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Corros Rev 2022; 40(1): 1–37


Imtiaz Ahmed Shozib*, Azlan Ahmad, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Mohammadali Beheshti
and Abdul’Azeez Abdu Aliyu

A review on the corrosion resistance of electroless

Ni-P based composite coatings and
electrochemical corrosion testing methods 1 Introduction
Received October 4, 2020; accepted November 9, 2021;
published online December 9, 2021
Corrosion is an electrochemical phenomenon with pro-
gressive detrimental impacts on the integrity of materials
Abstract: This paper aims to review the impact of
as well as huge economic losses for various industries.
different factors influencing the corrosion resistance of
Metal corrosion safety is based on through anodic passiv-
electroless Ni-P based coatings. Emphasis has been given
ation or by sacrificial anode defence behaviour (Andrade
onto the impact of phosphorus content, incorporation of
and Martínez 2010). Moreover, metal coatings may provide
alloying elements, addition of particles and heat treat-
anodic or cathodic protection for the substrate from un-
ment which have been discussed in detail and critically
propitious environment. Basically, metal may corrode
reviewed. The effect of corrosive media and coating pro-
rapidly in different acidic or salty environments by dete-
cess parameters on corrosion resistance are studied
riorating the surface structure of the metal and thus leaving
concisely. Furthermore, the role of the incorporation of
metal susceptible to corrosion damage (Bahgat Radwan
various elements and particles’ contents on the corrosion
et al. 2018). There are basically two ways to damage a
resistance of electroless Ni-P coating are studied system-
atically. This paper also presents an overview of the latest coated metal surface for corrosive species. The primary
electrochemical corrosion measuring techniques. The reason is associated with the thickness of the coating. If
following approaches deserve special attention in the thin coating is applied on the surface of the substrate it can
analysis: localized electrochemical impedance spectros- get easily damaged. The other reason is if metal is exposed
copy (LEIS), scanning vibrating electrode technique to a fault or damage to the coating, so that water and cor-
(SVET), scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET), rosive media have complete access to the substrate and
scanning droplet cell (SDC), scanning electrochemical may disperse across the substrate interface (Bubbico et al.
microscopy (SECM), scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) and 2015). There are numerous types of coating which can be
novel contactless technique (NCT). contemplated as good corrosion prevention measures.
Nowadays, electroless nickel–phosphorous (Ni-P) coatings
Keywords: corrosion measuring techniques; corrosion have been well known for the best corrosion resistant since
resistance; electroless Ni-P coating; heat treatment; it can blanket the surface of a metal with a thin film (Jian
incorporation of SiC particles. et al. 2020). Electroless deposition with hypophosphite
bath is the most used electroless Ni plating method having
greater precedence when compared with borane and hy-
drazine reduced bath. Thus, coatings are deposited on the
*Corresponding author: Imtiaz Ahmed Shozib, Mechanical
surface of the substrate by catalytic reduction of Ni ions
Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri
Iskandar, Perak 32610, Malaysia, using sodium hypophosphite as a reducing agent for its
E-mail: enormous use. The hypophosphite bath is cost effective
0001-8562-9569 and shows better corrosion protection than other reducing
Azlan Ahmad, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani and Mohammadali Beheshti, agents. In addition, borane and hydrazine have also been
Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
used as reducing agents. However, they are found to be
Seri Iskandar, Perak 32610, Malaysia.
4884-1127 (M. Beheshti)
poor in industrial use and can only be applied for special
Abdul’Azeez Abdu Aliyu, Mechanical Engineering Department, Bayero purposes. Therefore, electroless Ni coating is usually
University, Kano, Nigeria named as electroless Ni-P coating. The most captivating
2 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

feature of electroless Ni-P coating is that it does not require knowledge on reactions between metal substrate and the
any electricity to operate the coating deposition process electrolytes. The key findings of the exposed techniques
upon a metal. Thus, it is considered to be the most cost- are localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
effective coating process. Owing to their excellent corro- (LEIS), scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET),
sion and wear resistance, electroless Ni-P coatings have scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET), scan-
been broadly used in the energy sectors, electronic, ning droplet cell (SDC), scanning electrochemical micro-
chemical and mechanical industries. Previous studies scopy (SECM), scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) and novel
have delineated that the incorporation of different hard contactless technique (NCT).
and soft particles in the electroless Ni-P coating dramati- This paper comprises two principal parts. Section 2
cally improved the corrosion resistance (Shibli and Dili- discusses the impact of the coating bath compositions,
mon 2007; Shozib et al. 2020) and introduced promising concentrations, pre-treatment, post heat treatment and
attributes to the performance of coating, which strengthen coating process parameters of electroless Ni-P based
their generalizability in various sectors. However, there coatings on corrosion properties. The objective here is to
were few papers reported the influences of coating pa- review how the coating composition, other pre and post
rameters of electroless Ni-P coating on corrosion resistant treatment, and coating process parameters affect the
properties (Sahoo and Das 2011; Sudagar et al. 2013). corrosion properties. The impact of deposited particles and
There are several conventional ways to measure the the incorporation of alloying elements on corrosion resis-
corrosion rate. One of them is to weight the loss of metal tance, however, are not clear yet. Therefore, the idea of
which has been carried out in the laboratory by gravimetric depositing micro and nanosize particles with different size
determinations. The gravimetric approach provides average and concentrations have become the focus of widespread
corrosion rate values as it acknowledges the actions over a research. This discussion has received limited attention in
certain period. Afterward, electrochemical theory including previous research. Some conflicting results were reported
kinetics of corrosion with mixed potential was developed by different research group. This article aims to investigate
which can eloquently demonstrate corrosion phenomena. the influences of the parameters on corrosion protection.
Nevertheless, in electrochemical phenomena, no manual The effect of different concentration of deposited particles
procedure is required to measure the corrosion rate. In this in electroless plating bath solution has also been dis-
case, an electrochemical parameter known as corrosion cussed. In this work, an optimization was carried out to
current density (icorr) is applied to effortlessly measure the show the best optimum concentration of SiC nanoparticles
corrosion rate. Although there are many techniques avail- and SiC particle size for corrosion resistance. Section 3
able for on-site corrosion identification of various sub- demonstrates an overview of the latest developed electro-
strates, those of an electrochemical nature are the most chemical corrosion testing methods. Although conven-
relevant since this is the origin of the corrosion process. The tional electrochemical techniques such as electrochemical
corrosion potential (Ecorr) and the corrosion current density impedance spectroscopy (EIS) have been used for more
(icorr) are the most important parameters for corrosion than 40 years in corrosion and coating science, evolution
evaluation which can be calculated by measuring the po- of these techniques into localized methods is a more recent
larization resistance (Rp). Though these techniques are development.
very simple and inexpensive, they do not provide sufficient
information to fully explain the corrosion phenomena.
The potentiodynamic technique (PT) and electrochemical 2 Electroless Ni-P based coating
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) methods have been used in
every laboratory for corrosion protection and are commonly The electroless coating deposits thin protecting film on the
well known for years. However, PT and EIS techniques, substrate surface by autocatalytic reaction process. The
only provide the average data (Niaz and Bakare 2015; most interesting feature of electroless Ni-P coating is that
Ningshen et al. 2009) of corrosion behaviour of the metal no power source is required during coating deposition
surface and therefore, they cannot be extended to analyze process. The name behind the electroless Ni-P coating is
the models of corrosion phenomena for the small surface considered primarily because the main component in this
areas. The scientists have worked hard to develop new deposition is pure nickel and phosphorus. For the most
methods for the investigation of high spatial resolution part, Ni-P alloys are considered synonymous with the term
corrosion phenomena. Recently, environmental engineers ‘electroless Ni’ since 95% (Narayanan and Seshadri 2009;
and corrosion scientists have adopted a large range of Sudagar et al. 2013; Sequeira et al. 2016) of industrial
electrochemical techniques to acquire a great deal of production uses sodium hypophosphite as reducing agent.
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 3

After a few dormant years there has been a rapid turnover corrosion process. Generally, the resistance of any alloy to
of using sodium hypophosphite and it is almost 90% of corrosion depends on the dissolution rate of the passive
all industrial applications. There are some parameters film. The electroless Ni-P coating exhibits higher corrosion
for coating deposition process which are responsible of resistivity due to its amorphous structure (Fayyad et al.
the corrosion properties of electroless Ni-P coating. The 2018). As a result, it can enhance the phosphorus content
different effects of electroless Ni-P based coatings on on the surface layer. Amorphous alloys provide greater
corrosion resistance have been discussed below. resistance from corrosion damage than comparable poly-
crystalline materials because of the absence of grain and
grain boundaries.
2.1 Effect of phosphorus content The SEM micrographs of electroless Ni-P coating have
been shown in Figure 1. According to the findings of Lu and
The most common corrosive media using for corrosion Zangari (Lu and Zangari 2002), the variation in surface
testing is sodium chloride solution. Ni-P deposits in so- morphologies of the electroless Ni-P coatings appear due to
dium chloride solution exhibits a better behaviour using different concentrations of phosphorus. Electroless
(a strong passivation tendency) than electroless nickel– Ni coating with high phosphorus content exhibits a smooth
boron coatings (Sudagar et al. 2013). Electroless Ni coatings surface with uniform particle size (Figure 1A) whereas an
with high phosphorus contents offer an excellent corrosion electroless Ni coating with low phosphorus is observed
protection whereas moderate and lower amount of phos- with a fairly rough surface comprising of spherical parti-
phorus contents are not preferred for unpropitious envi- cles of asymmetrical sizes (Figure 1B). The existence of
ronments (Bigdeli and Allahkaram 2009; Elansezhian et al. cauliflower-like nodules (Figure 1A) is noticed in the elec-
2008; Mallory and Hajdu 1990). Generally, 3–5 wt.% troless Ni-P coated surface where phosphorus contents
phosphorus content can be regarded as low phosphorus remain high. Due to the increased phosphorous content
content and shows corrosion resistivity in concentrated of the plates, the nickel lattice disorder can cause a shift
caustic soda. 6–10 wt% phosphorus content can be taken from crystalline to amorphous structure. By contrast, the
as medium phosphorus content which provides moderate average and low contents of phosphorus show microcrys-
corrosive protection for some selective fields. Finally, high talline and crystalline structure. The electroless Ni coated
phosphorus content is measured as 11–18 wt% and it surface having low phosphorus content delineates Ni (111)
effectively works against chlorides, simultaneous me- and Ni (200) lattice structure with sharp peaks which is
chanical stress and most of the applications (Alaneme et al. confirmed by Shibli and Dilimon from the X-ray diffraction
2017; Sankara Narayanan et al. 2006). Moreover, electro- pattern (Shibli and Dilimon 2007) and reveals its crystal-
less Ni-P coating can be graded as low (1–4 wt.% P), line nature. On the other hand, in the case of medium
average (5–9 wt.% P) and high (10 wt% P or more) based on phosphorus content, they found more blurred and diffused
their phosphorus content, according to ASTM 733B-04 peaks and most remarkably no peaks are identified for the
standard. The phosphorus content in electroless plating Ni-P plates with high phosphorus content due to their
bath solution is considered to have a significant effect on amorphous structure in the XRD sequence.
both chemical (Schorr and Valdez 2016) and electro- According to Bai et al. (Bai et al. 2003), precise phos-
chemical (Court et al. 2000; Kerr et al. 1996, 1997) behav- phorus content of the electroless Ni-P coating has a sig-
iours. The high weight percentage of phosphorus content nificant impact on decreasing the rate of corrosion and
can enhance the corrosion potential (Ecorr) and signifi- positively shift the corrosion potential in brine media.
cantly reduce corrosion current density (icorr) by con- Expanded nickel corrosion provides basic requirements for
ducting the cathodic and anodic reactions during the phosphorus concentration and thus for the development

Figure 1: SEM micrographs of electroless Ni-

P coated surface: (A) high (13.30 wt%) P
content and (B) low (3.34 wt%) P content
(Sankara Narayanan et al. 2006). (Reprin-
ted with permission, Copyright 2006
4 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

on the surface of stable intermediate compounds NixPy, The corrosion current density (icorr) for 18 wt% phos-
which serve as a passive film barrier. Phosphorus con- phorus content exhibited 0.82 × 10−3 mA/cm2 (Shibli and
taining in the sodium hypophosphite react with water and Dilimon 2007) while it showed 8.7 × 10−3 mA/cm2 for using
generates phosphorus oxidation by forming a thin film of 10 wt% phosphorus content (Shibli and Dilimon 2007) in
hypophosphite anions (H2PO2 ─) on the coated substrate. electroless nickel plating bath solution which is nearly 10
The presence of hypophosphite and phosphate anions, as times higher. This can be validated by the theoretical fact
shown in Equations (1) and (2), were identified by X-ray that lower icorr value gives higher corrosion resistance. Only
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurement on the 8% difference in phosphorus content can make a huge
coated surface (Diegle et al. 1988). difference in corrosion resistance. It is evident from San-
kara Narayanan et al. (2006) that electroless Ni-P coatings
P  + 2H2 O/H2 PO−2 + 2H+ + e− (1)
with higher phosphorus content (13.30 wt%), corrosion
P  + 4H2 O/H2 PO−4 + 6H+ + 5e− (2) current density value is 0.60 × 10−3 mA/cm2 whereas, with
lower phosphorus (3.34 wt%) content, corrosion current
During anodic polarization performed in the corrosive density value has increased to 4.22 × 10−3 mA/cm2. Figure 2
media (3.5 wt% NaCl solution), the hypophosphite layer is shows that impact of phosphorus content on the corrosion
formed by maintaining at the pH 5.9 (Bonin et al. 2018). The current density in both non-aerated and aerated 3.5 wt%
formation of phosphate anion may also have been antici- NaCl solution. In non-aerated condition as phosphorus
pated because of applying high overpotential (+250 mV) content increases, the corrosion current density decreases
from the open circuit potential. The electrochemical for- which results in the higher corrosion resistance. However,
mation of Ni2+ is achieved through anodic dissolution in the lowest values of corrosion current densities have been
equilibrium aqueous electrochemical system and the exis- observed for aerated condition. The corrosion current
tence of H2PO4 ─ is confirmed by comparing Pourbaix dia- density increases slightly in an aerated condition as the
gram. The Ni hydration is stymied due to the formation of phosphorus content increases.
hypophosphite layer which can block the water molecules Balaraju et al. (2006a) showed that for Ni-P coating at
to reach the electrode surface and thus it cannot interact 11.36 wt% phosphorus, the value of corrosion current
with Ni. Therefore, the accumulation of phosphorus on the density is 0.456 × 10−3 mA/cm2. This result exhibited a 33%
electrode surface results in increased corrosion resistance deterioration in corrosion protection when he added extra
for electroless Ni-P coatings (Balaraju et al. 2006a). It can be element (tungsten) in the Ni-P coating solution and made it
observed that the corrosion resistance increases when the ternary alloy composite coating. This deterioration occurs
electroless Ni–high P coating forms the outer layer of the due to the decrement of almost 6 wt% phosphorus content.
graded Ni-P coating due to the barrier properties of the un- However, for quaternary alloy (Ni-W-Cu-P) composite
derlying Ni–high P layer (Clausmeyer et al. 2016). The ex- coating, though the presence of phosphorus content is only
istence of enriched phosphorus is introduced to us by about 4.92 wt%, the presence of 4.08 wt% copper content
Kouwe (van der Kouwe 1993) in a different way. He used
glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy to prove the
presence of phosphorus in electroless Ni-P coating. The
enriched phosphorus in the electroless plating bath solution 4.5
Corrosion current density, icorr ×10−3

can be hydrolyzed easily but the hydrolysis of Ni is not 4 In non-aerated 3.5 wt.% NaCl
favorable at that condition due to the increment of P content. 3.5 In aerated 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution
Several studies have pointed out the variation in corrosion

resistance with different amount of phosphorus present in
the electroless coating solution (Bai et al. 2003; Lu and
Zangari 2002; Raicheff and Zaprianova 2000). In addition, a
number of researchers also agree to these effects, including
Lu (Lu and Zangari 2002), Lee (Lee and Liang 1991) and Aoki
(Aoki and Takano 1986) by showing lower icorr and better 0 5 10 15 20

