The steps for short circuit test:

1) Set the machine unit at a certain spinning speed, make sure that the command of
interconnection signal is removed, and the functions of “residual initiation”,
“ssystematic voltage tracking” and “channel tracking” are off, switch off the initiation
power switch, and make sure that the JP1 jumper in the regulator of analogue quantity
BUS channel C.
2) Power the regulator and swith it to channel C.
Attention: operators can also adopt the “constant control angle” mode in channel
A/B, but this should be set through the commissioning software. After that, the
indicator lights for this mode would be on. Input the maximum signal through the
commissioning software.
Attention: restart the regulator in channel A/B, thus exiting the “constant control
angle” mode. In the process of the test remember to make sure the regulator in
channel A/B is in the “constant control angle” mode.
3) Turn on the interconnection switch to supply electricity reversally,
operate the excitation increase botton, the voltage in the rectifier will inrease
accordingly, the rotor current would increase, as well as the stator short circuit in the
generator current. Observe the normality of rotor current in the regulator, and then
cooperate with the testing department of the generators to finish the short circuit dry
test or the short circuit characteristic test.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

4) After the test, set channel A/B in the “automatic mode” once again. Detah the JP1
in channel C, and get ready to carry out the other-excitation idle-loaded pressure
build-up test.
Attention: don’t switch the channels in this test, when adopting the “constant
control angle mode”, operaters had better to set all the 3 channels into this mode.

2. Short circuit test when the point is outside the PT terminal

In this mode, the point is outside the PT terminal, the terminal volt is unfold outside
the shortcircuit point, the interconnection switch of generator is on, and after the
electricity reversion, the excitation change is charged, but the PT terminal is off
The procedure of the test is more or less the same as the first method mentioned
above. But as the PT is off charge, it is necessary to provide a 10% terminal voltage
signal for the regulator after the reversal supply of electricity, so as to make the
regulator work properly.
There are 2 ways in which to get the R631 signal:
1) Short circuit R631 and R602 in the X2 terminal on the AP3 board so that the
regulator can receive the signals for start up and begins to work. The 3 channels can
all be tested; other steps are the same as the first wiring way of test.
2) After connection of the regulators A/B with the commissioning software, make the
regulators A/B enter the mode of “constant control angle”. Send out the command of
“forced start” to make regulators A/B work. After receiving this command the
regulator will start to work. Other steps are the same as the test for the first wiring
Attention: the R631 signal obtained through the above mode is valid to all the 3
channels. Don’t switch channels in the process of the test, and it’s best to set the 3
channels at the mode of constant control angle.
Before the test, operators should first of all, check the correctness of the order
phase of the power and the normality of the regulator. Ways to check as the following:
1) Detach the “interconnection command” in the external terminal line;

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

De-excitator braker devided, operators should remove the “devide pulse cut” signal in
the regulator
2) Connect an electric furnace or a resistoric load at the input terminal of the
excitation switch. Connect the touching point of the ondoscope.
3) Operators get ready to observe the voltage waveforms from the rectifier.
Attention: first connect the resistor for test, which is to test if the control of
regulator and rectifier is at normal state.
4) The machine units are in the state of shutdown, the regulator powered off, switch
on the interconnection switch at the side of generator outlet, which would provide
electricity for the excitation voltage transformer and PT, check the phase order of the
rectifier bridge input power to ensure the positive phase.
5) Switch off the interconnection switch, resend electricity to the regulator, and set the
regulators in A/B channel into the mode of “constant excitation regulation”. Short
connect the JP1 of the regulator in channel C on the analogue quantity board, set the C
channel in the mode of “constant control angle regulation”
6) Regulators switched to channel C
7) Switch on the interconnection switch at the exit of the generator, providing
electricity for the excotation voltage transformer
8) With the R631 signal, regulator set C will begin to work normally, and send out
pulse signals. At this moment, the set signal of channel C is at its loe limit, the output
of excitation voltage is 0.
9) Operate the excitaion increase botton on the regulator to add the set value of
channel C, the control signals in channel C would decrease accordingly, while the
output voltage of the rectifier would increase. At this moment observe the voltage
waveform to see if it is steady and if there’s mutation.
10) Operate the excitaion decrease botton on the regulator to reduce the set value of
channel C, the control signals in channel C would increase accordingly, while the
output voltage of the rectifier would decrease. At this moment observe the voltage
waveform to see if it is steady and if there’s mutation.
11) When the output voltage reaches it maximum value, wind the botton
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

“rectifier/reversion” to the position of “reversion”. The output voltage should drop to

0, and make sure if it is normal.
12) After the above tests, operators can judge the performace of the regulator and
rectifier. Switch off the interconnection switch, and turn on the de-excitater, so that
the “devided braker pulse cut” returns to normal state.
The steps for short circuit test:
1) Set the machine unit at a certain spinning speed, make sure that the command of
interconnection signal is removed, and the functions of “residual initiation”,
“ssystematic voltage tracking” and “channel tracking” are off, switch off the initiation
power switch, and make sure that the JP1 jumper in the regulator of analogue quantity
BUS channel C.
2) Power the regulator and swith it to channel C.
Attention: operators can also adopt the “constant control angle” mode in channel
A/B, but this should be set through the commissioning software. After that, the
indicator lights for this mode would be on. Input the maximum signal through the
commissioning software.
Attention: restart the regulator in channel A/B, thus exiting the “constant control
angle” mode. In the process of the test remember to make sure the regulator in
channel A/B is in the “constant control angle” mode.
3) Turn on the interconnection switch to supply electricity reversally,
4) With the R631 signal, the regulator begins to work properly, and sends out pulse
signal. Operate the excitation increase botton, the voltage in the rectifier will inrease
accordingly, the rotor current would increase, as well as the stator short circuit in the
generator current. Observe the normality of rotor current in the regulator, and then
cooperate with the testing department of the generators to finish the short circuit dry
test or the short circuit characteristic test.
5) After the test, set channel A/B in the “automatic mode” once again. Detah the JP1
in channel C, and get ready to carry out the other-excitation idle-loaded pressure
build-up test.
Attention: don’t switch the channels in this test, when adopting the “constant
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

control angle mode”, operaters had better to set all the 3 channels into this mode.

