Suffix: English 3 English 3 English 3

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SN English 3 Apr. 17, 2023 HW English 3 Apr. 17, 2023 HW English 3 Apr.

18, 2023
Suffix Directions: Which suffix will you use to mean the Answer page 317 of your Essential English book.
A suffix is a letter or letters added at the end of a following? Write it on the line. Directions: Complete the chart by writing -er and
word to form another word. -est, or by adding more or most to the adjectives.
Examples: _____________ 1. full of
-er, - someone who; burner, protector, _____________ 2. Without SW English 3 Apr. 20, 2023
or, -r something that adviser Directions: Write the adjective in superlative form.
_____________ 3. someone who
-less without colorless, odorless, _____________ 4. the process of
motionless _____________ 5. to do in a certain way POSITIVE DEGREE SUPERLATIVE DEGREE
-ful full of beautiful, joyful,
1. cheap
P.S. _____________ T.S. _____________
-ion the process of; direction, election, 2. simple
the act of emotion
3. heavy
-ly to do in a certain solemnly, quietly, SN English 3 Apr. 18, 2023
way regularly Degrees of Adjectives 4. pretty
Adjectives in the positive degree simply describe 5. hot
SW English 3 Apr. 17, 2023 while adjectives in the comparative degree
Directions: Choose the correct suffix to use to compare two nouns. The third degree, the
superlative degree compares 3 or more nouns. POSITIVE DEGREE SUPERLATIVE DEGREE
make the word that fits the given meaning. Write
the new word on the line. To form the superlative degree, follow these rules: 6. dim

1. Add -est at the end of the word 7. popular

-r -less -ful ion- -ly
Ex: smart – smartest 8. beautiful
2. Add -st if the adjective ends in e
Suffix + word New Word Meaning Ex: cute – cutest 9. good
Ex: 3. Change y to i before adding -est if before y is
color + ful colorful full of color 10. bad
a consonant
6. Ex: lovely – loveliest
pain + 1. _____ _________________ without pain 4. In most adjectives ending in CVC pattern, P.S. _____________ T.S. ______________
7. double the last consonant before adding -est
soft + 2. _____ _________________ in a soft way Ex: thin - thinnest
8. 5. Use most before words with two or more
hope + 3. _____ _________________ full of hope syllables Ex: careful – most careful
announce + 9. someone who Exceptions: good – best, bad – worst, far – farthest
4. _____ _________________ announces ⁄ furthest, many – most, little - least
digest + 5. 10. process of
_____ _________________ digesting

P.S. _____________ T.S. _____________

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