Ecorr value with electronic effects, structure and homoge- Phosphorus content (wt. %)

neity of the coated surface. The phosphorus content range

Figure 2: Effect of phosphorus content on current density in non-
13–25 wt% in electroless coating acts as an electron acceptor aerated (Balaraju et al. 2006a; Cui et al. 2006; Sankara Narayanan
and can gain 0.4 to 0.8 electrons (Okamoto et al. 1980) from et al. 2006; Shibli and Dilimon 2007) and aerated conditions
Ni atom and shows amorphous structure. (Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh 2004).
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 5

in the coating solution exhibits a better corrosion resis- process in which substrates are submerged into a 9 M nitric
tance than ternary alloy (Ni-W-P) noting the corrosion acid solution is needed to prepare the black surface.
current density is 0.481 × 10−3 mA/cm2. As a result, if the However, the incorporation of higher phosphorus content
content of tungsten keeps slightly less than 3 wt% and can hinder the etching procedure. The formation of nickel
simultaneously phosphorus content raises to 7–9 wt.%, oxides (NiO, Ni2O3) and nickel phosphate are responsible
then the corrosion resistance must be higher. for low reflective black color of Ni-P coating. In the case of
Another influence on corrosion resistance of the low reflective black surface, phosphorus content should
weight percentage of phosphorus decrement in electroless remain average to get both black surface and corrosion
Ni-P plating was found (Ghavidel et al. 2020). The corrosion protected surface. Therefore, optimum phosphorus con-
current density showed higher corrosion safety when tent ranging 3–7 wt.% is suitable (Cui et al. 2006) for the
9.71 wt% phosphorus content was used. However, after acid etching. Black Ni surface with lower reflectance can be
using 2 gm SiC nanoparticle in electroless Ni-P coating, it obtained by incorporating mild phosphorus content in
lowers the corrosion resistance. This phenomenon hap- electroless plating bath solution. The corrosion resistance
pens due to the incorporation of new nanoparticle which of high phosphorus electroless nickel deposits reduces
lowers the phosphorus content in an overall solution. This after black treatment and can be improved by depositing
can be alleviated by adopting proper concentration of SiC low phosphorus content. However, in normal condition,
nanoparticles and sodium hypophosphite in electroless higher phosphorus is suitable for highest corrosion resis-
plating bath solution. There must be a balanced addition of tance and the Rc value is 5772 Ωcm2 but after black treat-
sodium hypophosphite and SiC nanoparticles in order to ment the corrosion resistance is reduced in spite of having
obtain the best protection against corrosion where phos- high phosphorus content and shows 3012 Ωcm2 (Cui et al.
phorus content remains at least 9 wt% (Ghavidel et al. 2006). It is prudent to keep the phosphorus content slightly
2020). Less than 9 wt% of P content can make grow the lower than traditional weight percentage to get proper
dislocations and crystals boundaries at the interface of adhesion and stability of black coating. Higher optical
particles and Ni-P matrix. In addition, the compact struc- properties (solar absorbance) are provided by the black-
ture of the Ni-P coating can be damaged by using an ened electroless nickel due to its strong adhesion, stability
inappropriate proportion of SiC nanoparticles and thus the and uniformity. Therefore, it is commonly used for solar
accumulation of particles in the coating can create micro- applications (Farag 2020; Uma Rani et al. 2010) in adverse
holes and porosities in a high proportion. In fact, the space conditions.
concentration of SiC nanoparticles and its particle size
show some inconsistent value of corrosion current density
which will be discussed later part in this article. 2.2 Effect of adding alloying elements
The higher double layer capacitance (Cdl) value shows
better corrosion protection. A total of 28 μF/cm2 double The incorporation of third element in electroless Ni-P based
layer capacitance was measured in 5 wt% NaCl corrosive plating bath solution influences the corrosion behaviour
media with 10–11 wt % phosphorus content in electroless and coating properties as well. The incorporation of tin or
Ni-P coating (Zeller 1991). However, in 1.88 wt% NaOH copper in electroless Ni-P coating raises the thermal sta-
deaerated condition, Lo et al. (1995) found that the Cdl bility of amorphous state and ensures the improvement of
values are quite remarkable ranging 100–120 μF/cm2 by corrosion resistance (Georgieva and Armyanov 2007; Wang
using the phosphorus content 11.8–12.8 wt%. The corrosive et al. 1999). The addition of 17.2 wt% (Liu and Zhao 2004)
safety could be more improved if NaCl solution was used copper in the Ni-P coating solution can exhibit the best
instead of NaOH solution as an electrolyte. It can therefore anticorrosion properties. If the copper element is included
be concluded from the Cdl values that the electroless in quaternary alloy of electroless Ni-P coating, then above
Ni–high P coating is comparatively less porous and shows 4 wt% (Balaraju et al. 2006a; Bastidas et al. 2019; Shinato
better corrosion resistance than electroless Ni–medium et al. 2020) Cu content is regarded as the best concentration
P and Ni–low P coatings. for corrosion protection. The inclusion of Cu in electroless
One of the criteria among the requirements of surgical Ni-P-PTFE composite matrix can also enhance the corro-
instruments is that it should provide low reflection from the sion resistance along with coating deposition rate based on
top surface of the tools. The higher brightness of the tools’ the finding of Zhao (Zhao et al. 2004) where 0.5 gm/L
surface can irritate visual perception of the surgeon. A copper sulfate pentahydrate is used in electroless plating
black electroless Ni-P coating can be used as a potential solution. The addition of Cu element to the Ni-P coating
safeguard to reduce this kind of disruption. Acid etching matrix can speed up the selective dissolution of Ni,
6 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

resulting in enrichment of phosphorus and copper ele- Table : Composition (wt. %) of different elements in Ni-P, Ni-W-P
ments in the coating surface layer, thus increasing the and Ni-W-Cu-P composite coating (Balaraju et al. a).

corrosion resistance of Ni-Cu-P composite coating. This

Coating Ni (wt.%) P (wt.%) W (wt.%) Cu (wt.%)
coating is not only used for the practical condensation of
flue gas but also for potential use in heat exchangers Ni-P . . – –
Ni-W-P . . . –
(Liu et al. 2010). Ternary tungsten alloys (10 wt% W) have
Ni-W-Cu-P . . . .
an improvement in corrosion resistance and alloy with up
to 40 wt% tin (Sn) is considered strong resistant to corro-
sive materials (Sudagar et al. 2013).
Balaraju et al. (2006a) found the lower corrosion cur- and quaternary alloys 4.5 wt% of tungsten is considered as
rent density (icorr) and higher charge transfer resistance the optimum percentage for corrosion protection.
(Rct) in case of deaerated condition in 3.5 wt% NaCl solu- Inclusion of copper in Ni-W-P bath leads to quaternary
tion compared to aerated condition (Figure 3). Electrolyte Ni-W-Cu-P deposit with improved crystal structure by
containing dissolved oxygen can form OH ─ through decreasing phosphorus content (Balaraju and Rajam
cathodic reaction in aerated condition which is accessible 2005). The applicability of electroless Ni-W-P ternary
to the atmosphere. The cathodic depolarization reaction composite matrix in different sector is really impressive
reduces the charge transfer resistance in aerated condition. (Zhou et al. 2019). It can protect the biodiesel storage
More capacitive corrosion behaviour is noticed in dea- container from corrosive damage (Sukkasi et al. 2011).
erated condition which shows the greater homogeneity of Moreover, by adopting laser surface treatment on Ni-W-P
the coated surface. The charge transfer resistance (Rct) is composite coating can show amorphous structure with
higher, and corrosion current density is lower for quater- nanocrystalline Ni and Ni3P phase resulting in improved
nary Ni-W-Cu-P composite matrix which provides better anticorrosion performance. The Ni-Mo-P coating also had
corrosion protection than ternary Ni-W-P composite an average corrosion-resistant performance and its corro-
coating. This improved corrosion protection can be gained sion current density in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution is
due to the incorporation of copper in electroless coating 14.49 × 10−3 mA/cm2 (Zhao et al. 2020).
composite matrix which can improve crystallinity and
provide smooth coated surface compared to coarse nodular
ternary Ni-W-P deposit. Copper element has a significant 2.3 Effect of addition of particles
influence on corrosion resistance in both aerated and
deaerated conditions. There is a difference in wt% of 2.3.1 SiC particles
phosphorus in terms of using ternary and quaternary alloys
to obtain the better protection from corrosion (Table 1). Bigdeli (Bigdeli and Allahkaram 2009) confirmed that the
Though the phosphorus content in Ni-W-Cu-P coating inclusion of SiC nanoparticles in Ni-P coatings provided
matrix is much lower than binary (Ni-P) coating, the better protection against corrosion which could be due to a
corrosion resistance of Ni-W-Cu-P coating and Ni-P coating reduction in the effective metallic area available for
is nearly similar to each other due to the inclusion of copper corrosion in Ni-P-SiC composite coating. The different
element in quaternary alloy composite matrix. For ternary concentration of SiC nanoparticles using in electroless

Figure 3: Corrosion current density values of

different alloys in deaerated and aerated
conditions (Balaraju et al. 2006a).
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 7

plating bath solution has an astounding effect on corrosion bath solution and provided corrosion current density value
resistance. Ghavidel et al. (2020) showed that by addition of 306 × 10−3 mA/cm2 which was really high. The coating
of 1 gm/L SiC nanoparticle with 40–60 nm particle size in process was carried out by sealing the specimens in an
electroless Ni-P plating bath solution, corrosion resistance evacuated tempered glass tube and heating them to
is higher but when he added 2 gm/L SiC nanoparticles in different temperatures. The Ni-P-SiC (6 gm/L SiC) com-
electroless bath solution, it deteriorates the corrosion posite coating gives worse corrosion resistance compared
properties. The surface morphology of Ni-P coating matrix to Ni-P-SiC (1 gm/L SiC) coated substrate due to using lower
with 1 gm/L SiC particles has been shown in Figure 4A. No size (30 nm) of SiC particles in Ni-P-SiC (6 gm/L SiC) com-
pores, cavities and cracks can be seen in that SEM image. posite coating.
It can be clearly observed that the electroless Ni-P-SiC Calderón et al. (2014) showed the variation in corrosion
(1 gm/L SiC) composite coating is uniformly coated on the resistance at different concentration of SiC with 25 nm
substrate. The most striking feature is that the Ni-P-SiC particle size in electroless Ni-P coating. He reported that
(1 gm/L SiC) composite coating provides not only barrier 70 gm/L SiC particles gives better corrosion resistance than
property but also align mechanical interlock between the 20 gm/L and 50 gm/L SiC particles in electroless Ni-P-SiC
substrate and the coating layer. As a consequence, the composite coating. Ahmadkhaniha et al. (2018) used
coating develops a robust adhesion and exhibits better 20 gm/L SiC particles with average particle size of 50, 100
corrosion protection. However, the addition of 2 gm/L SiC and 500 nm in electroless Ni-P plating bath solution. He
nanoparticles in Ni-P coating provides non-uniform sur- showed the best corrosion resistance for bigger SiC parti-
face structure and particles are concentrated in certain cles (500 nm) noting, corrosion current density is only
regions as shown in Figure 4B. In addition, the enhanced 0.72 × 10−3 mA/cm2. He showed that by using 50 and
concentration of SiC nanoparticles can increase the num- 100 nm SiC particle size, they have a bit higher corrosion
ber of particles which is responsible for the particles rate than using 500 nm SiC particles. Calderón used same
collision and agglomeration and creates porosity. It results concentration of SiC particles (20 gm/L) as Ahmadkhaniha,
in somewhat flatter granules and is therefore associated but there is a difference in their corrosion current density
with coarser flecks. This is widely reported and extensively (icorr) value only because of using different size of SiC
explored in the literature by some researchers (Bigdeli and nanoparticles.
Allahkaram 2009; Kubisztal et al. 2018) that the maximum If high concentration of SiC nanoparticles along with
concentration of SiC nanoparticles in the plating bath so- smaller particle size is immersed in the coating composite
lution can aggregate the particles due to short interparticle matrix, they do not directly contribute to barrier properties
gap. The use of relatively large concentrations of SiC from corrosion damage due to the enriched number of SiC
nanoparticles in the coating results in dislocations and particle agglomeration. Therefore, it can be concluded that
crystal boundaries occurring at the particle interface. The a correlation exists among the concentration, particle size
minimum corrosion resistance of Ni-P-SiC (2 gm/L SiC) and number of SiC particles. The number of SiC particles
composite coating is due to the highest degree of particle goes higher when smaller particle sized SiC are incorpo-
accumulation in its morphology compared to the others. rated in a large concentration in electroless Ni-P plating
Zhang et al. (2008) reported that the corrosion resis- bath solution. This phenomenon (Table 2) has occurred
tance of Ni-P-SiC composite coating decreases gradually since smaller particle size and higher concentration of SiC
with increasing SiC concentration in the coating solution. nanoparticles can occupy more space in electroless plating
Ma et al. (2014) also showed the lower corrosion perfor- bath solution. The large number of SiC particles reduces
mance when 6 gm/L SiC powder was added into the plating matrix stability and consistency while their interaction

Figure 4: SEM micrograph of (A) 1 gm/L and

(B) 2 gm/L SiC nanoparticles in electroless
Ni-P plating bath solution (Ghavidel et al.
2020). (Reprinted with permission, Copy-
right 2020 Elsevier).
8 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Table : SiC particles phenomena on corrosion resistance.

