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Bianca Celine R.


1. Define planet.
 A planet is a celestial body that orbits the Sun, has sufficient mass to
overcome rigid body forces and assume a hydrostatic equilibrium shape
(almost round), and has cleared the area in and around its orbit.

2. Enumerate the planets in our solar system. Describe each.

 In our solar system, there are two kinds of planets. Mercury, Venus,
Earth, and Mars are terrestrial planets because they are four or closer to
the sun than others. Their atmospheres are relatively thin, and they are
surrounded by rocky surfaces. Outliers include the gas and ice giants
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Despite the fact that they are
much larger than terrestrial planets, their cores are tiny and icy. The
majority of their size is made up of a mixture of gases that become
denser and hotter as you get closer to the core?

3. Which planet is known as the Morning Star or the Evening Star?

 Mercury can be seen as a morning "star" near where the sun will rise or
an evening "star" near where the sun has already set.

4. Which Planet Has the Most Moons?

 Saturn

5. Which Is the Hottest Planet in the solar system?

 Venus

6. Which Planets Have Rings around Them?

 Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune

7. What is the Orbital period of Moon?

 The Moon appears to revolve completely around the celestial sphere once
every 27.3 days when viewed from Earth. It is known as a sidereal
month. It is an abbreviation for the Moon's orbital period around the

8. Which planet has the most volcanoes?

 Venus
9. Which planets do not have moons?
 Mercury and Venus
10. Which Planet spins backwards relative to the others?
 Venus

11. Which planet has approximately the same landmass as Earth?

 Mars

12. At how much speed Moon moves across the Sun?

 The Moon travels at a speed of 2,250 kilometers per hour across the Sun.

13. How many natural satellites of Earth are there?

 One

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