3. Power supplied by factory to the rectifier bridge

In this mode: operators can set the shortcircuit point at the export of generator,
without opening the terminal main circuit. The interconnection switch is off, with no
reversed electricity from the electric network the PT of terminal and excitation
changing uncharged.
While supplying electricity to the exictation voltage transformer through the 6k V
or 10 k V main circuit, it is necessary to unfold the cable from the voltage transformer
to the terminal then connect it to the main circuit.
When adopting this mode, it is necessary to detach the main circuit or cable from the
side with low voltage of the transformer to the rectifier bridge, and connect the AC
cable from the low-voltage side to the rectifier bridge.
The procedure of the test is more or less the same as the second method mentioned
above. But as the PT is off charge, it is necessary to provide a 10% terminal voltage
signal for the regulator after the reversal supply of electricity, so as to make the
regulator work properly.
Before the test, operators should first of all, check the correctness of the order
phase of the power and the normality of the regulator. Ways to check as the following:
1) De-excitator braker devided, operators should remove the “devide pulse cut” signal
in the regulator
2) Connect an electric furnace or a resistoric load at the input terminal of the
excitation switch. Connect the touching point of the ondoscope. Operators get ready
to observe the voltage waveforms from the rectifier.
Attention: first connect the resistor for test, which is to test if the control of regulator
and rectifier is at normal state.
3) The machine units are in the state of shutdown, the regulator powered off, switch
on the interconnection switch at the side of generator outlet, which would provide
electricity for the excitation voltage transformer and PT, check the phase order of the
rectifier bridge input power to ensure the positive phase.

Users’ guide____Testing regulation

4) Switch off the interconnection switch, resend electricity to the regulator, and set the
regulators in A/B channel into the mode of “constant excitation regulation”. Short
connect the JP1 of the regulator in channel C on the analogue quantity board, set the C
channel in the mode of “constant control angle regulation”
5) Regulators switched to channel C
6) Switch on the excitation power
7) With the R631 signal, regulator set C will begin to work normally, and send out
pulse signals. At this moment, the set signal of channel C is at its low limit, the output
of excitation voltage is 0.
8) Operate the excitaion increase botton on the regulator to add the set value of
channel C, the control signals in channel C would decrease accordingly, while the
output voltage of the rectifier would increase. At this moment observe the voltage
waveform to see if it is steady and if there’s mutation.
9) Operate the excitaion decrease botton on the regulator to reduce the set value of
channel C, the control signals in channel C would increase accordingly, while the
output voltage of the rectifier would decrease. At this moment observe the voltage
waveform to see if it is steady and if there’s mutation.
10) When the output voltage reaches it maximum value, wind the botton
“rectifier/reversion” to the position of “reversion”. The output voltage should drop to
0, and make sure if it is normal.
11) After the above tests, operators can judge the performace of the regulator and
rectifier. Switch off the interconnection switch, and turn on the de-excitater, so that
the “devided braker pulse cut” returns to normal state.
The steps for short circuit test:
1) Set the machine unit at a certain spinning speed, make sure that the command of
interconnection signal is removed, and the functions of “residual initiation”,
“ssystematic voltage tracking” and “channel tracking” are off, switch off the initiation
power switch, and make sure that the JP1 jumper in the regulator of analogue quantity
BUS channel C.
2) Power the regulator and swith it to channel C.
Users’ guide____Testing regulation

Attention: operators can also adopt the “constant control angle” mode in channel
A/B, but this should be set through the commissioning software. After that, the
indicator lights for this mode would be on. Input the maximum signal through the
commissioning software.
Attention: restart the regulator in channel A/B, thus exiting the “constant control
angle” mode. In the process of the test remember to make sure the regulator in
channel A/B is in the “constant control angle” mode.
3) Turn on the interconnection switch to supply electricity reversally
4) With the R631 signal, the regulator begins to work properly, and sends out pulse
signal. Operate the excitation increase botton, the voltage in the rectifier will inrease
accordingly, the rotor current would increase, as well as the stator short circuit in the
generator current. Observe the normality of rotor current in the regulator, and then
cooperate with the testing department of the generators to finish the short circuit dry
test or the short circuit characteristic test.
5) After the test, set channel A/B in the “automatic mode” once again. Detah the JP1
in channel C, and get ready to carry out the other-excitation idle-loaded pressure
build-up test.
Attention: don’t switch the channels in this test, when adopting the “constant
control angle mode”, operaters had better to set all the 3 channels into this mode.
Stop serious alarm:operators should close the functions of “residual voltage
exctation” , “system voltage tracking “ and “channel tracking”, and switch off the
excitation switch. At the same time, the operation of initiation botton and
switchingchannel is forbidden, which is to prevent abnormality.
Attention: restart the regulator in channel A/B, thus exiting the “constant control
angle” mode. In the process of the test remember to make sure the regulator in
channel A/B is in the “constant control angle” mode.

V. Other-excitation idle-loaded pressure build-up test in the

In the above mode of short circuit test, it is only necessary to remove the


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