Addition in coating solution Outcome

SiC concentration (gm/L) SiC particle size (nm) Number of SiC particles Agglomeration and collision Corrosion resistance

High Low Increased Increased Decreased

Low High Decreased Decreased Increased

with the matrix can inhibit the formation of a passive layer (CCD) to study the combined effects of two independent
resulting in SiC particles collision and agglomeration being variables i.e. concentration of SiC nanoparticles and size of
initiated and eventually causes porosity. However, small SiC nanoparticles. Statistical analysis was conducted to
number of SiC particles prevents the particles collision and optimize the corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P-SiC
agglomeration. Bigger size of SiC particles (like 500 nm) composite coating. 11 set of experimental variables has
results in bigger passive range with small number of SiC been listed in Table 4.
particles which can be related to the more coverage of Ni-P ANOVA analysis for quadratic model of electroless Ni-
matrix. Higher concentration of SiC particle is not suitable P-SiC composite coating has been shown in Table 5.
for better corrosion resistance. In fact, several researchers Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to determine
depicted different opinion about SiC particle size and its the significant parameters that affect the corrosion current
concentration on corrosion resistance (Table 3). density. It uses the concept of lower p-value and higher
Therefore, it is highly difficult to prognosticate which F-value to find the significant factors. The p-value is a
concentration and particle size would be the best for the parameter by which the null hypothesis can be rejected. If
lowest corrosion current density. Hence, an optimization the p-value is less than 0.05, then the parameter is
can fix this issue with proper modeling. The optimization considered as significant. The F-value is the ratio of the
was carried out using a design expert software adopting summation of square of the factors to the variance of the
response surface methodology which can provide a better errors. Hence, a higher value of F will suggest a relatively
result and exhibit the optimum value of SiC particle size better factor with respect to others. Here, the p-value of the
and its concentration for enhanced corrosion protection. model was 0.0115 which is regarded as significant model
The experiment was based on central composite design terms. Model F-value of 4573.65 implied that the model is
significant. In this case B, B2 and B3 are significant model
terms. Values greater than 0.1000 indicate the model terms
Table : List of corrosion current density values by using different are not significant. The higher F-value (7558.02) of SiC
concentrations and particle sizes of SiC in electroless Ni-P plating particle size indicates that particle size has greater influ-
bath solution. ence on corrosion resistance than the concentration of SiC
particle. Using the Design Expert software, the results were
SiC SiC particle Corrosion References
completely analyzed via ANOVA. Equations (3) and (4)
concentration size (nm) current density,
(gm/L) icorr (mA/cm)
Table : Eleven sets of experimental variables were selected from
.  . × – Ghavidel et al.
Table  for the central composite design.
  . × – ()
  . × –
Run Concentration of Size of SiC Corrosion current
  . × –
SiC particle (gm/L) particle (nm) density, icorr (mA/cm)
   × – Calderón et al.
   × – ()  .  . × –
   × –    . × –
  . × – Ahmadkhaniha    . × –
  . × – et al. ()  .  . × –
  . × – Wang et al.    . × –
  . × – ()    . × –
  . × –    . × –
  . × –    . × –
.  . × – Bigdeli and     × –
Allahkaram    . × –
()    . × –
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 9

Table : ANOVA analysis for quadratic model of electroless Ni-P-SiC concentration of SiC nanoparticles is higher and the least
composite coating. particle size of SiC nanoparticles is used in the plating bath
solution. As seen in (Figure 6), this phenomenon can be
Source Sum of df Mean F-value p-Value
clearly observed from the red zone of the 3D surface plot
squares square
and contour plot.
Model .  . . .
In 3.5 wt% NaCl electrolyte (salty media), Ni-SiC-PTFE
A-SiC .  . . .
(Polytetrafluoroethylene) composite coating shows higher
B-SiC particle .  . . . corrosion resistance than Ni-PTFE composite coating and
size this is confirmed by the corrosion resistance (Rc) value. The
AB .  . . . concentration of SiC particles were used as 8 to 10 gm/L
A .  . . . with larger particle size (Huang et al. 2004). The enhance-
B .  . . .
ment of corrosion resistance of Ni-SiC-PTFE composite
AB .  . . .
AB .  . . . coating is mainly due to presence of small number of par-
A .  . . . ticles thus prevention of agglomeration of SiC and PTFE
B .  . . . nanoparticles. The SiC and PTFE nanoparticles together can
Residual .  . improve the surface autocatalytic properties triggered by
Cor total . 
thin Ni layer. The Ni-SiC-PTFE and Ni-PTFE composite
coated surface are pore free, homogenous, and uniform in
represent the final equations in terms of coded factors and terms of their surface structure.
actual factors, respectively.
Final equation in terms of coded factors:
2.3.2 TiO2 particles
Corrosion current density 
= (365.14 − 36.57×A  + 442.64×B  − 24.73×AB  TiO2 nanoparticles and TiO2 sol play a very significant role
(3) for higher corrosion resistance. There are two mechanisms
− 22.13×A2 − 327.68 ×B2 − 10.94×A2 B 
responsible behind the improvement of corrosion protec-
+ 46.16×AB2 − 20.23×A3 − 460.27×B3 ) tion by incorporating TiO2 nanoparticles. Firstly, these TiO2
nanoparticles serve as inert physical barriers to the initia-
Final equation in terms of actual factors:
tion and creation of corrosion defects, changing the nickel
Corrosion current density  layer’s microstructure and thus enhancing the coating’s
= (39.9151 + 0.1209×A  − 1.6785×B  corrosion resistance. Secondly, the TiO2 nanoparticles
− 0.0448×AB  + 0.5655×A2 + 0.0203 ×B2 (4) dispersion in the nickel layer inhibits the creation of
several corrosion micro-cells. Therefore, localized corro-
− 0.000485×A B  + 0.000084×AB
2 2
sion is inhibited in the presence of TiO2 due to uniform and
− 0.0218×A3 − 0.000034×B3 )

Here, A and B represent the concentration of SiC par-

ticle and size of SiC particle, respectively. The equation can
be used in terms of actual factors to make predictions about
the response of each factor for given levels.
The predicted ramp response (Figure 5) implies that
the best corrosion current density can be prognosticated by
using 3.32 gm/L SiC concentration with 500 nm SiC particle
size. The higher corrosion resistance can be achieved with
larger SiC particles addition whereas the SiC nanoparticle
concentration should keep low in range in electroless Ni-P
plating bath solution. The blue dot (Figure 5C) indicates the
lowest value of 1.14 × 10−3 mA/cm2 corrosion current den-
sity. It can be clearly delineated from (Figure 6) that the
blue zone is the safest zone for getting the best corrosion
resistance by employing the corrosion current density
value. The corrosion protection gets hampered when the Figure 5: The predicted parameters (A, B) and outcome (C).
10 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Figure 6: (A) Second-order 3D response surface plot and (B) contour plot to show the variation of corrosion current density with concentration
of SiC particle and size of SiC particle with indicating predicted optimum value.

homogeneous surface structure (Abdel Aal 2008). Baghery mixture of 27 mL Ti(OBu)4, 5 mL diethanolamine (DEA) and
et al. (2010) used different concentration of titanium di- 44.7 mL ethanol with a constant 2 h magnetic stirrer.
oxide nanoparticles (Degussa P-25 anatase) with a particle Moreover, there is a difference in corrosion current density
size of 25 nm. It can be observed from his research that value of adding TiO2 nanoparticles and TiO2 sol in elec-
higher concentration of TiO2 nanoparticles in electroless troless solution. In essence, the addition of TiO2 sol shows
nickel plating gives the better corrosion resistance in greater resistance to corrosion than TiO2 nanoparticles. The
1.35 wt% NaCl solution. Highest corrosion resistance has corrosion potential (Ecorr) of the electroless Ni-P-TiO2 sol-
therefore been recorded for 8.3 wt% TiO2 and considered as RGO coated surface changes dramatically towards positive
the best corrosion current density value. The most notice- potential and displays the highest Ecorr value with lower
able part is that here the author did not use sodium corrosion current density (icorr) (Khorasani and Sanjabi
hypophosphite as reducing agent. If he used sodium 2016; Promphet et al. 2017) relative to other surfaces, sug-
hypophosphite, then the defense against corrosion would gesting that the full coverage of the reduced graphene
be more phenomenal due to the impact of the phosphorus oxide (RGO) layers on the coated surface functions as a
content. A barrier against corrosion is formed by TiO2 passive layer. It can decrease oxygen permeability and
nanoparticles through filling up the small holes in the protect electron and ion transport between the contacted
metal matrix and making the upper surface more compact surface and electrolyte solution. Uysal (2019) used 10 gm/L
(Novakovic et al. 2006; Sekhavat Pour et al. 2018). TiO2 nanoparticles in his experiment but the corrosion
Wu et al. (2015) showed that Ni-P-TiO2 sol’s corrosion resistance diminishes drastically and the icorr value showed
current density is 1.02 × 10−3 mA/cm2 but Promphet et al. for Ni-P-TiO2-GO composite coating is really high noting
(2017) showed the corrosion current density value is 52.7 × 10−3 mA/cm2. Though he used higher contents of TiO2
5.6 × 10−3 mA/cm2 for the same particle TiO2 sol incorpo- nanoparticles, his experimental evaluation did not show
ration. This difference occurs because of the variation of remarkable results due to inclusion of graphene oxide (GO)
phosphorus and TiO2 sol content in electroless plating bath in electroless Ni-P-TiO2 composite matrix.
solution. Xiaoyan used 30 gm/L sodium hypophosphite It can be referred to the reduction of the coating
(7.88 wt% P) and 20 ml TiO2 sol. On the other hand, uniformity and the formation of surface cavities during
Promphet used 20 gm/L sodium hypophosphite where the the blackening process, which increase the corrosion rate
phosphorus content was less than 7 wt% and 1 ml TiO2 sol. of the black electroless Ni-P coating (Cui et al. 2006;
It can be easily inferred from the results that higher phos- Zanella et al. 2011). After applying two steps zincating
phorus and higher TiO2 content gives the best anticorrosion bath and deposition of TiO2 antireflection layer (ARL) on
behaviour. The transparent TiO2 sol is obtained by the the substrate, icorr showed the value of 4 × 10−3 mA/cm2.
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 11

The zincating bath comprises of ZnO, NaOH, NaNO3, and concentration) is due to the reduction of surface tension
KNaC4H4O6.4H2O chemicals with 4, 120, 1 and 50 gm/L during the plating process.
concentrations respectively (Khollari et al. 2019). The
reduction in corrosion current density means that the 2.3.3 Other particles
TiO2 layer slows down the corrosion kinetics of black
electroless Ni-P coating. The anodic reaction may reduce Electroless Ni-P-CeO2 and Ni-P-Si3N4 composite coatings
due to the uniform distribution of TiO2 layer which acts as exhibit a significant improvement in corrosion resistance
a ceramic barrier (Ćurković et al. 2013). Electroless black in 3.5 wt% sodium chloride solution compared to electro-
Ni-P-TiO2 composite coatings are commonly used in op- less Ni-P coating (Balaraju et al. 2001; Jin et al. 2008).
tical instruments, biosensors, material absorbents and Owing to the lower accountability of CeO2 containing
photothermal converters (Kathavate et al. 2019; Xing composite coating for local-cell corrosion, corrosion
et al. 2013). resistance is higher in the CeO2 containing coating. More-
Various concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulphate over, Fe3O4 containing Ni-P composite coating also has a
(SDS) and dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB) positive effect on corrosion protection on cyclic oxidation
can be used as the surfactants in electroless Ni-P-TiO2 test at 800 °C (Zuleta et al. 2009) but at 900 °C the corrosion
plating solution. However, not all level of concentrations protection deteriorates due to the deviation from parabolic
has the positive effect on corrosion protection. It should be kinetics. The inclusion of 20 nm sized SiO2 nanoparticles in
noted that different critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the Ni-P matrix can enhance the corrosion properties in
surfactant (SDS and DTAB) used in electroless Ni-P-TiO2 salty environment (Rabizadeh and Allahkaram 2011). The
solution show different values of corrosion current density. deposition of Zn in electroless Ni-P composite coating
Thus, the optimal level should be chosen to get better provides good corrosion resistance in the salty corrosive
corrosion resistance. Only with the use of cationic surfac- media (Assaf et al. 2018; Ranganatha et al. 2010). In a
tant DTAB (1 × CMC) and anionic surfactant SDS (1.5 × CMC) recent study it is found that the inclusion of carbon
concentration, they showed better results compared to nanotubes (CNTs) in the porous Ni-P composite matrix can
using other concentrations. The molecules of the surfac- be saturated into very small pores, making the passive film
tants can prevent the conglomeration of TiO2 nanoparticles more stable and compact. The excellent electrochemical
in electroless plating bath solution thereby rendering the characteristics of Ni-P-CNT coating have extensive appli-
coated surface more uniform and creating a barrier against cations in electronic industries due to its anticorrosive
corrosive ions. The current densities were measured as nature. The first step is to activate the CNTs through single
5.38 × 10−3 mA/cm2 and 6.99 × 10−3 mA/cm2 (Tamilarasan step activation method with palladium–tin catalytic nuclei
et al. 2015) for DTAB and SDS surfactant, respectively. The (Ang et al. 1999; Liu et al. 2020) to make compatible with
most interesting aspect that has been found is that TiO2 the electroless Ni-P coating. These activated nanotubes are
nanoparticles and phosphorus content also have a crucial used as precursors for electroless Ni-P coating to obtain
effect along with the surfactants on corrosion resistance nickel and palladium decorated nanotubes. The incorpo-
because of their varying results. The better corrosion pro- ration of alumina (Al2O3) particles in electroless plating
tection of (1 × CMC) DTAB surfactant has been acquired due bath solution can enhance the corrosion resistance but the
to the presence of higher contents of TiO2 nanoparticles particle size of Al2O3 can play a vital role in this regard. The
(6.95 wt%) (Tamilarasan et al. 2015) whereas for other larger particles (approximately 1000 nm, Balaraju et al.
concentrations of SDS and DTAB, the contents of phos- 2006b) using in the bath give remarkable protection from
phorus and TiO2 nanoparticles were both lower. The corrosive damages while by using smaller alumina parti-
corrosion behaviour by using (SDS or DTAB) surfactants in cles shows lower corrosion resistance than as-plate Ni-P
electroless Ni-P-TiO2 composite coating shows a better coating.
protection but this could be attributed up to the mark if The incorporation of different sols in electroless
higher concentration (5–6 gm/L) of TiO2 nanoparticles plating solution can enhance the corrosion properties
were used in electroless plating bath solution. It is clear remarkably without modifying the other properties. Hybrid
from the above discussions that the addition of different silica, titania, alumina and zirconia sols are some of the
surfactants with their respective TiO2 nanoparticles and examples (Chiba et al. 2018; Hughes et al. 2015; Klomjit and
phosphorus content in plating bath significantly affects the Buchheit 2020; Song et al. 2006; Trueba and Trasatti 2015;
corrosion behaviour. The explanation behind the incre- Zheng and Yi 2017).
ment of TiO2 particles’ contents in the Ni-P composite Another important constraint on all the work dis-
matrix under the influence of the surfactants (CMC cussed in the field of corrosion is the inclusion of B4C
12 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

