EXam Perdev

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


School Year 2022-2023

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and understand each question. Select the letter of your
response carefully. On your answer sheet, shade the circle that corresponds to your

1. Which of the following is not true about self-concept?

A. Individual perceptions of our behavior, abilities, and unique characteristics
B. Has emotional, intellectual, and functional dimensions
C. Has a powerful influence on one’s life
D. Typical to one individual

2. Parker tells his friend, “I am fat, ugly, and weak-minded.” This statement best
reflects his:
A. Ideal self
B. Self-image
C. Self-esteem
D. Other self

3. Louise enjoy a healthy balance of work, play and relaxation. What part of self-
is described in the situation?
A. Ideal self
B. Self-image
C. Self-esteem
D. Other self

4. Philip wanted to be a good and well-respected person. What part of self-concept

is described in the sentence?
A. Ideal self
B. Self-image
C. Self-esteem
D. Other self

5. Mikaela sees herself to be a good daughter. At home, she stays inside her room
most of the time and play with her phone. Which of the following best describe
the situation?
A. Self-concept congruency
B. Self-concept incongruency
C. Positive self-esteem
D. Negative self-esteem

6. Pio is focused to become a senior fire fighter that he gives less attention to
unimportant things. What efficiency skill did he demonstrate?
A. Persistence
B. Determination
C. Creativity
D. Generating ideas
7. Self-development is ____________.
a. believing you are good
b. knowing God’s existence
c. a process of discovering oneself
d. the effort to be known in the community

8.Self-concept is ones abstract and general about him/herself particularly toward

his/her ____________.
a. life
b. career
c. existence
d. personality

9.Superego holds ____________.

a. moral judgment
b. instinct of a man
c. reality in man’s life
d. man’s choice in life

10. According to Rene Descartes mind is the ____________.

a. reason of believing
b. seat of consciousness
c. beginning of all wisdom
d. source of all self-consciousness

11. Read thyself, as explained by Thomas Hobbes can lead person to learn more
a. of himself/herself
b. of his/her society
c. by studying in school
d. by studying with books

12. What is likely to happen when one gained complete understanding

of himself/herself?
a. He/She will seek professional help.
b. He/She will find difficult knowing others.
c. He/She will build a better life on his/her own.
d. He/She will take his/her part in the society successfully.

13. To where a person is believed to acquire his/her first and primary concept of right
and wrong?
a. From his/her family
b. From his/her school
c. From his/her friends
d. From his/her society

14. Why is the Superego important?

a. This gives person guidelines of distinguishing right from wrong.
b. This teaches an individual to be more careful of his/her actions.
c. This provides concept of communities’ rules for judging people’s actions.
d. This helps one realize whether actions of others are needed to be judged.

Items 15 to 19. Match the description in column A to the correct Developmental stages
in column B.

15. 40 years to retirement A. Prenatal
16. Conception to birth B. Infancy
17. Retirement to death C. Adolescence
18. puberty to 18 years D. Early Adulthood
19. 18 to 40 years E. Middle Age
F. Old Age
20. It helps you achieved goals in a new, original and unconventional ways.
a. Generating Ideas
b. Persistence
c. Problem Solving
d. Managing Stress

21. It makes you keep moving forward regardless of emerging obstacles.

a. Generating Ideas
b. Persistence
c. Problem Solving
d. Managing Stress

22. They help cope with the problems encountered with a lack of experience.
a. Generating Ideas
b. Persistence
c. Problem Solving
d. Managing Stress

23. It helps combat stress that arises in daily life from environment and other
a. Generating Ideas
b. Persistence
c. Problem Solving
d. Managing Stress

24. It allows you to focus on achieving a specific goal without being distracted by
more important thing.
a. Determination
b. Creativity
c. Self-Confidence
d. Self- Esteem

25. It allows you to find extraordinary ways to carry out a specific action that no
one has tried to used.
a. Determination
b. Creativity
c. Self-Confidence
d. Self- Esteem

26. It appears in the process of personal development as a result of getting aware of

yourself, actions and consequences.
a. Determination
b. Creativity
c. Self-Confidence
d. Self- Esteem

27. It is the body’s response to anything that makes us feel threatened or

a. Stimulus
b. Behavior
c. Stress
d. Attitude

28. The collection of physiological changes that occur when you face a perceived
threat—when you face situations where you feel the demands outweigh your
resources to successfully cope.
a. Stressor
b. Stress
c. Stimuli
d. Response
29. Which of the following is not considered a stressor?
a. A break up
b. Death of a loved one
c. Watching your favorite TV show
d. Conflict with your best friend

30. All, EXCEPT one, are signs of stress; which one?

a. Excessive sweating
b. Laughing
c. Nausea
d. Chest pains

31. All, but one, are other major causes of stress:

a. Care of the elderly
b. Drug and alcohol abuse
c. Domestic violence
d. Listening to your favorite song

32. Apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness usually over an

impending or anticipated ill.
a. Stressor
b. Stress
c. Stimuli
d. Anxiety

33. This system controls everything you do.

a. Endocrine system
b. Nervous system
c. Olfactory system
d. Respiratory system

34. It has three major parts- the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem.
a. Brain
b. Heart
c. Liver
d. Stomach

35. It is the scientific study of the mind and behavior

a. Anatomy
b. Biology
c. Psychology
d. Zoology

36. Which is not part of the brain?

a. Brain Stem
b. Cerebellum
c. Cerebrum
d. Foramen Magnum

37. Which region of the brain controls voluntary movement?

a. Brain stem
b. Cerebellum
c. Cerebrum
d. Foramen magnum

38. The following can contribute to the brain’s damage EXCEPT_______

a. Alcohol
b. Balanced diet
c. Inhalants
d. Lack of sleep

39. According to World Health Organization, _________is a state of well-being in

which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or
her community.
a. Health
b. Mental health
c. Self-esteem
d. Self-concept

40. The following are true about mental health, EXCEPT

a. Mental health is an essential component of health.
b. Mental health is vital to each individual.
c. Mental health leads to positive self-image.
d. Mental health another term for physical health.

Items 41 to 44. Which of the following will help you maintain a good mental health?
There are 4 correct answers.
a. Connect with others
b. Devote time to your work
c. Seek help when needed
d. Get enough sleep
e. Balance diet

42. Strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general.

a. Emotions
b. Feeling
c. Instinct
d. Thoughts

43. Behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person.

a. Aggressive
b. Assertive
c. Positivity
d. Passive

44. Often disapproves, not acting to influence or change a situation; allowing other
people to be in control.
a. Aggressive
b. Assertive
c. Positivity
d. Passive

45. Disposed to or characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior an

assertive leader.
a. Aggressive
b. Assertive
c. Positivity
d. Passive

46. The quality of having a positive attitude.

a. Aggressive
b. Assertive
c. Positivity
d. Passive

47. Feeling bad after doing wrong

a. Embarrass
b. Jealous
c. Confused
d. Ashamed
48. Feeling upset when someone has something that you would like to have or they get
to do something you wanted
a. Embarrass
b. Jealous
c. Confused
d. Ashamed

49. Feeling worried about what others may think.

a. Embarrass
b. Jealous
c. Confused
d. Ashamed

50. Feeling unable to think clear.

a. Embarrass
b. Jealous
c. Confused
d. Ashamed

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