(Araghi and Paydar 2010), Si3N4 (Das et al. 2007), PTFE (Wu shows the value of 3.53 × 10−3 mA/cm2 corrosion current
et al. 2005)and Ti3C2Tx@TiO2/MoS2 (Du et al. 2020) parti- density (Vitry et al. 2012b). The top layer has a greater
cles in the electroless Ni-P composite coating matrix re- influence on corrosion resistance in case of duplex
duces the corrosion resistance due to the generation of coating (Hu et al. 2019). In other words, the top layer of
microcracks and porosity which leads to easy access to the electroless nickel coating is used for its barrier properties
corrosive media and defects the coating matrix surface. The because the upper coating is free from moving porosities
increment of anodic polarization is another reason behind and other significant defects that might threaten its
the corrosive attack (Abdel Aal 2008; Baghery et al. 2010; durability. Vitry et al. (2012b) and Narayanan et al. (2003)
Huang and Xiong 2008). The formation of microcells used same duplex Ni-P/Ni-B coating for their experiment.
throughout the MoS2 nanoparticles and the active chloride However, the corrosion current density value of their
ion (Cl−) damage the anticorrosion ability of the Ni–P– experiment was different due to the variation in coating
MoS2 coated surface (Hu et al. 2009a). The electroless Ni- thickness. The coating thickness of Vitry’s sample was
P-Ti3C2Tx@TiO2/MoS2 composite coating also produces 25 µm and showed higher corrosion resistance than San-
micro holes and pits due to the least corrosion current kar’s sample where coating thickness was reported to be
density on the coated surface, resulting in an increased 20 µm. From the above findings it can be concluded that
corrosion rate (Hu et al. 2009b; Morales et al. 2011). the higher coating thickness gives greater protection
against corrosion.
The double nickel immersion pretreatment carries
2.4 Effect of double layer and pretreatment excellent corrosion properties with a value of 2.216 × 10−3
mA/cm2 corrosion current density. In double Ni immersion
A double black layer of electroless Ni-P coating has some pretreatment method, nickel immersion solution was
definite applications. In the case of sunlight absorptions, a conducted with 68 wt% concentrated nitric acid for 5 s (Yin
double black Ni-P composite coating can be used with a and Chen 2013) to remove the nickel film obtained in the
coarse sandblast. Normally, 1–2 h is enough for single layer first nickel immersion process. The sample was then
Ni-P coating deposition. Extended time (3 h) is normally cleaned with distilled water, and activation was repeated
required for double black layer coating deposition. It can and thus it is called double immersion pretreatment
be seen from the measurement of the corrosion rate in method.
1.35 wt% NaCl electrolyte that single layer Ni-P coating had The pretreatment of a substrate by Zn before immer-
a corrosion rate of 0.5 mm per year (mpy), while for the sion in electroless Ni-P bath can improve the corrosion
double layer Ni-P coating it was 0.4 mm per year (mpy) resistance. The thin layer of Zn is coated on the substrate by
(Sosa Domínguez et al. 2017). The upper discussion dem- using electroplating method as pretreatment. The tradi-
onstrates that the black Ni-P double layer coating provides tional and sonochemical warm water processing including
higher corrosion resistance against unpropitious atmo- as-synthesized Zn crystals for the transformation into the
sphere. The free paths of the first layer become partially ZnO phases provides good corrosion resistance. It has been
blocked between the electrolyte and the substrate due to noted that corrosion resistance for Zn pretreated Ni-P
the appearance of low frequency time-constant related to coating was increased to 66% from normal Ni-P coating.
corrosion which is attributed by the second layer. However, The ZnO nanosheets are formed under the Ni-P coating
another research opposes this hypothesis. There has been matrix and acts as a barrier by raising the stability of ZnO
shown that as-plated single Ni-P coating exhibited higher nanoparticles which can keep the surface away from cor-
corrosion resistance than duplex Ni-P coatings. The per- rosive damages (Sharifalhoseini et al. 2018). From surface
centage of corroded surface after 336 h for single Ni-P and grain boundaries, the additional scattering centers of
coating is only 1.50%, while for duplex Ni-P coatings, the ZnO is found which can create chemical effect on the
corroded surface was recorded as 8.68% after 336 h (Bonin improved corrosion resistance (Dhoke et al. 2009).
et al. 2018). For deposition of duplex nickel–phosphorus/ Organic and inorganic nanosized particles are being
nickel–boron (Ni-P/Ni-B) coatings, samples are first used comprehensively in a different engineering fields
immersed in Ni-P plating and after that samples are directly including photochemistry, electrochemistry, ultracapacitors
immersed into the nickel–boron (Ni-B) plating bath. The and supercapacitors (Marzocchi et al. 2007; Sharifalhoseini
plating bath used for deposition is based on sodium hy- and Entezari 2015; Xu et al. 2017). In addition, the substantial
droxide, nickel (II) chloride hexahydrate and sodium improvement in the strength and corrosion resistance of
borohydride as reducing agent and mixed oxide tungsten different materials changed by nanoparticles has made
as stabilizer. Thus, Ni-P/Ni-B duplex coating is formed and nanotechnology suitable for a wide range of engineering
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 13

applications. ZnO is also used in biomedical applications phosphorus (Ni3P) stable phase is established when the
due to its nontoxic and biocompatible feature (Wang et al. temperature of the heat treatment exceeds 380 °C (Guo
2013; Xu et al. 2013). In addition, this ceramic oxide can be et al. 2003; Keong et al. 2003; Sahayaraj et al. 2014). The
used as building blocks for electronic and optoelectronic electroless Ni-P coating becomes crystalline upon heat
devices (e.g. solar cells, lasers and ultraviolet light emit- treatment at 400 °C for 1 h and form face centered cubic
ters) known for its high electron communication ability and (f.c.c) Ni and body-centered tetragonal (b.c.t) Ni3P phases.
near ultraviolet emission (Ameen et al. 2012; Li et al. 2015). After heat treatment, the electroless Ni-P coating possesses
a strong orientation of Ni along (111) and (200) peak. During
the heat treatment process, Ni-P coating matrix increases
2.5 Effect of heat treatment the proliferation of the Ni atom along (111) crystal among
other significant phases which is responsible for improved
A number of studies have examined that heat treatment corrosion current density. Unfortunately, in case of heat-
reduces the corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P coating treated electroless Ni-P coating, a mixture of crystalline Ni
consistently. The increased corrosion phenomena are (111) and Ni3P (231) phase is constructed with a greater
found due to the transition in microstructure of the heat- number of grain boundaries that can drastically lower the
treated coatings. In as-deposited condition, electroless corrosion resistance (Sankara Narayanan et al. 2006). The
coatings usually show an amorphous structure that di- stage transition takes place within the surface, leading to
vulges greater corrosion resistance. However, due to the the precipitation of the Ni3P process at 400 °C. Moreover, it
application of heat treatment, crystalline structures are has been experimentally demonstrated from XRD analysis
found, and grain boundaries are formed as active sites for (Hari Krishnan et al. 2006; Sahoo and Das 2011) that as-
corrosion attack. There are different temperature ranges for plated Ni-P coating shows short range order broad peak.
heat treatment which reveal the variations in corrosion However, after heat treatment Ni phase peak shows
characteristics. It has been experimentally demonstrated sharper apex than Ni3P phase peak (Vitry 2012a). The heat-
that phosphorus content might be reduced from the coated treated Ni-P coated substrates do not make the transition of
substrate when more than 300 °C (Srinivasan et al. 2010) its surface to a passive form and the corrosion current
heat treatment is applied. This can be evident from previ- density increases as the potential increases. As a result, the
ous discussion that low phosphorus content decreases the corrosion resistance reduces due to the drastic change of
corrosion resistance. The decrement of phosphorus con- corrosion current density. The expose of corroded surface
tent of the coating reduces the corrosion resistance by after 168 h for as plated Ni-P coating is only 0.27% and for
forming nickel phosphide (Ni3P) phase around 320 °C. heat treated Ni-P coating, it exhibited 10.87% (Bonin et al.
Increased heat-treatment temperature can enhance the 2018). Therefore, it can be inferred that heat-treated elec-
phosphorus segregation and form Ni3P phase. Therefore, it troless Ni-P coatings are less defensive than as-plated
is deduced that heat treated substrates are not generally coatings. Corrosion parameters of different electroless Ni-P
amorphous. Heat treated coatings display lower corrosion based coatings in before and after heat-treated conditions
resistance due to the grain boundary of its definite struc- have been shown in Table 6.
ture. The additional borders are normally seen between
nodules in nanocomposite coatings that have the effect of
subduing deformation and enable the formation of
microcell corrosion. These microcell attacks on the surface
of the object may increase with the lapse of time and can
cause a severe damage to the object. The heat treatment
affects the corrosion potentials and does not change the
morphology (Figure 7) of the coating structures remarkably
to form a passive region. Therefore, heat treatment vastly
escalates the value of corrosion current density resulting in
an enhancement in corrosion rate.
The electroless Ni–high phosphorus content com-
mences to lose its amorphous structure at the temperature
above 260 °C. With medium and high phosphorus content,
intermediary metastable phases such as NiP2 and Ni12P5 Figure 7: Surface morphology of heat-treated Ni-P coating (Wu et al.
can evolve before stable Ni3P phase is formed. Nickel– 2015). (Reprinted with permission, Copyright 2015 Elsevier).
14 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Heat treatment (HT) of the Ni-P coating upon twinning- a certain limit of heat-treated temperature corrosion
induced plasticity (TWIP) steel was applied at 350 and resistance can be increased. Heat treatment at ≤300 °C is
700 °C for 1 h in argon atmosphere (Hamada et al. 2015; Liu favorable for corrosion protection and it has been already
et al. 2016). The post heat treatments drastically increase proved by previous research (Ghavidel et al. 2020; Vitry
the corrosion current density which is the sign of decreased et al. 2012b; Wang et al. 2013). Wang et al. (2013) showed
corrosion resistance. As-plated Ni-P coating on TWIP steel some different results by adopting two different heat-
shows a single large diffraction ridge which signifies the treated temperatures. He used 500 nm particle sized SiC
characteristics of fully amorphous structure. The large nanoparticles and selected 275 and 400 °C as heat treated
diffraction ridge is obtainable due to high phosphorus temperatures. He showed the highest corrosion resistance
content with saturated amorphous domain (Hu et al. 2006). (0.07 × 10−3 mA/cm2 current density) holds good for 400 °C
The most striking observation in this finding is 700 °C heat heat treated temperature that is literally under debate
treatment provides higher corrosion resistance than the while a number of studies suggesting that more than
heat treatment carried at 350 °C. Thus, it can be deduced 300 °C temperature is not suitable for better corrosion
that there is no consistent relationship exists between the protection (Bigdeli and Allahkaram 2009; Hamada et al.
corrosion current density and the temperature of heat 2015; Narayanan et al. 2003; Novakovic and Vassiliou 2009;
treatment for TWIP steel substrate. The corrosion rate of Wu et al. 2015).
electroless Ni-P coating at 350 °C is much higher in 0.5 wt% Ma et al. (2014) showed in his research article that at
H2SO4 solution due to the diffusion of iron and manganese 400 and 600 °C heat treated Ni-P-SiC coated samples
from the TWIP steel surface. It is well known that manga- reveal higher corrosion resistance than as-plated Ni-P-SiC
nese in the aqueous solutions appears to form manganese coated sample. However, this result obtained by (Ma et al.
oxides (MnO) and give rise to Mn2+ ions with hydrogen 2014) highly contradicts with the findings of other
evolution resulting in high corrosion rate. researchers. Bigdeli and Allahkaram (2009) reported that
The ternary Ni-P-SiC alloy composite coating shows the coating structure and improved density at 400 °C heat
some surprising corrosion properties in heat treated con- treatment, increased corrosion resistance of Ni-P and
dition at different temperatures according to the finding of Ni-P-SiC composite coatings. In this experiment, nano-
some researchers (Bigdeli and Allahkaram 2009; Ghavidel sized (average size 40 nm) β-silicon carbide particles were
et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2013). The coating structure of as- used for SiC codeposition. This result also contradicts
deposited Ni-P-SiC composite matrix shows the amorphous with previous researchers’ outcomes. Most of the
nature and uniform distribution of SiC nanoparticles which researchers showed that heat treatment (400 °C for 1 h)
indicates better corrosion protection. After applying higher has adverse effect on corrosion resistance (Bigdeli and
temperature heat treatment, Ni reacts with SiC and nickel Allahkaram 2009; Hamada et al. 2015; Narayanan et al.
silicide is formed with free carbons. The electroless nano- 2003; Novakovic and Vassiliou 2009; Wu et al. 2015).
composite coating crystallizes into nickel crystal, nickel Bigdeli et al. added hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bro-
phosphide (NixPy), and nickel silicide when the heat- mide (HTAB) for particles dispersion and surface charge
treated temperature rises to 400 °C. No phase transition adjustment in the Ni-P-SiC plating solution. That is quite
takes place before 200 °C heat treatment and this phe- uncommon addition in his experiment and has not been
nomenon is confirmed by a single wide peak profile. The adopted by the other researchers. So, this may vary the
diffraction peak starts to disappear gradually at 600 °C results and exhibit quite opposite value. Moreover, Huang
(Chen et al. 2002) heat-treated condition. There have been et al. (2004) showed also some different result on heat
studies of the analysis of nano-sized SiC particulates in the treatment effect. He showed that proper heat-treatment
Ni-P coating matrix, the SiC nanoparticles have the sig- at 400 °C for 1 h significantly improves the corrosion
nificant influence on corrosion resistance (Allahkaram resistance. But it contradicts from previous results and
et al. 2011; Bigdeli and Allahkaram 2009; Jiang et al. 2020). researchers’ inspections. Nevertheless, he selected an
Ghavidel et al. (2020) reported on his experiment that Ni-P ethoxylate type additive (2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-
coating and the incorporation of 40 nm sized SiC nano- 4,7-diol ethoxylate) as surfactant for particle dispersion
particles in Ni-P composite matrix showed poor corrosion which is quite different addition from other researchers
resistance at 400 °C heat treated condition. However, both experiment. This additive may increase corrosion resis-
Ni-P coating and Ni-P-SiC composite matrix at 300 °C heat tance despite of applying heat-treatment (400 °C and 1 h).
treated condition sharply reduces the corrosion current In his experiment, he added 8–10 gm/L SiC powder
density, resulting in higher corrosion resistance. Heat in electroless Ni-P-PTFE coating bath solution which
treatment has adverse effect on corrosion resistance but at exhibited the highest corrosion resistance after applying
Table : Corrosion parameters of different electroless Ni-P based coatings under heat treatment conditions.

Coating Substrate with (condition) Before heat treatment Heat treated condition After heat treatment References

icorr (mA/cm) Ecorr (mV vs. SHE) icorr (mA/cm) Ecorr (mV vs. SHE)

Ni-P coating AZ Mg alloy . × – −  °C,  h . × – − Ghavidel et al. ()
TWIP steel  × – −  °C,  h  × – − Hamada et al. ()
AZ Mg alloy . × – −  °C,  h  × – − Ghavidel et al. ()
Steel (HTAB additive used) . × – −  °C,  h . × – − Bigdeli and
Allahkaram ()
TWIP steel  × – −  °C,  h  × – − Hamada et al. ()
Carbon steel . × – −.  °C,  mint. (vacuum . × – −. Novakovic and
heat treatment) Vassiliou ()
Ni-P-SiC coating AZD Mg alloy (SiC particle size  nm used) . × – −  °C,  h . × – − Wang et al. ()
AZ Mg alloy (SiC particle size – nm used) . × – −  °C,  h . × – − Ghavidel et al. ()
AZ Mg alloy (SiC particle size – nm used) . × – −  °C,  h  × – − Ghavidel et al. ()
AZD Mg alloy (SiC particle size  nm used) . × – −  °C,  h . × – − Wang et al. ()
Steel (SiC particle size  nm and HTAB additive . × – −  °C,  h . × – − Bigdeli and
used) Allahkaram ()
Ni-P-TiO Z Al alloy ( mL TiO sol used) . × – −  °C,  h with argon . × – − Wu et al. ()
coating flow
Carbon steel (. gm TiO particles used) . × – −.  °C,  mint. (vacuum . × – −. Novakovic and
heat treatment) Vassiliou ()
Duplex Ni-P/Ni- Aluminium . × – −.  °C,  h . × – −. Vitry et al. (b)
B coating Mild steel . × – −  °C,  h . × – − Narayanan et al. ()
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings
16 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

heat treatment at 400 °C. The additional surfactant may these small pores can significantly reduce the corrosion
activate the SiC and PTFE particles and retards autocat- resistance.
alytic chemical reactions between substrate and the Heat treatment of the system at 180 °C with a duration
electrolyte. of 4 h (Vitry et al. 2012b) causes a notable enhancement in
Conceptually similar outcome of heat-treated coating the corrosion potential of the Ni-P/Ni-B duplex system and
has also been carried out by Wu et al. (2015) at 400 °C heat increases corrosion resistance (icorr 1.10 × 10−3 mA/cm2) but
treatment in which heat-treated Ni-P and Ni-P-TiO2 sol for as-plated duplex Ni-P/Ni-B system, the icorr value is
composite coating possessed higher corrosion rate than as- 3.53 × 10−3 mA/cm2 (Vitry et al. 2012b). The lower temper-
plated composite coatings. Samples with as-plated Ni-P ature (180 °C) heat treatment causes a slight densification
coatings, the corrosion current density is 1.33 × 10−3 mA/ of the duplex coating resulting in high corrosion resis-
cm2 but for heat-treated Ni-P coatings, corrosion current tance. The top layer (Ni–B) of the duplex Ni-P/Ni-B com-
density is 1.48 × 10−3 mA/cm2 which indicates that heat posite coating is not greatly modified by the low
treatment adversely affects the corrosion resistance of as- temperature heat treatment. Similar heat treatment tem-
plated coatings. Though heat treated Ni-P-TiO2 sol com- perature has also been selected by Delaunois and Lienard
posite coating showed lower corrosion resistance, its (2002) and Vitry et al. (2008) in which heat treatment is
corrosion current density value is quite small noting only carried out under Ar (with 5% H2) to prevent oxidation at
2.03 × 10−3 mA/cm2 (Wu et al. 2015). The lower current 180 °C.
density value has been possible to obtain because of using Among TiB2, ZrB2 and TiC particles on the stability of
TiO2 sol in electroless plating bath solution and 6 °C/min high phosphorus electroless nickel plating bath, TiC offers
(Wu et al. 2015) heat is applied isothermally in argon flow better corrosion resistance. Heat treatment at 400 °C for 1 h
which is 99.99% pure. These conditional parameters can affects the corrosion protection (Huang et al. 2019).
prevent oxidation and avoid consequent microcracks on There is an interesting scenario of heat treatment
the coated surface. Due to showing the lower current which has been observed from the upper discussions. Heat
density for the Ni-P-TiO2 sol composite coating, some re- treated Ni-P coatings at 300 °C exhibited better corrosion
searchers have selected 400 °C as ideal heat treatment resistance compared to other heat treatment temperatures
temperature (Liu et al. 2007; Vojtěch et al. 2009). However, and thus it can be selected as the standard heat-treated
the optimum temperature for heat treatment should not temperature. It is therefore clear from the upper discussion
exceed 300 °C to get better corrosion protection as it has that heat treatment up to 300 °C is considerable for higher
been discussed earlier. corrosion resistance, but more than 300 °C is not desirable
Vacuum heat treatment at 800 °C for 10 min duration of at all.
electroless Ni-P coating exhibits lower corrosion resistance Different corrosion parameters of electroless Ni-P
than as-plated Ni-P coating. The addition of 0.5 gm/L TiO2 based coatings immersed in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution have
in electroless Ni-P coating and applying vacuum heat been shown in Table 7
treatment at similar conditions can slightly increase the
corrosion resistance but still the corrosion resistance re-
mains lower compared to as plated Ni-P coating. During 2.6 Effect of corrosive media
heat treatment, the deposition of TiO2 nanoparticles in the
electroless plating solution may inhibit the growth of Sodium chloride solution is the most common electrolyte
nodular shaped spherical grains. The vacuum heat treat- used during the corrosion test for laboratory purposes. In
ment is carried out generally by a 300 ls−1 diffusion 3.5 wt% NaCl solution, electroless Ni-P and Ni-P-SiC-PTFE
pumping which can create a close high vacuum environ- composite coatings revealed higher corrosion resistance
ment and then samples are thermally treated for 10 min than in 2.67 wt% H2SO4 solution (Huang et al. 2004). The
using molybdenum (Mo) foil resistor (Novakovic and Vas- incorporation of either SiC or TiO2 particles marginally in-
siliou 2009). The thickness of Mo foil resistor is 0.15 mm crease the corrosion resistance of the coating in 3.5 wt%
and through this thin resistor alternate current (AC) can NaCl solution but adversely affects their corrosion resis-
flow. A mixture of crystalline nickel and nickel–phos- tance in 2.67 wt% H2SO4 solution. The previous study
phides phase is generated after vacuum heat treatment so suggested that the lower corrosion resistance was resulted
that areas with different active/passive corrosion cells are from the non-uniformity and lower density caused by
formed. On the surface of electroless Ni vacuum heat co-deposition of PTFE particles in electroless Ni-P com-
treated composite coating micro-voids are observed and posite matrix (Wu et al. 2005). However, electroless
Table : Corrosion parameters of electroless Ni-P based coatings immersed in . wt% NaCl solution.

Sample with condition icorr (mA/cm) Ecorr (mV vs. SHE) Rct (Ω cm) Cdl (µF) Corrosion rate (mpy) References

Ni-P (.% P) . × – − , . – Sankara Narayanan et al. ()
Ni-P (.% P) – –  – – Cui et al. ()
Ni-P (.% P) . × – − – – – Balaraju et al. (b)
Ni-P (.% P) . × – − , . – Sankara Narayanan et al. ()
Ni-P (.% P) . × – −   – Sankara Narayanan et al. ()
Ni-P (.% P) in aerated condition . × – − – – . Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
Ni-P (.% P) in aerated condition . × – − – – . Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
Ni-P (.% P) in aerated condition . × – − – – . Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
Ni-P (.% P) in deaerated condition . × – − , – . Balaraju et al. (a)
Ni-W-P in deaerated condition . × – − , – . Balaraju et al. (a)
Ni-W-Cu-P in deaerated condition . × – − , – . Balaraju et al. (a)
Ni-Cu-P . × – −  – – Cissé et al. ()
Ni-P with  gm SiC (particle size – nm) . × – − – – – Ghavidel et al. ()
Ni-P with  gm SiC (heat-treated at  °C) . × – − – – – Ghavidel et al. ()
Ni-P with  gm/L SiC (particle size  nm)  × – − – – . Calderón et al. ()
Ni-P with  gm/L SiC (particle size  nm)  × – − – – . Calderón et al. ()
Ni-P with  gm/L SiC (particle size  nm) . × – − – – – Ahmadkhaniha et al. ()
Ni-P with  gm/L SiC (particle size  nm and . × – − – – – Bigdeli and Allahkaram ()
HTAB additives used)
Ni-P with  gm/L SiC  × – − – – – Ma et al. ()
Ni-P with  gm/L SiC (heat-treated at  °C) . × –  – – – Ma et al. ()
Ni-P-SiC (HTAB additives used and heat treated at  °C) . × – − , – – Bigdeli and Allahkaram ()
Ni-SiC-PTFE (as-plated) – – , – – Huang et al. ()
Ni-SiC-PTFE (heat-treated at  °C) – – , – – Huang et al. ()
Ni-PTFE (as-plated) – –  – – Huang et al. ()
Ni-PTFE (heat-treated at  °C) – – , – Huang et al. ()
Ni-TiO (. wt% TiO) . × – − , – . Baghery et al. ()
Ni-TiO (. wt% TiO) . × – − , – . Baghery et al. ()
Ni-TiO (. wt% TiO) . × – − , – . Baghery et al. ()
Black Ni-P-TiO coating  × – − – – – Khollari et al. ()
Ni-P-TiO ( gm TiO) . × – −  . . Tamilarasan et al. ()
Ni-P- . gm TiO with (. × CMC) SDS surfactant . × – −  . . Tamilarasan et al. ()
Ni-P- . gmTiO with ( × CMC) DTAB surfactant . × – −  . . Tamilarasan et al. ()
Ni-P- mL TiO sol and .% P content . × – − – – – Wu et al. ()
Ni-P-TiO sol (heat-treated at  °C with argon flow) . × – − – – – Wu et al. ()
Ni-P-TiO-GO . × –   – – Uysal ()
Promphet et al. ()
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Ni-P- mL TiO sol and <% P content . × – − – – –

Ni-P-TiO sol-RGO . × –  – – – Promphet et al. ()
Ni-P-TiO (vacuum heat treated at  °C) . × – −. – – – Novakovic and Vassiliou ()
Ni-P-AlO ( nm) . × – − – – – Balaraju et al. (b)
18 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Ni-P-PTFE coating surprisingly showed higher corrosion

resistance in 2.67 wt% H2SO4 solution rather than 3.5 wt%
NaCl solution, which exhibited completely opposite char-

Sosa Domínguez et al. ()

acteristics of other researchers’ findings. Hamada et al.

Sharifalhoseini et al. ()

(2015) used 0.5 wt% H2SO4 solution as corrosive media for
Balaraju et al. (b)

his experiment. The Ni-P coating on a twinning-induced

Khollari et al. ()

Yin and Chen ()
Vitry et al. (b)
Vitry et al. (b)
plasticity (TWIP) steel containing 25 wt% Mn and 3 wt% Al
Cui et al. ()
Du et al. ()

shows average corrosion resistivity in 0.5 wt% H2SO4 so-


lution indicating 20 × 10−3 mA/cm2 (Hamada et al. 2015)

corrosion current density due to the absence of grain
boundaries and surface defects. If 3.5 wt% NaCl electrolyte
was used instead of 0.5 wt% H2SO4, the corrosion current

Corrosion rate (mpy)


density value might be less than 20 × 10−3 mA/cm2 and the

improved corrosion resistance could be reported. There-
fore, it can be concluded that corrosion resistance in salty
atmosphere provides better results than in acidic media.
Shibli and Dilimon (2007) used 32 wt% NaOH solution
as an electrolyte and they showed corrosion current den-
sity value is 0.82 × 10−3 mA/cm2. This superior corrosion

Cdl (µF)

resistance behaviour is possible due to the enrichment of

phosphorus (18 wt%) content. If they used NaCl electrolyte
Rct (Ω cm)


instead of NaOH, then the corrosion current density could

be lower than 0.82 × 10−3 mA/cm2 and highest corrosion
resistance could be achieved. The differences in the
corrosion rates in various solutions are very large. Elsener
Ecorr (mV vs. SHE)



et al. (2008) showed that the worst one is in the 5 wt% HCl,
and the best is in the 10 wt% NaCl. The corrosion resistance
in the four solutions for the Ni-Cu-P and Ni-Sn-Cu-P de-
posits increases according to the following sequence: 5 wt
% HCl, 2.67 wt% H2SO4, 50 wt% NaOH and 10 wt% NaCl.
The data showed that Sn does not usually improve the
icorr (mA/cm)

. × –
 × –

. × –
. × –
. × –
. × –
. × –
 × –

corrosion resistance of the Ni-P based alloy deposits in HCl,

H2SO4, NaCl and NaOH solutions. However, phosphorus
and copper content usually improve the corrosion resis-
tance in the four solutions.
Charge transfer resistance (Rct) for electroless Ni-Cu-P
coated substrate in 5.35 wt% H2SO4 solution was 108 Ωcm2
while it was 9210 Ωcm2 in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution (Cissé et al.
2010). The result showed a marginal improvement of
Ni-P (double pretreatment with Ni immersion)

corrosion resistance in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution which is

almost 90 times higher compared to acidic medium. The
Duplex Ni-P/Ni-B heat-treated at  °C

findings also showed a slight trend towards passivation in

sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid by the presence of a
current plateau in anodic polarization in acidic media.
Duplex Ni-P/Ni-B as-plated

Ni-P (pre-coated with Zn)

There was no passivity pattern in the measurement range

Ni-P with zincating bath
Sample with condition

Ni-P-AlO ( nm)

which is consistent with the work of Mimani and Mayanna

Black Ni-P (.% P)
Table : (continued)

Ni-P (double layer)

(1996). However, in the anodic range, a substantial

decrease in corrosion current densities is observed in the
presence of alloy for (3.5 wt% NaCl) salty environment.
Corrosion rate of electroless Ni-P coating in different en-
vironments has been shown in Table 8.
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 19

2.7 Effect of coating process parameters

2.7.1 Time

The corrosion current density of as-deposit samples

inconsistently increases with increase of coating deposi-
tion time (i.e. decrease of phosphorus content). Thus, it
increases the corrosion rate. From Figure 8, it must be wise
to keep the coating deposition time in electroless Ni-P so-
lution between 1 and 1.5 h.

2.7.2 Temperature

Temperature is an important parameter which affects the Figure 8: Effect of electroless Ni-P coating deposition time on
rate of deposition of electroless Ni-P coating. The reactions corrosion rate (Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh 2004).
occur during the deposition process are endothermic. As a
consequence, the deposition rate increases by increasing
salty baths are maintained at 80–90 °C while the alkaline
the temperature. The impact of bath temperatures (Taheri
baths can be run at lower temperature (40 °C).
2002) on the deposition rate of the coating has been shown
in Figure 9. Corrosion resistance increases with enhanced
bath temperature at certain limit. The bulk of the acidic and 2.7.3 pH

Table : Corrosion rate of electroless Ni-P (– wt% P) coatings

Many of the reactions involved in the deposition process of
in different environments at  °C except where the temperature is electroless Ni-P coating are susceptible to changes in so-
specified (Sudagar et al. ). lution pH. By increasing the pH of the coating bath solu-
tion, the phosphorus release from the hypophosphite is
Corrosive media Corrosion rate × − (mm/year) retarded whereas nickel-reduction reaction is accelerated.
Acetic acid . Equation (7) is the simplified form of Equations (5) and (6),
Acetone . corresponds to nickel reduction while Equation (8) corre-
Aluminium sulphate (%)  sponds to phosphorus reduction. From Equation (7), it can
Ammonia (%) 
be concluded that the higher the concentration of H+ in the
Ammonium nitrate (%) 
Ammonium sulphate (saturated) 
electroless bath is, the less the deposition of the Ni will be.
Brine (.% salt) at  °C 
Calcium chloride (%) .
Citric acid (saturated) 
Cupric chloride (%) 
Ethylene glycol .
Ferric chloride (%) 
Formic acid (%) 
Hydrochloric acid (%) 
Hydrochloric acid (%) 
Lactic acid (%) 
Lead acetate (%) .
Nitric acid (%) 
Oxalic acid (%) 
Phenol (%) .
Phosphoric acid (%) 
Sodium carbonate (saturated) 
Sodium hydroxide (%) at  °C .
Sodium sulphate (%) .
Sulfuric acid (%) 
Water, acid mine (pH .) 
Figure 9: Effect of bath temperature of the coating solution on the
Reproduced with permission, Copyright  Elsevier. coating deposition rate (Taheri 2002).
20 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

thickness of the coating increases, the pores and tiny holes

on coating surface diminishes, leading to enhanced
corrosion resistance. Thicker coatings passivate at the
lower corrosion current density and thus possess greater
resistance to corrosion. The coating thickness of electroless
Ni-P coated substrate was reported to be influenced by
phosphorus content (Shibli and Dilimon 2007). This refers
to the reduction of the coating’s porosity due to increased
coating thickness. There is a close relation between the
thickness of the coating and its corrosion resistance, as
shown in Table 9.
Summary of the coating parameters of electroless Ni-P
coated substrates in NaCl solution have been shown in
Table 10. As mentioned in the previous sections, there are
various coating process parameters of electroless Ni-P
Figure 10: Effect of coating solution pH on phosphorus content
(Fayyad et al. 2019).
based coatings which can highly influence the properties of
corrosion resistance. Figure 11 demonstrates the range of
At lower pH, the percentage of Ni content in the coating is these parameters that can effectively improve corrosion
low and the phosphorus content remains high. As the pH resistance of electroless Ni-P coating.
increases, Equation (7) is shifted to the right direction,
causing a decrease in the concentration of H+, i.e., an in-
crease in the Ni content in the coating. On the contrary, as
3 Latest developed
the pH of the electroless bath decreases, the concentration
of the OH− ions decrease and, consequently, the percentage electrochemical techniques
of the P in the coating increases, which has been shown in
Figure 10. Therefore, decreasing the pH of the solution 3.1 Localized electrochemical impedance
increases the phosphorus content of the coating resulting spectroscopy
in higher corrosion resistance.
The most recent development of electrochemical imped-
3NaH2 PO2 + 3H2 O  + NiSO4 / 3NaH2 PO3 + H2 SO4 + 2H2 +  Ni
ance spectroscopy (LEIS) is instigated by Lillard et al.
(1992) which is further termed as localized electrochemical
2H2 PO−2 + Ni++ + 2H2 O  / 2H2 PO−3  +H2 + 2H+ +  Ni (6) impedance spectroscopy (LEIS). The coated samples which
have poor electrochemical activity can be measured by
Ni2+ + H2 PO−2 + H2 O  / Ni0 + H2 PO−3 + 2H+ (7) the LEIS system. An external voltage like previously
mentioned in EIS method is applied to the LEIS system. A
3H2 PO−2 / H2 PO−3 + H2 O  + 2OH− + 2P (8)
movable LEIS probe can measure the local potential dif-
ference. The schematic diagram for LEIS measurement has
2.7.4 Coating thickness been shown in Figure 12. The electronic devices used in the
LEIS setup are a gamry potentiostat which is integrated
The coating thickness is one of the parameters which is with a frequency response analyzer (FRA), two differential
responsible for the porosity of the coating surface. As the amplifiers, a LEIS probe and a computer monitor to

Table : Electroless Ni-P deposits at various thicknesses.

Coating thickness (µm) Corrosion current Corrosion potential, Phosphorus References

density, icorr (mA/cm) Ecorr (mV vs. SHE) content (wt. %)

  × – − – Taheri ()

  × – − – Taheri ()
. . × – −  Shibli and Dilimon ()
. . × – −  Shibli and Dilimon ()
. . × – −  Shibli and Dilimon ()
Table : Summary of the coating parameters of electroless Ni-P coated substrates in NaCl solution.

Substrate Coating solution Elemental Coating operational parameters Results References


NiSO (gm/L) NaHPO (gm/L) Ni (wt.%) P (wt.%) Time (min) Temperature (°C) pH icorr (mA/cm) Ecorr (mV vs. SHE)

Mild steel   . .   . . × – − Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
  . .   . . × – − Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
  . .   . . × – − Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
  . .   . . × – − Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
  . .   . . × – − Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
  . .   . . × – − Ashassi-Sorkhabi and Rafizadeh ()
      . . × – − Narayanan et al. ()
  . .   . . × – − Shibli and Chinchu ()
  . .   . . × – − Balaraju et al. (b)
.  . .   . . × – − Sankara Narayanan et al. ()
.  . .   . . × – − Sankara Narayanan et al. ()
  . .    . × – − Sankara Narayanan et al. ()
 . . .    . × – − Balaraju et al. (a)
Copper . . . .   . . × – − Shashikala and Sridhar ()
       . × –  Gawad et al. ()
Steel .  . .   . . × – − Promphet et al. ()
  . .    . × – − Sharifalhoseini et al. ()
Aluminium   . .    . × – − Yin and Chen ()
 Al alloy   . .    . × – − Lee ()
 Al alloy   . .   . . × – − Khollari et al. ()
Z Al alloy   . .    . × – − Wu et al. ()
AZ Mg alloy   . .    . × – − Ghavidel et al. ()
Carbon steel   . .   . . × – − Tamilarasan et al. ()
  . .    . × – − Luo et al. ()
  . .   . . × – − Luo et al. ()
      . . × – − Balaraju et al. ()
  . .    . × – − Fayyad et al. ()
  . .   . . × – − Momenzadeh and Sanjabi ()
  . .   . . × – − Novakovic and Vassiliou ()
Brass   . .    . × – − Gholizadeh-Gheshlaghi et al. ()
Polyester fabric .  . .    . × – − Jiang and Guo ()
Polymer carbon    .   . . × – − Su et al. ()
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings
22 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Ag  + Cl− ⇄  AgCl  + e− (9)

It is necessary to first clean the silver microelectrode in

2 M KCl solution at the condition of 241.20 VSHE at the rate of
100 mV/s. After passing 5–10 min, potentiodynamic
oxidation occurs in that electrolyte with possessing 241.40
VSHE (Huang et al. 2011). The electrochemical tests are
usually conducted at room temperature using a standard
three-electrode cell. The dimension variation of Ag wires
can make difference the potential value. The potential
difference can be obtained by a platinum grid (counter
Figure 11: Factors influencing the corrosion resistance for electrode) with respect to a reference electrode as shown in
electroless Ni-P based coatings.
the schematic diagram (Figure 12). There is a major impact
of the microprobe size and its position on of LEIS mea-
visualize the data. Global and local impedances are
surement. A small microprobe is always desirable for the
recorded concurrently with a four-channel frequency
experiment. The resistance of electrolyte must be reduced
response analyzer. Furthermore, transfer functions are
in order to decrease the contribution of high frequencies, in
generally analyzed by frequency response analyzer. A dual
accordance with experimental results for different probe
microprobe system has been introduced in this setup
positions above the working electrode (substrate).
which is encompassed in the movable LEIS probe. The
The local current density can be measured by the
space between the two microprobes (micro reference
closest microprobe through controlling ohmic drop. The
electrodes) is denoted by ‘d’. The most modern LEIS in-
LEIS measurement can therefore be improved using local
struments have a tolerance of around 1 nanovolt (nV).
interfacial impedance to avoid high frequency. A recent
Differential amplifiers are used to monitor the data of local
study has indicated that the consequences of the probe size
potential and current density by applying high input
(Abreu et al. 2017). Some authors have also suggested using
impedance. The two microprobes can sense the local po-
the micro capillary electrochemical setup to solve the
tential difference from where current density can be
probe dimension difficulty (Pilaski et al. 2002).
calculated. The LEIS probe can travel in a three-
dimensional motion and it is controlled by imposing digi-
tal signal. With providing information of position, velocity
and direction, an encoder can regulate the positioning 3.2 Scanning vibrating electrochemical
system of the LEIS probe (Cui et al. 2015; Huang et al. 2011). technique
To enhance the ratio of signal and noise, the amplitude of
sinusoidal voltage should be set as large as possible by Scanning vibrating electrochemical technique (SVET)
performing the regulation of potentiostat. Some LEIS ex- setup employs a conductive vibrating probe that de-
periments have been conducted by using 50 acquisition termines the potential difference between the probe and
cycles, seven points frequency per decade and 100 mV the substrate in an electrolyte. The vibrating probe is
peak signal (Huang et al. 2007). mounted on a piezoelectric actuator (Figure 13). A mea-
The dual microprobe (microelectrodes) consists of surement probe can be positioned closely above the sur-
metallic wires. Each microprobe has its own metallic wires face of the sample. The scanning probe instrument consists
and they are connected with the individual differential of a very thin platinum tip. This tip of SVET probe measures
amplifier. The diameter of those metallic wires can be potential difference (ΔV). The SVET probe is typically
measured in micrometers which are very tiny in nature. positioned 150 µm apart from the current source point
Molten glasses are used to seal the wires having very thin which normally supplies 60 nA current to the system. The
internal diameter, and the sealing process is carried out by probe is wrapped with an insulated thin platinum–iridium
a nichrome wire with a current controllable resistance (Pt-Ir) wire. The tip is spherical in shape with 10 µm
heater (Jaffe and Nuccitelli 1974). However, in the case of diameter and coated with black platinum. The probe is
Ag/AgCl microelectrodes, epoxy resin is used instead positioned 100 µm above from the surface and the fre-
of molten glass for sealing the silver wires. A thin layer of quency of vibration probe normally remains at 398 Hz
silver chloride is formed according to the following elec- (Gnedenkov et al. 2016). The piezoelectric motor can move
trochemical reaction by anodizing the silver microelec- in all three dimensions. The piezo ceramic device controls
trode in KCl solution: the movement of the probe allowing vibration amplitudes
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 23

Gamry potentiostat

Reference electrode

Frequency Response
Differential Analyzer (FRA)
Counter electrode


Positioning system (x, y, z)

Working electrode Figure 12: A schematic diagram of LEIS setup.

(d) from 1 to 60 µm in the direction perpendicular (Z axis) to method is repeated in a settled framework and acquires the
the sample surface. An amount of 100 µA current (Bastos data from the plot of current density over a selected sample
et al. 2017) flows between the graphite electrodes (B to C). surface (Dolgikh et al. 2016). From this current (I), corro-
This current is naturally generated from electrochemical sion rate can be measured.
corrosion or biological process and is externally controlled
I  = −(1/ρ) (ΔV/2d) (10)
by a galvanostat. Potential difference is calculated from the
circuit at selected points (A to D). The reference micro- The SVET probe position is regulated by an auto-
electrodes which contain low impedance are used to generated computer command. The close loop linear en-
measure the ohmic drop in solution. Two reference mi- coders can identify the exact position of the probe. The
croelectrodes are kept in a fixed position and they are vibrating nature of the probe in the perpendicular direction
moved together. Due to the developed compact electric to the substrate surface can generate a zone where AC signal
field in the electrolyte solution, the potential difference is developed. A lock-in amplifier (LIA) device is used to
exists. The current density (I) can be easily determined by extract the AC signal with its carrier wave from an extremely
measuring the potential difference ( ΔV), the amplitude of noisy environment and converts it to a DC signal by using
vibration (d) and the solution resistivity (ρ) with the help of input phase angle. The LIA is able to capture and demodu-
Equation (13). To get the value of current density, the late not just small AC signals but also large signals. The LIA

Piezo-electric x, y, z
actuator axis

+ probe −

Figure 13: Schematic presentation of SVET.
24 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

acts as a rectifier in this SVET setup. The input phase angle is 3.3 Scanning ion-selective electrode
usually determined by manually changing the phase input technique
of lock-in amplifier until no response is detected. The opti-
mum phase angle can be gained by adding 90°. Some The scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET)
commercial equipment can be able to acquire the reference works noninvasively and gives accurate measurements of
phase angle directly. The converted DC signal which is ob- the pH and the presence of specific ionic species just
tained from LIA device can then be plotted to represent the above surface of electrolyte (Fix et al. 2011). The sche-
distribution of local activity. The SVET signal chain config- matic diagram of SIET setup has been shown in
uration has been shown in Figure 14. Figure 15A. The SIET probe contains a microelectrode
The use of SVET in corrosion studies is subject to (Figure 15B) consisting of a glass or plastic micropipette
certain experimental drawbacks. The processing of data which is used for ion detection at the tip of the electrode
acquisition takes longer time in the matrix. Another diffi- along with pH variance detection (Cabrini et al. 2017).
culty can develop if the sample is not completely flat or is Ammann et al. (1985) had highlighted some technical
not placed properly accordance with the scanning probe studies on ion-selective microelectrodes. A selective
(Jadhav and Gelling 2019). Larger amplitude vibrations ionophore-based membrane like oil is packed within a
may damage the substrate (McMurray et al. 2003) and in- glass-capillary microelectrode. Between the ion-selective
hibits the electrochemical corrosion reaction by rippling of membrane and the metallic tip, an ion-to-electron trans-
the electrolytes resulting in an inaccurate value of current ducer is mounted which is constructed from a conductive
density. SVET methods can be applied to determine polymer poly (3-octylthiophene-2,5-diyl). The electrode’s
galvanic corrosion rate (Battocchi et al. 2005; Ogle et al. ion-sensitive tip is approximately 10 μm long (Lamaka
2000; Simões et al. 2007), pitting corrosion (Dorman et al. et al. 2010) and for various applications, this can range
2017; Vuillemin et al. 2003; Williams et al. 2010), crevice from 10 to 100 μm. A needle like Pt-Ir wire with an open
corrosion (Isaacs 1996), stress corrosion cracking (Isaacs tip is the base of the microelectrode. A competitive lateral
1988), corrosion due to microorganisms (Abdul-Rani et al. resolution results from different diameter of the orifice of
2019; Chen et al. 2015; Franklin et al. 1991; Iken et al. 2008), ion-selective glass-capillary microelectrode which ranges
inorganic coatings (Manhabosco et al. 2015), coated ma- from 0.1 to 5 µm (Ammann et al. 1985).
terials (Ahmad et al. 2016; Bastos et al. 2010b), corrosion Scanning ion-selective electrode technique functions
inhibitors (Bastos et al. 2010a; Kallip et al. 2012; Kumar as a micro-potentiometric instrument which works on an
et al. 2017; Toloei et al. 2013), corrosion of weldments active solution surface to measure specific ions at a quasi-
(Bertoncello et al. 2015; Lollini et al. 2019) and corrosion of constant micro-distance. Potentiometric experiments are
polymers (He et al. 2004). done under zero current circumstances in a two-electrode
galvanic cell. A potentiometric cell is made up of a refer-
ence electrode and a microelectrode specific for ions. A

Figure 15: (A) Typical set up for SIET method (B) glass-capillary ion-
Figure 14: SVET signal chain configuration. selective microelectrode with liquid membrane.
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 25

SIET system includes the mentioned key elements: an ion- scanned across the surface of the sample. A positive
selective microelectrode positioned on a 3D computer- displacement pump is used in the SDC technique which
controlled stepper-motor system, which is used to place can force the electrolyte from a gas-purged reservoir
and transfer the microelectrode above the specimen. A through a small diameter tube. The narrow tube generates
video camera is located above the surface of the sample, a convection profile which can be controlled through pump
fitted with a long-distance lens which provides magnifi- rate. The electrolyte is then sprinkled into the single
cation up to 400 times. It enhances and digitizes the po- droplet on the surface of the substrate which acts as a
tential difference evaluated inside this potentiometric cell. working electrode. The cohesive forces between liquid
Ag/AgCl wires are used as a reference electrode. The molecules grasp this droplet on the surface and later can be
micropipette including the reference electrode is placed on dragged across the sample by dint of capillary action. As
the computer-controlled 3D stepper motor. The sample is electrochemical reaction takes place between electrolyte
dissolved in the electrolyte and both electrodes are carried and electrode, contact portion of the sample with droplet is
into the sample’s vicinity. Video-assisted camera optics measured. SDC experiments can be configured in one of the
captures the image data, help place the probe and hold the two ways. Firstly, by applying a constant bias such as po-
distance between sample and probe. Pre-assessment and tential or current and increment the position of the droplet
post-assessment of SIET is extensively required for the creating a data map. Secondly, by applying a static or dy-
microelectrode calibration. The travelling with motion and namic electrochemical signal to perform experiments such
speed of the micropipette across the surface of the sample as Tafel or EIS as the droplet is held in a fixed position.
can be controlled by a computer-generated command. A 3D Because the droplet is a self-contained, three electrode
data represents the spread of pH or ionic concentration of chemical cell. The force sensor which is mounted on a fixed
sample. SIET tests are carried out in the context of position of the scanning flow cell (SFC) can measure the
potentiometry. Throughout this control mode the potential force of the droplet when pressed against the working
differences leading to variation in ionic concentration electrode. The SFC consists of inlet and outlet channels
are evaluated. On the basis of its ability to allow the specific which are intersected in a polycarbonate block and it also
ions through the membrane, ionophore membranes are has an elliptical opening at the bottom of the cell body
used in ion selective electrode. The chemical potential (Figure 16). The reference and the counter electrode are
changes due to the diffusion of the ions through the positioned directly into the channels of the SFC cell and the
membrane and thus potential variations are observed by working electrode is located directly under the elliptical
means of the internal and external reference electrodes. opening into an automatic three-dimensional stage. Ag/
Usually, a silver chlorinated wire which is immersed AgCl is used as reference electrode while platinum wire is
into the electrolytes is used as a reference electrode. For used as counter electrode. To avoid the leakage of the
SIET experiments, selective microelectrodes are generally electrolyte, a 150 µm (Schuppert et al. 2012) thick silicon
placed 50 μm above from the tracked surface. According to gasket is attached at the opening of the electrode. The
the Nernst equation, calibration of H+-selective micro- working electrode is 500 µm (Kulyk et al. 2015) far from the
electrode is performed using the buffer solution. An ASET-2 bottom of the cell. The droplet contact area and the capil-
(Science Wares) programming software can scan the lary size should be as small as possible (Kollender et al.
respective area. The potential can be calculated by using 2015; Snowden et al. 2010). Since the sample measurement
1 PΩ rated input impedance preamplifier (Gnedenkov et al. area is very small, the induced current range is as little as in
2016). The ion selective electrodes have some drawbacks picoamperes. The high resolution potentiostat can mea-
due to its physical structure. The micropipettes of glass are sure this small amount of current. A constant polarization
delicate and therefore fragile. During the analysis and in is applied during the time of scanning the SDC head and
the calibration procedure, the transparent nature of glass the droplet across the surface in one direction and then the
makes it difficult to obtain the correct distance between the responses (current, voltage and open circuit potential) are
probe and the sample. measured. Although the droplet motion on the surface is a
dynamic process, the ohmic drop should be considered as
well. Moreover, as it is a flow-type cell, it makes fast com-
3.4 Scanning droplet cell technique bination with downstream analysis or even with spec-
trometry. The SDC technique is suitable for both DC and AC
A scanning droplet cell (SDC) is a traditional three elec- measurements with the same configuration one after the
trode experiment with a localized electrochemical cell other (Cherevko et al. 2014; Efaw et al. 2019).
26 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Figure 16: 3D diagram of scanning droplet cell.

3.5 Scanning electrochemical microscopy

Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) methods

Figure 17: Schematic diagram of SECM experimental setup.
can analyse the electric potential of working electrode
(substrate) with higher accuracy. Using this technique, it
can easily access to scan the surface reactions in macro- in either X or Y direction. The sensitivity of the SECM is
scopic scale. The experimental setup (Figure 17) of SECM 100 µV (Beheshti et al. 2016, 2020).
consolidates a piezo-electric actuator, a biopotentiostat
and an ultra-microelectrode (UME) which is used as a
SECM probe. The SECM probes are made of a noble metal 3.6 Scanning Kelvin probe
and they are normally rigid. Ultra-microelectrod tip is
vertically positioned above the surface of the substrate and Scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) is a nondestructive method
can capture the topographic view of the surface of the which does not require any conducting path between the
substrate. Substrate and UME tip is regarded as working kelvin probe and the substrate. Kelvin probe can measure
electrodes whereas platinum electrode can be used as a work function difference in different media like vacuum,
reference electrode. DC voltage is generally applied to the humid air, open air or using a drop of electrolyte on the
SECM probe to measure the current response. The bipo- surface by a non-destructive capacitance method (Wicinski
tentiostat polarizes the UME tip as well as the substrate et al. 2016). The metallic probe is generally made from
individually and it can measure the currents. Potentiostat tungsten which is enclosed by brass container. The vibra-
is used to amplify the probe signal which is later converted tion frequency and the maximum extent of vibration of the
to a digital signal. One electrode is responsible for con- probe can be regulated in terms of their required speed and
ducting electrochemical reactions between the electrolytes predefined height. The probe vibration produces current
and the substrate whereas the other one can measure the that is quashed by external potential. The specific config-
response. By changing the polarization level, tip collection uration of the SKP setup can measure the capacitive height
and tip generation data can be monitored. A stepper motor at the time of collecting data which in turn allows the
gets response through the signal of position controller by a Kelvin probe to falter the specific profile. Two parallel ca-
computer-generated program. The positioning system can pacitors plate are used to measure the capacitive height.
scan the location of the measuring tip and through Between two parallel plates, one plate is regarded as the
generating a data map; it can calculate the electrochemical Kelvin probe surface and another plate is considered as the
parameters. The electric signal is then transmitted to the surface of the substrate. When the needle of the Kelvin
mechanical energy and piezo-electric actuator can drive probe is near the substrate then the energy variances of the
the UME probe. The two-dimensional (X and Y) movements electrons are observed. The energy that is required to
of the probe are controlled by a position controller but the remove an electron from the surface of the conductor forms
vertical movement of the SECM probe is conducted the concept of work function and this work function dif-
manually with respect to the substrate surface. Current is ference varies the potential of conductive materials. The
recorded according to SECM probe position and is scanned flow of electron can shift from the higher work function to
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 27

the lower work function depending on the conductors’ for the rough, curved, and irregular surfaces. The experi-
properties. The relative work function can be associated mental setup of HR-SKP has been shown in Figure 19. This
with the value of corrosion potential (Ecorr). When two type of Kelvin probe consists of different electromechanical
conductive surfaces come into electrical contact, the po- parts including a stepper motor, piezo electric actuator,
tential difference is induced. Thus, positive and negative speaker, isolator and a needle. The Kelvin probe is nor-
charges are developed by the two different metals. mally instructed by an acoustic signal ranging 1–2 kHz
The respective potentials are denoted by EF1 and EF2 frequency (Wapner et al. 2005). The sample chamber can
while Φ1 and Φ2 represent the work function of the be positioned by a computer-generated command to fix the
respective plates. When two parallel conductors are not position between the needle and the substrate surface. A
electrically connected then there will not generate any thin wire made by nickel/chromium is used as needle. The
potential difference (VC). There also shows a variation in appropriate positioning of the needle is controlled by three
charge and energy level between two plates (Figure 18A). stepper motors which can provide three dimensional di-
On the other hand, charge and energy level appear in an rections. For height regulation, fast and accurate move-
equilibrium position when the plates are connected elec- ments piezo-electric actuator is used which can move in Z
trically. Figure 18B delineates the scenario of the connec- direction and set the position vertically from the substrate
tions between two plates. In this case, potential difference surface. A function generator generates sinusoidal current
(VC) is developed by the resultant flow of charge due to the at a frequency of 10 Hz keeping 300 mV voltage for the
electrical connection between the two conductors. The distance control circuit. Two computer screens are used to
differences of work function can be equated by the multi- visualize the performance of the two control circuits which
plication of potential difference (VC) and electron charge are internally connected to each other. At the very begin-
(e) and is represent by Equation (11). ning of the experiment, X and Y directed stepper motors are
driven by computer command to locate the corresponding
−eVC = f1 − f2 (11)
point of the substrate surface. The piezoelectric actuator is
An equal and opposite backing potential (VB) is moved by a height regulating circuit. If precise height is
applied in the plates to neutralize the potential difference needed and the height is not adjusted with the actuator,
(VC) during the vibration of the probe. To obtain the value then additional Z-stepper motor can be used combinedly
of work function difference, the neutralize condition is with piezoelectric actuator to adjust the height. Only the
essential during the measurements. This Volta potential needle distance is set manually while other all commands
can be termed as corrosion potential and determined by are performed automatically with computer-generated
using following Equation (12). program. A LIA is applied for the potential measurement.
After positioning the probe in a correct point upon the
Corrosion Potential  =  K + (f1 − f2 )/e (12)
substrate surface, the Volta potential is measured by the
where ( f1 − f2 ) is the work function difference between potential control circuit. The LIA then commands the probe
the substrate and Kelvin probe. K is constant whose value and the needle is moved to a next position.
can vary for different probe material. This work function can be correlated to the corrosion or
The height regulating scanning Kelvin probe (HR-SKP) open circuit potential of bare or coated metals. One
system was introduced to obtain the potential difference example of the application of the SKP is the study of the

Figure 18: Energy and charge levels of the

plates when they are (A) not electrically
connected, (B) electrically connected.
28 I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

Figure 19: Experimental setup of the HR-SKP.

surface of a material beneath a coating to detect active separation. The effect can be accomplished either by
corrosion sites or identify the potential for future corrosion putting the substrate in a magnetic field, or by using direct
site development. This technique has been additionally current (DC) or alternating current (AC). The approach is
applied to the field of forensic, solar cell research and the based on the observation that the electrode can be polar-
development of organic light emitting diodes. Based on the ized by positioning it under the action of an external
principle of a capacitor, SKP allows the user to set and electrical field produced by the application of a current
maintain the probe-to-sample distance enabling the between two externals (A and C) graphite electrodes. By
researcher to negate topographical contribution across real applying an external voltage or current to the substrate (M),
world surface. In addition to being a non-destructive the applied current can flow in parallel field lines across the
technique (NDT), SKP also allows for electrochemical electrolyte and electrostatically polarizes the substrate and
analysis in the absence of electrolytes preserving the thus measuring the response. The reference electrodes
sample for future analysis. The SKP non-contacting optical (REFA and REFC) can record the differences in potential.
surface profile (OSP) is an option which generates relative Figure 20 demonstrates the schematic representation of
height information that can be used as the basis for con-
stant distance mode operation. The OSP technique can also
be used to map topographic changes on a sample surface to
characterize corrosion pit size, number and depth.

3.7 Novel contactless technique

A modern measurement technique has recently been

established that does not require direct physical contact
between potentiostat and the substrate to calculate the
polarization resistance (Rp). The system here developed is
called the contactless technique for corrosion system.
Normally, it is essential to establish a direct contact among
all the electrodes to measure the polarization resistance
and potential difference using suitable wires in order to
polarize the substrate which acts as a working electrode.
When a current flow between the electrolyte and the sub- Figure 20: Schematic representation of electrode arrangements for
strate, then it gets polarized and generates electrostatic novel contactless technique.
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 29

four-electrode system experimental setup, where all four

electrodes are connected with a galvanostat. The system
comprises substrate ‘M’ as the working electrode and tank
is filled with the electrolyte. The most notable feature in
this novel technique is that the substrate (M) is not con-
nected electrically with the galvanostat and it is positioned
vertically which is parallel to the reference and counter
electrodes. Current is applied with a galvanostat/poten-
tiostat by two graphite electrodes (A and C) to measure the
response. Two saturated calomel reference electrodes
(REFA and REFC) located adjacent to the bar are used to Figure 21: Electrical model used to represent the configuration of
measure the voltage variation at both sides of the substrate non-contact method.
(M) before and after the applied current. During corrosion
process, the concentration of electrolyte may decrease due
to the formation of soluble corrosive products. substrate. Using the Stern–Geary relationship, the corro-
The measurement procedure of corrosion rate for this sion current (icorr) can be determined from RM (Stern and
novel contactless method is performed by employing Geary 1957). The theoretical framework can be connected to
several steps. The equation Re = VRe/Iap is used to calculate the fact that the currents produced in the substrate are
the electrolyte resistance. An external current (Iap) significantly proportional to the induced voltage due to the
(Andrade et al. 2008) is applied to the immersed substrate separation of charges, fulfilling the principle of the linear
(M) in the electrolyte without touching it. This applied polarization method (Feliu et al. 1989). The ratio of the
current polarizes the substrate by changing the potential current and electric potential (induced voltage) is consid-
through generating external electric field in the sur- ered as the polarization resistance if the currents are
rounding electrolyte. VRe is measured at the absence of the directly proportional to the electric potential, which de-
substrate (M) in the electrolyte with the four-electrode pends on the substrate condition. The feasibility of calcu-
arrangement. After that the substrate (M) is immersed into lating the rate of corrosion without physical contact of the
the electrolyte and Ve+M is measured utilizing the same working electrode may unlock new horizon for smart ap-
arrangement. The voltage differences between the refer- plications and can be termed as non-destructive testing
ence electrodes (REFA and REFC) is regarded as the value of (NDT).
Ve+M where Ve+M = V2 − V0. Before testing, the voltage drop Summary of the latest electrochemical corrosion
(V0) is measured between the reference electrodes and measuring techniques has been shown in Table 11.
another voltage drop (V2) between the reference electrodes
is counted after applying Iap current for a certain time
usually taking less than 1 min to obtain the stable value of
V2. The substrate resistance (RM) can be considered anal- 4 Conclusions
ogous to traditional polarization resistance (Rp). After
several hours and days, Ve+M is then measured periodically This review article outlines the overall aspects on corrosion
to acquire RM values and to analyze whether it is equivalent resistance for electroless Ni-P based composite coatings. It
to Rp or not. Figure 21 shows the electrical circuit for the can be prognosticated that progressive modifications by
contactless method where current flows parallelly through varying different coating bath compositions and process
the substrate bar and the electrolyte. Two different paths parameters may provide new benefits and properties for Ni-
are assumed for the current where one polarizes the sub- P based composite coatings. The different concentration of
strate bar (M) and the other travels through the electrolyte. soluble salt, complexing agent and buffer solution does not
The following expression can determine the corrosion create any noticeable impact on corrosion properties of
resistance of the substrate bar: electroless Ni-P based composite coatings whereas reducing
agent (sodium hypophosphite) has a significant influence
1 1 1
= + (13) on corrosion resistance. In Ni-P electroless coatings, phos-
Re+M Re RM
phorus content between 9 and 18 wt% shows the best result
where, Re+M specifies the resistance when the substrate is in terms of corrosion resistance. However, heat treatment up
present in the electrolyte, Re is the electrolyte resistance in to 300 °C for electroless Ni-P composite coated substrate
the absence of the substrate and RM is the resistance of the has a detrimental effect on corrosion properties. The striking
Table : Summary of the latest electrochemical techniques.

Method Advantages Disadvantages Properties Specifications Applications


LEIS Provides local impedance which cannot be Unintended inductance in circuit, slow Local capacitance, Sensitivity:  nV; polarization Inorganic/organic coating research, in-
obtained by any other method, good for measuring technique resistance voltage: ± V; probe: Dual hibitor studies, coating defects, inter-
insulated substrates, self-healing mechanism probe system facial impedance properties of coated
SVET Real time mechanistic information, D-D Not suitable for irregular sample shape, Potential difference, Sensitivity:  nV to  V; piezo Bare metals corrosion, pits or crevices,
data presentation with image, simple experi- and high amplitude of vibration, elec- current density vibration range: up to  µm; biological systems
mental setup trolyte may disappear, long duration probe material: Pt/Ir
SIET Can be combined with SVET, easy way to Fouling and damage to the ion selective Local pH, ion Piezo vibration range: up to Defects in coating or pits, kinetics of
measure ion concentration electrode, Microcapillary tip is prone to concentration  µm; probe material: Pt/Ir electrochemical process
SDC Minimum electrolyte contact with surface, can Droplet drag, surface energy issues Potential, current Reference & counter elec- Small area with large sample
do all the electro-chemistry technique with trode: Ag/AgCl & Pt wire; po-
simple set up larization voltage: ± V
SECM Several modes of operation, can be combined Sometimes needs a redox active medi- Current, potential Sensitivity:  µV; piezo vi- Biological sensors, reaction kinetics,
with other techniques ator, needs a bipotentiostat difference bration range: (–) µm; porous membrane study
polarization voltage: ± V
SKP No need of an electrolyte, short experiments, Low resolution of SKP, need of probe Work function, po- Sensitivity:  nV to  V; piezo Measure corrosion under thin layers,
with the help of capacitive height measure- calibration tential difference, vibration range: up to  µm; rough or irregular surface, forensic
ment roughned surface can be measured, current probe material: Tungsten research
contactless method
NCT It can provide visual inspection, empirical Concentration of electrolyte may Current, metal Four electrodes are used Reinforce steel
I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings

analysis, physical and electrochemical testing decrease resistance (RM)

I.A. Shozib et al.: Corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-P based coatings 31

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Acknowledgments: Imtiaz Ahmed Shozib would like to
their influence on the properties of macro- and micro-electrodes
express his deep and sincere gratitude to his research su- based on neutral carriers. Anal. Chim. Acta 171: 119–129.
pervisor, Dr. Azlan Ahmad, Lecturer, Universiti Teknologi Andrade, C. and Martínez, I. (2010). Techniques for measuring the
PETRONAS, for providing him the valuable guidance corrosion rate (polarization resistance) and the corrosion
throughout the writing of this review paper: Dr. Ahmad’s potential of reinforced concrete structures. In: Non-destructive
evaluation of reinforced concrete structures: non-destructive
dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply
testing methods, pp. 284–316.
inspired him. Special thanks go to co-supervisor, Dr. Ahmad Andrade, C., Martínez, I., and Castellote, M. (2008). Feasibility of
Majdi Abdul-Rani, Assoc. Prof., Universiti Teknologi PET- determining corrosion rates by means of stray current-induced
RONAS for his valuable suggestions and evaluations, and to polarisation. J. Appl. Electrochem. 38: 1467–1476.
Dr. Mohammadali Beheshti and Dr. Abdul’Azeez Abdu Aliyu Ang, L.M., Hor, T.S.A., Xu, G.Q., Tung, C., Zhao, S., and Wang, J.L.S.
(1999). Fabrication of nanostructures by hydroxylamine seeding
for their constant encouragement and genuine support
of gold nanoparticle templates. Chem. Mater. 11: 2115–2118.
throughout this work.
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specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
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his academic life.
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Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani
(2020). Study on the role of element Mo in improving thermal
Mechanical Engineering Department,
stability and corrosion resistance of amorphous Ni-P deposit.
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 549: 1–11.
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ultrasonic agitation during the activation process on the manufacturing of biomedical devices, reverse engineering, CAE/CAD/
microstructure and corrosion resistance of electroless Ni-W-P CAD/CAM/CNC, PDC bit design. He has published in more than 140
coatings on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Surf. Coating. Technol. 374: high impact journals and holds 4 patents. He received a lot of awards
103–115. during his academic life.
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Hierro, M.P., and Pérez-Trujillo, F.J. (2009). Preparation and
Mohammadali Beheshti
characterization of electroless Ni–P–Fe3O4 composite coatings
Mechanical Engineering Department,
and evaluation of its high temperature oxidation behaviour.
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri
Surf. Coating. Technol. 203: 3569–3578.
Iskandar, Perak 32610, Malaysia

Imtiaz Ahmed Shozib Mohammadali Beheshti is a researcher at Universiti Teknologi
Mechanical Engineering Department, Petronas, Malaysia. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Materials
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Science and Engineering from Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran, and a
Iskandar, Perak 32610, Malaysia Master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering (Corrosion & Electrochemistry) from University of Tehran, Iran. He obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Center for Corrosion Research) from
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His research interests
include metallic and alloy coatings, corrosion, advanced materials,
Imtiaz ahmed Shozib received his B.Sc. degree in Mechanical electrocatalysts and electrochemistry. He has published in several
Engineering in 2017 from Rajshahi University of Engineering and high-impact refereed journals and attended many conferences.
Technology (RUET), Bangladesh. He is currently a M.Sc. student at
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His research interests Abdul’Azeez Abdu Aliyu
include biomaterials, antimicrobial activity on medical devices, Mechanical Engineering Department, Bayero
corrosion properties, statistical optimization, and materials property University, Kano, Nigeria
prediction by machine learning. His area of expertise includes design
of experiments, Minitab, High score plus, NOVA, programming
language C. He has several journal publications to his credit.

Azlan Ahmad
Mechanical Engineering Department, Abdul’Azeez Abdu Aliyu is a lecturer at Bayero University Kano,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Nigeria. He completed his Master’s degree in Advanced
Iskandar, Perak 32610, Malaysia Manufacturing Technology at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He
obtained his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti
Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. His research interests include
advanced manufacturing of biomedical implants, additive
manufacturing of biomedical devices, advanced materials,
Azlan Ahmad is currently a lecturer in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, synthesis of bulk metallic glasses, CAD/CAM, advanced machining
Malaysia. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering processes, modelling and simulation. He has published in several
from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), Malaysia. His high impact journals and attended many conferences. He is
research area includes manufacturing, aluminium recycling, metal currently a post-doctoral fellow at Chulalongkorn University of
forming, hot press forging, design of experiments. He has published Bangkok, Thailand.

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